Data: 48 of America’s 50 Largest Cities Hit By Black Lives Matter Riots


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Data: 48 of America’s 50 Largest Cities Hit By Black Lives Matter Riots

6 Sep 2020 ~~ By Joel B. Pollak

New data from Princeton University shows that riots associated with the Black Lives Matter movement took place in 48 out of the 50 largest cities in the United States.
The study found:
In more than 93% of all demonstrations connected to the movement, demonstrators have not engaged in violence or destructive activity. Peaceful protests are reported in over 2,400 distinct locations around the country. Violent demonstrations, meanwhile, have been limited to fewer than 220 locations — under 10% of the areas that experienced peaceful protests.
Mainstream media seized on the data last week to argue that the “Trump narrative” of violent demonstrations was false. The study itself speculated that public perceptions of riots were skewed by “political orientation and biased media framing” and “disproportionate coverage of violent demonstrations.”

However, public perceptions may simply have reflected the wide geographic distribution of the violence.
The Princeton data set shows that nearly every major city in the United States experienced riots from late May to the end of August — even under the narrow definition that the study used to classify riots (as separate from events described as police violence against protesters).
The only exceptions within the top 50 cities by population were Fresno, California, and Mesa, Arizona.
Thus in the public imagination, the proportion that matters most may not be the 7% of protests that were violent, but the 96% of major urban areas that experienced rioting.
Within the largest 100 cities by population, 74 experienced riots.
Several smaller communities have also experienced riots, including — most recently — Rochester, New York, and Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Even small communities like Kenosha, Wisconsin and Rochester, New York are not immune to riots. Which 'narrative' will stick to voters' minds?
The only way that riots, violence arson and unrestricted crime can occur in such a coordinated manner in 96% of our major blue urban areas is if there is a seditious conspiracy that is actively being coordinated, funded, encouraged and permitted by high level leaders in the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democratic Communist Party, with political/propaganda communications being coordinated and promoted by all of the major media and social media networks.
This fact meets the definition of a seditious conspiracy, under federal law, and the penalty for participation in a seditious conspiracy is revocation of US citizenship, and/or 20 years in prison.
What a load of shit.
Biden is a load of shit. Trump 2020
get over it
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FBI is current investigating 300 riots, and eventually will get to the core of it all. Perpetrators will be doing hard time.

The only way that riots, violence arson and unrestricted crime can occur in such a coordinated manner in 96% of our major blue urban areas is if there is a seditious conspiracy...

Incredibly ignorant. It affected all those cities, because all those cities had police that killed unarmed suspects (or like in the case of Louisville Kentucky, someone who was COMPLETELY INNOCENT) and then those cops were NOT held accountable.
The only way that riots, violence arson and unrestricted crime can occur in such a coordinated manner in 96% of our major blue urban areas is if there is a seditious conspiracy...

Incredibly ignorant. It affected all those cities, because all those cities had police that killed unarmed suspects (or like in the case of Louisville Kentucky, someone who was COMPLETELY INNOCENT) and then those cops were NOT held accountable.

Each of the cities listed are predominately Blue Plantation Sanctuary cities run by Democrats Party Mayors who have bowed to the terrorist violence. Where there are strong mayors working with the police the violence has been quickly contained unlike cities such as Ferguson, Baltimore, Chicago, Seattle, Portland.
Case in point the Detroit police had things under control until (Obama appointed) Judge Laurie J. Michelson of the U.S. District Court tied the hands of the Police Department....

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The only way that riots, violence arson and unrestricted crime can occur in such a coordinated manner in 96% of our major blue urban areas is if there is a seditious conspiracy...

Incredibly ignorant. It affected all those cities, because all those cities had police that killed unarmed suspects (or like in the case of Louisville Kentucky, someone who was COMPLETELY INNOCENT) and then those cops were NOT held accountable.

Each of the cities listed are predominately Blue Plantation Sanctary cities run by Democrats Party Mayors who have bowed to the terrorist violence. Wher

You are half right. This is a Democratic-run cities problem. These mayors gassed the peaceful protestors who wouldn't observe arbitrary curfews, and rioting was oftern the reaction to this unconstitutional suppression of the peaple assembled for a redress of grievances.

Why Red America felt the need to insinuate itself into Blue America problems is a bit puzzling. They easily could have sat back and critiqued the failed Dem policies from their moral highground. But noooooooo
The only way that riots, violence arson and unrestricted crime can occur in such a coordinated manner in 96% of our major blue urban areas is if there is a seditious conspiracy...

Incredibly ignorant. It affected all those cities, because all those cities had police that killed unarmed suspects (or like in the case of Louisville Kentucky, someone who was COMPLETELY INNOCENT) and then those cops were NOT held accountable.

