Danish teen girl will be charged for fighting off rapist.

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To libtards like PaintMyFuckingOutHouse there is no justification for Westerners EVER defending themselves against people of color.
Nonsense, utter.

You've already contradicted yourself by claiming you are for law and order then saying it was OK to break the law because you didn't agree with it.
The States and the Feds fight. I support the States trying things out, and the Feds are behind the times on this. Still, you get nailed by the Feds, can't help you much as they are the big dog.
If someone is in danger of being raped, then that person has a human right to be able to defend themselves and with whatever means are on hand.

In the Leftist mind though ONLY "refugees" have human rights....the rest of us are just crap of course :rolleyes-41:
Neither statement is true.
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You people are sick in the head.

NO!! just PMH and the other nit wit liberscum!!
Tell us, do you have a problem with Do the Crime, Do the Time?
Obviously, you would much rather prefer the rapist "do the time", then? Fuck the victim (literally), she doesn't matter. Her ruined life doesn't matter. If she were a muslim daughter, it wouldn't matter that her "loving" family would kill her because some uncontrolled pigtard just had to poke his dick into her?
Try to keep your emotions in check, and deal with the fact that two wrongs don''t make a right.
Try to keep your liberal/progressive PC feelings in check and deal with the fact that they girl did what was necessary to protect herself because her government prefers to protect the fucking (literally) animal that would have ruined her life. Where are the media reports that said animal has been apprehended, castrated, and sent back to his point of origin?
To libtards like PaintMyFuckingOutHouse there is no justification for Westerners EVER defending themselves against people of color.
Nonsense, utter.

You've already contradicted yourself by claiming you are for law and order then saying it was OK to break the law because you didn't agree with it.
The States and the Feds fight. I support the States trying things out, and the Feds are behind the times on this. Still, you get nailed by the Feds, can't help you much as they are the big dog.

In other words, you support breaking the law in place when you don't like it but hold this girl's feet to the fire because she did so defending herself. Got it hypocrite.
It is against the law to profit from the sale of tissue across state lines. It i not against the law to tack on reasonable costs to the handling of the tissue transported.

Fetal tissue cannot be directly transplanted but the tissue can be used to grow organs which are then transplanted.

the soliciting of tissue, which is what the video makers were doing is against the law.

The requests were obviously nothing more than enticements to get PP to reveal their business of selling baby parts, and cretins like you are defending that whole industry.

How can you defend the profiteering of the murder of innocent unborn babies?

Were you in a Death Camp, you would have been kicking Jews in the face to cram more in the ovens and get your extra slice of potato?
It is against the law to profit from the sale of tissue across state lines. It i not against the law to tack on reasonable costs to the handling of the tissue transported.

Fetal tissue cannot be directly transplanted but the tissue can be used to grow organs which are then transplanted.

the soliciting of tissue, which is what the video makers were doing is against the law.

The requests were obviously nothing more than enticements to get PP to reveal their business of selling baby parts, and cretins like you are defending that whole industry.

How can you defend the profiteering of the murder of innocent unborn babies?

Were you in a Death Camp, you would have been kicking Jews in the face to cram more in the ovens and get your extra slice of potato?
Someone should investigate them!
You people are sick in the head.

NO!! just PMH and the other nit wit liberscum!!
Tell us, do you have a problem with Do the Crime, Do the Time?
Obviously, you would much rather prefer the rapist "do the time", then? Fuck the victim (literally), she doesn't matter. Her ruined life doesn't matter. If she were a muslim daughter, it wouldn't matter that her "loving" family would kill her because some uncontrolled pigtard just had to poke his dick into her?
Try to keep your emotions in check, and deal with the fact that two wrongs don''t make a right.
Try to keep your liberal/progressive PC feelings in check and deal with the fact that they girl did what was necessary to protect herself because her government prefers to protect the fucking (literally) animal that would have ruined her life. Where are the media reports that said animal has been apprehended, castrated, and sent back to his point of origin?
More emotions. He broke the law, and she broke the law. Why would she get a pass?
Should she have let herself get raped in order to satisfy morons like you?

Of course she should have darling. You know people like us, we just need to get with the programme already!

THIS programme :rolleyes-41:

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That's what PaintMyHouse thinks. If he has a daughter, maybe she'll be a victim some day.
I would never wish such horror on his daughter.

I didn't wish it on her. For those like him that have a problem with this FEMALE defending herself, I wonder if he would have a problem if it was his daughter. Would his opinion about what she did be she did wrong in that case?
Her self-defense is not the problem, the banned weapon is. Thought you were the Law and Order type, ordinance-writer?
What alternative weapon would you suggest?
To libtards like PaintMyFuckingOutHouse there is no justification for Westerners EVER defending themselves against people of color.
Nonsense, utter.

You've already contradicted yourself by claiming you are for law and order then saying it was OK to break the law because you didn't agree with it.
The States and the Feds fight. I support the States trying things out, and the Feds are behind the times on this. Still, you get nailed by the Feds, can't help you much as they are the big dog.

