David Hogg Is Fair Game for Critics

Great, show me where he says he was at home during the shooting — as opposed to going back to the school later in the day...

That has been totally debunked. He was at school.
I know that. I was challenging hadit to defend his bullshit, ”yet we apparently have a broadcast on which he says he was at home and went to the school when he heard there was trouble going on,” which Hogg never said he went to the school when he heard there was trouble.

Seems perhaps hadit thought twice about trying to stand behind his words? :dunno:

Did you miss the "apparently"? Methinks you're eager to jump to very wrong conclusions.
Because there isn’t “apparently” any video showing what you claimed. There is a video where he says...

“Onthe day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and road as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting."

... which neither specifies timing nor conflicts with the other statement I quoted in my last post.

He knew that this could not be another mass shooting after he supposedly witnessed a mass shooting?

That's about as an intelligent statement as saying a person shot by a police officer "missed" by shooting him in the hand.
Context means everything and is sadly lost on you. He said he meant he didn't want it to this to be another mass shooting like so many others where nothing is done. That's why he's among those leading the charge to effect change. Looks like he's more intelligent than you.

Meanwhile, there's another interview where he said he went back to the school at 6pm and there's video of him on lock down in the school.

Poor, brain-dead conservatives can't deal with reality, so they make up their own where he's a graduate from a high school in California, to him not living in Florida, to him not being at the school during the shooting, to this latest nonsense about him saying he went to the school upon learning about the shooting.

How sad. :(
That has been totally debunked. He was at school.
I know that. I was challenging hadit to defend his bullshit, ”yet we apparently have a broadcast on which he says he was at home and went to the school when he heard there was trouble going on,” which Hogg never said he went to the school when he heard there was trouble.

Seems perhaps hadit thought twice about trying to stand behind his words? :dunno:

Did you miss the "apparently"? Methinks you're eager to jump to very wrong conclusions.
Because there isn’t “apparently” any video showing what you claimed. There is a video where he says...

“Onthe day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and road as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting."

... which neither specifies timing nor conflicts with the other statement I quoted in my last post.

He knew that this could not be another mass shooting after he supposedly witnessed a mass shooting?

That's about as an intelligent statement as saying a person shot by a police officer "missed" by shooting him in the hand.
Context means everything and is sadly lost on you. He said he meant he didn't want it to this to be another mass shooting like so many others where nothing is done. That's why he's among those leading the charge to effect change. Looks like he's more intelligent than you.

Meanwhile, there's another interview where he said he went back to the school at 6pm and there's video of him on lock down in the school.

Poor, brain-dead conservatives can't deal with reality, so they make up their own where he's a graduate from a high school in California, to him not living in Florida, to him not being at the school during the shooting, to this latest nonsense about him saying he went to the school upon learning about the shooting.

How sad. :(

I am sorry! Apparently you have to be a libtard to create context that is not there. I went with the quote, which made no sense, and still doesn't, even after your lame attempt to make excuses for your favorite Hitler youth wannabe!

It also takes a libtard to argue against things I did not say. Congratulations on jumping the shark!
Remember what his fellow Parkland activist said in a speech:

‘When They Give Us That Inch, That Bump Stock Ban, We Will Take a Mile’


I can't get enough of this photo:

I know that. I was challenging hadit to defend his bullshit, ”yet we apparently have a broadcast on which he says he was at home and went to the school when he heard there was trouble going on,” which Hogg never said he went to the school when he heard there was trouble.

Seems perhaps hadit thought twice about trying to stand behind his words? :dunno:

Did you miss the "apparently"? Methinks you're eager to jump to very wrong conclusions.
Because there isn’t “apparently” any video showing what you claimed. There is a video where he says...

“Onthe day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and road as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting."

... which neither specifies timing nor conflicts with the other statement I quoted in my last post.

He knew that this could not be another mass shooting after he supposedly witnessed a mass shooting?

That's about as an intelligent statement as saying a person shot by a police officer "missed" by shooting him in the hand.
Context means everything and is sadly lost on you. He said he meant he didn't want it to this to be another mass shooting like so many others where nothing is done. That's why he's among those leading the charge to effect change. Looks like he's more intelligent than you.

Meanwhile, there's another interview where he said he went back to the school at 6pm and there's video of him on lock down in the school.

Poor, brain-dead conservatives can't deal with reality, so they make up their own where he's a graduate from a high school in California, to him not living in Florida, to him not being at the school during the shooting, to this latest nonsense about him saying he went to the school upon learning about the shooting.

How sad. :(

I am sorry! Apparently you have to be a libtard to create context that is not there. I went with the quote, which made no sense, and still doesn't, even after your lame attempt to make excuses for your favorite Hitler youth wannabe!

It also takes a libtard to argue against things I did not say. Congratulations on jumping the shark!
Moron, it's one comment out of an entire interview. And it's not the only quote. And nowhere in that one comment does he say he wasn't at the school during the shooting.

