Danish teen girl will be charged for fighting off rapist.

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He has no point. When he said, on a different issue, that it's OK to break a law you don't like and tries to justify it, to then say this girl shouldn't have broken the law, the only point that needs to be addressed with him is that he has no credibility. To say this girl should have followed the law then say I didn't like this other law so it's OK that I break it, is called hypocritical and invalidates any argument you have.

Much worse than the mere hypocrisy, is this: If the law were obeyed, then this Danish girl would have been raped, and possibly otherwise seriously harmed or even murdered. Those who are arguing that she should have followed the law are arguing for this outcome. No matter how they try to spin it, they are arguing that this girl should have allowed herself to be raped and possibly murdered.
Since, as you Liberals say, federal law trumps State law, they should.

And the liberals are wrong. The Supremacy Clause does say the federal constitution is above state constitutions but it does NOT say federal law is above state law.
Much worse than the mere hypocrisy, is this: If the law were obeyed, then this Danish girl would have been raped, and possibly otherwise seriously harmed or even murdered. Those who are arguing that she should have followed the law are arguing for this outcome. No matter how they try to spin it, they are arguing that this girl should have allowed herself to be raped and possibly murdered.

And the same liberals who say the girl should obey the law do not object when thousands of foreigners illegally invade her country.
That's not what he said...or even implied.

Well others commenting, just reading their responses to him, and also for the reasons why I choose not to read his comments, I think it's the usual pro-"refugee", pro-anyone and anti-native population of your own nation stuff that he's prone to commenting.
Then you are relying on the interpretation of the permanently outraged.
Don't trust them to give you the real facts.

With regard to rape, I can't comment on the Colorado stuff as of course I choose not to read his posts. However, rape....IF some savage came at me, I'd kick him in the testicles, text a group of male friends telling them to get to the spot and pronto, then he'd be told IF he ever thought about doing this again he'd have his testicles cut off and fed to him and if anyone had a problem with that, tough shit.

If I had had any weapon at hand, I'd slash him and tell him did he want me to cut his testicles off and feed them to him.
That's not the point of his posts.

No one wanted this girl to be raped.
Everybody's glad that she had the pepper spray on hand and fought the filthy bastard off.
If she is to be charged because pepper spray is against the law then that is the law.
Can the police choose which laws they are going to enforce and which ones they aren't?

We all hope under the circumstances that she isn't prosecuted.

He has no point. When he said, on a different issue, that it's OK to break a law you don't like and tries to justify it, to then say this girl shouldn't have broken the law, the only point that needs to be addressed with him is that he has no credibility. To say this girl should have followed the law then say I didn't like this other law so it's OK that I break it, is called hypocritical and invalidates any argument you have.

This was what I was understanding from various posts.
Much worse than the mere hypocrisy, is this: If the law were obeyed, then this Danish girl would have been raped, and possibly otherwise seriously harmed or even murdered. Those who are arguing that she should have followed the law are arguing for this outcome. No matter how they try to spin it, they are arguing that this girl should have allowed herself to be raped and possibly murdered.

And the same liberals who say the girl should obey the law do not object when thousands of foreigners illegally invade her country.

And justify illegals being here because, as they put it, "they are only people trying to better themselves".
And the liberals are wrong. The Supremacy Clause does say the federal constitution is above state constitutions but it does NOT say federal law is above state law.

See also, the Tenth Amendment.

The federal government has no authority to act at all in matters that the Construction does not specifically delegate thereto, much less to override state actions in such matters.
fetus is not a separate life but a parasite living off the woman.

An unborn baby is not a parasite as it has its own separate intelligence and is a human life; it is not some insect.

That isthe root issue here; too many of you libs have forgotten that human life is sacred.

Once removed it has no life of it's own.

Which proves nothing. Children depend on their parents for staying alive till they are at least about ten years old.

A child after birth can live without a mother. A child in the first two trimesters cannot. They don't have a developed brain or organs or even structural system. They are not infants, they are early formations of a fetus.

