Darwin vs DNA

Yes, because if you state you do not believe in God, since you have no evidence, then you have belief.
Way it is, sunshine.
I know it bugs non-believers, but there it is, what can you do?
So if you do not believe in God, and you can't prove it, then you have faith, ...
No. It MAY be faith--IF the belief is unfounded in valid logic applied to verifiable evidence. IF the strength of denial of valid logic and verifiable evidence is the validating criteria of the belief, THEN it is faith.
Otherwise, not so much.
From wiki:

"...faith is belief in a god or gods or in the doctrines or teachings of the religion... advocates of faith argue that the proper domain of faith concerns questions which cannot be settled by evidence..."
Faith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The problem at this board is that religionists like to consider any nonsense as actual evidence. Like "God is", for example.
Yes, because if you state you do not believe in God, since you have no evidence, then you have belief.

Way it is, sunshine.

I know it bugs non-believers, but there it is, what can you do?

So if you do not believe in God, and you can't prove it, then you have faith, ...
No. It MAY be faith--IF the belief is unfounded in valid logic applied to verifiable evidence. IF the strength of denial of valid logic and verifiable evidence is the validating criteria of the belief, THEN it is faith.

Otherwise, not so much.
Yes. If you have a belief, then you have a belief. This is not at issue. What is your point?
Here ya go but I suggest you getting his book.

Lee Spetner/Edward Max Dialogue
Dr. Lee Spetner
continuing an exchange with Dr. Edward E. Max

© 2001 L.M. Spetner. All Rights Reserved.


Dr. Lee Spetner's continued exchange with Dr. Edward E. Max

"So to summarize, although Spetner's arguments are superficially plausible, a deeper look with some knowledge of biochemistry shows massive flaws. Spetner is wrong in the details of the biology, ligand specificity is not directly governed by binding string length as required by Spetner's theory, and ligand binding is not an "all or nothing affair". This invalidates his analyses. Even then, Spetner's own examples do not support his claims. Furthermore, when using his metrics Spetner swaps metrics when one shows inconvenient changes." LINK

Evolutionist claim we humans Dna is 98% similar to a chimp.

Did we evolve from a ape, from a mouse, or maybe a banana ? they say our Dna is 98% similar to a chimp,96% of a mouse and 50% of a banana.

Nature magazine increases the Dna difference to atleast 7.7% between humans and chimps may 27-2004 pages 382-388.

Each cell contains 3 billion base pairs of genetic information if you take that 7.7 % of 3 billion base pairs of Dna you would need 231,000,000 information adding beneficial mutations to turn a chimp into a human. since there are so many harmful mutations you could not get 231,000,000 consectutive beneficial mutations with out interruptions from harmful mutations.
As usual, you make nonsensical claims that only serve to expose your profound ignorance. It is not "evolutionist" who claim human DNA is very similar to certain primates but biologists, chemists and researchers.

I think that many of the posters here understand your efforts to promote conspiracy theories wherein much of the science community is spending a great of time trying to discredit the creation ministries and Harun Yahya but these efforts are wasted. People like you and Harun Yahya do a workman-like job discrediting yourselves.
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Loki, ima, and holli: if you have a belief that god does not exist, then yes you have faith.
Yes, because if you state you do not believe in God, since you have no evidence, then you have belief.

Way it is, sunshine.

I know it bugs non-believers, but there it is, what can you do?

No. It MAY be faith--IF the belief is unfounded in valid logic applied to verifiable evidence. IF the strength of denial of valid logic and verifiable evidence is the validating criteria of the belief, THEN it is faith.

Otherwise, not so much.
Yes. If you have a belief, then you have a belief. This is not at issue. What is your point?
Loki, ima, and holli: if you have a belief that god does not exist, then yes you have faith.
Yes, because if you state you do not believe in God, since you have no evidence, then you have belief.

Way it is, sunshine.

I know it bugs non-believers, but there it is, what can you do?
Yes. If you have a belief, then you have a belief. This is not at issue. What is your point?
Not this guy. Sorry about your luck.
"so to summarize, although spetner's arguments are superficially plausible, a deeper look with some knowledge of biochemistry shows massive flaws. Spetner is wrong in the details of the biology, ligand specificity is not directly governed by binding string length as required by spetner's theory, and ligand binding is not an "all or nothing affair". This invalidates his analyses. Even then, spetner's own examples do not support his claims. Furthermore, when using his metrics spetner swaps metrics when one shows inconvenient changes." link

evolutionist claim we humans dna is 98% similar to a chimp.

Did we evolve from a ape, from a mouse, or maybe a banana ? They say our dna is 98% similar to a chimp,96% of a mouse and 50% of a banana.

Nature magazine increases the dna difference to atleast 7.7% between humans and chimps may 27-2004 pages 382-388.

Each cell contains 3 billion base pairs of genetic information if you take that 7.7 % of 3 billion base pairs of dna you would need 231,000,000 information adding beneficial mutations to turn a chimp into a human. Since there are so many harmful mutations you could not get 231,000,000 consectutive beneficial mutations with out interruptions from harmful mutations.

