Damn, does the abuse from cops ever end????

It's not fair that blacks don't have sanctuary cities they can run to.

Most inner cities in the U.S. are sanctuary cities for blacks. Dallas, Houston, Atlanta, all are black sanctuary cities, to name just three, then there is Baltimore, Washington, D.C. and many many more.

Turns out black city councils, black police chiefs, black police, black city govts. are racist against black people, too, at least according to left wing media who have to have 'racism' to blame everything on re black violence, criminal behavior, black gangsters, and black political corruption.

So far a lot of white money has kept them from becoming the typical African city, but with ever more concentration of wealth at the top and those removing themselves and their stuff from the tax base, the future ain't bright for that current circumstance to keep going; fewer and fewer working class people feel like being extorted, either, their incomes keep dropping every year for decades now, they don't like being discriminated against and their own families suffering for the cause of appeasing violent racists who don't have any family values themselves. They won't bear the tax burden, either, don't have much to tax.

The Fed can't even maintain itself, much less keep throwing more subsidy money down the 'black hole', so to speak. Fewer and fewer non-black people feel like buying black people off any more, they get nothing in return for it, and all those other 'minorities' want to extort more and more as well, they aren't going to feel black people's pain, either.
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You people just don't get it; nobody is supposed to get arrested for anything any more.Minorities are exempt from laws. Otherwise, they may feel oppressed and may not commit as many hate crimes against white proles.
Wouldn't do any good to arrest them, Trump will just pardon them...

Post a list of who he's pardoned.
Are you making a Christmas list?

Ah, so you had nothing. You're definitely a 'journalist', all right; all fake news, all the time.
Georgia Cop Fired After Video Shows Him Hitting A Suspect With His Car
Police Officer Taylor Saulters claimed the suspect ran into his car and bounced off.

I can post from Youtube at least 9 videos of white felons running from cops and all caught and treated with dignity and respect....9....meanwhile, if they're not shooting us in the back for an expired tag, now they're running us down? Oh well, I'm sure this negro will feel better once his white girlfriend visits him jail...(sigh):abgg2q.jpg:
Cop done good. Fleeing and eluding can be a felony.
It's obvious the officer was in fear for his life. That's the standard View attachment 196602 excuse, isn't it?
Oh, and the fact he was fired is shocking.....I'm suprised he didn't use the I saw a bag of skittles and thought it was a gun defense...he must be new on the job!!
Trayvon LOVED making that skittle sizzurp. Maybe he should have just stayed home instead of looking to feed his ghetto codiene drink addiction.
Georgia Cop Fired After Video Shows Him Hitting A Suspect With His Car
Police Officer Taylor Saulters claimed the suspect ran into his car and bounced off.

I can post from Youtube at least 9 videos of white felons running from cops and all caught and treated with dignity and respect....9....meanwhile, if they're not shooting us in the back for an expired tag, now they're running us down? Oh well, I'm sure this negro will feel better once his white girlfriend visits him jail...(sigh):abgg2q.jpg:

WTF. You'd think just the news coverage would stop most of the bad cops doing shit like this especially when they know the camera is running, but they do it anyway. "HEY, no running on the street while black! Take that!"

This cop should not only have been fired but an incident like this should preclude him/her from ever joining another police force.
Georgia Cop Fired After Video Shows Him Hitting A Suspect With His Car
Police Officer Taylor Saulters claimed the suspect ran into his car and bounced off.
iI can post from Youtube at least 9 videos of white felons running from cops and all caught and treated with dignity and respect....9....meanwhile, if they're not shooting us in the back for an expired tag, now they're running us down? Oh well, I'm sure this negro will feel better once his white girlfriend visits him jail...(sigh):abgg2q.jpg:

WTF. You'd think just the news coverage would stop most of the bad cops doing shit like this especially when they know the camera is running, but they do it anyway. "HEY, no running on the street while black! Take that!"

This cop should not only have been fired but an incident like this should preclude him/her from ever joining another police force.

I suspect the cops know they can get away with it.

Those two cops who beat the shit out of the young woman on the beach last week will not be charged, and she faces multiple charges,. WTF!

One could conclude the cops can do whatever they wish. Citizens no longer have rights (of course, the extreme wealthy are the exception)...Orwell was a great prognosticator.

Emily Weinman: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

A Philadelphia woman is facing a number of charges and police officers have been placed on desk duty following a violent arrest on a Wildwood, New Jersey beach Memorial Day Weekend.

The original video was captured by a beach-goer who said she “woke up” to witness what looks like a brawl or fisticuffs between Emily Weinman and police officers. Screams of “stop resisting” and “I didn’t do anything,” can be heard as police struggle with, then punch, the 20-year-old.

Now Wildwood Police have released three separate officer bodycam videos of the interaction between Weinman and three tourist season police patrolmen Thomas Cannon, John Hillman and Robert Jordan.

None of the three officers will face any charges, the Cape May County Prosecutor’s Office said. “…the actions of the arresting officer(s) ” did not amount to excessive force and so “did not meet the evidentiary standards to warrant criminal charges,” a statement by county prosecutor Jeffrey H. Sutherland said.
I suspect the cops know they can get away with it.

