Data Confirms: Democrats Lie About Everything

Dems have to lie, otherwise there wouldn't be a Dem party.

Seems so.

But how to account for the dunderheads who continue to buy the lies, when they are exposed one after another?

It's Love of The Party! It's bigger than any Religion!

They believe EVERYTHING they're told

....even when lie is exploded.

They are afraid to question, think, or read anything not OKd by the party.

They are shunned worse than if they were a Republican!
Dems have to lie, otherwise there wouldn't be a Dem party.

Seems so.

But how to account for the dunderheads who continue to buy the lies, when they are exposed one after another?

It's Love of The Party! It's bigger than any Religion!

They believe EVERYTHING they're told

....even when lie is exploded.

They are afraid to question, think, or read anything not OKd by the party.

They want to be lied to and they want to believe in the lie even when proven false because the fantasy world constructed by the left is the world they wish to live in.
Dems have to lie, otherwise there wouldn't be a Dem party.

Seems so.

But how to account for the dunderheads who continue to buy the lies, when they are exposed one after another?

It's Love of The Party! It's bigger than any Religion!

They believe EVERYTHING they're told

....even when lie is exploded.

They are afraid to question, think, or read anything not OKd by the party.

They want to be lied to and they want to believe in the lie even when proven false because the fantasy world constructed by the left is the world they wish to live in.

I believe that they are cowards.....fearful of what the cancel culture will do to them if they question, disagree or confront the lies.

Police officer shoots perpetrator about to stab a citizen to death, and the Democrats claim racism.

"Valerie Jarrett blasted for suggesting Columbus police shot Ma'Khia Bryant to 'break up a knife fight'


"Knife fight" with only the attacker with a knife?????????

"There was no 'knife fight'. She was trying to stab another girl. This police officer saved that girl’s life," conservative writer A.G. Hamilton reacted. "The accountability here should be for Jarrett for portraying an officer saving a life while using clearly justifiable force as something worthy of outrage."

We're being pitted against each other and pitted against all institutions of authority."

Democrats.......they lie about everything.
Perhaps you recall the 2016 Democrat Platform....

"America’s economic inequality problem is even more pronounced when it comes to racial and ethnic disparities in wealth and income. It is unacceptable that the median wealth for African Americans and Latino Americans is roughly one-tenth that of white Americans. These disparities are also stark for American Indians and certain Asian American subgroups, and may become even more significant when considering other characteristics such as age, disability status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

The platform goes on to explain: “The racial wealth and income gaps are the result of policies that discriminate against people of color and constrain their ability to earn income and build assets to the same extent as other Americans.”

In fact, there are no such policies. To repeat: if such policies existed, they would be illegal under the 14th Amendment, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and many, many other laws enacted since then.
David Horowitz

Democrats.....they lie about everything.
"Joe Biden Sparks Fury as He Calls Capitol Riot ‘the Worst Attack on Democracy Since the Civil War’

Let's get this straight:
The lying Democrats need to pretend the Jan 6th farrago at the Capitol was nothing worse than Black Friday At Walmart.
The Democrat party would love to have an excuse to cover, to mitigate, what they have done for a full year of riots....and that is the reason for amplifying the farrago at the Capitol.

I've seen worse shoving and pushing at Walmart on Black Friday.

On the other are the Biden voters attacking the White House.
Completely ignored behind the pretense that this was an insurrection, a rebellion, an attack on democracy itself, was the real such attack on America: The three day siege of the White House in May of 2020, occupation of Lafayette Park, and the burning of the historic St. John's Church.

“More than 60 Secret Service officers and special agents sustained multiple injuries in three days worth of violent clashes stemming from protests demanding justice for George Floyd in Washington, D.C.

The uprisings overflowed from Lafayette Park and continued near the White House on Saturday night and early into Sunday morning. Protesters in the area had taken to the streets since Friday to condemn police brutality.”

At least 60 Secret Service members injured during George Floyd protests in DC

“St. John's Church Near White House Set on Fire ….fire crews were able to get to the scene to save the historic structure where every president since James Madison has attendended services,…” St. John's Church Near White House Set on Fire

First time a President had to be evacuated from the White House since the War of 1812.

Here is MSNBC reporting on that ‘mostly peaceful protest” attacking the WhiteHouse

“….folks trying to make a point of being peaceful….”

Peaceful protesters jumping the barriers at the White House.

Democrats lie about everything.

"NYT, WaPo, forced to retract false claim Guiliani was contacted by FBI prior to raid; CNN reacts strangely

Major media outlets including The Washington Post, The New York Times, and NBC News were forced to publish retractions on Saturday after falsely claiming that Rudy Giuliani was warned about Russian disinformation by the FBI prior to the raid on his Manhattan apartment last week."

Democrats......they lie about everything.
I'm gonna predict that Democrat supporters will either be unable to refute any of the documentation proving the title, or will be reduced to the usual "is not, issssssssss nooooottttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

1. “CNN blatantly lies about Governor Abbott and the COVID superspreader that Biden is running at the border accused Governor Greg Abbott of accusing Biden of exposing Texans to COVID “without evidence”: Gov. Greg Abbott, who has said without evidence that migrants expose Texans to Covid-19, is stalling a federal offer to test people released from custody. Does CNN even bother to read the news?

It was NBC News which ran the article two days ago, which we were among the first to cover:

After Border Patrol release, asylum-seekers test positive for Covid-19 in Brownsville, Texas.


2. We have learned….from the state media….that none of the hundreds of Biden voter riots count…..the only one that matters is the ‘Armed Insurrection at the Capitol”!!!
When a Republican calls their lie, well…then PolitiFact calls him a liar…’Pants On Fire!’

