Dallas Police RIP, BLM, Obama

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No you're not a fool, you're a complete moron.

On to ignore you head, I think perhaps half the forum already has you on ignore.

Not even half a dozen people would be have me on ignore you stupid retard. You're just another right-wing shill who makes about as much sense as a $3 note...
I wouldn't put you on ignore....youre stupid funny.....:lol:
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Is there anyone here who is high school educated and not on retard drugs who thinks BLM and Obama are not to blame for the riots and murders of law enforcement?
Obama incited racial hatred against the police yesterday and we saw the consequences.

The really pathetic thing is the filthy ass BLM shitheads were whooping it up and celebrating the slaughter of the police. Reminiscence of the Muslims celebrating the slaughter of Americans after 911, isn't it?
what did you expect from Lucy the nazi?
Says the national socialist.....:lol:

that would be lucy the nazi, little troll boy

go to school. learn

until then you're useless

:cuckoo: :uhoh3:

People are already sick of your gibberish nutball.


Don't get upset with Silly Jilly. She is merely a scorned lover...I couldn't stay with her. So, she lost her mind due to lost love.:D

No I'm calling this psycho nutter out for a One on One, high time this MoFo had her ass handed to her.

I'll delete my posts and drag her where she belongs.
if this had happened in the Spring of 2009, anyone want to guess who bambi would of blamed while accusing cops of acting stupidly?
Obama incited racial hatred against the police yesterday and we saw the consequences.

The really pathetic thing is the filthy ass BLM shitheads were whooping it up and celebrating the slaughter of the police. Reminiscence of the Muslims celebrating the slaughter of Americans after 911, isn't it?

OBlather was not alone!!

A few hours earlier, Gov. Mark Dayton of Minnesota, who seemed shaken by the video showing the man, Philando Castile, as he died, also pointed to the role of race. “Would this have happened if the driver were white, if the passengers were white?” he asked. “I don’t think it would have.”

I wonder if Dayton will be invited to the funerals.

WTF we get up to be confronted with some text messages from a friend of ours in Highland Park, which is a small town within Dallas in Dallas County.

All we can say, is that decent people of our Continent of Europa are going to wish those Dallas police familes the best and we'll pray for them, for their wounded and their murdered fallen.

It's difficult what to even comment, the outrageous barbarism is both incomprehensible, but also sadly inevitable.

I had commented several months ago, that I felt that BLM should be considered an American Domestic Terrorist group. These thugs, pure racists who hate non-blacks had been getting increasingly militant and violent, especially if one has heard any of their leaders shouting their mouths off in public about encouraging their armed thugs to "kill white policemen"

Of course with Obama and Loretta Lynch, both who seem completely unconcerned about BLM and more concerned about people such as Ammon Bundy, what's happened during the night in Dallas was inevitable.

Obama never misses an opportunity to politicise shootings, in his fanatical quest to trash the American 2nd Amendment and proceed with a Stalinesque mass gun confiscation, I feel that today he'll be babbling again about the events in Dallas are another illustration why law-abiding, decent Americans need to be disarmed.

I hold out no hope that Obama is going to say that BLM are a gang of thugs and are now considered Domestic Terrorists who's leaders with immediate effect are going to be rounded up and thrown into prison.

Obama most probably is going to find a way to blame the Dallas police officers for inciting the violence just by being there in uniform, and that that was a red rag to a bull situation because of the recent shootings in Louisiana and Minnesota.

In 2008 in was stated that America electing her first black President was going to finally heal all problems within race relations.

What's happened has been the exact opposite, Obama has been deliberately divisive, he's been the Agitator-in-Chief, he's been the Race Baiter-in-Chief, he's pitted blacks against whites and he's done this disgusting business very successfully.

Many people for some time have warned that America was heading for a full-on Race War and unfortunately it's difficult now to disagree with this alarming prophecy.

Obama is a disgrace to the WH and The Oval Office and to the American nation, were it not for Cuckservatives and selfish, pathetic Democrats, this POS could have already have been Impeached for violating his Oath of Office, which in part is to protect America from terrorists foreign and domestic and to uphold the Constitution, he's repeatedly crapped on the Constitution.

Obama has done more damage to America at home and abroad than Jimmy Carter could have dreamed of doing.

Obama is not only a national disgrace, he's a Global disgrace and it's God Help America and the World if Hillary Clinton gets elected.

This was Obama babbling more of his racism yesterday, 7th July, it's 16 minutes long and all he does is blame the "racist" police for shooting those gentle lambs Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. It's racist comments like these from Obama, deeply reckless and not the sort of Race Baiting that people expect from any leader that lead to the incident that occurred during the night in Dallas.

Edited to add comment.

You reap what you sow is an expression that Americans should really take notice of.

Keeping people in poverty, making their lives hopeless, then having police in a difficult situation which leads to problems of the kind we've been seeing, it's going to come back on them, and it has.

The US seems to think it can do all this bad stuff, like going to war in Iraq, like having poor kids get poor education, lack of social policies that allow people to make something of their lives, and not suffer the consequences of these actions. Well.... that's wrong, isn't it? Will anything change? No.

The problem with the US is that there are far too many people full of shit like you. Our poor here live like kings compared to many places. Nobody is being kept down, if you can't make it in this country you're a loser and can't make it anywhere. People that can't speak English can do well here.

