Dangers of Joe Biden

It looks like he did not mean many of the things he promised
I think his promise of a return to "normalcy" means a continuation of neoliberal economic policies that will only widen economic inequality in the US.

Your link:

"Biden’s vision of normalcy is as dangerous as the radical agenda offered by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.).

"One only has to look at the team Biden has assembled for his transition to realize that normalcy means returning to the same corporate and cultural prescription that the governing class championed for decades.

"It is the continued managed decline of the working-class."

The only danger with Joe is that he might die before his term is up and Kamaltoe Harris will be Prez.

It looks like he did not mean many of the things he promised
Of course he didn't. Many of the things he promised he simply lacks the power to accomplish. But, it was never about policy. Not really.

What's important are the billionaires have a return to profit under Joe.

It looks like he did not mean many of the things he promised
Coming from right wingers who voted for a reality tv guy not an established republican; how droll.
Dangers of Biden/Harris:
Respecting diversity

Yeah sounds “terrible”

It looks like he did not mean many of the things he promised
Coming from right wingers who voted for a reality tv guy not an established republican; how droll.
He's the only president in modern history who has kept ALL of his campaign promises.
Not bad for a reality tv guy.
According to this link, the Center for Responsive Politics, using date collected by the Federal Election Commission, the Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate industries (FIRE sector) donated a stunning $201,675,240 to Biden's campaign and supporting PACs.

Lawyers and Lobbyists gifted another $52,378,087 to "Lunch-Bucket Joe."

That quarter-of-a-billion corporate dollars is just a fraction of the more than $1 billion that Biden and his supporting PACs raised.

Back to normal?:stir:

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