Dan Bongino: Why Republicans didn't do as well as expected

Dan Bongino hit the nail on the head this Saturday evening. He said the reason Republicans didn't do so well is because things are simply not bad enough. He's absolutely correct. Think of it this way: You have a job, there are others out there if you decide to get different one, inflation is taking a toll but all in all, life isn't that bad.

In spite of inflation, lending rates, open borders, rising crime in big cities, record fentanyl deaths, as long as it's not playing a major role in your life, why come out just to vote Republican?

I've always said politics is like an addiction problem. Some people don't seek help until they hit rock bottom. I agree with Dan that we just haven't hit rock bottom yet. That won't take place until the jobs start drying up and there is no place to work. What sprung Democrats towards the top are younger voters under the age of 30. With the promise of government goodies like college loan relief, the likelihood they didn't have enough in their IRA accounts to take a major loss, they voted Democrat by almost twice the rate they voted Republican.

It's crappy video (looks like it was taken from home) but if you care to listen to the monologue, go to time stamp 10:00.

He's right. But he can't come outright and say his audience is lazy, delusional and pretty stupid.
Don't fret.
They are going to get "bad enough". It may take another 300-500 years....but they will.
Dan Bongino hit the nail on the head this Saturday evening. He said the reason Republicans didn't do so well is because things are simply not bad enough. He's absolutely correct. Think of it this way: You have a job, there are others out there if you decide to get different one, inflation is taking a toll but all in all, life isn't that bad.

In spite of inflation, lending rates, open borders, rising crime in big cities, record fentanyl deaths, as long as it's not playing a major role in your life, why come out just to vote Republican?

I've always said politics is like an addiction problem. Some people don't seek help until they hit rock bottom. I agree with Dan that we just haven't hit rock bottom yet. That won't take place until the jobs start drying up and there is no place to work. What sprung Democrats towards the top are younger voters under the age of 30. With the promise of government goodies like college loan relief, the likelihood they didn't have enough in their IRA accounts to take a major loss, they voted Democrat by almost twice the rate they voted Republican.

It's crappy video (looks like it was taken from home) but if you care to listen to the monologue, go to time stamp 10:00.

Lol this is just hysterical. You guys are constantly talking about how apocalyptic the inflation issue is for the economy but when it suits a certain narrative, you take a total soft stance on it. God you’re all so predictable with your hypocrisy.

I mean you basically should anyway. Inflation dropped to 7.7% in October. While that’s definitely still too high, economists say the rate will likely only go lower from here on out.
We didn't piss off women, asshole.
Your media and their Democrat handlers simply lied about the real impact (or lack of) overturning Roe would cause.

There is no excuse.
The conservative Right lost for the same reason it usually loses.

The other side is more motivated and more willing to do whatever it takes at any cost.
Makes no difference if they are right, wrong or corrupt.....if they win....they win.
History doesn't celebrate who was right or wrong......it celebrates the the winners.

Had Hitler won, he would be celebrated today as a hero.
BS, the only reason the Dems won was massive fraud.
Everything else is just distraction from the real problem that will destroy the country.

I guarantee outside of prog infested areas the youngsters weren't voting for more inflation, less freedom & groomer rights
Dude, your party just got pound it in an election claiming those very things.

Move on
There is no excuse.
The conservative Right lost for the same reason it usually loses.

The other side is more motivated and more willing to do whatever it takes at any cost.
Makes no difference if they are right, wrong or corrupt.....if they win....they win.
History doesn't celebrate who was right or wrong......it celebrates the the winners.

Had Hitler won, he would be celebrated today as a hero.
Hitler did win. That's why we had a second World War.

Winning at all costs is usually a recipe for disaster for everyone....not just one side.
And it plays into the hands of communists.
Bongino is probably right. In the grand scheme of things, I still live in a gated golf community with small fortunes stashed around the globe (I've lived more overseas than I've lived in this shithole).... meanwhile the godless "winners" are clawing at their faces and screaming at the sky in their squalor and poverty. I have pure blood.... they have AIDS. I'm surrounded by family and loved ones... they're lonely and self-loathing.