You are wrong as usual and you do not understand genetic inheritance.
Everything you posted above there Youwerecreated, .... utter crap.

"If there were any creationists who were actually doing creation “science” in any industry, or if there were any fruits to be derived from the “science” of creationism, the usual websites would be delighted to point it out. They routinely proclaim that evolution is dead, and creationism is the future, yet they are strangely silent about their failure to penetrate results-oriented industries."

Oh but they are and they are by looking at the same evidence the evolutionist are looking at and exposing the lies of secularism and natutralism in the fields of science.
Well, so far every single example (without exception) you've summoned up to illustrate this point of yours has revealed instead the actual reality of the situation is quite the opposite.

Why is that?

In the New York Times nov/21/2006 Nobel prize winner in 1979 won it from the field of Physics said anything that we scientists can do to weaken the hold of religion should be done,that sounds like they would purposely lie and fabricate evidence.
While this superficially appears to be true, what you, yourself have demonstrated is that the superstitious routinely purposely lie and fabricate evidence.

No these people will do what it takes to destroy the alternative theory to evolution. Falsely fabricating evidence,and purposely dismissing evidence that contradicts their theory.

Unfortunately young people are brainwashed with this nonsense and that is a fact now and then some do work in the field that allows them to see the nonsense. The honest in the fields science sometimes openly admits to the truth. I knew a teacher that announced to his class that by laws and his profession I am forced to teach a theory I no longer believe.
Yes, because if you state you do not believe in God, since you have no evidence, then you have belief.

Way it is, sunshine.

I know it bugs non-believers, but there it is, what can you do?

So if you do not believe in God, and you can't prove it, then you have faith, ...
No. It MAY be faith--IF the belief is unfounded in valid logic applied to verifiable evidence. IF the strength of denial of valid logic and verifiable evidence is the validating criteria of the belief, THEN it is faith.

Otherwise, not so much.

To atheist atheism is a theory but it is a belief built on faith because they lack evidence to prove the theory correct same with macro evolution.
"So to summarize, although Spetner's arguments are superficially plausible, a deeper look with some knowledge of biochemistry shows massive flaws. Spetner is wrong in the details of the biology, ligand specificity is not directly governed by binding string length as required by Spetner's theory, and ligand binding is not an "all or nothing affair". This invalidates his analyses. Even then, Spetner's own examples do not support his claims. Furthermore, when using his metrics Spetner swaps metrics when one shows inconvenient changes." LINK

Evolutionist claim we humans Dna is 98% similar to a chimp.

Did we evolve from a ape, from a mouse, or maybe a banana ? they say our Dna is 98% similar to a chimp,96% of a mouse and 50% of a banana.

Nature magazine increases the Dna difference to atleast 7.7% between humans and chimps may 27-2004 pages 382-388.

Each cell contains 3 billion base pairs of genetic information if you take that 7.7 % of 3 billion base pairs of Dna you would need 231,000,000 information adding beneficial mutations to turn a chimp into a human. since there are so many harmful mutations you could not get 231,000,000 consectutive beneficial mutations with out interruptions from harmful mutations.
As usual, you make nonsensical claims that only serve to expose your profound ignorance. It is not "evolutionist" who claim human DNA is very similar to certain primates but biologists, chemists and researchers.

I think that many of the posters here understand your efforts to promote conspiracy theories wherein much of the science community is spending a great of time trying to discredit the creation ministries and Harun Yahya but these efforts are wasted. People like you and Harun Yahya do a workman-like job discrediting yourselves.

Please you have the ability to google,please provide evidence and rebuttal to what I say don't make these blanket statments of rhetoric.
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One more thing Loki that you have not been taught the genome for the chimp and humans have been mapped. There is no junk Dna it all has a function in some way when they learn more about this so called junk Dna the difference in the Dna of the chimp and human will rise.
Oh but they are and they are by looking at the same evidence the evolutionist are looking at and exposing the lies of secularism and natutralism in the fields of science.
Well, so far every single example (without exception) you've summoned up to illustrate this point of yours has revealed instead the actual reality of the situation is quite the opposite.

Why is that?

In the New York Times nov/21/2006 Nobel prize winner in 1979 won it from the field of Physics said anything that we scientists can do to weaken the hold of religion should be done,that sounds like they would purposely lie and fabricate evidence.
While this superficially appears to be true, what you, yourself have demonstrated is that the superstitious routinely purposely lie and fabricate evidence.

No these people will do what it takes to destroy the alternative theory to evolution. Falsely fabricating evidence,and purposely dismissing evidence that contradicts their theory.
What "alternative theory to evolution" are you talking about? The one you propose that is founded upon magic?

Unfortunately young people are brainwashed with this nonsense and that is a fact now and then some do work in the field that allows them to see the nonsense. The honest in the fields science sometimes openly admits to the truth. I knew a teacher that announced to his class that by laws and his profession I am forced to teach a theory I no longer believe.
Wrong. The nonsense that is being used to brainwash young people is the nonsense retards like you fabricate from your dishonest quote-mining efforts, obvious distortions of science, intentional application of logical fallacy, and shameless disinformation. No one is impressed that you can demonstrate that the nonsense you have concocted is nonsense. And your retarded victory dances are all just laughable.