A woman has a right to decide when she wants or if she wants to become a mother. She is not a baby factory or slave breeding stock. She might have other ambitions in life. She might have heath issues that would be complicated by a pregnancy. She might not want to have her body deformed over the better part of a year. She just might no be the nurturing type. She might have been a victim if abuse or rape. She might be too young or too mentally immature to be a mother. She might have a disability.
Her reasons are her own. The choice it her own. It is not something she should be forced to do.

What happens to the tissue afterwards is also her choice.

She is not paid for the tissue nor is PP. PP and tissue banks have handling and processing expenses they are legally allowed to charge for. Not the same as changing for the tissue. on an open auction a fetus might be worth thousands. PP charges from fifty to a hundred for handling and transporting, not so different from handling of other human tissue or blood for lab testing. They have to package and store the tissue till it is transported. Can't just shove it in the lunch room fridge.

Tissue banks and medical bio transporters can bid on fees for handling, not on the tissue itself.

Its legal. Nothing morally repugnant. It is otherwise just bio waste, which also has expenses and regulations to dispose of properly.

tissue to potentially save lives or ash to feed plants and worms. Why is that so hard a choice?

You have more concern for a few week old fetus that is not wanted than for human lives that might benefit from research?

A few week old fetus is not an new born infant. A fetus is not living on its own, it lives off a woman, it take from from her nutrition and has her body process out the waste. It saps from her bones and tissue. It is subject to her immune system. It is affected by her diet and habits. It is not a separate life form, just cuddling to stay warm. It can't be handed off when it become uncomfortable. Her body become sick trying to get rid of it. Hormones can have very negative and even violent havoc on her and her life.

Pregnancy is not easy, child birth is worse. You have to be ready and want it. You have to take the time to get regular checkup and proper diet and exercise. You have to be willing for the commitment, even if just the nine months. It is not a school project of keeping an egg in a fanny pouch for a few days and turn it over a few times.

When it is right it can be wonderful experience. It is not always right for all women.

Yes she does. When she lies does and spreads her legs, whether the intention was to get pregnant or not, she's made the choice then. Excuses like you give her to be able to kill what resulted from that choice are invalid. If they really mattered to her, she would have considered them beforehand and maybe made a different choice. That they are considered only after the results of an action that produced the pregnancy makes them an excuse not a reason. For example, if she's too young or immature to be a mother, isn't she too young and immature to have sex? That's the double standard people like you apply.

You're another one that thinks someone that makes a choice to do what she knows can cause pregnancy then ridding herself of it because she doesn't like the results is OK. That means you oppose personal responsibility.

If you don't want the commitment, don't take the original action that produces it. She'll commit to having sex with anyone but won't commit to being responsible for the result.

Then men are responsible for thousands of the world's children each and are dead beat dads.

Sex is a necessary part of live for health and well being. Women have been using, or making men use, birth control since the dawn of civilization. They have also learned what herbs, plants and methods to end an unwanted pregnancy. Now women go to doctors and clinics.

Today women in some areas are being warned not to have children for two years because of the threat of crippling birth defects. You don't have the right to judge them for aborting a fetus because of a brain deformity or terminate early and wait two years or till the danger has been controlled.

When a woman is ready to be a mother, she will do so with love and joy. It should not be forced on her.
You mean cried like a little bitch.
One should leave out family in such discussions even if they invite it.

It's just ban bait.

It was so much an invitation but baiting him to prove he wasn't as smart as he claimed. He proclaimed he was smarter and that I would go go to the mods and whine that he was picking on me. I posted what I did and proclaimed he would go to the mods. Seems I was correct and he was wrong.
It was so much an invitation but baiting him to prove he wasn't as smart as he claimed. He proclaimed he was smarter and that I would go go to the mods and whine that he was picking on me. I posted what I did and proclaimed he would go to the mods. Seems I was correct and he was wrong.

Well, if the win is more important to you than not getting a ban, so be it.
You mean cried like a little bitch.
One should leave out family in such discussions even if they invite it.

It's just ban bait.

