Data Expert Finds Large Anomalies in Vote Tabulations in PA and GA

Data expert: Vote tabulation feeds in PA, GA show 'anomalies' suggesting Trump missing votes | Just The News
EXCERPT: Vote tabulation data in various battleground states contain “anomalies” with massive swings toward Joe Biden that suggest missing ballots for President Trump, according to data expert Justin Hart, who helped raise millions of dollars for Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign. . . .

“There's a lot of anomalies in that data,” Hart said in an interview with Just the News. “And then I think the real evidence though is in the pure volume, when you have a big batch that comes in at like 96%, for Biden, it's unclear where they would find enough precincts that would have that many votes.”
No fraud was found. So now what? Missing ballots? Trump lost the election and is in the process of hurting our Democracy big time. Enough already. There is NO evidence of fraud except in a loser's mentality. Now he is not leaving the White House until Biden proves that he got 80 million votes? Trump tried to prove that Biden did not get those votes and failed miserably. You elected this psychological misfit.

Why do people keeps saying there is “no” evidence of fraud. That is patently false.
So far it is patently true. Trump lost.
A better argument: Reasons Why the 2020 Election Is Deeply Puzzling

As I always find myself wondering, are the Progs on this Site stupid or devious? Do they not realize that the local Democrat voting officials (in Democrat-controlled big cities in "swing states") spent the last nine months before the election tweaking the voting rules so that their fraudulent votes could not be traced? Doing things like eliminating signature checks for mail-in votes? Refusing to put unique identifiers on the ballots that were sent out to registered voters? Preventing observers from seeing whether the ballot envelopes were properly authenticated?

Stupid or devious? Puzzling.
stupid or devious?
Why do people keeps saying there is “no” evidence of fraud. That is patently false.

Why not take it to court under threat of perjury instead of Fox News?

Proving there is “no” evidence of voter fraud is discounted in every single election. Of course there is voter fraud. We know for a fact dead people voted for example. What you are trying to say is there is not enough of it to account for the difference. That is up for debate.

Your voter fraud is few and far between.
More in the dozens than in the millions you need

Trump doesn’t need millions. 5 million of the 7 million vote margin was from CA alone. IMO the Democrats severely cheated in the swing states after they realized they were going to lose without some serious intervention.
They were getting blown out on election day and their cheating algorithm was broken on these Chinese Dominion machines, so that had to flood the system with fake paper ballots.
Times to move on, son.
Wait until Trump releases tons of declassified info soon..............LOLOL........

Just wait what he has in store for you libturds.................BAWWWWHAHA. You ninnys.

He's on Maria Bs show soon....lolol
President Harris.....The greatest cock sucker of all time....Madame Cocksucker sounds
Well I'll call her Madame Vice-President Kaaamala Kocksucker.

Ever wonder why you can't get the women vote?

No I thought not.
Wait until Trump releases tons of declassified info soon..............LOLOL........

Just wait what he has in store for you libturds.................BAWWWWHAHA. You ninnys.

He's on Maria Bs show soon....lolol
President Harris.....The greatest cock sucker of all time....Madame Cocksucker sounds
Well I'll call her Madame Vice-President Kaaamala Kocksucker.
Of course you will.
While they were cheating for Biden, you would think they would be clever enough to cheat themselves a Democratic Senate
They're working on that as we speak......

Why let it come to a runoff in a Red State?

They were favored in Senate races in Maine, N Carolina and Montana and were defeated.

Also favored to be competitive in Iowa and Kansas. Also lost several House races.

All of which rather briskly yanks the rug out from under the whole "fraud" pretense. The simplest analysis is still the simplest ---- a repudiation of The Rump, personally, not of the party that got in bed with him. Said party thus dodged a bullet.

And that's why Rump is throwing daily whiny-little-bitch tantrums. Because it's personal, and he knows it.
And it always was. We've been pointing that out on this board for five years while the Rumpbots want to hide it behind "political parties". :eusa_hand:
All of which rather briskly yanks the rug out from under the whole "fraud" pretense. The simplest analysis is still the simplest ---- a repudiation of The Rump, personally, not of the party that got in bed with him. Said party thus dodged a bullet.

Agree, the American people sent Trump packing, they did not send his party packing
No president has ever been attacked as badly as President Trump.
Trump is a fighter, and he is trying to defend himself from the Democrat Hate Machine.
Trump has been one of the most effective presidents in our history.
The baseless fanatical hatred for Trump speaks volumes about the Left's integrity.

The "left's integrity"?

That sounds like The Chicken's Lips or the Unicorn's Vagina.

Wait until Trump releases tons of declassified info soon..............LOLOL........

Just wait what he has in store for you libturds.................BAWWWWHAHA. You ninnys.

He's on Maria Bs show soon....lolol
President Harris.....The greatest cock sucker of all time....Madame Cocksucker sounds
Well I'll call her Madame Vice-President Kaaamala Kocksucker.
Of course you will.
I am always open to other suggestions.
Wait until Trump releases tons of declassified info soon..............LOLOL........

Just wait what he has in store for you libturds.................BAWWWWHAHA. You ninnys.

He's on Maria Bs show soon....lolol
President Harris.....The greatest cock sucker of all time....Madame Cocksucker sounds
Well I'll call her Madame Vice-President Kaaamala Kocksucker.

Ever wonder why you can't get the women vote?

