Dangers of a Biden Presidency

"Biden has lofty goals for student loans and the working class of America in general—and he says that the cost of his plans will be covered in part by raising taxes on corporations and the wealthiest households (those who make $400,000 or more per year).

"There’s no guarantee that any of Biden’s proposals will actually become law—they’ll have to pass in Congress. But here’s what could be on the table once Biden is inaugurated in January."

What Joe Biden’s Presidency Could Mean For Your Student Loans

Is he lying?:rolleyes:

Among them

1)a nuclear Iran
3)Multi trillion dollar budget
4)Excessive regulations
5)Middle East conflict
6)Huge tax increases

1. We will be embroiled in another corporate war within 2-3 years. Guaranteed.

In case Trump had stayed to be president of the USA maybe a German had developed a weapon which had erased all US-Amreinas within 10 seconds from this planet - and then we had had the problem, that no one finds the construction plan or manual and another one had lost the key for the machine and so on and so on.

2. Biden will push for more undocumented workers to enter the US to lower wages.

One problem of the USA is it that the middle class becomes thinner. ... Helps this to solve this problem or helps this not to solve this problem? ...

3. He will also push for paying off countries in Central America as well as paying a lot of money to the UN.

And what is your problem in this context? You pay a little less than 700 millions to the UNO in 2020. Is this "a lot of money" for the USA? It's in theory about $2 a year for every inhabitant. But 90% of this money should be payed from the 50% of the richer people in the USA because the poorer 50% own only 10%.

4. We are going to have to wear masks driving solo on the interstate.

What's nonsense.

Outside of federal buildings that is as far as he can take that shit. Every nitwit on USMB will be extolling the virtues of mask wearing while driving alone in your car.


Cut the shit. I have read you write in perfect English. Your inability to do so currently tells me that you are either a fuckin' crack head or you're a door knob sock. Everybody is taking a turn.

Among them

1)a nuclear Iran
3)Multi trillion dollar budget
4)Excessive regulations
5)Middle East conflict
6)Huge tax increases

1. We will be embroiled in another corporate war within 2-3 years. Guaranteed.

In case Trump had stayed to be president of the USA maybe a German had developed a weapon which had erased all US-Amreinas within 10 seconds from this planet - and then we had had the problem, that no one finds the construction plan or manual and another one had lost the key for the machine and so on and so on.

2. Biden will push for more undocumented workers to enter the US to lower wages.

One problem of the USA is it that the middle class becomes thinner. ... Helps this to solve this problem or helps this not to solve this problem? ...

3. He will also push for paying off countries in Central America as well as paying a lot of money to the UN.

And what is your problem in this context? You pay a little less than 700 millions to the UNO in 2020. Is this "a lot of money" for the USA? It's in theory about $2 a year for every inhabitant. But 90% of this money should be payed from the 50% of the richer people in the USA because the poorer 50% own only 10%.

4. We are going to have to wear masks driving solo on the interstate.

What's nonsense.

Outside of federal buildings that is as far as he can take that shit. Every nitwit on USMB will be extolling the virtues of mask wearing while driving alone in your car.


Cut the shit. I have read you write in perfect English. Your inability to do so currently tells me that you are either a fuckin' crack head

coffee head

or you're a door knob sock.

:lol: "Türknaufsocken" - nice word. You should learn German - you have a talent for our language.

Everybody is taking a turn.

"Jeder wendet sich ab?" ... Hmm ... No: "Jeder kommt an die Reihe." Got it. You are threatening me like a Nazi with murder. Unbelievable how deep sank the USA under Trump. What do you think by the way about the idea to overtake your soldiers in Europe including their equipment and make them to a kernel for an European army under command of the European Union? Would this help our ally USA?

Last edited:

Among them

1)a nuclear Iran
3)Multi trillion dollar budget
4)Excessive regulations
5)Middle East conflict
6)Huge tax increases

1. We will be embroiled in another corporate war within 2-3 years. Guaranteed.

In case Trump had stayed to be president of the USA maybe a German had developed a weapon which had erased all US-Amreinas within 10 seconds from this planet - and then we had had the problem, that no one finds the construction plan or manual and another one had lost the key for the machine and so on and so on.

2. Biden will push for more undocumented workers to enter the US to lower wages.

One problem of the USA is it that the middle class becomes thinner. ... Helps this to solve this problem or helps this not to solve this problem? ...