Those two cops who beat the shit out of the young woman on the beach last week will not be charged, and she faces multiple charges,. WTF!

One could conclude the cops can do whatever they wish. Citizens no longer have rights (of course, the extreme wealthy are the exception)...Orwell was a great prognosticator.

Emily Weinman: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

A Philadelphia woman is facing a number of charges and police officers have been placed on desk duty following a violent arrest on a Wildwood, New Jersey beach Memorial Day Weekend.

The original video was captured by a beach-goer who said she “woke up” to witness what looks like a brawl or fisticuffs between Emily Weinman and police officers. Screams of “stop resisting” and “I didn’t do anything,” can be heard as police struggle with, then punch, the 20-year-old.

Now Wildwood Police have released three separate officer bodycam videos of the interaction between Weinman and three tourist season police patrolmen Thomas Cannon, John Hillman and Robert Jordan.

None of the three officers will face any charges, the Cape May County Prosecutor’s Office said. “…the actions of the arresting officer(s) ” did not amount to excessive force and so “did not meet the evidentiary standards to warrant criminal charges,” a statement by county prosecutor Jeffrey H. Sutherland said.

What really needs to be done cannot be spoken.

That is all.
I suspect the cops know they can get away with it.

Those two cops who beat the shit out of the young woman on the beach last week will not be charged, and she faces multiple charges,. WTF!

One could conclude the cops can do whatever they wish. Citizens no longer have rights (of course, the extreme wealthy are the exception)...Orwell was a great prognosticator.

Emily Weinman: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

A Philadelphia woman is facing a number of charges and police officers have been placed on desk duty following a violent arrest on a Wildwood, New Jersey beach Memorial Day Weekend.

The original video was captured by a beach-goer who said she “woke up” to witness what looks like a brawl or fisticuffs between Emily Weinman and police officers. Screams of “stop resisting” and “I didn’t do anything,” can be heard as police struggle with, then punch, the 20-year-old.

Now Wildwood Police have released three separate officer bodycam videos of the interaction between Weinman and three tourist season police patrolmen Thomas Cannon, John Hillman and Robert Jordan.

None of the three officers will face any charges, the Cape May County Prosecutor’s Office said. “…the actions of the arresting officer(s) ” did not amount to excessive force and so “did not meet the evidentiary standards to warrant criminal charges,” a statement by county prosecutor Jeffrey H. Sutherland said.

What really needs to be done cannot be spoken.

That is all.
Yes...so much for living in the Land of the Free.
More whites are killed by police than Blacks -- mainly because blacks are more aggressive and savage than whites.

Maybe blacks should ask themselves, what is it about their culture that makes it to where whites are shot more by police than they are
Georgia Cop Fired After Video Shows Him Hitting A Suspect With His Car
Police Officer Taylor Saulters claimed the suspect ran into his car and bounced off.

I can post from Youtube at least 9 videos of white felons running from cops and all caught and treated with dignity and respect....9....meanwhile, if they're not shooting us in the back for an expired tag, now they're running us down? Oh well, I'm sure this negro will feel better once his white girlfriend visits him jail...(sigh):abgg2q.jpg:

Obviously we need more information on this than this screen shot.

Frankly, I don't understand why the cop was fired. For pursuing a wanted felon that would not stop? Lucky for this man and the interested community this happened in Athens, Georgia, known to be such a liberal enclave.

Officer fired after intentionally hitting fleeing suspect with his police car
"The man who was hit, identified as Timmy Patmon, rolls up on the hood of the car and falls to the pavement. Saulters and his partner, officer Hunter Blackmon, who had been chasing the suspect on foot, arrest Patmon as a group of angry onlookers gather around the arresting officers.

A woman bystander can be heard saying, "You didn't have to hit that man like that."

Saulters also threatened to use a stun gun on Patmon while he is face down on the pavement being restrained by Blackmon.

Athens-Clarke County Police Department
Timmy Patmon, right, is seen being hit by a police cruiser driven by officer Taylor Saulters. Saulters has been fired by the Athens-Clarke County Police Department in Georgia. more +

"Give us your hands now, or you're gonna get Tased," the officer can be heard saying on the video. "Do you understand me? Make the right decision."

Patmon was wanted on a felony probation warrant, according to Athens-Clarke County police. Patmon was taken to the hospital by ambulance, but suffered just "scrapes and bruises" when being struck by the car, police said.

He was taken into custody after being released from the hospital.

Saulters was immediately placed on administrative leave, but was fired the next day following an independent investigation.

"Athens police Chief Scott Freeman initially placed Saulters on administrative leave, initiated an internal affairs investigation, and requested that the Georgia State Patrol and Georgia Bureau of Investigation conduct independent investigations of the incident," police said in a statement."

If you watch the video, the suspect was fleeing, and then clearly resisted. Why? Why would he do that?