In other words, you support breaking the law in place when you don't like it but hold this girl's feet to the fire because she did so defending herself. Got it hypocrite.
See just above.
Of course she should have darling. You know people like us, we just need to get with the programme already!

THIS programme :rolleyes-41:

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View attachment 61314

That's what PaintMyHouse thinks. If he has a daughter, maybe she'll be a victim some day.
I would never wish such horror on his daughter.

I didn't wish it on her. For those like him that have a problem with this FEMALE defending herself, I wonder if he would have a problem if it was his daughter. Would his opinion about what she did be she did wrong in that case?
Her self-defense is not the problem, the banned weapon is. Thought you were the Law and Order type, ordinance-writer?
What alternative weapon would you suggest?
Anything that was legal, which is all that she should have been in possession of eh? That is the law.
NO!! just PMH and the other nit wit liberscum!!
Tell us, do you have a problem with Do the Crime, Do the Time?
Obviously, you would much rather prefer the rapist "do the time", then? Fuck the victim (literally), she doesn't matter. Her ruined life doesn't matter. If she were a muslim daughter, it wouldn't matter that her "loving" family would kill her because some uncontrolled pigtard just had to poke his dick into her?
Try to keep your emotions in check, and deal with the fact that two wrongs don''t make a right.
Try to keep your liberal/progressive PC feelings in check and deal with the fact that they girl did what was necessary to protect herself because her government prefers to protect the fucking (literally) animal that would have ruined her life. Where are the media reports that said animal has been apprehended, castrated, and sent back to his point of origin?
More emotions. He broke the law, and she broke the law. Why would she get a pass?
Would you rather he get a pass?
I would never wish such horror on his daughter.

I didn't wish it on her. For those like him that have a problem with this FEMALE defending herself, I wonder if he would have a problem if it was his daughter. Would his opinion about what she did be she did wrong in that case?

I choose not to read his posts, but I gather he has said it was her own fault and thus she deserved to be raped, or something of this nature?

That's not what he said...or even implied.

Well others commenting, just reading their responses to him, and also for the reasons why I choose not to read his comments, I think it's the usual pro-"refugee", pro-anyone and anti-native population of your own nation stuff that he's prone to commenting.
Then you are relying on the interpretation of the permanently outraged.
Don't trust them to give you the real facts.

With regard to rape, I can't comment on the Colorado stuff as of course I choose not to read his posts. However, rape....IF some savage came at me, I'd kick him in the testicles, text a group of male friends telling them to get to the spot and pronto, then he'd be told IF he ever thought about doing this again he'd have his testicles cut off and fed to him and if anyone had a problem with that, tough shit.

If I had had any weapon at hand, I'd slash him and tell him did he want me to cut his testicles off and feed them to him.
To libtards like PaintMyFuckingOutHouse there is no justification for Westerners EVER defending themselves against people of color.
Nonsense, utter.

You've already contradicted yourself by claiming you are for law and order then saying it was OK to break the law because you didn't agree with it.
The States and the Feds fight. I support the States trying things out, and the Feds are behind the times on this. Still, you get nailed by the Feds, can't help you much as they are the big dog.

In other words, you support breaking the law in place when you don't like it but hold this girl's feet to the fire because she did so defending herself. Got it hypocrite.
See just above.

In other words, you support breaking the law and try to justify it when it suits you. I had it the first time.
Tell us, do you have a problem with Do the Crime, Do the Time?
Obviously, you would much rather prefer the rapist "do the time", then? Fuck the victim (literally), she doesn't matter. Her ruined life doesn't matter. If she were a muslim daughter, it wouldn't matter that her "loving" family would kill her because some uncontrolled pigtard just had to poke his dick into her?
Try to keep your emotions in check, and deal with the fact that two wrongs don''t make a right.
Try to keep your liberal/progressive PC feelings in check and deal with the fact that they girl did what was necessary to protect herself because her government prefers to protect the fucking (literally) animal that would have ruined her life. Where are the media reports that said animal has been apprehended, castrated, and sent back to his point of origin?
More emotions. He broke the law, and she broke the law. Why would she get a pass?
Would you rather he get a pass?
Nope. Two broke the law, and one had better reasons, but that doesn't change the fact that laws were broken eh?
Someone should investigate them!
Lol, this moron apparently has never heard of the Nuremburg Trials, lol

Nonsense, utter.

You've already contradicted yourself by claiming you are for law and order then saying it was OK to break the law because you didn't agree with it.
The States and the Feds fight. I support the States trying things out, and the Feds are behind the times on this. Still, you get nailed by the Feds, can't help you much as they are the big dog.

In other words, you support breaking the law in place when you don't like it but hold this girl's feet to the fire because she did so defending herself. Got it hypocrite.
See just above.

In other words, you support breaking the law and try to justify it when it suits you. I had it the first time.
Many can justify it, but you are usually still charged, as this girl should be. She used a banned weapon and that is against the law.
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