Dark Brown Makeup On To Speak To The Latinos? Really? Mittens? REALLY??

As usual dumbfuck liberals here believe the normal make-up put on anyone going in front of cameras and bright lights is some scam by Romney to reach out to brown skin people.

I was in a FOX movie over 10 years ago and it was normal for them to add some make up to our faces to prevent glare back at the camera due to sweat and oil on the skin. Oh, they must've been trying to make me look like a "Mexican."
Of course Romney's make up is more important that obama refusing to meet with the leaders of other nations! Who would think it wasn't?
As usual dumbfuck liberals here believe the normal make-up put on anyone going in front of cameras and bright lights is some scam by Romney to reach out to brown skin people.

I was in a FOX movie over 10 years ago and it was normal for them to add some make up to our faces to prevent glare back at the camera due to sweat and oil on the skin. Oh, they must've been trying to make me look like a "Mexican."
Why don't the other white politicians look brown then?
that is just the proof of how stupid he thinks latinos are

The problem is, assuming the truth does actually matter to you... this has been debunked... by the fucking tv station themselves. It was make up - and it was applied by a professional make up artist - nothing to do with Romney.

Just goes to show how little you care about truth... fucking lying hack.
As usual dumbfuck liberals here believe the normal make-up put on anyone going in front of cameras and bright lights is some scam by Romney to reach out to brown skin people.

I was in a FOX movie over 10 years ago and it was normal for them to add some make up to our faces to prevent glare back at the camera due to sweat and oil on the skin. Oh, they must've been trying to make me look like a "Mexican."
Why don't the other white politicians look brown then?

The TV station lied then? Is that your stance?

Dear (insert optional Deity here), you left wingers are totally losing that last thread of reality. Sad to see.
Can you imagine what the wackadoodles here would do if Obama showed up at some predominately caucasian speaking engagement with white pancake on his face?

There was a thread on this last week? I don't give a rats ass. This is this week and I thought about it for a while and just decided it was too fucking strange. No likey...piss off.

go fuck your rottie, you dog fucking whacko.
What the hell was on Romney's face when he spoke to the hispanics? How weird was THAT? "Brownface" Mittens??? REALLY?

Is that like when Obama talks to African Americans and refers to himself as black even though he's half white?

Kindda the same type of pandering you're accussing Romney of.
How manuy dumb ass threads do we NEED on this?

Univisions makeup artist already debunked the whole 'spray tan' or 'he asked for dark nakeup' bullshit.

end Troll thread

Huggy is just interested in how men, you know, look... Appearance is everything to his kind...

He swings that way...
Uh, Romney is darker than Bush, McCain, Palin, etc.....dumbfuck.

Weren't you complaining his family came from Mexico? Good god you people are fucking insane.

As usual dumbfuck liberals here believe the normal make-up put on anyone going in front of cameras and bright lights is some scam by Romney to reach out to brown skin people.

I was in a FOX movie over 10 years ago and it was normal for them to add some make up to our faces to prevent glare back at the camera due to sweat and oil on the skin. Oh, they must've been trying to make me look like a "Mexican."
Why don't the other white politicians look brown then?
Uh, Romney is darker than Bush, McCain, Palin, etc.....dumbfuck.

Weren't you complaining his family came from Mexico? Good god you people are fucking insane.

As usual dumbfuck liberals here believe the normal make-up put on anyone going in front of cameras and bright lights is some scam by Romney to reach out to brown skin people.

I was in a FOX movie over 10 years ago and it was normal for them to add some make up to our faces to prevent glare back at the camera due to sweat and oil on the skin. Oh, they must've been trying to make me look like a "Mexican."
Why don't the other white politicians look brown then?

It's what happens when you're out of gas on the issues that matter.
How soon they forget Nixon's crappy makeup job during a debate. Naw, it never happens. Romney MUST have been trying to look Mexican to pander, that's the only logical explanation :rolleyes:

dumb fucks.
What the hell was on Romney's face when he spoke to the hispanics? How weird was THAT? "Brownface" Mittens??? REALLY?

