Dallas Police RIP, BLM, Obama

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Fair enough; but from my experience the uber "lefties" have led on the decline. There are several Dems on another thread(we call it 'the sewer' who are frankly quite fine most of the time. But others?? They make me seem bloody polite!!

But how about we ALL cut the nazi shit? Godwin was right!!!

Sure...but let's have some of the highlights of Lucy's opening OP shall we?

I felt that BLM should be considered an American Domestic Terrorist group. These thugs, pure racists who hate non-blacks had been getting increasingly militant and violent,

So a group of people who have been marginalised since Adam decide they're sick of getting shot by the cops. Lucy wants them turned into terrorists. Did you see the shootings from the past couple of days? The cop who shot the guy in Minnesota sounded panicked and bordering on psychotic. Either he is unsuited to police work or was trained terribly.

in his fanatical quest to trash the American 2nd Amendment and proceed with a Stalinesque mass gun confiscation,

No comment needed.

BLM are a gang of thugs and are now considered Domestic Terrorists who's leaders with immediate effect are going to be rounded up and thrown into prison.

More inflammatory rhetoric

Obama most probably is going to find a way to blame the Dallas police officers for inciting the violence

More inflammatory rhetoric

Obama has been deliberately divisive, he's been the Agitator-in-Chief, he's been the Race Baiter-in-Chief, he's pitted blacks against whites and he's done this disgusting business very successfully.

Again, nothing but inflammatory rhetoric with no facts to back it up.

he's repeatedly crapped on the Constitution.Obama is not only a national disgrace, he's a Global disgrace and it's God Help America and the World if Hillary Clinton gets elected.

Empty rhetoric again.

Conclusion: If Lucy is going to post nothing but inflammable, unprovable crap, she gets what she deserves. I'll stop calling her a Nazi the day she posts in a manner that is conducive to decent discussion and differing points of view. I won't hold my breath.
I can't help noticing that most on the far right has come to the same knee-jerk conclusion about the Dallas attack.

I guess they actually are single issue voters. That single issue being racism.
What knee jerk reaction do we believe in? No racism was involved when the shooter said he wanted to kill cops, especially white cops? BLM is inherently racist, all lives matter, especially the innocent ones.
So a group of people who have been marginalised since Adam decide they're sick of getting shot by the cops. Lucy wants them turned into terrorists. Did you see the shootings from the past couple of days? The cop who shot the guy in Minnesota sounded panicked and bordering on psychotic. Either he is unsuited to police work or was trained terribly.

Conclusion: If Lucy is going to post nothing but inflammable, unprovable crap, she gets what she deserves. I'll stop calling her a Nazi the day she posts in a manner that is conducive to decent discussion and differing points of view. I won't hold my breath.
Nobody gives a fuck about your conclusions, you're as hateful and stupid as it gets. Most of the media trumped up hysteria turned out to be a false alarm. I the cases where cops are in the wrong they do get prosecuted. You don't know what led up to the shooting of the driver, maybe he was wrong, maybe not but you're here passing judgement regardless.
I can't help noticing that most on the far right has come to the same knee-jerk conclusion about the Dallas attack.

I guess they actually are single issue voters. That single issue being racism.
What knee jerk reaction do we believe in? No racism was involved when the shooter said he wanted to kill cops, especially white cops? BLM is inherently racist, all lives matter, especially the innocent ones.

The shooter wasn't affiliated with any group, according to Dallas police. Just some nut, like most spree shootings.
I didn't vote for either McCain or Romey because they were big government Liberals. I didn't vote for Obama because he was a piece of shit.

Too bad you were a dumbass and didn't have the same intelligence that I had.

Who did you vote for, Ron Paul?
If you've been following the thread you'd know that I didn't vote for any of the above either....Moron....
The shooter wasn't affiliated with any group, according to Dallas police. Just some nut, like most spree shootings.

I also noted that there were dozens of armed police at the event. Thought with everybody being armed nobody would have been shot. Isn't that the great NRA cry? Arm everybody and nobody will get shot??
WTF we get up to be confronted with some text messages from a friend of ours in Highland Park, which is a small town within Dallas in Dallas County.

All we can say, is that decent people of our Continent of Europa are going to wish those Dallas police familes the best and we'll pray for them, for their wounded and their murdered fallen.

It's difficult what to even comment, the outrageous barbarism is both incomprehensible, but also sadly inevitable.

