Data Confirms: Democrats Lie About Everything

I never lie, and you're post is an excellent example of what Democrats do.
Your post contains an excellent example of what Trump and other Republicans NEVER do, Biden admitted he said things that were not true.

Here's another lie by a Democrat.

Biden didn't 'admit' that he lied.....he was called on the lies and vid presented, and quotes provided.

But you have all the requirements needed to be a lie, and you're stupid.
From a link in your post:
Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. issued a formal statement today acknowledging that he had misstated several facts about his past.

Got a similar quote from the leader of the GOP, Trump?

Here's another lie by a Democrat.

Biden didn't 'admit' that he lied.....he was called on the lies and vid presented, and quotes provided.

But you have all the requirements needed to be a lie, and you're stupid.
I'm afraid the poor bot is caught in a loop. Someone reboot her please. :itsok:
Can't argue a point so you just slap....
I'm here to argue but it is hard to respond to the exact same post more than once.
Then go away....take a break....rub one out...whatever....
I guess I didn't get the memo putting you in charge. Not that you seem to be contributing anything.
12. They totally messed up immigration, so they simply lied about Trump’s system:

"Biden “Homeland Security chief Mayorkas grilled by lawmakers over handling of migrant surge
"Give us the time to rebuild the system that was entirely dismantled in the prior administration, and we have in fact begun to rebuild that system," he told ABC News' George Stephanopoulos.” Homeland Security chief Mayorkas grilled by lawmakers over handling of migrant surge

Let’s check:

Mayorkas’ claims are simply false. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services hired approximately 500 additional asylum officers to advance the Trump administration’s priority of reducing the asylum backlog. The administration also shifted resources to prioritize the asylum backlog and those seeking protection at our own border.

The Trump administration inherited a back-logged asylum system, and wisely chose to focus on reducing this backlog throughout his term. More individuals were granted asylum by DHS and DOJ during the four years of the Trump administration than under the last four years of the Obama administration. Total asylum grants in 2019 alone – 46,508 – were the highest annual total since at least 1990.” – Lora Ries, senior research fellow for homeland security & former acting DHS deputy chief of staff

Not once is responsibility taken [by Biden] for disastrous messaging and the removal of effective immigration policies without a clear plan in place. This is absurd. Monthly apprehensions nearly doubled between summer of 2020 and February 2021, because the Biden campaign and then the Biden administration was sending a clear signal to the world – if you arrive soon, you will receive amnesty.” –Former Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf

Democrats…..they lie about everything.
13. Apparently Democrats/Leftists are unaware of the definitions of these terms…defend, refute, segregation…
Either that…..or they lie about everything.

This story broke about segregated graduation ceremonies:

'Woke: Columbia University to Host Six Graduation ...
Woke: Columbia University to Host Six Graduation Ceremonies Based on Race, Sexuality, Income Level

Columbia University is so woke that they are now bringing back segregation. Columbia University will host six graduation ceremonies for Native, Asian, LatinX, Black, LGBTQIA+ and "first generation/or low income community." Advertisement - story continues below

But it must be too “illiberal” to advance segregation in this day and age…
Columbia refutes reports of separate graduation ceremonies ...

Columbia refutes reports of separate graduation ceremonies based on race and ethnicity

The Columbia University spokesperson said the reports that it is holding separate graduating events for students "based on race or ethnicity are incorrect." "Columbia marks graduation every spring... The Columbia University spokesperson said the reports that it is holding separate graduating events for students "based on race or ethnicity are incorrect."

Columbia University Defends Grad Ceremonies Based on Race ...
Columbia University Defends Grad Ceremonies Based on Race, Income, and Sexual Identity | Todd Starnes

Columbia University Defends Grad Ceremonies Based on Race, Income, and Sexual Identity. Caleb Parke. Mar 16, 2021. New York City's Columbia University responded after getting heat for holding separate graduation ceremonies based on race, income, and sexual identity.

The school added the separate ceremonies are “important, intimate and welcoming spaces for students aligned with these groups to come together to celebrate their achievements if they wish.”