I was always taught that when the Police tell you to stop, you stop and cooperate. If you don't, they may use deadly force. Quite frankly, I am at a loss as to why the cop got fired. Maybe if the guy had only a misdemeanor warrant, or was only under suspicion? Then it would be more understandable. But a known felon fugitive resisting arrest? You are seriously defending this guy and not the cop?

No wonder our society is disintegrating. . . .
When will the stupid black bastards learn to comply with police?
It's not fair that blacks don't have sanctuary cities they can run to.

Most inner cities in the U.S. are sanctuary cities for blacks. Dallas, Houston, Atlanta, all are black sanctuary cities, to name just three, then there is Baltimore, Washington, D.C. and many many more.

Turns out black city councils, black police chiefs, black police, black city govts. are racist against black people, too, at least according to left wing media who have to have 'racism' to blame everything on re black violence, criminal behavior, black gangsters, and black political corruption.

So far a lot of white money has kept them from becoming the typical African city, but with ever more concentration of wealth at the top and those removing themselves and their stuff from the tax base, the future ain't bright for that current circumstance to keep going; fewer and fewer working class people feel like being extorted, either, their incomes keep dropping every year for decades now, they don't like being discriminated against and their own families suffering for the cause of appeasing violent racists who don't have any family values themselves. They won't bear the tax burden, either, don't have much to tax.

The Fed can't even maintain itself, much less keep throwing more subsidy money down the 'black hole', so to speak. Fewer and fewer non-black people feel like buying black people off any more, they get nothing in return for it, and all those other 'minorities' want to extort more and more as well, they aren't going to feel black people's pain, either.

Great post -- but I would go so far as to say that blacks need to be exported out of this country -- not all blacks mind you -- conservative blacks should be allowed to stay if they show they are able to be good citizens -- the others need to be deported and worse
More whites are killed by police than Blacks -- mainly because blacks are more aggressive and savage than whites.

Maybe blacks should ask themselves, what is it about their culture that makes it to where whites are shot more by police than they are

The black leaders and church organizations have been doing that all along; they get ignored and/or vilified by the black politicians anointed by the Democratic Party to be their official house bois. Even the local Mayors and city councils hate them for their pointing out the obvious. No money or power in it for the scum like Sharpton and his ilk and the Black Congressional Caucus.

The black middle class has no intention of playing a role, either; as Patrick Moynihan pointed out many years ago, the black middle class just used the Hood Rat thugs to extort bennies for themselves, and do little or nothing to improve the lot of poor blacks. In fact they insist on keeping programs going that are well known to be miserable failures, because they don't want success, and it provides a lot of do nothing jobs at all levels of govt. for black 'administrators' and 'community organizers'.
It's not fair that blacks don't have sanctuary cities they can run to.

Most inner cities in the U.S. are sanctuary cities for blacks. Dallas, Houston, Atlanta, all are black sanctuary cities, to name just three, then there is Baltimore, Washington, D.C. and many many more.

Turns out black city councils, black police chiefs, black police, black city govts. are racist against black people, too, at least according to left wing media who have to have 'racism' to blame everything on re black violence, criminal behavior, black gangsters, and black political corruption.

So far a lot of white money has kept them from becoming the typical African city, but with ever more concentration of wealth at the top and those removing themselves and their stuff from the tax base, the future ain't bright for that current circumstance to keep going; fewer and fewer working class people feel like being extorted, either, their incomes keep dropping every year for decades now, they don't like being discriminated against and their own families suffering for the cause of appeasing violent racists who don't have any family values themselves. They won't bear the tax burden, either, don't have much to tax.

The Fed can't even maintain itself, much less keep throwing more subsidy money down the 'black hole', so to speak. Fewer and fewer non-black people feel like buying black people off any more, they get nothing in return for it, and all those other 'minorities' want to extort more and more as well, they aren't going to feel black people's pain, either.

Great post -- but I would go so far as to say that blacks need to be exported out of this country -- not all blacks mind you -- conservative blacks should be allowed to stay if they show they are able to be good citizens -- the others need to be deported and worse

The likes of the Jesse Jacksons and Al Sharptons and the Obamas and their sleazy ilk certainly need to be dumped on a freighter heading for Somalia.
The black leaders and church organizations have been doing that all along; they get ignored and/or vilified by the black politicians anointed by the Democratic Party to be their official house bois. Even the local Mayors and city councils hate them for their pointing out the obvious. No money or power in it for the scum like Sharpton and his ilk and the Black Congressional Caucus.

The black middle class has no intention of playing a role, either; as Patrick Moynihan pointed out many years ago, the black middle class just used the Hood Rat thugs to extort bennies for themselves, and do little or nothing to improve the lot of poor blacks. In fact they insist on keeping programs going that are well known to be miserable failures, because they don't want success, and it provides a lot of do nothing jobs at all levels of govt. for black 'administrators' and 'community organizers'.

Yea most blacks are disgusting and its a shame that more whites are shot by police than the blacks -- who really deserve it.

I wish more attention was brought to it -- too many whites are being targeted and not enough black thugs

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