David Gergen says Obama could lose because of his blackness

The thing is Obama is far from radical. He's really not from the liberal wing of the Democratic party in a way that Barbara Mikulski or Ted Kennedy are.

Obama is a lot closer to Bill Clinton, than he is to Barbara Boxer.

You know what? If Obama had white skin, spoke with a southern accent, and came from North Carolina, he would be up by 15 points in the polls.

I'm convinced of that.

If Obama had white skin, spoke with a southern accent, and came from North Carolina, Hillary would be the nominee.

I'm convinced of that.
I don't give a damn how obama loses the election, just as long as he loses is fine with me.

Here if this will help, have at it.....:eusa_whistle:


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The thing is Obama is far from radical. He's really not from the liberal wing of the Democratic party in a way that Barbara Mikulski or Ted Kennedy are.

Obama is a lot closer to Bill Clinton, than he is to Barbara Boxer.

You know what? If Obama had white skin, spoke with a southern accent, and came from North Carolina, he would be up by 15 points in the polls.

I'm convinced of that.

Far from radical that's a stretch now isn't it? Is he not the most liberal senator we have? Did he not work with a Known terrorist? The answer to both of those questions is yes.

I got a kick out of Obama tiring to tell us how hard he had it as a child whatever he grew up in Hawaii and went to the best college prep schools around yeah he suffered whatever. And he had two loving grandparents to nurture him and give him that hand up. Boo hoo poor Obama.
If women vote for Mccain because of Palin then they are wasting their vote in the name of womens rights. I know many women of all ages here in FL that are voting for Obama. Well see, I know you angry women out there are going to try to fuck things up but there are many great, level headed women that will vote for one candidate or the other because of their policies and not their sex.

And there are a lot of stupid women who can't tell when a politicain is blowing smoke up their butt either like Obama is doing. He cannot deliver what he says he can. And to force people to insure their workers and their children is just wrong that is socialism.

Yes I think all people should be able to get health insurance do I think we should be FORCED into it no I do not but Obama does.
I don't vote for the VP dillo... I vote for the PResident.

and no not every woman thinks like me....but every woman I know says she'd never vote for a ticke that had a woman like Palin on it. She is everything we're against.

She's turning women in politics into a caricature. It's disgusting.

Really you are against big government big government spending? I remember Sarah sold Alaska's private jet on ebay she is not into appearances she has saved Alaska a bunch of money. Considering that Alaska is predominately male and she got elected Governor should tell you something like she is one smart cookie.

The kicker is she has more executive experience then Obama does. Now that is the scary part since he IS running for PRESIDENT
Red Dawn Wrote:
The thing is Obama is far from radical. He's really not from the liberal wing of the Democratic party in a way that Barbara Mikulski or Ted Kennedy are.

Obama is a lot closer to Bill Clinton, than he is to Barbara Boxer.

You know what? If Obama had white skin, spoke with a southern accent, and came from North Carolina, he would be up by 15 points in the polls.

I'm convinced of that.

Surely you jest! Sorry, but Geradline Ferrarro was right on the money when she stated that if Barak Obama had been white he wouldn't even be a serious contender among the democratic nominees.

If Barak Obama was white he wouldn't be up 15 points in the polls...he'd be back in Congress having lost the primary to Hillary Clinton.
Really you are against big government big government spending?

yes I'm against wasteful government spending. I'm also against the government invading my personal life and trying to dictate my reproductive choice as well as who I can marry.

I remember Sarah sold Alaska's private jet on ebay she is not into appearances she has saved Alaska a bunch of money.

ummm except she didn't sell the jet on ebay...she listed it on ebay and then had to sell it at a loss to one of her campaign donors.

Considering that Alaska is predominately male and she got elected Governor should tell you something like she is one smart cookie.

yes, because all those right wing bloggers are drooling over Sarah and her "brains" :eusa_whistle:

The kicker is she has more executive experience then Obama does. Now that is the scary part since he IS running for PRESIDENT

the real kicker is she has more executive experience than McCain TOO and he's running for President as well.

The difference being Obama was elected to run for President and if Palin had been in the primary elections she would've been lucky to get a couple hundred thousand votes, all from Alaska I'm sure.

Personally, I think the people should be able to elect the VP and the President separately. We should get to decide who is a heartbeat away since ultimately we have to live with the consequences of their actions.
If Obama had white skin, spoke with a southern accent, and came from North Carolina, Hillary would be the nominee.

I'm convinced of that.
I am, too. He really did, IMO, get the nod because of his skin color (from the DNC, I mean). But that in and of itself does not mean he wouldn't be a better president than McCain.
Red Dawn Wrote:

Surely you jest! Sorry, but Geradline Ferrarro was right on the money when she stated that if Barak Obama had been white he wouldn't even be a serious contender among the democratic nominees.

If Barak Obama was white he wouldn't be up 15 points in the polls...he'd be back in Congress having lost the primary to Hillary Clinton.

so the theory is that he got the nomination cuz he was black but might lose the election cuz he's black too?

how exactly does that work :confused:

IMO Hillary would've gotten the nomination if she'd have stuck to the issues and ran a better campaign. She thought it was hers' from the start and Obama out manuvered her in Iowa and in other key states. His grassroots campaign was smarter and better organized and when things started to go badly for Hillary instead of sticking to the issues and fighting based on her experience and knowledge, she went for the gutter and it cost her the nomination....just like I think it will end up costing McCain the presidency....
No. But at least the menus at the White House will be more interesting.

what does that even mean Ravi? do you think they'll be servin up chittlins, collard greens, watermelon and fried Chicken instead of steak and potatoes?
There will be some who will not vote for Obama because he is black, especially among southern Democrats. Others will say they're going to vote for Obama even though they have no intention to because they are afraid someone will cause them a racist. Racism is a sword that cuts both ways.
There will be some who will not vote for Obama because he is black, especially among southern Democrats. Others will say they're going to vote for Obama even though they have no intention to because they are afraid someone will cause them a racist. Racism is a sword that cuts both ways.

very very true. sad as it is.

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