The Ivy can't make up its mind......refute.....defend.......simply lie.

Democrats.......they lie about everything.
14. They lie about everything:

“White House press secretary Jen Psaki was asked about lack of access during today's press briefing by Fox News White House correspondent Kristin Fisher. The exchange was notable not just because of how Psaki tap-danced around the question but also by how Fisher played the Trump card, with an emphasis on the capital "T", while using Biden's pledge to be the most transparent administration ever against him. Here's the transcript:

Fisher: "Is the White House or DHS instructing border agents to refuse ride-along requests from reporters? Because that's what a lot of our folks on the ground are hearing."

Psaki: “Again, I think we’ve seen, watching a number of the reports you all do, a number of Border Patrol officials who are quoted in them, who appear in them, and certainly from the White House we support that. It’s coordinated through the Department of Homeland Security and I point you to them for any additional questions about the logistics of press access.”

Fisher: “But our reporters used to be able to get ridealongs during the Trump administration. And you all came in and promised to be the most truthful and transparent administration, and you all, you know, oversee the Department of Homeland Security. So, if you all wanted to grant access to the press, couldn’t you just tell DHS to do it?”

Psaki: “Again, we fully support transparency, and I would encourage you to talk to the Department of Homeland Security about any requests you have for press access or what you’re looking to accomplish at the border.” Fox News Reporter Nukes Jen Psaki in Back and Forth Over Lack of Press Access to Migrant Facilities

What do you suppose they’re hiding with these lies????
Liberalism: where denial and delusion are inserted between fact and conclusion.

Liberalism requires a willingness to accept, and support, lies.
15. Democrats have found myriad ways of lying.

“Judge Rules New York Times Used 'Deceptive Disinformation' To Smear Project Veritas

…"acted with actual malice" when two of their reporters deceptively presented opinions as fact in several articles denigrating whistleblower organization Project Veritas.

What the Times did, as you'll see below, is similar to countless hit-pieces against Zero Hedge and others; using broad, unsupported brush strokes to slander their ideological opponents. …writers Maggie Astor and Tiffany Hsu inserted sentences that were opinions despite the articles being billed as news,…

In one of Astor’s articles, she wrote: “Mr. O’Keefe and Project Veritas have a long history of releasing manipulated or selectively edited footage purporting to show illegal conduct by Democrats and liberal groups.”

Hsu, meanwhile, wrote in part that conservative publications “magnified the reach of a deceptive video released last month by Project Veritas…

Stating that the video is ‘deceptive’ and stating ‘without verifiable evidence’ in a factual way in a news article certainly presents the statement as fact, not opinion,” Wood wrote in his decision.” NY Supreme Court Judge Rules New York Times Used 'Deceptive Disinformation' To Smear Project Veritas | ZeroHedge

They lie about everything.
"Biden's claim US sending back vast majority of migrant families not true: CNN
John Bowden 2 hrs ago

President Biden's claim that a "vast majority" of families attempting to migrate to the U.S. since he took office are being turned away or deported was not true, according to a CNN fact check.

During a Thursday press conference, the president claimed that the U.S. is"sending back the vast majority of the families that are coming," an assertion CNN correspondent Daniel Dale said was not supported by the most recent data released by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

"That's what happening, they're not getting across the border," Biden said.

During a CNN fact check of the president's comments, Dale said that Biden's claim was not supported by the most recent data released by DHS, which detailed apprehensions for the month of February."

Yup.....just more proof: Democrats.....they lie about everything.

And......or course.......that includes the results of the election.


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"Biden Lies About GOP Ballot Security Laws
Answering the ridiculous claim that the GOP state legislatures are trying to “restrict voting,” which might mean “your party is going to lose seats and possibly lose control of the House and the Senate in 2022,” Biden called Republicans “sick” and lied about sound legislation to stop vote fraud:

'What I’m worried about is how un-American this whole initiative is. It’s sick. It’s sick, deciding in some states that you cannot bring water to people, standing in line waiting to vote, deciding that you’re gonna end voting at five o’clock when working people are just getting off work, deciding that there will be no absentee ballots under the most rigid circumstances.… The Republican voters I know find his despicable.
That ridiculous claim that polls close at 5 p.m. “when working people are just getting off work” and “no absentee ballots under the most rigid circumstances” went unchallenged.

