Dallas Police RIP, BLM, Obama

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"most sanest"???????

Yep; you're pussywhipped.


Just a quick catch up here. Jillian I came from another board 10 years ago. We are friends in the real and virtual worlds. There was a time when everybody knew this. I guess because I stopped posting here for a couple of years and newbies came on board people don't know this. I make no apologies. She can be acerbic, but that's mainly because she is seeing her country go down the shitter because Nimrods like Trump are getting oxygen and the likes of Loosey are handing him the tank....

I mean, come on, even for a person who had a nutjob like Joh - even if he was NZ transplant - you must see Trump is making a once great nation like the US a laughing stock. it ain't pretty...

Wasn't Obama supposed to be the "Messiah"....but having said that I guess I was correct. However, calling good folk "Nazis" is just stupid AS YOU WELL KNOW!!!!!

BTW: I may have mentioned that I was on the first flight to Christchurch after the first quake. Loved the place.

WTF we get up to be confronted with some text messages from a friend of ours in Highland Park, which is a small town within Dallas in Dallas County.

All we can say, is that decent people of our Continent of Europa are going to wish those Dallas police familes the best and we'll pray for them, for their wounded and their murdered fallen.

It's difficult what to even comment, the outrageous barbarism is both incomprehensible, but also sadly inevitable.

I had commented several months ago, that I felt that BLM should be considered an American Domestic Terrorist group. These thugs, pure racists who hate non-blacks had been getting increasingly militant and violent, especially if one has heard any of their leaders shouting their mouths off in public about encouraging their armed thugs to "kill white policemen"

Of course with Obama and Loretta Lynch, both who seem completely unconcerned about BLM and more concerned about people such as Ammon Bundy, what's happened during the night in Dallas was inevitable.

Obama never misses an opportunity to politicise shootings, in his fanatical quest to trash the American 2nd Amendment and proceed with a Stalinesque mass gun confiscation, I feel that today he'll be babbling again about the events in Dallas are another illustration why law-abiding, decent Americans need to be disarmed.

I hold out no hope that Obama is going to say that BLM are a gang of thugs and are now considered Domestic Terrorists who's leaders with immediate effect are going to be rounded up and thrown into prison.

Obama most probably is going to find a way to blame the Dallas police officers for inciting the violence just by being there in uniform, and that that was a red rag to a bull situation because of the recent shootings in Louisiana and Minnesota.

In 2008 in was stated that America electing her first black President was going to finally heal all problems within race relations.

What's happened has been the exact opposite, Obama has been deliberately divisive, he's been the Agitator-in-Chief, he's been the Race Baiter-in-Chief, he's pitted blacks against whites and he's done this disgusting business very successfully.

Many people for some time have warned that America was heading for a full-on Race War and unfortunately it's difficult now to disagree with this alarming prophecy.

Obama is a disgrace to the WH and The Oval Office and to the American nation, were it not for Cuckservatives and selfish, pathetic Democrats, this POS could have already have been Impeached for violating his Oath of Office, which in part is to protect America from terrorists foreign and domestic and to uphold the Constitution, he's repeatedly crapped on the Constitution.

Obama has done more damage to America at home and abroad than Jimmy Carter could have dreamed of doing.

Obama is not only a national disgrace, he's a Global disgrace and it's God Help America and the World if Hillary Clinton gets elected.

This was Obama babbling more of his racism yesterday, 7th July, it's 16 minutes long and all he does is blame the "racist" police for shooting those gentle lambs Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. It's racist comments like these from Obama, deeply reckless and not the sort of Race Baiting that people expect from any leader that lead to the incident that occurred during the night in Dallas.

Edited to add comment.

We don't know yet who the snipers were. I doubt if BLM will embrace them as their own.
Some of you are not seeing the forest for the trees here. What happened last night is pure, bilious hatred of white authority--as represented by police. No one in their right mind condones these murders, but, folks, we reap what we sow. Not necessarily as individuals, but as a group, a culture, whites are hated for their dismissal and sometimes even hatred of blacks as a subhuman species. It led to impoverished, disregarded communities of blacks a century ago, and that led to the downward cycle of poverty that leads to more dysfunction and crime, resentment and hatred. Hatred begets hatred.
I don't know that charging out in your full body armor to eradicate the African American community is going to improve the situation, Lucy.
Wasn't Obama supposed to be the "Messiah"....but having said that I guess I was correct. However, calling good folk "Nazis" is just stupid AS YOU WELL KNOW!!!!!