3. He will also push for paying off countries in Central America as well as paying a lot of money to the UN.

And what is your problem in this context? You pay a little less than 700 millions to the UNO in 2020. Is this "a lot of money" for the USA? It's in theory about $2 a year for every inhabitant. But 90% of this money should be payed from the 50% of the richer people in the USA because the poorer 50% own only 10%.

4. We are going to have to wear masks driving solo on the interstate.

What's nonsense.

Outside of federal buildings that is as far as he can take that shit. Every nitwit on USMB will be extolling the virtues of mask wearing while driving alone in your car.


Cut the shit. I have read you write in perfect English. Your inability to do so currently tells me that you are either a fuckin' crack head

coffee head

or you're a door knob sock.

:lol: "Türknaufsocken" - nice word. You should learn German - you have a talent for our language.

Everybody is taking a turn.

"Jeder wendet sich ab?" ... Hmm ... No: "Jeder kommt an die Reihe." Got it. You are threatening me like a Nazi with murder. Unbelievable how deep sank the USA under Trump. What do you think by the way about the idea to overtake your soldiers in Europe including their equipment and make them to a kernel for an European army under command of the European Union? Would this help our ally USA?

You're a little old lady seeking attention. Back on ignore you go.

Among them

1)a nuclear Iran
3)Multi trillion dollar budget
4)Excessive regulations
5)Middle East conflict
6)Huge tax increases

1. We will be embroiled in another corporate war within 2-3 years. Guaranteed.

In case Trump had stayed to be president of the USA maybe a German had developed a weapon which had erased all US-Amreinas within 10 seconds from this planet - and then we had had the problem, that no one finds the construction plan or manual and another one had lost the key for the machine and so on and so on.

2. Biden will push for more undocumented workers to enter the US to lower wages.

One problem of the USA is it that the middle class becomes thinner. ... Helps this to solve this problem or helps this not to solve this problem? ...

3. He will also push for paying off countries in Central America as well as paying a lot of money to the UN.

And what is your problem in this context? You pay a little less than 700 millions to the UNO in 2020. Is this "a lot of money" for the USA? It's in theory about $2 a year for every inhabitant. But 90% of this money should be payed from the 50% of the richer people in the USA because the poorer 50% own only 10%.

4. We are going to have to wear masks driving solo on the interstate.

What's nonsense.

Outside of federal buildings that is as far as he can take that shit. Every nitwit on USMB will be extolling the virtues of mask wearing while driving alone in your car.


F OFF Hans.

Among them

1)a nuclear Iran
3)Multi trillion dollar budget
4)Excessive regulations
5)Middle East conflict
6)Huge tax increases
Viktor, you don't make over $400k a year.

Having a no -nuke agreement with Iran means no nukes. Why is that so hard for you dumbasses to get?

You don't know what socialism really is.

Regulations return to protect the air, water, workers are needed.

We've had a multi-trillion dollar budget for years including under your orange god.

Among them

1)a nuclear Iran
3)Multi trillion dollar budget
4)Excessive regulations
5)Middle East conflict
6)Huge tax increases

There are other problems a Biden administration can bring, although a Republican Senate can stop some of them.

His promise for a $15.00 national minimum wage is one. Increasing the MW that much will not only cause inflation, but create a domino effect thus raising wages for nearly everybody. While that looks good on paper, what it does is price us further away from the world market. More jobs going overseas. Jobs that can't be transferred overseas will cause industry to make more investments in automation to replace humans. More outsourcing. More cheap imported products putting Americans out of work.

His plans to destroy the suburbs. How is he going to do that? By putting an Obama exit policy on steroids. He has been working on this behind the scenes with Cory Booker. What they want to do is move in low-income, high-crime lowlifes into middle and upper-class suburbia. They will use the threat of withholding any federal money to those now safe and secure cities. It includes forcing them to remove restrictions on multi-housing units. Some suburbs have a minimum square footage regulation as well to keep low income people out. Your nice park or playground could become project buildings. It means much higher crime which will mean more police and emergency services, making schools more dangerous, stores and industry moving out for higher grounds, and that will result in huge property value losses.

His plans to mandate all public schools allow weirdos in dresses to compete in female athletics. While this may not be a huge national crisis, if you have a daughter in high school that is athletically talented, this may mean she won't get that trophy she rightfully deserves. It may also cost her a college scholarship she worked so hard for.
Viktor, you don't make over $400k a year.

