Danger Mouse in Norway: Capitalism


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Capitalism is intriguing, because it compels us to evaluate how competition can be negotiated peacefully.

This is a capitalism-yarn involving the British intelligence-officer mouse named Danger Mouse travelling to the historically peaceful/neutral Scandinavian nation of Norway and trying to establish profitable ties with England and America.


Danger Mouse was sent to Norway by British intelligence in the summer of 2018. His mission was to establish profitable commercial ties between Norway and England and America (regarding various emerged markets such as fast-food, soda-beverages, and athletic-gear). Danger Mouse was to assure the Norwegian government/leaders that England/America could provide the necessary infrastructural securities to promote commercial vitality for many years to come. However, Norwegians were concerned that England and America had become 'natural targets' of fundamentalism terrorists (e.g., ISIS) and were wary of opening new 'trade-gates.'

Danger Mouse knew the Norwegians' fear was substantiated (e.g., 9/11). He decided to continue to negotiate with Norway's leaders to look for promising new 'holes' and even 'loopholes' to make trade safe and secure. Danger Mouse suggested to the Norwegian government that they bond with the entire Scandinavian region and negotiate as a 'bloc' with England and America regarding trade-pacts. If Scandinavia negotiated as a bloc, emerging teamwork-oriented unions/alliances would make terrorism-oriented destabilization less ominous(!). The Norwegians finally (but reluctantly) agreed.

Danger Mouse returned to England and reported everything to British intelligence. Danger Mouse was awarded a special Medal of Intelligence by the Queen, and he decided to take a much-needed vacation to Switzerland where he could do some good skiing. Danger Mouse never forgot, however, the crucial role he played in forging important commercial ties between England, Norway, and America in a time when mass consumerism (e.g., Wall Street) was maddeningly confounded by anti-Western and anti-capitalism related terrorism (e.g., ISIS). Danger Mouse decided his special Medal of Intelligence was a decent 'capitalism-bravado award.'




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