It was so much an invitation but baiting him to prove he wasn't as smart as he claimed. He proclaimed he was smarter and that I would go go to the mods and whine that he was picking on me. I posted what I did and proclaimed he would go to the mods. Seems I was correct and he was wrong.
I play by the rules now, which means trolling gets reported. Suck it, little man.
There goes any thought of you being a man.
That train should have left with the third post of his you ever read, lol.

He brought up something about the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). I feel it is a handout just like other social welfare programs. He said that I avoided taxes, his words, by using Schedule E for my rental property. Once again, he proved he wasn't as smart as he claimed by equating a DEDUCTION for a legitimate business expense with a CREDIT someone gets for existing. That's when he claimed to be smarter and make his prediction about me going to the mods because he was picking on me.
It was so much an invitation but baiting him to prove he wasn't as smart as he claimed. He proclaimed he was smarter and that I would go go to the mods and whine that he was picking on me. I posted what I did and proclaimed he would go to the mods. Seems I was correct and he was wrong.

Well, if the win is more important to you than not getting a ban, so be it.

I don't lose nor do I care about a ban. It won't be the first time with either one. I would rather be correct and deal with the consequences knowing I'm right than be wrong and lose.
You mean cried like a little bitch.
One should leave out family in such discussions even if they invite it.

It's just ban bait.

It was so much an invitation but baiting him to prove he wasn't as smart as he claimed. He proclaimed he was smarter and that I would go go to the mods and whine that he was picking on me. I posted what I did and proclaimed he would go to the mods. Seems I was correct and he was wrong.
I play by the rules now, which means trolling gets reported. Suck it, little man.

Your mere existence is a violation of the rules and laws of nature. That you can't take it proves you're the one sucking it.
You mean cried like a little bitch.
One should leave out family in such discussions even if they invite it.

It's just ban bait.

It was so much an invitation but baiting him to prove he wasn't as smart as he claimed. He proclaimed he was smarter and that I would go go to the mods and whine that he was picking on me. I posted what I did and proclaimed he would go to the mods. Seems I was correct and he was wrong.
I play by the rules now, which means trolling gets reported. Suck it, little man.

Your mere existence is a violation of the rules and laws of nature. That you can't take it proves you're the one sucking it.
Until I got tired of being the only one banned, I never reported. Now I even report the Mods. And, how about telling us why, so we can get back on subject, this girl who also committed a crime shouldn't also be charged with one?
You mean cried like a little bitch.
One should leave out family in such discussions even if they invite it.

It's just ban bait.

It was so much an invitation but baiting him to prove he wasn't as smart as he claimed. He proclaimed he was smarter and that I would go go to the mods and whine that he was picking on me. I posted what I did and proclaimed he would go to the mods. Seems I was correct and he was wrong.
I play by the rules now, which means trolling gets reported. Suck it, little man.

Your mere existence is a violation of the rules and laws of nature. That you can't take it proves you're the one sucking it.
Until I got tired of being the only one banned, I never reported. Now I even report the Mods. And, how about telling us why, so we can get back on subject, this girl who also committed a crime shouldn't also be charged with one?

So you admit being a pussy.

Tell us why you would rather have her be raped than defend herself. That's what you wished would have happened to her. Be honest BOY.
fetus is not a separate life but a parasite living off the woman.

An unborn baby is not a parasite as it has its own separate intelligence and is a human life; it is not some insect.

That isthe root issue here; too many of you libs have forgotten that human life is sacred.

Once removed it has no life of it's own.

Which proves nothing. Children depend on their parents for staying alive till they are at least about ten years old.

A child after birth can live without a mother. A child in the first two trimesters cannot. They don't have a developed brain or organs or even structural system. They are not infants, they are early formations of a fetus.

A woman has a right to decide when she wants or if she wants to become a mother. She is not a baby factory or slave breeding stock. She might have other ambitions in life. She might have heath issues that would be complicated by a pregnancy. She might not want to have her body deformed over the better part of a year. She just might no be the nurturing type. She might have been a victim if abuse or rape. She might be too young or too mentally immature to be a mother. She might have a disability.
Her reasons are her own. The choice it her own. It is not something she should be forced to do.

What happens to the tissue afterwards is also her choice.