Having a no -nuke agreement with Iran means no nukes. Why is that so hard for you dumbasses to get?

You don't know what socialism really is.

Regulations return to protect the air, water, workers are needed.

We've had a multi-trillion dollar budget for years including under your orange god.

A no nuke agreement means that Iran will just continue to build them away from sight where we can't see it. It was a kick the can down the road policy so somebody else has to deal with the problem later on. If you don't know what socialism is, learn what Communism is. You can find out what it is by visiting the US Communist website. There you will see their agenda is very similar to the Democrat party. Also if you go there, search presidential candidates to see who they supported and who they despised.

All appropriation bills originate from the House, not the President. The President can only create a budget, but it's up to the House to accept it or not, and we've been under a Democrat led House for two years. In fact if you look at this stimulus package that's been stalled for months, it's because the Democrats insist on spending more and the Republicans insist on spending less.

We on the right do not vote based on what's good for us personally, we vote what's good for the country. The Democrats vote the opposite way. So it doesn't matter if Viktor makes over 400K or not, it's the fact it's unfair to tax people more who are already paying most of our federal income taxes anyway. Nearly half our country pays no income taxes at all. If we are to tax anybody, it should be those people.
Viktor, you don't make over $400k a year.

Having a no -nuke agreement with Iran means no nukes. Why is that so hard for you dumbasses to get?

You don't know what socialism really is.

Regulations return to protect the air, water, workers are needed.

We've had a multi-trillion dollar budget for years including under your orange god.

A no nuke agreement means that Iran will just continue to build them away from sight where we can't see it. It was a kick the can down the road policy so somebody else has to deal with the problem later on. If you don't know what socialism is, learn what Communism is. You can find out what it is by visiting the US Communist website. There you will see their agenda is very similar to the Democrat party. Also if you go there, search presidential candidates to see who they supported and who they despised.

All appropriation bills originate from the House, not the President. The President can only create a budget, but it's up to the House to accept it or not, and we've been under a Democrat led House for two years. In fact if you look at this stimulus package that's been stalled for months, it's because the Democrats insist on spending more and the Republicans insist on spending less.

We on the right do not vote based on what's good for us personally, we vote what's good for the country. The Democrats vote the opposite way. So it doesn't matter if Viktor makes over 400K or not, it's the fact it's unfair to tax people more who are already paying most of our federal income taxes anyway. Nearly half our country pays no income taxes at all. If we are to tax anybody, it should be those people.
Well, socialism is government ownership of business. You assfucks run in circles screaming "OMG OMG OMG socialism" and have zero clue what it is.

So with Iran, we should do nothing because they are building nukes on the sly? Based on what proof? Did lying fuck Donnie tell you?

The President sends the House his budget, dumbass. Trump brags about his tax cuts that slashed revenues as he bragged about increasing military spending.

So your plan is to tax the "poor". Great plan.

No wonder you love Trump, you're both dumber than shit.
Well, socialism is government ownership of business. You assfucks run in circles screaming "OMG OMG OMG socialism" and have zero clue what it is.

So with Iran, we should do nothing because they are building nukes on the sly? Based on what proof? Did lying fuck Donnie tell you?

The President sends the House his budget, dumbass. Trump brags about his tax cuts that slashed revenues as he bragged about increasing military spending.

So your plan is to tax the "poor". Great plan.

No wonder you love Trump, you're both dumber than shit.

No, Socialism is not government owns business, it's the theory that all businesses belong to the citizens and ran by the government. The Iran agreement was violated in the first couple of weeks and should have been withdrawn right there and then. The President sends the House HIS budget, but they can change or eliminate every single item in there. That's what the House does. Only they determine how much they are willing to spend and on what.

Yes, tax the poor. The poor don't mind voting in people who will take from others to give to them, and that's what's wrong with our election system. It's why our founders knew letting everybody vote would be a problem. The actual right to vote was never in the original Constitution. It was amended later on.

If people don't have a dog in the race, they could care less about spending or taxation. If everybody had to pay into the income tax system, people would be more frugal about how our representative spend money and what they spend it on. What we need is a consumption tax specifically to pay down the debt; say ten cents on every dollar spent. Once people realize nothing is free, they will be more concerned about our debt once they are helping to pay for it.

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