Dangers of a Biden Presidency

NoCookies | The Australian

Among them

1)a nuclear Iran
3)Multi trillion dollar budget
4)Excessive regulations
5)Middle East conflict
6)Huge tax increases

The Tax Increases could be a real problem.

Biden sees how other countries have a "VAT", a "value added tax" which is just a super high hidden sales tax. He'd love to bring that Atrocity here to America to punish the "Deplorable Chumps" who he despises.

Among them

1)a nuclear Iran
3)Multi trillion dollar budget
4)Excessive regulations
5)Middle East conflict
6)Huge tax increases

1) That is more of a threat under a Trump administration. The world pretty much had Iran where it wanted. Then Trump came in and listened to the worst of the worst.
2) Just stop. You have no idea what this word means.
3) Have you seen the deficit (pre-pandemic) under Trump? 1.2 trillion. A new record.
4) Sure. Polluting the air, water, and land is an awesome way to get consumers in your corner. Industry had adapted to regulations. Then came Trump and the worst of the worst.
5) Three podunk countries shaking hands with Israel does not a peace accord make. Until you solve the Palestinian issue, there will be conflict. Time to stop placating Israel and force them to sit down and solve it.
6) Again, for those that can't or won't grasp it, TAX cuts DO NOT increase revenues. They are a short term bump until the negatives outweigh the positives. Time to come up with a tax structure that affords the middle
of us to bear the least brunt of the load while taxing those corps that make billions of dollars of profit every year. Yes, they pay exactly what the government expects of them..and that's not even close to what they
should be paying.
Biden is a CENTRIST Democrat so the threat of socialism is benign, you right wing American monkeys need to look up and study what socialism is before repeating the threat of it over and over again.

Among them

1)a nuclear Iran
3)Multi trillion dollar budget
4)Excessive regulations
5)Middle East conflict
6)Huge tax increases

1) That is more of a threat under a Trump administration. The world pretty much had Iran where it wanted. Then Trump came in and listened to the worst of the worst.
2) Just stop. You have no idea what this word means.
3) Have you seen the deficit (pre-pandemic) under Trump? 1.2 trillion. A new record.
4) Sure. Polluting the air, water, and land is an awesome way to get consumers in your corner. Industry had adapted to regulations. Then came Trump and the worst of the worst.
5) Three podunk countries shaking hands with Israel does not a peace accord make. Until you solve the Palestinian issue, there will be conflict. Time to stop placating Israel and force them to sit down and solve it.
6) Again, for those that can't or won't grasp it, TAX cuts DO NOT increase revenues. They are a short term bump until the negatives outweigh the positives. Time to come up with a tax structure that affords the middle
of us to bear the least brunt of the load while taxing those corps that make billions of dollars of profit every year. Yes, they pay exactly what the government expects of them..and that's not even close to what they
should be paying.
4 Nobody's been polluting land and water under Trump
5 Since when did the palestinian issue become our problem
Even the arab countries don't want anything to do with it

Among them

1)a nuclear Iran
3)Multi trillion dollar budget
4)Excessive regulations
5)Middle East conflict
6)Huge tax increases

1) Donald Trump had started without any reasons a disaster in the international politics in context Iran, which the USA isolated totally in international politics.
2) The USA made a kind of socialism for the superrich under Donald Trump. In general people who have more money have more responsibslity and not less responsibility for the country, which made them rich. Trump on his own is a very good example how "socialism" (housing programme, public money) made his family rich. And to be thankful for this he payed as less taxes as legally possible (or less than this).
3) no comment
4) If you don't need "regulations" - I guess you think about laws in this context - then you don't need community but political chaos.
5) In Middle East is a conflict? Since when?
6) Taxes have to be fair. The tariffs of Trump are by the way as well regulations and taxes.

And in general: What do you know about the concrete politics of Mr. president Joe Biden in the year 2021 now in 2020?
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The Tax Increases could be a real problem.

Biden sees how other countries have a "VAT", a "value added tax" which is just a super high hidden sales tax. He'd love to bring that Atrocity here to America to punish the "Deplorable Chumps" who he despises.

VAT is the most regressive tax possible. Bai-Deng is serving his Oligarch master putting his foot in the face of the middle and lower castes.
Not bad considering a crippling China virus, that was welcomed by some to oust Trump.

Jobs: Labor Market Improves Due to ‘Continued Resumption of Economic Activity’

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics recently released a jobs report for October, stating total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 638,000, with the unemployment rate
declining to 6.9 percent.
According to the jobs report, “These improvements in the labor market reflect the continued resumption of economic activity that had been curtailed due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and efforts to contain it. In October, notable job gains occurred in leisure and hospitality, professional and business services, retail trade, and construction. Employment in government declined.”
Construction added 84,000 jobs in October. According to the report, specialty trade contractors added jobs, both in the non-residential (+28,000) and residential (+18,000) spaces. Employment also rose in heavy and civil engineering construction and in construction of buildings (+19,000 each). Construction has added 789,000 jobs in the last 6 months, but employment is down by 294,000 since February.
Add to that $5 a gallon gasoline and a declining economy

Bai-Deng also will end fracking and domestic oil to serve his Russian and Iranian sponsors. Now we know why Putin gave him that $3.5 million.

