Daniel Perry found guilty of murder

Interesting viewpoint. Is that from getting only half the story, by getting your news from Twitter? Here is what the Austin paper had to say about the incident and trial, as the murder occurred there.

"The Austin paper".

So AntiFA can surround your car, point AK's at you and you can't do anything about it

This country is fucked

The upshot of this story is, as I tell many people I know, STAY AWAY FROM BLUE CITIES. They are dirty, dangerous shitholes where law-abiding people are NOT safe.
The upshot of this story is, as I tell many people I know, STAY AWAY FROM BLUE CITIES. They are dirty, dangerous shitholes where law-abiding people are NOT safe.
White Fight, Not White Flight

In 1967, what did the Israelis do about Jerusalem being turned into a shithole by the Paleonasties? They took it back.
So AntiFA can surround your car, point AK's at you and you can't do anything about it

This country is fucked

He forgot to get this:

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