Dan Bongino: Why Republicans didn't do as well as expected

Then take that up with them, I'm not one of those people. The claim is real simple: for a lot of people things are not bad enough yet. That's why they didn't come out and vote. Then add in Dementia putting us further in debt by buying votes, it makes sense what really took place this past election.

Even if it gets worse people simply live with it………look at the socialist countries in Latin America who keep electing the socialists, or the narco state of Mexico….or Cuba…..
What fantasy world do you live in? Republicans controlled the White House, House and Senate from 2017 to 2019...and did???????....yeah..nothing. Passed a sweetheart deal of a tax cut for corporations (to bring their cash back home for stock buy backs). Yay!! :)

Gee, I must be a corporation then, because I got a tax break and I was only a truck driver. I guess you forget about allocating more money for our military. What have the Communists spent money on? Oh, that's right, hundreds of billions on an unproven theory like man made climate change.
Gee, I must be a corporation then, because I got a tax break and I was only a truck driver. I guess you forget about allocating more money for our military. What have the Communists spent money on? Oh, that's right, hundreds of billions on an unproven theory like man made climate change.
Are you a self-employed trucker or a per diem trucker?
Even if it gets worse people simply live with it………look at the socialist countries in Latin America who keep electing the socialists, or the narco state of Mexico….or Cuba…..

Well yes, we will have no choice but to live with it, and as I said 2024 is a long way off when you're hurting. But it will be too late by then.
You are a moron……how is your job with rhe chinese communists going? Did you celebrate with the communists when Xi consolidated control?
Again, rage all you want. It has nothing to do with Democrats.

Rage is one of the reasons your side took a drubbing on Tuesday.
Unpopular president, inflation, Democrats notorious for not showing up for midterms…

Anything less than a five or six seat GOP control of the Senate and at least 40 seat GOP control of the House is a disaster for Republicans.

Hell, Democrats actually managed to flip a Republican Senate seat.

Good, because when things get even worse, you won't be able to blame the Republicans now will you? :eusa_shhh:
27E10-40, 71L10,20,52D10-30.
Seen it shot, but never got to shoot one, much less work on one.
That next one would have driven me clean up the wall.
That last one could have been a shocking experience.
Congrats man. We're through, and it was an interesting trip at times.
Winter is coming……..and our heating bill is already out of control.

The democrats are simply evil… in all ways and in all things……they will do anything for power without thought to the actual long term consequences……

Party first--country second. It's been their motto for the last 20 years or so.
Dan Bongino hit the nail on the head this Saturday evening. He said the reason Republicans didn't do so well is because things are simply not bad enough. He's absolutely correct. Think of it this way: You have a job, there are others out there if you decide to get different one, inflation is taking a toll but all in all, life isn't that bad.

In spite of inflation, lending rates, open borders, rising crime in big cities, record fentanyl deaths, as long as it's not playing a major role in your life, why come out just to vote Republican?

I've always said politics is like an addiction problem. Some people don't seek help until they hit rock bottom. I agree with Dan that we just haven't hit rock bottom yet. That won't take place until the jobs start drying up and there is no place to work. What sprung Democrats towards the top are younger voters under the age of 30. With the promise of government goodies like college loan relief, the likelihood they didn't have enough in their IRA accounts to take a major loss, they voted Democrat by almost twice the rate they voted Republican.

It's crappy video (looks like it was taken from home) but if you care to listen to the monologue, go to time stamp 10:00.

Dan is basically stating that the majority of the voting base is stupid. Interesting take. Probably correct. Time will tell.
Seen it shot, but never got to shoot one, much less work on one.
That next one would have driven me clean up the wall.
That last one could have been a shocking experience.
Congrats man. We're through, and it was an interesting trip at times.
Being a headquarters generator operator gave me more prestige in the field than having the rank of general.
Again, rage all you want. It has nothing to do with Democrats.

Rage is one of the reasons your side took a drubbing on Tuesday.

Actually what had to do with it was putting us further in debt with vote buying. You know, those couples making 225K a year really need a college bailout.
Being a headquarters generator operator gave me more prestige in the field than having the rank of general.
The only guys more popular in the field were the comm guys that could get you a free call home from anywhere in the world and had those nice air conditioned trailers.

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