Darknss in Tahrir Square.......


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2012
Opinion: Gang rapes, the dark side of Egypt's protests - CNN.com

Tahrir Square's Darkness........

"Last week, a 22-year-old Dutch journalist was gang-raped in Tahrir Square and had to undergo surgery for severe injuries. The assault reminds us yet again of an often overlooked aspect of the Egyptian revolution.

When Egyptians overthrew their dictator in 2011, one of the first celebratory acts in Tahrir Square included the gang beating and sexual assault of American journalist Lara Logan, who, like the Dutch journalist, landed in the hospital.

The Logan rape has always been portrayed as another unfortunate byproduct of mob violence. In fact, it was much more than that. It was a warning shot fired by men whose political beliefs are founded on a common pillar: Women must stay out of the public square.

One of the hallmarks of revolutionary victory in Tahrir Square has always been rape and sexual harassment. Mobs of men routinely set upon women, isolating, stripping and groping. No one is ever arrested or held accountable, and elected officials shrug their shoulders and blame the victims."

While women can be gang-raped in public with impunity, there IS no 'democracy'. Not under Mubarak, not under Morsi - and evidently not under the next figurehead.
Tragic and true. The next government is doomed to fail if it doesn't protect their most valuable resources. Their own wives, mothers and daughters. Without that? They have nothing. There is no future for Egypt if they don't show equal respect for female citizens. There won't be any future for tourism either. Who would want to go there knowing about this story?
Rape is an awful thing, using false rape claim's in an agenda should also be just as awful
shame on you for furthering those false claims
From the article:

Egyptian women face sexual harassment and assaults on a daily basis. During and after the revolution, there have been a number of case of foreign reporters who were sexually assaulted, such as Sonia Dridi and Lara Logan.

Foreign reporter raped in Tahrir Square - Israel News, Ynetnews

I can believe this. When I was there I made the mistake of getting on the hotel elevator with a group of men. I did not make that mistake again. Our group was told to dress modestly, and I did the entire trip. Not one sleeveless top did I wear. But if you don't have your hair covered you are considered a slut. A rape that requires surgery was done with fists or some other object. So, like the Logan incident this was particularly abominable. I enjoyed Egypt. I enjoyed meeting the nurses, visiting their hospitals, and seeing the sights. But I only left the hotel with the group and I only shopped one alley of the bazaar. I didn't feel safe there. My group had an armed escort. Personally, I wouldn't go there in an independent role like that of a journalist.

Now, that being said I want to say this. If the women of Egypt want their lot to change, they will have to change it themselves. Maybe in the 20s in America women didn't have to cover up to go into public, but many were treated brutally in their own homes. In America it was women themselves who won their rights. When I was a girl, many women lived with abusive husbands without protest. They just walked on eggshells and were still beaten. Now, we expect the woman who lives with an abusive man to leave the situation. We have safe houses for them to go to, and assistance for them to get job training so they won't be financially dependent.

There are many educated women in Egypt. I met some of them when I was there. It is difficult to accept that those educated women are abused at home, but they well could be. I can tell you that the men will NEVER assert the rights of women to be free from abuse. The ones who do that will have to be women themselves. And during the rule of the muslim brotherhood, I saw women openly complaining that they had fewer rights, not more under that regime. They speak. The must also act.

But the element that gang rapes women will be there until they are dealt with in the Egyptian courts and held accountable for their crimes. That may be a long time coming.
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Rape is an awful thing, using false rape claim's in an agenda should also be just as awful
shame on you for furthering those false claims

No, filthy liar: shame on you for making wild accusations with absolutely NOTHING to back them - except your personal well-documented hatred of Jews.
Dutch Reporter Gang Raped in Egypt's Tahrir Square | HEAVY

"A 22-year-old Dutch reporter was gang-raped while a crowd surrounded her in Cairo's Tahrir Square on Friday as Egyptian protests gained momentum.

The media reports that she was interning with an Egyptian news organization and had gone to the landmark square to take pictures of the demonstrations. According to Egypt 25 news, the woman was attacked and raped by five men. Once she arrived at a hospital, the victim was forced to undergo surgery.

Referring to a statement by the Dutch embassy in Cairo, the Committee to Protect Journalist has said the woman has returned to Holland. The security official could not elaborate on condition of anonymity."

Such an obvious lie, Jos: it's like you wanted to rape that Danish reporter all over again.
Rape is an awful thing, using false rape claim's in an agenda should also be just as awful
shame on you for furthering those false claims

And falsely accusing others of lying in an attempt to further your own hate agenda is what, exactly???? Do you suppose that your filthy lie is somehow 'noble' because it's in service to your obsessive agenda of Jew-hate?

I knew you were a Nazi-sucker - but I didn't know you hated women that much.....
Rape is an awful thing, using false rape claim's in an agenda should also be just as awful
shame on you for furthering those false claims

Raped in Tahrir: The Frightening Reality Women Face at Egypt Protests - The Daily Beast

You might want to do a little Googleing. This incident has made national headlines.

at report links back to The israeli newspaper Ynet
"Tahrir Square in just one week in the beginning of the year.3"
Read it at YNet News"
Dutch Reporter Raped in Cairo - The Daily Beast
Rape is an awful thing, using false rape claim's in an agenda should also be just as awful
shame on you for furthering those false claims

And falsely accusing others of lying in an attempt to further your own hate agenda is what, exactly???? Do you suppose that your filthy lie is somehow 'noble' because it's in service to your obsessive agenda of Jew-hate?

I knew you were a Nazi-sucker - but I didn't know you hated women that much.....

They will lie to themselves and anybody else, if it serve their Anti-Zionism agendas.

I pity you guys.

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