She is not paid for the tissue nor is PP. PP and tissue banks have handling and processing expenses they are legally allowed to charge for. Not the same as changing for the tissue. on an open auction a fetus might be worth thousands. PP charges from fifty to a hundred for handling and transporting, not so different from handling of other human tissue or blood for lab testing. They have to package and store the tissue till it is transported. Can't just shove it in the lunch room fridge.

Tissue banks and medical bio transporters can bid on fees for handling, not on the tissue itself.

Its legal. Nothing morally repugnant. It is otherwise just bio waste, which also has expenses and regulations to dispose of properly.

tissue to potentially save lives or ash to feed plants and worms. Why is that so hard a choice?

You have more concern for a few week old fetus that is not wanted than for human lives that might benefit from research?

A few week old fetus is not an new born infant. A fetus is not living on its own, it lives off a woman, it take from from her nutrition and has her body process out the waste. It saps from her bones and tissue. It is subject to her immune system. It is affected by her diet and habits. It is not a separate life form, just cuddling to stay warm. It can't be handed off when it become uncomfortable. Her body become sick trying to get rid of it. Hormones can have very negative and even violent havoc on her and her life.

Pregnancy is not easy, child birth is worse. You have to be ready and want it. You have to take the time to get regular checkup and proper diet and exercise. You have to be willing for the commitment, even if just the nine months. It is not a school project of keeping an egg in a fanny pouch for a few days and turn it over a few times.

When it is right it can be wonderful experience. It is not always right for all women.

Yes she does. When she lies does and spreads her legs, whether the intention was to get pregnant or not, she's made the choice then. Excuses like you give her to be able to kill what resulted from that choice are invalid. If they really mattered to her, she would have considered them beforehand and maybe made a different choice. That they are considered only after the results of an action that produced the pregnancy makes them an excuse not a reason. For example, if she's too young or immature to be a mother, isn't she too young and immature to have sex? That's the double standard people like you apply.

You're another one that thinks someone that makes a choice to do what she knows can cause pregnancy then ridding herself of it because she doesn't like the results is OK. That means you oppose personal responsibility.

If you don't want the commitment, don't take the original action that produces it. She'll commit to having sex with anyone but won't commit to being responsible for the result.

Then men are responsible for thousands of the world's children each and are dead beat dads.

Sex is a necessary part of live for health and well being. Women have been using, or making men use, birth control since the dawn of civilization. They have also learned what herbs, plants and methods to end an unwanted pregnancy. Now women go to doctors and clinics.

Today women in some areas are being warned not to have children for two years because of the threat of crippling birth defects. You don't have the right to judge them for aborting a fetus because of a brain deformity or terminate early and wait two years or till the danger has been controlled.

When a woman is ready to be a mother, she will do so with love and joy. It should not be forced on her.

I agree that the one that produced the child is responsible. However, when it comes to a single mother who can't support the kids she chose to have, I have yet to have a Liberal mention the dead beat sperm donor until I did.

Sex is a part of life. I don't care how many men a woman wants to have sex with. It's her choice. However, when she chooses him then chooses to have the kid they both created as a part of the process, the last thing she should demand is someone to be forced to support her since the choice on multiple levels was hers.

When a woman chooses to be a mother by picking that option when she's pregnant, it should not be forced on the rest of us to pay for something we're told is none of out business when the choice is being made. Have all the kids you want if you're willing to pay for them. If you choose to have them you can't afford, you made the choice for yourself. I didn't. Those who say the choice is hers and to leave her alone are the same ones that believe those of us told to leave her alone should be more than happy to pay for a choice we said was none of our business.

Here's an example:

Between the :50 make and the 1:00 minute mark she says someone needs to pay and be accountable for all these kids. I know who needs to pay. It's the 3 baby daddies of her children. I don't who but one is but I know who besides those three doesn't and I'm one of them.
Tell us why you would rather have her be raped than defend herself. That's what you wished would have happened to her.
Nope. Now you tell us why teenage girls who break the law shouldn't be charged?

Then you do support her being raped if you oppose her defending herself. There are two options and you've stated you opposed her defending herself.
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