Yet toddlers are susceptible to your anti-rational fairy tales, and the consequence is that they become intellectually-defective, and morally-incompetent retards like you.
Funny, the mouse Dna is 96% similar to human Dna further showing the only way we are related is by God being the designer of both.
Yes, because if you state you do not believe in God, since you have no evidence, then you have belief.

Way it is, sunshine.

I know it bugs non-believers, but there it is, what can you do?

No. It MAY be faith--IF the belief is unfounded in valid logic applied to verifiable evidence. IF the strength of denial of valid logic and verifiable evidence is the validating criteria of the belief, THEN it is faith.

Otherwise, not so much.

To atheist atheism is a theory but it is a belief built on faith because they lack evidence to prove the theory correct same with macro evolution.
No faith is required at all for atheism. None.
Evolutionist claim we humans Dna is 98% similar to a chimp.

Did we evolve from a ape, from a mouse, or maybe a banana ? they say our Dna is 98% similar to a chimp,96% of a mouse and 50% of a banana.

Nature magazine increases the Dna difference to atleast 7.7% between humans and chimps may 27-2004 pages 382-388.

Each cell contains 3 billion base pairs of genetic information if you take that 7.7 % of 3 billion base pairs of Dna you would need 231,000,000 information adding beneficial mutations to turn a chimp into a human. since there are so many harmful mutations you could not get 231,000,000 consectutive beneficial mutations with out interruptions from harmful mutations.
As usual, you make nonsensical claims that only serve to expose your profound ignorance. It is not "evolutionist" who claim human DNA is very similar to certain primates but biologists, chemists and researchers.

I think that many of the posters here understand your efforts to promote conspiracy theories wherein much of the science community is spending a great of time trying to discredit the creation ministries and Harun Yahya but these efforts are wasted. People like you and Harun Yahya do a workman-like job discrediting yourselves.

Please you have the ability to google,please provide evidence and rebuttal what I say don't make these blanket statments of rhetoric.
Using Google as a vehicle to cut and paste huge volumes of material you don't understand is an exercise in wasting time. Your cut and paste referencing Spetner has already been shown to be manufactured and flawed.

You continue to make nonsensical claims in connection with turning chimps into humans.

It has been explained to you repeatedly that making such connections is meaningless. Yet, you blithely proceed on with this nonsense.
Funny, the mouse Dna is 96% similar to human Dna further showing the only way we are related is by God being the designer of both.

Since we know that they both evolved from the same animal (from the DNA like you mention), shouldn't the question be: did god design evolution as well? (which, btw, makes the bible all wrong, but it's the truth that counts, no?)
Well, so far every single example (without exception) you've summoned up to illustrate this point of yours has revealed instead the actual reality of the situation is quite the opposite.

Why is that?

While this superficially appears to be true, what you, yourself have demonstrated is that the superstitious routinely purposely lie and fabricate evidence.

No these people will do what it takes to destroy the alternative theory to evolution. Falsely fabricating evidence,and purposely dismissing evidence that contradicts their theory.
What "alternative theory to evolution" are you talking about? The one you propose that is founded upon magic?

Unfortunately young people are brainwashed with this nonsense and that is a fact now and then some do work in the field that allows them to see the nonsense. The honest in the fields science sometimes openly admits to the truth. I knew a teacher that announced to his class that by laws and his profession I am forced to teach a theory I no longer believe.
Wrong. The nonsense that is being used to brainwash young people is the nonsense retards like you fabricate from your dishonest quote-mining efforts, obvious distortions of science, intentional application of logical fallacy, and shameless disinformation. No one is impressed that you can demonstrate that the nonsense you have concocted is nonsense. And your retarded victory dances are all just laughable.

Yet toddlers are susceptible to your anti-rational fairy tales, and the consequence is that they become intellectually-defective, and morally-incompetent retards like you.

Wrong the schools have adopted this Ideology using the same methods that satan used on eve.

Gen 3:1 Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which Jehovah God had made. And he said to the woman, Is it so that God has said, You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
Gen 3:2 And the woman said to the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden.
Gen 3:3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, You shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.
Gen 3:4 And the serpent said to the woman, You shall not surely die,
Gen 3:5 for God knows that in the day you eat of it, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as God, knowing good and evil.

Satan lied and mislead them both just as the schools are being used by satan as tools to lead people astray. The bible has predicted this would happen. It was predicted almost 2,000 years ago.

2Ti 4:1 Therefore I solemnly witness before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who is going to judge the living and the dead according to His appearance and His kingdom,
2Ti 4:2 preach the Word, be instant in season and out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine.
2Ti 4:3 For a time will be when they will not endure sound doctrine, but they will heap up teachers to themselves according to their own lusts, tickling the ear.
2Ti 4:4 And they will turn away their ears from the truth and will be turned to myths.

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