Darren Wilson Supporters Remove Photo Showing Three KKK Members


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
at Rally After It Becomes Public Knowledge
Many have been saying that the “Support Darren Wilson” crowd has been connected with the Ku Klux Klan, and now there’s proof that there is, at minimum, some interest in Wilson’s cause among the crowd. As Anonymous reported on Twitter, three members of the Ku Klux Klan were prominently featured in a photograph on the Support Darren Wilson Facebook page –until recently, that is.

Darren Wilson Supporters Remove Photo Showing Three KKK Members at Rally After It Becomes Public Knowledge Americans Against the Tea Party

And the group that supports a radical Islamist who attempted and lost a shootout with the FBI have co-opted the free Big Mike protestors

So what's your point
Hell I don't see why Libs have an issue with this they kept the ole Grand Wizard Robert KKK Byrd in the Senate for years
So in a supposed black vs white issue...the klan sided with white? Wow. Good job Sherlock. You broke new ground on obvious.
So in a supposed black vs white issue...the klan sided with white? Wow. Good job Sherlock. You broke new ground on obvious.
Come On the OP really thought they had some breaking news LOL
And the group that supports a radical Islamist who attempted and lost a shootout with the FBI have co-opted the free Big Mike protestors

So what's your point
He doesn't have a point. He's an antagonizer, and not a very bright one at that:cuckoo:
I say we just burn Jefferson to the ground tonight, and get out ahead of the idiots on this one.

Should open up the field of fire from most perspectives, along with starkly improving target acquisition.
Wait, the KKK isnt supporting Mike Brown? How odd. Im glad Guno was there to tell us whos side the KKK is on. Has anyone heard from the Aryan Nation or the Black Panthers yet? Im dying to know their position on this.
If a black cop gunned down a white man...the klan would side with the white criminal.

Brilliant analysis OP.
We all know who the KKK would side with, which is immaterial, because real Americans don't give a fuck about the KKK.

The governor's duty is to ensure peace in Ferguson.

Noviolent civil disobedience is one thing.

Raging crowds destroying and looting should be met with shot guns.
I can understand why the KKK would view Ferguson as an excellent opportunity to recruit members.
hey guno- did you get my vid from the other day of the black kid flying the rebel flag?
And the group that supports a radical Islamist who attempted and lost a shootout with the FBI have co-opted the free Big Mike protestors

So what's your point
He doesn't have a point. He's an antagonizer, and not a very bright one at that:cuckoo:

funny coming from you.

but then again, any jew who defends kkk'ers really doesn't have a lot going on in terms of brain power, in any event.
And the group that supports a radical Islamist who attempted and lost a shootout with the FBI have co-opted the free Big Mike protestors

So what's your point
He doesn't have a point. He's an antagonizer, and not a very bright one at that:cuckoo:

funny coming from you.

but then again, any jew who defends kkk'ers really doesn't have a lot going on in terms of brain power, in any event.
I must have missed it, I didn't see anyone in this thread supporting the klan. Maybe you can point it out
And the group that supports a radical Islamist who attempted and lost a shootout with the FBI have co-opted the free Big Mike protestors

So what's your point
He doesn't have a point. He's an antagonizer, and not a very bright one at that:cuckoo:

funny coming from you.

but then again, any jew who defends kkk'ers really doesn't have a lot going on in terms of brain power, in any event.
I must have missed it, I didn't see anyone in this thread supporting the klan. Maybe you can point it out
LOL..this one is so blinded by her liberal faith she doesn't see anything else but what her leftist masters tell her

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