I'm fine with them "winning" the senate today , even in a sketchy way like this. Nothing really changes for me.
Repubs are chickenshits; don't have the backs of other repubs; have egos too big for their own good; are do-nothings; don' fight what what is right and just sit back and watch shit hit the fan. Until they change all those things and more, they are just as worthless as democrats.
You pissed off women,

Only the dumb ones, who were brainwashed into believing they somehow lost a right.

They'll come back. Women always do. They're skittish, and at the end of the day they like security. And they're smart, shortly they'll figure out they can still get morning after pills.

and your election fraud crazy is too much.

You don't know what you're talking about. You're in no position to make judgements about election fraud one way or the other.

Before you can say anything about it, you need to do some analysis. And you haven't done that.

Bye Felicia!!!

Bye. See you in two years.
Only the dumb ones, who were brainwashed into believing they somehow lost a right.

They'll come back. Women always do. They're skittish, and at the end of the day they like security. And they're smart, shortly they'll figure out they can still get morning after pills.

You don't know what you're talking about. You're in no position to make judgements about election fraud one way or the other.

Before you can say anything about it, you need to do some analysis. And you haven't done that.

Bye. See you in two years.
Or their pregnancies could end up killing them or they produce kids the product of incest.
Bongino is probably right. In the grand scheme of things, I still live in a gated golf community with small fortunes stashed around the globe (I've lived more overseas than I've lived in this shithole).... meanwhile the godless "winners" are clawing at their faces and screaming at the sky in their squalor and poverty. I have pure blood.... they have AIDS. I'm surrounded by family and loved ones... they're lonely and self-loathing.

I'm fine with them "winning" the senate today , even in a sketchy way like this. Nothing really changes for me.

Perfect example of what I was talking about.
Lol this is just hysterical. You guys are constantly talking about how apocalyptic the inflation issue is for the economy but when it suits a certain narrative, you take a total soft stance on it. God you’re all so predictable with your hypocrisy.

I mean you basically should anyway. Inflation dropped to 7.7% in October. While that’s definitely still too high, economists say the rate will likely only go lower from here on out.

That remains to be seen. Just a few weeks ago they were predicting it would go higher now that Saudi told Dementia to go beat a salt bag.

As drained as our reserves are now, Dementia has no reason to use them any longer. Fuel goes up, so does inflation because everything in our economy is tied to fuel. Buyers remorse will quickly settle in.
The only guys more popular in the field were the comm guys that could get you a free call home from anywhere in the world and had those nice air conditioned trailers.
See? Now you're talkin my language. Air conditioning is worth a lot. :p

I'll tell you a funny story. I was a service tech the first year, when I needed to get the lay of the land. I'd be the guy with the tool kit who shows up at your door, 'hi, I'm here to fix your printer". Was down in SD, all the various places (a lot at the administration buildings, where all the printers were lol).

So one day they said, go align this disk drive down at Point Loma. Well, Point Loma is a pretty big place, but I get to the gate guard and he goes, "follow the road to the very end and someone will meet you". So I do, and there's this little hut with a radio antenna on it. And a guy comes out and says "follow me". And, turns out, there's nothing in the hut but an elevator.

And this was like 1981 or something, but this guy took out an ID card and stuck it in the slot, and then pulled a key out and stuck it in the elevator - and we went down down down till my ears were popping

Suddenly I'm getting excited, I'm like "hot dog, I'm gonna see some real technology now, maybe even the latest greatest". So I go "where are we?" and he says 'this is the underwater listening station for the west coast". And I'm like .. hm... Unix? Mainframes?

Nuh-uh. Guess what?


A very secure one though. Inside a big copper cage, y'know, in the event of war. :p

There's another half of the story, that I'll tell you later.

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