No I thought not.
I know. Trump did not even get ONE dead womans vote. He should have campaigned harder with dead women.
Wait until Trump releases tons of declassified info soon..............LOLOL........

Just wait what he has in store for you libturds.................BAWWWWHAHA. You ninnys.

He's on Maria Bs show soon....lolol
President Harris.....The greatest cock sucker of all time....Madame Cocksucker sounds
Well I'll call her Madame Vice-President Kaaamala Kocksucker.

Ever wonder why you can't get the women vote?

No I thought not.
I know. Trump did not even get ONE dead womans vote. He should have campaigned harder with dead women.

I understand you can do anything and they let you do it. Grab 'em by the formaldehyde.....
They only believe in “science” or any scientific methods when it is politically expedient to do so.
We can tell the difference between someone engaging in scientific method and a partisan hack trying desperately to make a scandal.

Maybe not.

You forgot,

GONE 1/20/2021
Maybe. But won't change THE FACT the left made up conspiracies for 4 years and are all butt hurt we want to follow up on the election on how a man who can't get 20 people to a rally won.

No. You want a way to make sure Trump stays President for life. Like he deserves another four years just because he made all of his own issues over the last four years. You're mad because your country won't be returned to you as the birthright of your race. And I find it deeply satisfying that people of color were the ones who were responsible for showing Trump the door. Yeah, he picked up some of that vote...but not nearly enough. Fitting because those communities of color have been hit the hardest by Trump's complete fumbling of the virus response. You do understand that Biden's rallies were designed to be low key events that weren't virus super spreaders? know, unlike the other guy's. :)
See. No point in talking wolith you when you are, going to tell me what my mindset is.
Data expert: Vote tabulation feeds in PA, GA show 'anomalies' suggesting Trump missing votes | Just The News
EXCERPT: Vote tabulation data in various battleground states contain “anomalies” with massive swings toward Joe Biden that suggest missing ballots for President Trump, according to data expert Justin Hart, who helped raise millions of dollars for Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign. . . .

“There's a lot of anomalies in that data,” Hart said in an interview with Just the News. “And then I think the real evidence though is in the pure volume, when you have a big batch that comes in at like 96%, for Biden, it's unclear where they would find enough precincts that would have that many votes.”
Not evidence. Also, he is lying. Anomalies don't show or prove Trump is missing votes. But he knows the Trump cult knows less about math and logic than they do about duck dynasty and guns, so he fleeces you for clicks for money. You poor suckers.
But there are far too many REAL ISSUES concerning fraud. If we don't follow up and it's real, we've lost a country and no one who values traditional America has won.
There aren’t. These allegations are universally BS.

That’s why Trump’s lawsuits fail. They don’t just fail, they crash and burn. Badly. This is a PR strategy, not a legal one. The intention is to give people like you the impression that there is a lot of issues concerning fraud when there just isn’t.
So PA stopping certifications is done why then?

like I said, you never offer up facts or support evidence. you just shout the other side sucks.

But there are far too many REAL ISSUES concerning fraud. If we don't follow up and it's real, we've lost a country and no one who values traditional America has won.
There aren’t. These allegations are universally BS.

That’s why Trump’s lawsuits fail. They don’t just fail, they crash and burn. Badly. This is a PR strategy, not a legal one. The intention is to give people like you the impression that there is a lot of issues concerning fraud when there just isn’t.
So PA stopping certifications is done why then?

like I said, you never offer up facts or support evidence. you just shout the other side sucks.


The certifications were given the green light by the PA SC last night.

And the Presidential election was certified last week.

What hadn't been certified were down ballot races.
This Democrat want to get rid of the ec and have America governed by a mass mob. Sure that will work out great. Wonder why the founders didn't think of that. They must be racist...

Don't care what a bunch of dead slave rapists would have thought...

The EC is a bad idea for a bunch of reasons.

1) It allows someone the people didn't want to become president. These presidents are always awful.

2) It prevents third parties from taking root and growing.

3) It disenfranchises people in the 40 or so states that aren't swing states.

4) It allows for the kinds of machinations we are seeing now done by Trump.

5) It runs that risk that the election could be thrown into Congress, which would not be a good thing.

6) It turns local issues into national ones, like Cuban-American butthurt in Florida or Ethanol subsidies in Iowa or Fracking in PA.

The sooner we consign it to the scrap heap of history, the better.
Let's not forget Hunter Biden's Laptop is still going to cause Joe Biden to be successfully impeached. Biden admitted his crimes on video, so it's a slam dunk when you add the laptop in.

Okay, buddy, you keep on with your delusions....
This Democrat want to get rid of the ec and have America governed by a mass mob. Sure that will work out great. Wonder why the founders didn't think of that. They must be racist...

Don't care what a bunch of dead slave rapists would have thought...

The EC is a bad idea for a bunch of reasons.

1) It allows someone the people didn't want to become president. These presidents are always awful.

2) It prevents third parties from taking root and growing.

3) It disenfranchises people in the 40 or so states that aren't swing states.

4) It allows for the kinds of machinations we are seeing now done by Trump.

5) It runs that risk that the election could be thrown into Congress, which would not be a good thing.

6) It turns local issues into national ones, like Cuban-American butthurt in Florida or Ethanol subsidies in Iowa or Fracking in PA.

The sooner we consign it to the scrap heap of history, the better.
The founders were certainly slave owners but to call them rapists is a smear.

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