A recent, lengthy survey story in the Washington Post reported that such reform legislation would “limit mail, early in-person and Election Day voting with such constraints as stricter ID requirements, limited hours or narrower eligibility to vote absentee,” and stop corrupt ballot harvesting.

A measure in Georgia would stop “line-warming,” as the Post reported, “such as passing out water and blankets to voters standing in long lines,” because it encourages illegal campaigning if the line-warmers are pushing their candidates.

The Post did not report a single election reform bill that polls, which open at dawn or 7 a.m., will close at 5 p.m., or almost stop absentee balloting altogether, as Biden said. Some measures would restrict absentee balloting to voters who need it.
Polls are generally open at least 12 hours."

What sort of morons haven't caught on yet to what the Democrats are???

They lie about everything.

And another example of "They lie about everything."

They have taken over every avenue of the dissemination of knowledge and information.

Here, a publication that was once known for science..... now, just one more Leftist publication.

"Climate Anxiety Is an Overwhelmingly White Phenomenon
Is it really just code for white people wishing to hold onto their way of life or to get “back to normal?”

The climate movement is ascendant, and it has become common to see climate change as a social justice issue. Climate change and its effects—pandemics, pollution, natural disasters—are not universally or uniformly felt: the people and communities suffering most are disproportionately Black, Indigenous and people of color. It is no surprise then that U.S. surveys show that these are the communities most concerned about climate change.

Put another way, is climate anxiety just code for white people wishing to hold onto their way of life or get “back to normal,” to the comforts of their privilege?

The white response to climate change is literally suffocating to people of color."

Everyone is a 'denier,' a 'racist,' whatever.

Or.......they lie about everything.

Last edited:
"Tucker Carlson drops key stats to debunk Biden’s ‘appalling lie’ on ‘assault weapons’
...Carlson on Friday dismantled President Joe Biden’s arguments that so-called “assault weapons” are responsible for an outsized number of gun homicides in the U.S.

... the Biden administration is actually arguing that police should have a right to seize firearms without warrants, in violation of the Constitution, and without repercussion.... most dangerous of all, Joe Biden has told us, including this week, are something called ‘assault weapons.’ Assault weapons are such a threat, Joe Biden says, he’s not going to wait for the Supreme Court. He wants Congress, which his party controls, to pass a total ban on ‘assault weapons,” ...

“If you go to Joe Biden’s website, you’ll learn that ‘assault weapons’ are responsible for quote, our gun violence epidemic. They’re ‘weapons of war’ and if you can get them off the streets this country will be a much safer place. Well, that’s a total crock. And not only is it a lie, it’s an appalling lie, contradicted completely by actual evidence,” he continued.

Citing 2019 FBI homicide statistics, the most recent year, Carlson said that there were 364 murders involving all types of rifles, not just those referred to by critics as assault weapons.

Meanwhile, roughly 600 people were killed with fists, feet, and hands, while knives and other cutting tools were used in 1,476 homicides."

Only a fool believes anything a Democrat official says......

.....the lie about everything.
Even some of the apologists for the Democrats may have had about enough......but don't quite come out and say they lie about everything.

Here is the Pinocchio guy, who doesn't use the term "lie"....but comes mighty close:

"Fact-checking President Biden’s first news conference

President Biden made a number of incorrect statements or made claims that lacked important context.

“That’s right, 200 million shots in 100 days.:
At least a dozen countries, such as Chile, Israel and the United Kingdom, have vaccinated a greater percentage of their population. For instance, while the United States has provided 39 doses out of every hundred people, Israel has done 114 doses, the United Arab Emirates 77 doses, Chile 47 doses and the United Kingdom 46 doses. (Most of the other nations ahead of the United States in the per capita ranking are small, island countries.)