BTW: I may have mentioned that I was on the first flight to Christchurch after the first quake. Loved the place.


As I have said before, Obama has been an okay president at best. He is indecisive and want to be friends with everybody. Fortunately for him, he followed the worst president in history, so it made him look better than he really is. Also, fortunately for him, the GoP keep on picking dumbarses - Quayle was there, Palin, Dumbya and now Trump. Funny thing is, there are so much better candidates out there that would kill Hillary.

Never been to CHCH. Closest I've ever got is Kaikoura...
WTF we get up to be confronted with some text messages from a friend of ours in Highland Park, which is a small town within Dallas in Dallas County.

All we can say, is that decent people of our Continent of Europa are going to wish those Dallas police familes the best and we'll pray for them, for their wounded and their murdered fallen.

It's difficult what to even comment, the outrageous barbarism is both incomprehensible, but also sadly inevitable.

I had commented several months ago, that I felt that BLM should be considered an American Domestic Terrorist group. These thugs, pure racists who hate non-blacks had been getting increasingly militant and violent, especially if one has heard any of their leaders shouting their mouths off in public about encouraging their armed thugs to "kill white policemen"

Of course with Obama and Loretta Lynch, both who seem completely unconcerned about BLM and more concerned about people such as Ammon Bundy, what's happened during the night in Dallas was inevitable.

Obama never misses an opportunity to politicise shootings, in his fanatical quest to trash the American 2nd Amendment and proceed with a Stalinesque mass gun confiscation, I feel that today he'll be babbling again about the events in Dallas are another illustration why law-abiding, decent Americans need to be disarmed.

I hold out no hope that Obama is going to say that BLM are a gang of thugs and are now considered Domestic Terrorists who's leaders with immediate effect are going to be rounded up and thrown into prison.

Obama most probably is going to find a way to blame the Dallas police officers for inciting the violence just by being there in uniform, and that that was a red rag to a bull situation because of the recent shootings in Louisiana and Minnesota.

In 2008 in was stated that America electing her first black President was going to finally heal all problems within race relations.

What's happened has been the exact opposite, Obama has been deliberately divisive, he's been the Agitator-in-Chief, he's been the Race Baiter-in-Chief, he's pitted blacks against whites and he's done this disgusting business very successfully.

Many people for some time have warned that America was heading for a full-on Race War and unfortunately it's difficult now to disagree with this alarming prophecy.

Obama is a disgrace to the WH and The Oval Office and to the American nation, were it not for Cuckservatives and selfish, pathetic Democrats, this POS could have already have been Impeached for violating his Oath of Office, which in part is to protect America from terrorists foreign and domestic and to uphold the Constitution, he's repeatedly crapped on the Constitution.

Obama has done more damage to America at home and abroad than Jimmy Carter could have dreamed of doing.

Obama is not only a national disgrace, he's a Global disgrace and it's God Help America and the World if Hillary Clinton gets elected.

This was Obama babbling more of his racism yesterday, 7th July, it's 16 minutes long and all he does is blame the "racist" police for shooting those gentle lambs Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. It's racist comments like these from Obama, deeply reckless and not the sort of Race Baiting that people expect from any leader that lead to the incident that occurred during the night in Dallas.

Edited to add comment.

We don't know yet who the snipers were. I doubt if BLM will embrace them as their own.
Some of you are not seeing the forest for the trees here. What happened last night is pure, bilious hatred of white authority--as represented by police. No one in their right mind condones these murders, but, folks, we reap what we sow. Not necessarily as individuals, but as a group, a culture, whites are hated for their dismissal and sometimes even hatred of blacks as a subhuman species. It led to impoverished, disregarded communities of blacks a century ago, and that led to the downward cycle of poverty that leads to more dysfunction and crime, resentment and hatred. Hatred begets hatred.
I don't know that charging out in your full body armor to eradicate the African American community is going to improve the situation, Lucy.

Wait...so the cops weren't there to protect the blacks rights? Huh....

This event was planned 24 hours in advance, and the liberal shooters pre planned this mass shooting....
Was a co-ordinated attack with 4 shooters, one dead...