Each of the cities listed are predominately Blue Plantation Sanctary cities run by Democrats Party Mayors who have bowed to the terrorist violence. Wher

You are half right. This is a Democratic-run cities problem. These mayors gassed the peaceful protestors who wouldn't observe arbitrary curfews, and rioting was oftern the reaction to this unconstitutional suppression of the peaple assembled for a redress of grievances.

Why Red America felt the need to insinuate itself into Blue America problems is a bit puzzling. They easily could have sat back and critiqued the failed Dem policies from their moral highground. But noooooooo
The real problem is that Progs like to tell everybody what to do. Not just progs. You interfere with flyover people. Like WACO and the Bundy's and more. Your tolerance is low if you can get rid of it. I can see the taxpayers picking up the tab for this retarded tantrums Progs are having. This is past the point of making people know the problem. This is just a party riot time and we all know it. Most taxpayers have no say in how the taxes are spent. It is clear that the enormous amount of taxes going into social programs has a lot of waste in it. The Prog politicians are the ones who dole this out.
The real problem is that Progs like to tell everybody what to do. Not just progs. You interfere with flyover people. Like WACO and the Bundy's and more. Your tolerance is low if you can get rid of it. I can see the taxpayers picking up the tab for this retarded tantrums Progs are having. This is past the point of making people know the problem. This is just a party riot time and we all know it. Most taxpayers have no say in how the taxes are spent. It is clear that the enormous amount of taxes going into social programs has a lot of waste in it. The Prog politicians are the ones who dole this out.


Moral Narcissism
The only way that riots, violence arson and unrestricted crime can occur in such a coordinated manner in 96% of our major blue urban areas is if there is a seditious conspiracy...

Incredibly ignorant. It affected all those cities, because all those cities had police that killed unarmed suspects (or like in the case of Louisville Kentucky, someone who was COMPLETELY INNOCENT) and then those cops were NOT held accountable.

Each of the cities listed are predominately Blue Plantation Sanctary cities run by Democrats Party Mayors who have bowed to the terrorist violence. Wher

You are half right. This is a Democratic-run cities problem. These mayors gassed the peaceful protestors who wouldn't observe arbitrary curfews, and rioting was oftern the reaction to this unconstitutional suppression of the peaple assembled for a redress of grievances.

Why Red America felt the need to insinuate itself into Blue America problems is a bit puzzling. They easily could have sat back and critiqued the failed Dem policies from their moral highground. But noooooooo

Because all American citizens have the right to vote especially in local matters up to national matters like the presidency and no party has the right to impose their views by violence as is being done at the present by the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Communist regime.
"Black lives matter" is a pre-emptive racist statement. It is not democracy. This terrorist organization and its coercive threat of post-election violence will be lastingly boycotted, as will Antifa, Biden and Harris.
The only way that riots, violence arson and unrestricted crime can occur in such a coordinated manner in 96% of our major blue urban areas is if there is a seditious conspiracy...

Incredibly ignorant. It affected all those cities, because all those cities had police that killed unarmed suspects (or like in the case of Louisville Kentucky, someone who was COMPLETELY INNOCENT) and then those cops were NOT held accountable.

Each of the cities listed are predominately Blue Plantation Sanctary cities run by Democrats Party Mayors who have bowed to the terrorist violence. Wher

You are half right. This is a Democratic-run cities problem. These mayors gassed the peaceful protestors who wouldn't observe arbitrary curfews, and rioting was oftern the reaction to this unconstitutional suppression of the peaple assembled for a redress of grievances.

Why Red America felt the need to insinuate itself into Blue America problems is a bit puzzling. They easily could have sat back and critiqued the failed Dem policies from their moral highground. But noooooooo

Because all American citizens have the right to vote especially in local matters up to national matters like the presidency and no party has the right to impose their views by violence as is being done at the present by the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Communist regime.

You still seem to not understand that the leftists have beef with the Democrats who are in power there.

Did you criticize when right wingers took over a wildlife refuge to protest Dems?
BLM and Pantifa are the Democrats modern-day Brownshirts. A paramilitary organization aimed at attacking, terrorizing and intimidating their opponents, and to drive the public to support Dems to make it all stop. They have held the entire country in a reign of terror for an entire year. Riots. Stores looted (nothing says oppression like a stolen big-screen), businesses burned, entire neighborhoods destroyed. They have blocked highways, dragged people from their cars and beaten them. They have attacked police with Molotov Cocktails and tried to burn them alive in their precincts. $2 billion in damages, and upwards of 40 dead in their riots.

All of this with the full support and embrace of the Democratic party. This includes financial support from Biden's very own staff and VP. These were terrorist attacks, aimed not at the political leadership of this country, but at ordinary American citizens. All by trained Marxists-with the full support of the Democratic party. Has even one Democrat denounced BLM or Pantifa? And in spite of this reign of terror-not one BLM terrorist or rioter has been shot-in a year of violence.
That was the real "insurrection" in America and the filthy Democrats that supported BLM should be removed from office and then sent to prison.

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