Daniel Perry found guilty of murder

Nah, they were normal. They were removed because they knew you'd start having to about taboo stuff...Catholic Church stuff.
Typical fascist thinking: the murderer is the victim, the victim is the oppressor, but laugh at his corpse for the fuck of it.

You're a sick fuck. Book an appointment with a therapist and tell them to up your dosage.
Respond to criminals pointing a ak47 at cops.. ..

Dont troll your better then this
“Protesting police violence”

Blm is a racist group and an insult to the cops of all religions and colors…cops are our friends , family and neighbors

So if a few teachers shoot someone which happens …are there mass protests by blm ?

Wow blm is very ugly, they lack common sense and are a insult to America

Eventually blm will be defeated they have no place in this country
Far lefties lack decency….

Traditional Americans should stay focused and cool..that’s how we defeat the racist anti police blm leaders.
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Respond to criminals pointing a ak47 at cops.. ..

Dont troll your better then this
The criminal was the one convicted of a crime by a jury of his peers.
He was no cop.
Supply material evidence supporting your claim that the victim was pointing his AK47 at the perp or knock off the BS. Supply material evidence supporting any of the claims made by the convict while you're at it.

But the District Attorney in Austin is a radical with an agenda. The District Attorney ignored the lead detective and decided to charge Daniel with felony murder, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, and deadly conduct.

^^^This. They aren't about 'law and order', as they've suddenly been claiming just the last week or so. They're pure vermin, and they most certainly aren't the least concerned about 'the little people'.
The criminal was the one convicted of a crime by a jury of his peers.
He was no cop.
Supply material evidence supporting your claim that the victim was pointing his AK47 at the perp or knock off the BS. Supply material evidence supporting any of the claims made by the convict while you're at it.

Perry was found guilty of being white and working class, period. You scum are simply obnoxious degenerate punks.
So AntiFA can surround your car, point AK's at you and you can't do anything about it

This country is fucked

Too true.

Tucker covered this case last night. The DA in Austin is apparently another Soros DA working to undermine society.

The shame is that Governor Abbott seems to have no interest in the proper remedy for this situation, a pardon from the governor. If Abbott allows this gross injustice to stand he will have revealed his true colors.
There’s no more excuses for the far left when your car is surrounded by a mob and a man is pointing AK-47 at you you have every right to defend yourself. The far left posters on the US message board have a deprived mindset they need help. We can pray for them as they are clearly motivated by the devil they do not care about an innocent man languishing in jail. There is a certain Bloodthirst when it comes to the far left.

What the heck is wrong with Democrats on the US message board…. they’re completely crazy. This army veteran had a gun pointed at him he therefore has a right to defend himself that’s it.

This case represents a miscarriage of justice
Too true.

Tucker covered this case last night. The DA in Austin is apparently another Soros DA working to undermine society.

The shame is that Governor Abbott seems to have no interest in the proper remedy for this situation, a pardon from the governor. If Abbott allows this gross injustice to stand he will have revealed his true colors.

Well, that's because the GOP leadership doesn't give any more of a fuck about America than their DNC fraternity bros do; they primarily fish for big bribes from corporations same as Democrats do for th emost part. We saw this when they passed one of Bidenn's budgets, and their first priority immediately after gaining a slim majority in the House was to hold a vote on cutting taxes for mutinationals who have been selling out the country since Reagan and jacking up taxes on the working and middle classes by 23% via their laughably named 'Fair Tax Bill'. Trump voters for the most part are indies, not Party stooges., but the RNC is too stupid and corrupt to note they aren't that popular themselves.

DA caught hiding exculpatory evidence.
Makes me sick the miscarriage of justice that happen across this country cause of corrupt communists

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