Snipers Kill 5 Dallas Police Officers, Injure 6 During Protest Over Police Shootings
July 8, 2016 — Snipers opened fire on police officers in the heart of Dallas, killing five officers and injuring six others during protests over two recent fatal police shootings of black men, police said.
Three people are in custody and a fourth suspect was exchanging gunfire with authorities in a parking garage downtown, Dallas Police Chief David Brown said early Friday morning. The suspect is not cooperating and has told negotiators he intends to hurt more law enforcement officials, the chief said. The gunfire broke out around 8:45 p.m. Thursday while hundreds of people were gathered to protest fatal police shootings this week in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and suburban St. Paul, Minnesota. Brown told reporters the snipers fired "ambush style" upon the officers. Mayor Mike Rawlings said one member of the public was wounded in the gunfire.

Protests were also held in several other cities across the country Thursday night after a Minnesota officer on Wednesday fatally shot Philando Castile while he was in a car with a woman and a child. The aftermath of the shooting was livestreamed in a widely shared Facebook video. A day earlier, Alton Sterling was shot in Louisiana after being pinned to the pavement by two white officers. That, too, was captured on a cellphone video. Video footage from the Dallas scene showed protesters were marching along a street in downtown, about half a mile from City Hall, when the shots erupted and the crowd scattered, seeking cover. Brown said that it appeared the shooters "planned to injure and kill as many officers as they could."


The search for the shooters stretched throughout downtown, an area of hotels, restaurants, businesses and some residential apartments. The scene was chaotic, with helicopters hovering overhead and officers with automatic rifles on the street corners. "Everyone just started running," Devante Odom, 21, told The Dallas Morning News. "We lost touch with two of our friends just trying to get out of there." One woman was taken into custody in the same parking garage where the standoff was ongoing, Brown said. Two others were taken into custody during a traffic stop. Brown said police don't have a motivation for the attacks or any information on the suspects. He said they "triangulated" in the downtown area where the protesters were marching and had "some knowledge of the route" they would take. He said authorities have not determined whether any protesters were involved with or were complicit in the attack.

Police were not certain early Friday that all suspects have been located, Brown said. Rawlings said at the news conference that authorities will likely ask some people to stay away from downtown Dallas on Friday. "This is still an active crime scene. We're determining how big that crime scene is," the mayor said. A map will be posted online showing an area where people should avoid on Friday, he said. The FBI's Dallas division is providing "all possible assistance," spokeswoman Allison Mahan said. Carlos Harris, who lives downtown, told the newspaper that the shooters "were strategic. It was tap, tap pause. Tap, tap pause."


See also:

Man streams attack on Dallas police on Facebook Live
The country is already blaming Obama, so you might as well give up trying to defend him.

Uh, no. Only right-wing neocon whackjobs are blaming the president.
Obama has been dividing america since he first became president.

As did Bush....

Mr 91%?? No; what divided America was Dean going against the war effort. Chilcott has cleared both Blair and Bush of lying; it really WAS faulty intel!!! And frankly that is WORSE!!!

Wasn't Obama supposed to be the "Messiah"....but having said that I guess I was correct. However, calling good folk "Nazis" is just stupid AS YOU WELL KNOW!!!!!

BTW: I may have mentioned that I was on the first flight to Christchurch after the first quake. Loved the place.


As I have said before, Obama has been an okay president at best. He is indecisive and want to be friends with everybody. Fortunately for him, he followed the worst president in history, so it made him look better than he really is. Also, fortunately for him, the GoP keep on picking dumbarses - Quayle was there, Palin, Dumbya and now Trump. Funny thing is, there are so much better candidates out there that would kill Hillary.

Never been to CHCH. Closest I've ever got is Kaikoura...

Worst may have been bush but that gavel was passed onto O who then became exponentially worse than his predecessor.
Mr 91%?? No; what divided America was Dean going against the war effort. Chilcott has cleared both Blair and Bush of lying; it really WAS faulty intel!!! And frankly that is WORSE!!!


Mr 91%??? LOL!! Good grief..

No, no, no...Chilcot has not cleared them by any stretch....
WTF we get up to be confronted with some text messages from a friend of ours in Highland Park, which is a small town within Dallas in Dallas County.

All we can say, is that decent people of our Continent of Europa are going to wish those Dallas police familes the best and we'll pray for them, for their wounded and their murdered fallen.

It's difficult what to even comment, the outrageous barbarism is both incomprehensible, but also sadly inevitable.