“Says Jan. 6 Capitol riot “didn’t seem like an armed insurrection.”
U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisconsin, still claims accounts of the day’s events are being exaggerated. He made his case Feb. 15, 2021, in an appearance on "The Jay Weber Show" on WISN radio.

"The fact of the matter is this didn’t seem like an armed insurrection to me. I mean armed, when you hear armed, don’t you think of firearms?" Johnson said. "Here’s the questions I would have liked to ask. How many firearms were confiscated? How many shots were fired? I’m only aware of one, and I’ll defend that law enforcement officer for taking that shot." PolitiFact - Yes, Jan. 6 Capitol assault was an “armed insurrection”

But….the FBI supported the Republican's contention:

“How many firearms were confiscated in the Capitol or on Capitol grounds that day?

To my knowledge we have not recovered any on that day from any other arrests at the scene at this point.

So nobody has been charged with any firearm weapon in the Capitol or on Capitol grounds.

Update: FBI Counterterrorism Official Says She Has No Knowledge of Firearms Recovered During Jan. 6 Capitol Breach


They lie about everything.
12. "Democrat “Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota has, on several occasions, made classically anti-Semitic claims about American Jews,…

The gist of Omar's complaints is that the perfidious, string-pulling Hebraic hordes control Congress with their shady shekels, Israel has hypnotized the world, and American Jews are guilty of dual loyalty.”

House Democrats Finding It Hard to Confront Anti-Semitism

Nancy Pelosi: Ilhan Omar Is Not anti-Semitic, No Taint of anti-Semitism in Democratic Party

'I don’t think the congresswoman is anti-Semitic. I wouldn’t even put those in the same category,' Nancy Pelosi tells CNN’s Christiane Amanpour Nancy Pelosi: Ilhan Omar is not anti-Semitic, no taint of anti-Semitism in Democratic Party

Democrats....they lie about everything.

"US Troops Photographed in Somalia After Biden Administration Said Withdrawal Occurred

Photos emerge as Biden admin plots Afghan withdrawal

American soldiers posed for photos last week with a Somali leader after the Biden administration said it had withdrawn U.S. forces from the war-torn country.

Jubaland president Ahmed Madobe posted photos showing him flanked by three U.S. troops on May 4."

Democrats......they lie about everything.

"WH Economic Adviser Blames Bad Jobs Report on Easter Being in March This Year. Easter Was on April 4th.

To be fair, calendars can be hard for Democrats to read. So many numbers.​

We have a contender for this year’s “Worst Excuse for Failure” award. White House economic adviser Cecilia Rouse was trying to make excuses for the horrific jobs report from April. One of her excuses was that Easter fell in March this year, prompting the bad April report. Even if we set aside the obvious question of what Easter has to do with a jobs report, we cannot dismiss the fact that Easter was on April 4th this year.

April 4th does not fall in March, even for Democrats."

Have I mentioned ......Democrats lie about everything.
New York Times Admits Anti-Trump 'Steele Dossier' Was Fake

Newspaper finally acknowledges that dossier was 'false' propaganda

The New York Times has finally gone on record to admit that the infamous "Steele Dossier" was a fabricated piece of propaganda that was designed to smear President Donald Trump.

The NY Times was a major promoter of the now-debunked conspiracy theory that President Trump colluded with Russia to win the election in 2016.

The "Steele Dossier," which contained outlandish and salacious claims about President Trump, was a key feature in the Russian collusion narrative being peddled by the liberal media.

Investigators turned up evidence that the "dossier" was, in fact, an opposition-research project funded by Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

In January, documents declassified by the Trump administration showed Steele was introduced to his primary source by none other than Fiona Hill, the former Russia expert on the National Security Council who testified against President Trump in the first impeachment hearings.

Just the News editor John Solomon reported at the time that the documents showed the collusion narrative was created and leaked to the news media to "neutralize Hillary Clinton's concern that her email scandal had not yet gone away."

"It was actually a calculated political act, and you'll see in Christopher Steele's own acknowledgment that that was the reason that James Comey's continued actions to keep the case open drove him to leak and to plant what turned out to be a false story,"
he said.

The Obama FBI and Justice Department used the dossier as primary evidence to obtain warrants to spy on Trump volunteer adviser Carter Page.

A report by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz found intelligence agencies had warned the FBI that the document contained Kremlin disinformation.
The FBI, nevertheless, continued to use the dossier to advance its Trump-Russia probe.”

Democrats.......they lie about everything......and the dumbest among us swallow each and every lie.
Wait 'til you see this whopper from the LATimes:

"The evidence is clear — COVID lockdowns saved lives without harming economies

The published data point to two related conclusions: First, lockdowns played a significant role in reducing infection rates. Second, they had a very modest role in producing economic damage. Conversely, lifting lockdowns has done very little to spur economic resurgence."

They lie about EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"The article was widely panned on social media, including by author Carol Roth, who pointed out the devastating impact lockdowns had on small businesses.

“This is ridiculously cruel,” Roth tweeted. “By June 2020, 400,000 #smallbiz were permanently shuttered-more today. 37% of #smallbiz in @Alignable survey can't pay May rent. We have 8+ million fewer jobs filled than in 2/20. But hey, big companies got bigger & more powerful at smallbiz's expense!"


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Seems so.

But how to account for the dunderheads who continue to buy the lies, when they are exposed one after another?
It boils down to their hate of the truth, ANY truth. It's the same ideology that killed Jesus.

They have to create a "boogeyman" in order to justify their hate.
We just hate the garbage propaganda and swine you listen to.... Change the channel and rejoin reality.

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