Darwin destroyed in new book

Oh! I did not realize that experiments had confirmed Darwin’s theory of speciation through natural selection! Please link me to those “speciation through natural selection experiments,”

Darwin’s theory of evolution was not entitled “speciation”. Do you need a link to his book?

This would be a great time for you to link us to some experiments involving supernaturalism. Talking snakes, perhaps?
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Darwin’s theory of evolution was not entitled “speciation”. Do you need a link to his book?
It was called “origin of species “yes, I shortened the title. Origin of species is the same thing as speciation.

This would be a great time for you to link us to some experiments involving supernaturalism. Talking snakes, perhaps?
Sure would. If I were promoting a theory.

Do your own damn research.

Until you do, you'll be considered an ignorant fool.

This is the SCIENCE forum, fool.

Not the bullshit belief forum.
Not my research. You're the one making the claim about 80 million pieces of evidence. Out of 80 Million, you cannot provide ten?
Darwin’s theory of evolution was not entitled “speciation”. Do you need a link to his book?
It was called “origin of species “yes, I shortened the title. Origin of species is the same thing as speciation.

This would be a great time for you to link us to some experiments involving supernaturalism. Talking snakes, perhaps?
Sure would. If I were promoting a theory that involves supernaturalism.
Paywall but irrelevant anyway. My point is that showing Darwin was flawed in no way undercuts the FACT of evolution from a common ancestor.
Where's the facts, Jack? :dunno:
Evolution occurred, it can’t be denied
Complex life evolved from simple life forms

A “Creator” is at best a theory
A theory unsupported by any evidence
So where's your documentation of it occurring?
Tell us what that documentation would look like. What would be documented? Be specific.
You tell me. If you don't, you have no proof, boy.

Evidence of evolution occurring. There is none, and if you bring up some fly bullshit in a lab, fuck off.
You tell me.
No, sorry, it doesn't work that way. Clearly enough "documentation" exists to convince the global scientific community.

I am asking what documentation would convince you. It's a simple question that any honest person could answer. This sort of question separates the dishonest trolls from honest people.

We already know which way this one will go.
No, sorry, it doesn't work that way. Clearly enough "documentation" exists to convince the global scientific community.

I am asking what documentation would convince you. It's a simple question that any honest person could answer. This sort of question separates the dishonest trolls from honest people.

We already know which way this one will go.
Yeah, you fail to provide documentation, and people disregard you as the bullshitter that you are. :dunno:

Yeah, you fail to provide documentation, and people disregard you as the bullshitter that you are. :dunno:
Right, I'm not your mommy. You don't get to waste my time.

You tell me what "documentation" would convince you. Then I will see if I can provide it.

But you will not answer the question. It exposed you very easily.
Right, I'm not your mommy. You don't get to waste my time.

Yu tell me what "documentation" would convince you. Then I will see if I can provide it.

But you will not answer the question. It exposed you very easily.
You make the claim, you back it up.

Apparently you're incapable of doing so, so your claim is to be ignored, and you have nothing. :dunno:

That is how liberal adult debate goes.

Try being not so stupid in your next life, if you have one.
You make the claim, you back it up.
Sorry, that's not gong to help you.

Tell us what sort of thing would convince you.

You won't. Because you are a dishonest troll who wants people to give him attention and wants to shit on their posts, after you beg for them.

So, tell us. What would some of that documentation look like?

See you in never. As I said, this works every time, without exception

And I hate to break it to ya genius... there is no evolution debate.
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Sorry, that's not gong to help you.

Tell us what sort of thing would convince you.

You won't. Because you are a dishonest troll who wants people to give him attention and wants to shit on their posts, after you beg for them.

So, tell us. What would some of that documentation look like?

See you in never. As I said, this works every time, without exception

And I hate to break it to ya genius... there is no evolution debate.

"A stranger on the internet did not spoonfeed me evidence of evolution so I could shit on it. Therefore, evolution is false!"

I will never understand why trolls are so proud of looking so goddamn stupid.
FAIL, Hunior.
FAIL, Hunior.
Haha, trust me, nobody believes that.

Sorry to embarrass you. But it had to be done. You definitely deserved it.

The fact is, nothing would convince you, because you are steeped in goofy iron age mythology.. Yet you-- a grown ass man -- want strangers on the internet to take the time and show the courtesy to post this evidence to you, so you can shit on it and waste their time.

Not today, troll.
Haha, trust me, nobody believes that.

Sorry to embarrass you. But it had to be done. You definitely deserved it.

The fa t is, nothing would come Vince. Yet you-- a grown ass man -- want strangers on the internet to take the time and show the courtesy to post this to you, so you can shit on it and waste their time.

Not today, troll.
Your lack of anything credible is duly noted and dismissed, now fuck off and crawl back under your rock, earwig.
Your lack of anything credible is duly noted and dismissed, now fuck off and crawl back under your rock, earwig.
Don't have such a big sad. You were destined to fail. That's the design of the question. It weeds out dishonest actors like you.

Where as any curious 10 year old would easily pop off 5 answers quickly.
Don't have such a big sad. You were destined to fail. That's the design of the question. It weeds out dishonest actors like you.

Where as any curious 10 year old would easily pop off 5 answers quickly.
You lose on the field of ideas. You're toast..done.

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