“To hear them [Republicans] complain when they passed a close to $2 trillion Trump tax cut, 83 percent going to the top 1 percent.”

Biden uses a misleading Democratic talking point that has often earned Two Pinocchios. The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center estimated that initially more than 80 percent of taxpayers would get a tax cut, with less than 5 percent getting a tax increase. The top 1 percent received 20.5 percent of the tax cut in 2018.

“I also set a goal before I took office, of getting the majority of schools in K through 8 fully open in the first 100 days. Now, thanks to the enormous amount of work done by our administration, educators, parents, local, state education officials and leaders, a recent Department of Education survey shows that nearly half of the K-through-8 schools are open now, full time, five days a week for in-person learning.”
Biden is referring to a survey, released Wednesday, that surveyed schools on the situation in January, just as Biden took office. So the numbers do not reflect anything that has happened on Biden’s watch. Moreover, Biden overstated what the survey found.

“Well, look, the idea that I’m going to say, which I would never do, that if an unaccompanied child ends up at the border, we’re just going to let them starve to death and stay on the other side — no previous administration did that either, except Trump.”
...reports are certainly compelling, but none documented the deaths of children by starvation.

“I would like elected Republican support, but what I know I have now is I have electoral support from Republican voters. Republican voters agree with what I’m doing. … Over 50 percent of them must be over that edge, as well, cause they support what I did.”
“Polls show majorities of Republicans across the country opposed the stimulus bill, although polls show most Republicans supported some key parts of the legislation,” they wrote. “Across five national polls since late February, between 54 percent and 73 percent of Republicans opposed the $1.9 trillion stimulus package. "

Democrats.....they lie about everything.

Even some of the apologists for the Democrats may have had about enough......but don't quite come out and say they lie about everything.

Here is the Pinocchio guy, who doesn't use the term "lie"....but comes mighty close:

"Fact-checking President Biden’s first news conference

President Biden made a number of incorrect statements or made claims that lacked important context.

“That’s right, 200 million shots in 100 days.:
At least a dozen countries, such as Chile, Israel and the United Kingdom, have vaccinated a greater percentage of their population. For instance, while the United States has provided 39 doses out of every hundred people, Israel has done 114 doses, the United Arab Emirates 77 doses, Chile 47 doses and the United Kingdom 46 doses. (Most of the other nations ahead of the United States in the per capita ranking are small, island countries.)

“To hear them [Republicans] complain when they passed a close to $2 trillion Trump tax cut, 83 percent going to the top 1 percent.”

Biden uses a misleading Democratic talking point that has often earned Two Pinocchios. The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center estimated that initially more than 80 percent of taxpayers would get a tax cut, with less than 5 percent getting a tax increase. The top 1 percent received 20.5 percent of the tax cut in 2018.

“I also set a goal before I took office, of getting the majority of schools in K through 8 fully open in the first 100 days. Now, thanks to the enormous amount of work done by our administration, educators, parents, local, state education officials and leaders, a recent Department of Education survey shows that nearly half of the K-through-8 schools are open now, full time, five days a week for in-person learning.”
Biden is referring to a survey, released Wednesday, that surveyed schools on the situation in January, just as Biden took office. So the numbers do not reflect anything that has happened on Biden’s watch. Moreover, Biden overstated what the survey found.

“Well, look, the idea that I’m going to say, which I would never do, that if an unaccompanied child ends up at the border, we’re just going to let them starve to death and stay on the other side — no previous administration did that either, except Trump.”
...reports are certainly compelling, but none documented the deaths of children by starvation.

“I would like elected Republican support, but what I know I have now is I have electoral support from Republican voters. Republican voters agree with what I’m doing. … Over 50 percent of them must be over that edge, as well, cause they support what I did.”
“Polls show majorities of Republicans across the country opposed the stimulus bill, although polls show most Republicans supported some key parts of the legislation,” they wrote. “Across five national polls since late February, between 54 percent and 73 percent of Republicans opposed the $1.9 trillion stimulus package. "

Democrats.....they lie about everything.