I had commented several months ago, that I felt that BLM should be considered an American Domestic Terrorist group. These thugs, pure racists who hate non-blacks had been getting increasingly militant and violent, especially if one has heard any of their leaders shouting their mouths off in public about encouraging their armed thugs to "kill white policemen"

Of course with Obama and Loretta Lynch, both who seem completely unconcerned about BLM and more concerned about people such as Ammon Bundy, what's happened during the night in Dallas was inevitable.

Obama never misses an opportunity to politicise shootings, in his fanatical quest to trash the American 2nd Amendment and proceed with a Stalinesque mass gun confiscation, I feel that today he'll be babbling again about the events in Dallas are another illustration why law-abiding, decent Americans need to be disarmed.

I hold out no hope that Obama is going to say that BLM are a gang of thugs and are now considered Domestic Terrorists who's leaders with immediate effect are going to be rounded up and thrown into prison.

Obama most probably is going to find a way to blame the Dallas police officers for inciting the violence just by being there in uniform, and that that was a red rag to a bull situation because of the recent shootings in Louisiana and Minnesota.

In 2008 in was stated that America electing her first black President was going to finally heal all problems within race relations.

What's happened has been the exact opposite, Obama has been deliberately divisive, he's been the Agitator-in-Chief, he's been the Race Baiter-in-Chief, he's pitted blacks against whites and he's done this disgusting business very successfully.

Many people for some time have warned that America was heading for a full-on Race War and unfortunately it's difficult now to disagree with this alarming prophecy.

Obama is a disgrace to the WH and The Oval Office and to the American nation, were it not for Cuckservatives and selfish, pathetic Democrats, this POS could have already have been Impeached for violating his Oath of Office, which in part is to protect America from terrorists foreign and domestic and to uphold the Constitution, he's repeatedly crapped on the Constitution.

Obama has done more damage to America at home and abroad than Jimmy Carter could have dreamed of doing.

Obama is not only a national disgrace, he's a Global disgrace and it's God Help America and the World if Hillary Clinton gets elected.

This was Obama babbling more of his racism yesterday, 7th July, it's 16 minutes long and all he does is blame the "racist" police for shooting those gentle lambs Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. It's racist comments like these from Obama, deeply reckless and not the sort of Race Baiting that people expect from any leader that lead to the incident that occurred during the night in Dallas.

Edited to add comment.

Outstanding post, Lucy Hamilton

You win a seegar!

View attachment 80814

It was posted off the top of my head, I just felt the need to air my thoughts, I wish I hadn't of had to make such a post, it's all too distressing.

I'll take the seegar, Mr. Lucy puffs on them :smoke:

But you like this part......don't you.

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I didn't vote for either McCain or Romey because they were big government Liberals. I didn't vote for Obama because he was a piece of shit.

Too bad you were a dumbass and didn't have the same intelligence that I had.

Who did you vote for, Ron Paul?
If you've been following the thread you'd know that I didn't vote for any of the above either....Moron....

You voted for bad government and you got bad government. Dem chickens done come home to roost.

Quit your bitching Moon Bat. You made the wrong choice when you voted for an extreme far Left affirmative action asshole that was raised as a Muslim and attended a church for 20 years that preached hate against Whites and Jews. Next time don't be an idiot and vote for a shithead Libtrard. However, I don't think you have the intellectual or moral courage to pull your head out of your ass.

It's obvious that representatives from all sides need to sit down and talk about their respective problems and any trouble causers need to be dealt with.

If not then they'll be more of these horrific incidents.

If Obama was a real leader instead of an asshole that is what he would have suggested to do. However being the hatefull shithead he is he spouted that BLM bullshit yesterday and that incited Black terrorism.
I can't help noticing that most on the far right has come to the same knee-jerk conclusion about the Dallas attack.

I guess they actually are single issue voters. That single issue being racism.
What knee jerk reaction do we believe in? No racism was involved when the shooter said he wanted to kill cops, especially white cops? BLM is inherently racist, all lives matter, especially the innocent ones.

The shooter wasn't affiliated with any group, according to Dallas police. Just some nut, like most spree shootings.
You brought up BLM, not me. I didn't claim he was in a group but he was a racist, which you also brought up.
The shooter wasn't affiliated with any group, according to Dallas police. Just some nut, like most spree shootings.

I also noted that there were dozens of armed police at the event. Thought with everybody being armed nobody would have been shot. Isn't that the great NRA cry? Arm everybody and nobody will get shot??
I've never heard anyone say that. The voices lied to you.
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