Dark-money group backing AOC spent $20,000 on anti-Biden Facebook ads

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Yes, Occasionally Cognizant you don't pay your parties dues and spend it on low lifes that are trying to unseat moderates....A team player YOU ARE NOT , but soon to be new House speaker!...ROTFLMFAO!!!


A dark-money group linked to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has spent about $20,000 on anti-Biden Facebook ads aimed at South Carolina voters.

It’s one of the first salvos of negative advertising in a primary race that’s otherwise remained mostly positive. The group, a 501(c)4 called Organize for Justice, uses a barely month-old Facebook page called “Watercooler Politics.” Organize for Justice is a sister organization to Justice Democrats, which is a liberal political action committee closely linked to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez; the group even recruited AOC to run for office.

“Sometimes the candidate that seems like the safest choice isn’t the safest choice.” reads the ad on which Organize for Justice has spent the most money, at least $7,500, as of Monday.

In close second is an ad on which at least $5,500 has been spent, which reads: “The United States has the largest prison system in the world. As Senator, Joe Biden helped build it.”

Both ads have been shown about half a million times, if not more, to South Carolina voters since Dec. 19.....

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