It's already been debunked once. Do 'you people' (those who get their outrage from the left wing media hacks) never fucking think for yourselves? Or even check to make sure your 'faux outrage of the day' hasn't already been dismissed by accurate, rational thought?

Fucking moronic borg.

"Debunked"? Ha...Ha... In what alternate universe? There was something very dark and brown on a white guys face. I've seen him before and after the hispanic conference. Mittens doesn't even have a friggin tan. Who do you think you are fooling Sandi? "Debunked"? Not even close.

In the universe of Univision... the tv station that hosted him... and it was their make up artist. I suggest you fact check your 'faux outrage du jour' lest you make yourself look even more moronic than usual.
How manuy dumb ass threads do we NEED on this?

Univisions makeup artist already debunked the whole 'spray tan' or 'he asked for dark nakeup' bullshit.

end Troll thread

Huggy is just interested in how men, you know, look... Appearance is everything to his kind...

He swings that way...

Men? Not the Huggster... he's into rotties. He and Mike Vick used to discuss way to do them.
It's already been debunked once. Do 'you people' (those who get their outrage from the left wing media hacks) never fucking think for yourselves? Or even check to make sure your 'faux outrage of the day' hasn't already been dismissed by accurate, rational thought?

Fucking moronic borg.

"Debunked"? Ha...Ha... In what alternate universe? There was something very dark and brown on a white guys face. I've seen him before and after the hispanic conference. Mittens doesn't even have a friggin tan. Who do you think you are fooling Sandi? "Debunked"? Not even close.

In the universe of Univision... the tv station that hosted him... and it was their make up artist. I suggest you fact check your 'faux outrage du jour' lest you make yourself look even more moronic than usual.

Facts? You expect Huggy to understand the concept of facts?

Are you high?
This is their normal strategy. Obamination has won at every political level by personally attacking the other guy, even doing it to Democraps that ran against him.

He got one Democrap to quit over having an affair back in Illinois.

With Romney they've tried:

- He is a felon.
- He didn't pay taxes.
- He killed a woman with cancer.
- He paid too much in taxes on purpose.
- He wears make-up to look like hispanics.
- He tortured his dog by placing it on his car roof.
Blah, blah, blah.

They can't argue their accomplishments because there are none and they don't want to talk about their plans....

Uh, Romney is darker than Bush, McCain, Palin, etc.....dumbfuck.

Weren't you complaining his family came from Mexico? Good god you people are fucking insane.

Why don't the other white politicians look brown then?

It's what happens when you're out of gas on the issues that matter.
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This is their normal strategy. Obamination has won at every political level by personally attacking the other guy, even doing it to Democraps that ran against him.

He got one Democrap to quit over having an affair back in Illinois.

With Romeny they've tried:

- He is a felon.
- He didn't pay taxes.
- He killed a woman with taxes.
- He paid too much in taxes on purpose.
- He wears make-up to look like hispanics.
- He almost killed his dog.
Blah, blah, blah.

They can't argue their accomplishments because there are none and they don't want to talk about their plans....

Uh, Romney is darker than Bush, McCain, Palin, etc.....dumbfuck.

Weren't you complaining his family came from Mexico? Good god you people are fucking insane.

It's what happens when you're out of gas on the issues that matter.

That's why the title of Community Agitator suits him so well.
- He is a felon.
- He didn't pay taxes.
- He killed a woman with taxes.
- He paid too much in taxes on purpose.
- He wears make-up to look like hispanics.
- He almost killed his dog.
Blah, blah, blah.

Terrible lies. Let me correct them.

Lying to the government is a felony. Mitt has never been charged.
We don't what he's paid.
A woman who lost her healthcare died.
He said if he ever paid to much, it would make him unqualified to be president.
He said he never paid less than 13%, which is why he need to pay a little more.
Better unqualified than liar.
He did color his face.
He tortured his dog. He was never trying to kill it.

Hope that helped.

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