I had commented several months ago, that I felt that BLM should be considered an American Domestic Terrorist group. These thugs, pure racists who hate non-blacks had been getting increasingly militant and violent, especially if one has heard any of their leaders shouting their mouths off in public about encouraging their armed thugs to "kill white policemen"

Of course with Obama and Loretta Lynch, both who seem completely unconcerned about BLM and more concerned about people such as Ammon Bundy, what's happened during the night in Dallas was inevitable.

Obama never misses an opportunity to politicise shootings, in his fanatical quest to trash the American 2nd Amendment and proceed with a Stalinesque mass gun confiscation, I feel that today he'll be babbling again about the events in Dallas are another illustration why law-abiding, decent Americans need to be disarmed.

I hold out no hope that Obama is going to say that BLM are a gang of thugs and are now considered Domestic Terrorists who's leaders with immediate effect are going to be rounded up and thrown into prison.

Obama most probably is going to find a way to blame the Dallas police officers for inciting the violence just by being there in uniform, and that that was a red rag to a bull situation because of the recent shootings in Louisiana and Minnesota.

In 2008 in was stated that America electing her first black President was going to finally heal all problems within race relations.

What's happened has been the exact opposite, Obama has been deliberately divisive, he's been the Agitator-in-Chief, he's been the Race Baiter-in-Chief, he's pitted blacks against whites and he's done this disgusting business very successfully.

Many people for some time have warned that America was heading for a full-on Race War and unfortunately it's difficult now to disagree with this alarming prophecy.

Obama is a disgrace to the WH and The Oval Office and to the American nation, were it not for Cuckservatives and selfish, pathetic Democrats, this POS could have already have been Impeached for violating his Oath of Office, which in part is to protect America from terrorists foreign and domestic and to uphold the Constitution, he's repeatedly crapped on the Constitution.

Obama has done more damage to America at home and abroad than Jimmy Carter could have dreamed of doing.

Obama is not only a national disgrace, he's a Global disgrace and it's God Help America and the World if Hillary Clinton gets elected.

This was Obama babbling more of his racism yesterday, 7th July, it's 16 minutes long and all he does is blame the "racist" police for shooting those gentle lambs Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. It's racist comments like these from Obama, deeply reckless and not the sort of Race Baiting that people expect from any leader that lead to the incident that occurred during the night in Dallas.

Edited to add comment.

We don't know yet who the snipers were. I doubt if BLM will embrace them as their own.
Some of you are not seeing the forest for the trees here. What happened last night is pure, bilious hatred of white authority--as represented by police. No one in their right mind condones these murders, but, folks, we reap what we sow. Not necessarily as individuals, but as a group, a culture, whites are hated for their dismissal and sometimes even hatred of blacks as a subhuman species. It led to impoverished, disregarded communities of blacks a century ago, and that led to the downward cycle of poverty that leads to more dysfunction and crime, resentment and hatred. Hatred begets hatred.
I don't know that charging out in your full body armor to eradicate the African American community is going to improve the situation, Lucy.

Wait...so the cops weren't there to protect the blacks rights? Huh....

This event was planned 24 hours in advance, and the liberal shooters pre planned this mass shooting....

You're not taking the giant step back and looking at the underlying causes of this shit. Of course the cops were there to keep the peace and they protected civilians as best they could when the shooting started. That is why they chose to do the job they do. I'm not talking about the individuals involved last night. It's bigger than that and you will not stop it without doing something about it. More hatred is not the answer, imo.
The country is already blaming Obama, so you might as well give up trying to defend him.

Uh, no. Only right-wing neocon whackjobs are blaming the president.
Obama has been dividing america since he first became president.

As did Bush....
No the media did that job.

You make an excellent point about the media, the MSM has contributed a great deal to all of this violence, they've whipped up the Ferguson stuff until it exploded, what began in Ferguson as a peaceful demonstration just a few days later became violent. The MSM have stoked this thing and these tensions until they exploded again in Dallas.

They have a lot to answer for and should be ashamed.
Most everything you posted is partisan nonsense, except that that the sniper attack in Dallas was outrageous barbarianism.
WTF we get up to be confronted with some text messages from a friend of ours in Highland Park, which is a small town within Dallas in Dallas County.

All we can say, is that decent people of our Continent of Europa are going to wish those Dallas police familes the best and we'll pray for them, for their wounded and their murdered fallen.