We always look at Bai-Deng as property of Communist China, but he is a whore who has sold himself to every enemy of America on Earth.
Biden is a CENTRIST Democrat so the threat of socialism is benign, you right wing American monkeys need to look up and study what socialism is before repeating the threat of it over and over again.

Bai-Deng is a radical left socialist who is in the pocket of Russian, China, and Iran.

I love when commies talk about Quid Pro as center - they define "center" as Mao Tse Tung.
Biden is a CENTRIST Democrat so the threat of socialism is benign, you right wing American monkeys need to look up and study what socialism is before repeating the threat of it over and over again.

Biden’s handler’s, his VP, and most of the Democrats in the Party are no Centrists and you know it. Egregious regulation, taxing the Middle Class, wealth redistribution, universal income..... these are not tenets of what made this nation great. Then again, it’s people from your side that are saying this nation was never great.

The onus is on your side to tell US what constitutes the definition of Socialism. Point out where socialism is successful and why and how it is successful.

Among them

1)a nuclear Iran
3)Multi trillion dollar budget
4)Excessive regulations
5)Middle East conflict
6)Huge tax increases

1. We will be embroiled in another corporate war within 2-3 years. Guaranteed.
2. Biden will push for more undocumented workers to enter the US to lower wages.
3. He will also push for paying off countries in Central America as well as paying a lot of money to the UN.
4. We are going to have to wear masks driving solo on the interstate. Outside of federal buildings that is as far as he can take that shit. Every nitwit on USMB will be extolling the virtues of mask wearing while driving alone in your car.
That is more of a threat under a Trump administration. The world pretty much had Iran where it wanted.

thanks to obama iran was on course to have nukes in 10 years

What's nonsense. Everyone knew that it was not the very best agreement the western world had with the Iran - but this solution needed more than 12 years. Donald Trump was cutting off a process of communication and tried to bring the Iran into a situation, where the Iran has nothing to lose any longer. And his arrogance and narcissism made him not clear that he has to do with Persia - a very important nation of world history. No one in history brought Persia into a situation without any chance, so this had not drastic consequences for the whole planet. A similar problem has Trump with China and others. Nations are not like human beings.

of course maybe thats what quislings like obama wanted

Obama is much more educated and much more intelligent than Donald Trump. By the way: The German ancestors of Barack Obama had lived since a longer time in the USA than the German ancestors of Donald Trump had lived in the USA. For Barack Obama were his German roots unimportant. And Donald Trump fought continously against this roots. To think that this has anything to do with a German influence in the USA is nonsense. We do not send Quislings into the world. Germany has less influence than any other nation of the "first world" in the USA, although about 1/3-2/5 of all US-Americans have a German ancestor.
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Among them

1)a nuclear Iran
3)Multi trillion dollar budget
4)Excessive regulations
5)Middle East conflict
6)Huge tax increases

1. Confirmed Compromised President (China, Russia...)
1,2 Push to remove Biden via the 25th Amendment
2. Economic Depression (Tax Increaser/Return of Massive Obama Regulations/15$ mIn Wage mandate)
3. COVID-19 Economic Lock-Downs / Mask Mandates
4. Green New Deal Push from Leftists
5. China
6. Attempt to eliminate the Filibuster
7. Attempt to Pack the Court

If the Congressional results of election stand the Democrats have little chance at #s 6 & 7
-- Still you never know how some Republicans will vote.

Among them

1)a nuclear Iran
3)Multi trillion dollar budget
4)Excessive regulations
5)Middle East conflict
6)Huge tax increases

1. We will be embroiled in another corporate war within 2-3 years. Guaranteed.

In case Trump had stayed to be president of the USA maybe a German had developed a weapon which had erased all US-Amreinas within 10 seconds from this planet - and then we had had the problem, that no one finds the construction plan or manual and another one had lost the key for the machine and so on and so on.

2. Biden will push for more undocumented workers to enter the US to lower wages.

One problem of the USA is it that the middle class becomes thinner. ... Helps this to solve this problem or helps this not to solve this problem? ...

3. He will also push for paying off countries in Central America as well as paying a lot of money to the UN.

And what is your problem in this context? You pay a little less than 700 millions to the UNO in 2020. Is this "a lot of money" for the USA? It's in theory about $2 a year for every inhabitant. But 90% of this money should be payed from the 50% of the richer people in the USA because the poorer 50% own only 10%.

4. We are going to have to wear masks driving solo on the interstate.

What's nonsense.

Outside of federal buildings that is as far as he can take that shit. Every nitwit on USMB will be extolling the virtues of mask wearing while driving alone in your car.


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