Dangerous chemical locations can be withheld from the public



In a recently released decision by his office, Abbott, the Republican candidate for governor, said government entities can withhold the state records — in so-called Tier II reports — of dangerous chemical locations. The reports contain an inventory of hazardous chemicals.

But Abbott said homeowners who think they might live near stores of dangerous chemicals could simply ask the companies near their homes what substances are kept on site.

“This is nothing more than a pathetic attempt by Greg Abbott to paper over his deeply unpopular decision to keep dangerous chemical locations secret from parents, even when they are blocks from a school," said Davis spokesman Zac Petkanas. “The standard cannot be them going door to door asking blindly whether this location has the chemicals they’re worried about.”

Abbott: Ask Chemical Plants What's Inside | The Texas Tribune

It’s been well over a year since a fertilizer plant in West, Texas, exploded, killing 15 people and injuring more than 200 others, while leveling a significant part of the small town. In the immediate aftermath of the disaster, there were plenty of questions raised about prevention and public safety.

Indeed, as we talked about last year, it seemed like a good time for a conversation about the fact that the plant had no alarms, automatic shutoff system, or firewall. It was also time for a discussion about zoning laws that allowed a highly-explosive plant to be built across the street from two schools and a nursing home.

A year later, however, no new safeguards have been created.

The issue is coming to the fore again recently in the Lone Star State because Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott (R), the frontrunner in this year’s gubernatorial race, declared that state records on dangerous chemical locations can be withheld from the public.

Texas' Abbott: 'Drive around' to look for dangerous chemicals


I love it. Once again, Republicans showing contempt for the American people. And once again, USMB Republicans will call me a liar. We call that "win-win".
In a recently released decision by his office, Abbott, the Republican candidate for governor, said government entities can withhold the state records — in so-called Tier II reports — of dangerous chemical locations. The reports contain an inventory of hazardous chemicals.

But Abbott said homeowners who think they might live near stores of dangerous chemicals could simply ask the companies near their homes what substances are kept on site.

“This is nothing more than a pathetic attempt by Greg Abbott to paper over his deeply unpopular decision to keep dangerous chemical locations secret from parents, even when they are blocks from a school," said Davis spokesman Zac Petkanas. “The standard cannot be them going door to door asking blindly whether this location has the chemicals they’re worried about.”

Abbott: Ask Chemical Plants What's Inside | The Texas Tribune

It’s been well over a year since a fertilizer plant in West, Texas, exploded, killing 15 people and injuring more than 200 others, while leveling a significant part of the small town. In the immediate aftermath of the disaster, there were plenty of questions raised about prevention and public safety.

Indeed, as we talked about last year, it seemed like a good time for a conversation about the fact that the plant had no alarms, automatic shutoff system, or firewall. It was also time for a discussion about zoning laws that allowed a highly-explosive plant to be built across the street from two schools and a nursing home.

A year later, however, no new safeguards have been created.

The issue is coming to the fore again recently in the Lone Star State because Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott (R), the frontrunner in this year’s gubernatorial race, declared that state records on dangerous chemical locations can be withheld from the public.

Texas' Abbott: 'Drive around' to look for dangerous chemicals


I love it. Once again, Republicans showing contempt for the American people. And once again, USMB Republicans will call me a liar. We call that "win-win".

Obama says the same thing, why aren't you calling him out for it?

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