It's difficult what to even comment, the outrageous barbarism is both incomprehensible, but also sadly inevitable.

I had commented several months ago, that I felt that BLM should be considered an American Domestic Terrorist group. These thugs, pure racists who hate non-blacks had been getting increasingly militant and violent, especially if one has heard any of their leaders shouting their mouths off in public about encouraging their armed thugs to "kill white policemen"

Of course with Obama and Loretta Lynch, both who seem completely unconcerned about BLM and more concerned about people such as Ammon Bundy, what's happened during the night in Dallas was inevitable.

Obama never misses an opportunity to politicise shootings, in his fanatical quest to trash the American 2nd Amendment and proceed with a Stalinesque mass gun confiscation, I feel that today he'll be babbling again about the events in Dallas are another illustration why law-abiding, decent Americans need to be disarmed.

I hold out no hope that Obama is going to say that BLM are a gang of thugs and are now considered Domestic Terrorists who's leaders with immediate effect are going to be rounded up and thrown into prison.

Obama most probably is going to find a way to blame the Dallas police officers for inciting the violence just by being there in uniform, and that that was a red rag to a bull situation because of the recent shootings in Louisiana and Minnesota.

In 2008 in was stated that America electing her first black President was going to finally heal all problems within race relations.

What's happened has been the exact opposite, Obama has been deliberately divisive, he's been the Agitator-in-Chief, he's been the Race Baiter-in-Chief, he's pitted blacks against whites and he's done this disgusting business very successfully.

Many people for some time have warned that America was heading for a full-on Race War and unfortunately it's difficult now to disagree with this alarming prophecy.

Obama is a disgrace to the WH and The Oval Office and to the American nation, were it not for Cuckservatives and selfish, pathetic Democrats, this POS could have already have been Impeached for violating his Oath of Office, which in part is to protect America from terrorists foreign and domestic and to uphold the Constitution, he's repeatedly crapped on the Constitution.

Obama has done more damage to America at home and abroad than Jimmy Carter could have dreamed of doing.

Obama is not only a national disgrace, he's a Global disgrace and it's God Help America and the World if Hillary Clinton gets elected.

This was Obama babbling more of his racism yesterday, 7th July, it's 16 minutes long and all he does is blame the "racist" police for shooting those gentle lambs Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. It's racist comments like these from Obama, deeply reckless and not the sort of Race Baiting that people expect from any leader that lead to the incident that occurred during the night in Dallas.

Edited to add comment.

We don't know yet who the snipers were. I doubt if BLM will embrace them as their own.
Some of you are not seeing the forest for the trees here. What happened last night is pure, bilious hatred of white authority--as represented by police. No one in their right mind condones these murders, but, folks, we reap what we sow. Not necessarily as individuals, but as a group, a culture, whites are hated for their dismissal and sometimes even hatred of blacks as a subhuman species. It led to impoverished, disregarded communities of blacks a century ago, and that led to the downward cycle of poverty that leads to more dysfunction and crime, resentment and hatred. Hatred begets hatred.
I don't know that charging out in your full body armor to eradicate the African American community is going to improve the situation, Lucy.

Wait...so the cops weren't there to protect the blacks rights? Huh....

This event was planned 24 hours in advance, and the liberal shooters pre planned this mass shooting....

You're not taking the giant step back and looking at the underlying causes of this shit. Of course the cops were there to keep the peace and they protected civilians as best they could when the shooting started. That is why they chose to do the job they do. I'm not talking about the individuals involved last night. It's bigger than that and you will not stop it without doing something about it. More hatred is not the answer, imo.

It's obvious that representatives from all sides need to sit down and talk about their respective problems and any trouble causers need to be dealt with.

If not then they'll be more of these horrific incidents.
I can't help noticing that most on the far right has come to the same knee-jerk conclusion about the Dallas attack.

I guess they actually are single issue voters. That single issue being racism.
Most everything you posted is partisan nonsense, except that that the sniper attack in Dallas was outrageous barbarianism.

You're another one who never makes any sensible posts, you're also another one who tends to rate serious things as being "funny", so I'm not bothered what you comment, it's in one ear and out of the other.

There's no more partisans than the Obamabots.

Why it's taken so long to put you on ignore, like now, I'm not sure, I think it's because your comments are so uninteresting and uneventful that I'd forgotten about you.
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