David Gergen says Obama could lose because of his blackness

what does that even mean Ravi? do you think they'll be servin up chittlins, collard greens, watermelon and fried Chicken instead of steak and potatoes?
Why not? Though since Obama isn't from the South I doubt he's been brought up on Southern dishes. People that are multicultural just tend to have a wider variety of taste in food.
Obama beat Hillary because he is the better candidate. He will beat McCain for the same reason.
so the theory is that he got the nomination cuz he was black but might lose the election cuz he's black too?

how exactly does that work

I don't think that Obama will lose the election because he is black, I think thats the media and race-baiters trying to set the stage for "national outrage" if Obama happens to lose.
I don't think that Obama will lose the election because he is black, I think thats the media and race-baiters trying to set the stage for "national outrage" if Obama happens to lose.

No, that's the 24 hour news cycle with nothing to talk about.
Why not? Though since Obama isn't from the South I doubt he's been brought up on Southern dishes. People that are multicultural just tend to have a wider variety of taste in food.

oh I see what you're saying now. Sorry I misunderstood you.

I agree, multicultural people do tend to venture outside the tried and true.

me? I'm a hamburger, pizza, spaghetti kind of girl :eusa_whistle:
CNN political analyist opening said tonight that Obama might be leading in the polls but he doesn't really believe the polls and thinks that Obama could ultimately lose this election because he's black.

the reality is he's probably more right than wrong on this issue.

what a sad sad commentary on our country as a whole that a man, who, according to the polls, is who the people want, could end up losing because of long standing racism in this country.

Republicans won't vote for him because he's liberal, at least as much if not more so than Al Gore and John Kerry, both of whom had the Democrat vote locked up. That leaves all the bigotry on the Democrat side. :lol:
I wonder if the Democrats are going to be willing to admit that it was their party's racism that kept Obama from winning if it happens. Probably not, far more fun to blame it on the Confederate flag wavin' redneck republicans who never would have voted for a Democrat regardless of the color of his skin.
Republicans won't vote for him because he's liberal, at least as much if not more so than Al Gore and John Kerry, both of whom had the Democrat vote locked up. That leaves all the bigotry on the Democrat side. :lol:

There is racism on all sides.
Exactly---so why is Gergen blathering that he might lose because he is black---he also might win because he is black.

Because Gergen has to fill air time.

I'm voting for Obama because he is half white.
Republicans won't vote for him because he's liberal, at least as much if not more so than Al Gore and John Kerry, both of whom had the Democrat vote locked up. That leaves all the bigotry on the Democrat side. :lol:

yeah...that's what really sucks about the whole thing glock.
Because Gergen has to fill air time.

I'm voting for Obama because he is half white.

which is also racially motivating voting.

FAR more people are going to vote for candidates simply because they have a D or an R behind their names. How discriminatory is that ?
I wonder if the Democrats are going to be willing to admit that it was their party's racism that kept Obama from winning if it happens. Probably not, far more fun to blame it on the Confederate flag wavin' redneck republicans who never would have voted for a Democrat regardless of the color of his skin.

I think you have the Party of the Confederacy all wrong, babe.


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yeah...that's what really sucks about the whole thing glock.
Welcome to the reality of the Democrat Party. For years they've been telling y'all that they are for tolerance and equality and the Republicans are not, even though it was the GOP that fought against slavery then for Civil Rights, and don't worry about that Senator from West Virginia that used to be in the KKK. :lol:
I think you have the Party of the Confederacy all wrong, babe.

No, babe. I don't. The media has been stirring the racism pot for months about how racists on the right in this nation aren't going to vote for a black man.

They don't seem to spare a second to analyze the fact that it will be the racist Democrats, the stereo-typical Southern Democrats if we really want to point fingers...who have the power to cause a race-issue in this country. But it isn't as much fun to admit that there are racists on the left...far better to play off of the gun-totin', Christ-lovin', black person hatin' rightie.

If Obama loses, however - it will all be the racists on the right's fault, leading the way for 4-8 years of shrieks and screams of racism and disenfranchisement...which would be funny, if it weren't so pathetic that those screeching about it will really be angry at those in their own party, rather than those in the opposing one.
No, babe. I don't. The media has been stirring the racism pot for months about how racists on the right in this nation aren't going to vote for a black man.

They don't seem to spare a second to analyze the fact that it will be the racist Democrats, the stereo-typical Southern Democrats if we really want to point fingers...who have the power to cause a race-issue in this country. But it isn't as much fun to admit that there are racists on the left...far better to play off of the gun-totin', Christ-lovin', black person hatin' rightie.

If Obama loses, however - it will all be the racists on the right's fault, leading the way for 4-8 years of shrieks and screams of racism and disenfranchisement...which would be funny, if it weren't so pathetic that those screeching about it will really be angry at those in their own party, rather than those in the opposing one.
I'm glad to be proven wrong here, babe.

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