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When you read the Kessler column, although he excused the lies........did you note that there are no 'Pinocchio's' applied?????

He simply excuses the lies as "incorrect statements or made claims that lacked important context."

Check out Michael Goodwin's column on the same subject:

"Biden lies, and the media doesn’t question it: Goodwin

He [lied] in a room full of 30 supposed journalists and not a single one challenged him or even asked whether he meant it literally. In fact, not a single one challenged him on any of his falsehoods.

Nor did anyone ask him why he read from prepared talking points during answers to three questions on foreign policy. No recent president has felt the need to do that.

As for the pandemic, apparently it’s no longer a problem. Pictures showing migrants crowded together in cages and reports that many are released despite testing positive for COVID never came up. No sense spoiling the good vibes.

The facts of illegal immigration are fairly simple. Trump campaigned on the issue and after false starts and despite unified Democratic opposition, eventually stitched together a series of policies and actions that stemmed the tide. He built large sections of wall, deported criminal aliens and struck an agreement with Mexico that those making asylum claims would have to wait in Mexico.

It is also a fact that Biden blew up each of those pillars, yet now claims he inherited a mess. Strangely, he also insisted that the numbers surging now “happens every single, solitary year. Nothing has changed.”

He’s either misinformed or lying."

Democrats......they lie about everything.


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See how many lies you can find in this short section of CNN article about transgenders....

"Though the two executive orders signed by Noem do not explicitly mention transgender athletes, they reference the supposed harms of the participation of "males" in women's athletics -- an echo of the transphobic claim, cited in other similar legislative initiatives, that transgender women are not women. The orders also reference "biological sex," a disputed term that refers to the sex as listed on students' original birth certificates.

It's not possible to know a person's gender identity at birth, and for some people, the sex listed on their original birth certificate is a misleading way of describing the body they have.

The factors that go into determining the sex listed on a person's birth certificate may include anatomy, genetics and hormones, and there is broad natural variation in each of these categories. For this reason, the language of "biological sex," as used in this legislation, can be overly simplistic and misleading."

Democrats.......they lie about everything.

"Brian Auten doesn't live in infamy alongside the likes of John Brennan, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, and Kevin Clinesmith, but he ought to. Because his role in Crossfire Hurricane, the Russia-collusion railroading of our 45th president, was every bit as instrumental as that of those other malefactors.

... perpetuating the lie that is the Steele dossier, an opposition-research document bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee, vouched for by the FBI, and used with devastating effect to secure FISA warrants for spying on Donald Trump.

As Paul Sperry writes in RealClearInvestigations, "For the past four years, Democrats and the Washington media have suspended disbelief about the Steele dossier's credibility by arguing that some Russia allegations against Donald Trump and his advisers have been corroborated and therefore the most explosive charges may also be true. But recently declassified secret testimony by the FBI official in charge of corroborating the dossier blows up that narrative."

That heretofore obscure FBI official was Supervisory Intelligence Analyst Brian Auten, and he knew the Steele dossier was garbage and its contents a farrago of falsehoods. And yet he didn't do a thing about it.

The supposed kompromat that the Russians had on Trump? The grainy "golden shower" videotape of him in the Moscow Ritz Carlton hotel, ordering prostitutes to urinate on a bed once slept in by former President Barack Obama? A fake, a fraud, and the source of endless speculation from the Trump-hating media. Other salacious claims like it? Also false.

Auten, who was the top analyst assigned to Crossfire Hurricane, "admitted under oath that neither he nor his team of half a dozen intelligence analysts could confirm any of the allegations in the dossier — including ones the FBI nonetheless included in several warrant applications as evidence to establish legal grounds to electronically monitor a former Trump adviser for almost a year," Sperry says."

Democrats......they lie about everything.
Here is the state media admission that lying is fine...

Nightly News anchor
accepts Edward R. Murrow Award and proclaims "fairness is overrated," insists it's not necessary to "always give two sides equal weight and merit"


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