Education? We throw tons of money at it with dismal results. Money isn't the problem. Lack of social policies? WTF? How many more do we need? You can literally eat yourself into a disabled mess then go on disability and make your neighbor pay for your gluttony.

We've always had guns but liberals refuse to look at the real problem, their corrupt policies and the kind of government they impose on us. Our ONLY hope is to throw liberals out of office and never give them any power again.
That you think that shows it's YOU who knows nothing about Neo-Conservatism.

Iraq is a classic example of neo-conservatism - it was a deliberate invasion in order to influence the region. Read the Chilcot report. Dubya and Blair were gagging for it. Libya and Syria were entered into very reluctantly. If you don't see the difference YOU don't have a clue.
Of course they wanted to influence the region, the troops didn't show up by accident. Iraq had calmed down to the point that months went by without any news. It would have been a great ally, and may be yet depending on who takes the helm.

There was far more than Blair and Bush involved though so you can cherry pick elsewhere. Sorry that no one in your country apparently wants to talk to you.
Anyone on this board who happened to read what I've written knows my admiration for both the military and police.
But these videos that keep coming out showing the police shooting children and unarmed men has worried me for a long time. Shooting innocent people is wrong. But so is shooting innocent police. Not all police go around killing people. Not even the majority.
Course, the majority of Republicans obviously hate minorities, but you can't say that about the majority of police.
Black terrorism in the US incited by a Black president. A Black President raised as a Muslim.
"Dallas Police RIP, BLM, Obama"

That you’re a scumbag comes as a surprise to no one.

Leave it to the reprehensible right to make partisan a sad and tragic event.

The horrible events in Dallas have nothing to do with BLM or the president.

No, you're always pointing with your partisan hat at the tea party, right for inciting violence which never happens. It happens with left wing violence all of the time. Your president is a stain and a disgrace to this country.
"Dallas Police RIP, BLM, Obama"

That you’re a scumbag comes as a surprise to no one.

Leave it to the reprehensible right to make partisan a sad and tragic event.

The horrible events in Dallas have nothing to do with BLM or the president.
How do u ou know?
BLM is advocating violence, our president does not try to calm and he gets involved with our knowing the facts of a case ALL the time. But the governor of Minnesota is a fucking piece of shit and IS partially responsible for his reckless commentary

both BLM and FTP had a presence there last night
Of course; part of the Bondi Invasion Fleet. That's all we need; another bloody expat Kiwi. As if bloody rabbits weren't bad enough!! At least they respond to Myxomatosis!!!
So tell me; why you joining the lefty ratbags? You agree that the cops in the US treat the blacks worse than the cops in NZ treat the Maoris??


Well, I'm a transplant of sorts. My great grandmother was an Aussie.....still, can't be perfect I guess..

I used to be a cop in NZ and used to work with Maori in and out of the job (no 'S' in the Maori dictionary - Maori is both singular and plural - there ends you grammar lesson for the day:biggrin:). Currently 136 black people have been shot by cops in the US this year (six months in??). In order to keep up with that rate - going by per head of population - 2 Maori would have to had been killed this year. The last person shot by the police who was Maori (that I know of) was 2002.
Of course; part of the Bondi Invasion Fleet. That's all we need; another bloody expat Kiwi. As if bloody rabbits weren't bad enough!! At least they respond to Myxomatosis!!!
So tell me; why you joining the lefty ratbags? You agree that the cops in the US treat the blacks worse than the cops in NZ treat the Maoris??


Well, I'm a transplant of sorts. My great grandmother was an Aussie.....still, can't be perfect I guess..

I used to be a cop in NZ and used to work with Maori in and out of the job (no 'S' in the Maori dictionary - Maori is both singular and plural - there ends you grammar lesson for the day:biggrin:). Currently 136 black people have been shot by cops in the US this year (six months in??). In order to keep up with that rate - going by per head of population - 2 Maori would have to had been killed this year. The last person shot by the police who was Maori (that I know of) was 2002.

And how many whites have been shot in the same time period?? (Now why can't you be sensible like this wrt the shit you post??)

It is certainly true she has a problem. She is CRAZY...are you too goose stepper?

God no! I'm a centrist not a Trump supporter.......
Jillian is one of the most sanest people I know. There was a time when normal people posted on this site. The past 2 years has seen a assortment of rejects from Stormfront and the ODL come onboard. The management here will take anybody these days it seems...
Of course; part of the Bondi Invasion Fleet. That's all we need; another bloody expat Kiwi. As if bloody rabbits weren't bad enough!! At least they respond to Myxomatosis!!!
So tell me; why you joining the lefty ratbags? You agree that the cops in the US treat the blacks worse than the cops in NZ treat the Maoris??


Well, I'm a transplant of sorts. My great grandmother was an Aussie.....still, can't be perfect I guess..

I used to be a cop in NZ and used to work with Maori in and out of the job (no 'S' in the Maori dictionary - Maori is both singular and plural - there ends you grammar lesson for the day:biggrin:). Currently 136 black people have been shot by cops in the US this year (six months in??). In order to keep up with that rate - going by per head of population - 2 Maori would have to had been killed this year. The last person shot by the police who was Maori (that I know of) was 2002.

And how many whites have been shot in the same time period?? (Now why can't you be sensible like this wrt the shit you post??)


You mean in the US or NZ
(see my post 148, the answer is in there. I've been on this board over 10 years, things have changed - not of the better)
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