Are ya feeling stupid yet?
Did you miss the "apparently"? Methinks you're eager to jump to very wrong conclusions.
Because there isn’t “apparently” any video showing what you claimed. There is a video where he says...

“Onthe day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and road as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting."

... which neither specifies timing nor conflicts with the other statement I quoted in my last post.

He knew that this could not be another mass shooting after he supposedly witnessed a mass shooting?

That's about as an intelligent statement as saying a person shot by a police officer "missed" by shooting him in the hand.
Context means everything and is sadly lost on you. He said he meant he didn't want it to this to be another mass shooting like so many others where nothing is done. That's why he's among those leading the charge to effect change. Looks like he's more intelligent than you.

Meanwhile, there's another interview where he said he went back to the school at 6pm and there's video of him on lock down in the school.

Poor, brain-dead conservatives can't deal with reality, so they make up their own where he's a graduate from a high school in California, to him not living in Florida, to him not being at the school during the shooting, to this latest nonsense about him saying he went to the school upon learning about the shooting.

How sad. :(

I am sorry! Apparently you have to be a libtard to create context that is not there. I went with the quote, which made no sense, and still doesn't, even after your lame attempt to make excuses for your favorite Hitler youth wannabe!

It also takes a libtard to argue against things I did not say. Congratulations on jumping the shark!
Moron, it's one comment out of an entire interview. And it's not the only quote. And nowhere in that one comment does he say he wasn't at the school during the shooting.

Are ya feeling stupid yet?

No, but you should! Feeling stupid is apparently the libtard reason for living!

Why are you continuing to attack me for things I did not say, address or even mention? The reason is very simple. You lack the basic reading comprehension skills need to be advance beyond elementary school. You are guilty of busting my chops for the very thing you have done.
Because there isn’t “apparently” any video showing what you claimed. There is a video where he says...

“Onthe day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and road as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting."

... which neither specifies timing nor conflicts with the other statement I quoted in my last post.

He knew that this could not be another mass shooting after he supposedly witnessed a mass shooting?

That's about as an intelligent statement as saying a person shot by a police officer "missed" by shooting him in the hand.
Context means everything and is sadly lost on you. He said he meant he didn't want it to this to be another mass shooting like so many others where nothing is done. That's why he's among those leading the charge to effect change. Looks like he's more intelligent than you.

Meanwhile, there's another interview where he said he went back to the school at 6pm and there's video of him on lock down in the school.

Poor, brain-dead conservatives can't deal with reality, so they make up their own where he's a graduate from a high school in California, to him not living in Florida, to him not being at the school during the shooting, to this latest nonsense about him saying he went to the school upon learning about the shooting.

How sad. :(

I am sorry! Apparently you have to be a libtard to create context that is not there. I went with the quote, which made no sense, and still doesn't, even after your lame attempt to make excuses for your favorite Hitler youth wannabe!

It also takes a libtard to argue against things I did not say. Congratulations on jumping the shark!
Moron, it's one comment out of an entire interview. And it's not the only quote. And nowhere in that one comment does he say he wasn't at the school during the shooting.

Are ya feeling stupid yet?

No, but you should! Feeling stupid is apparently the libtard reason for living!

Why are you continuing to attack me for things I did not say, address or even mention? The reason is very simple. You lack the basic reading comprehension skills need to be advance beyond elementary school. You are guilty of busting my chops for the very thing you have done.
I have to give Faux some credit: I've read about a dozen of his recent posts, and he hasn't said "dumbfuck" one time!
Great article. Read it before judging based off of the title.
Parkland Survivor David Hogg Is Fair Game for Critics | National Review

No. You know that this is a kid. You know that what this kid thinks at 17, and moreover, how he thinks will not be the same at 30. You know that one team is using the kid as a shield. You are aware that a media conglomerate is using the kid.

Nailing the kid is lazy. Go around the shield.
No. This "kid" is 17 years old, he's fair game.

You just fell into the trap set for you by the team that is using the kid as a shield. You responded exactly as they knew you would. Enjoy that ride/divide.
Yep. This happens on other issues, too.

This is what happens when a person is driven by an ideology. They don't see the huge potholes.

All this stuff does is make him stronger. How in the world do they not see that at this point?
I'm well aware that the kid may be being "used" but you could argue the same thing in regards to anyone who speaks about a policy in the media. I don't see how anything is making David an exception from the countless other people that throw themselves into policy debates. This entire movement will die out in a couple of months just like OWS and all of the other "movements" that pop up. It's silly to say people shouldn't criticize hogg, as it's possible to do that while still criticizing the media.
Great article. Read it before judging based off of the title.
Parkland Survivor David Hogg Is Fair Game for Critics | National Review

No. You know that this is a kid. You know that what this kid thinks at 17, and moreover, how he thinks will not be the same at 30. You know that one team is using the kid as a shield. You are aware that a media conglomerate is using the kid.

Nailing the kid is lazy. Go around the shield.
No. This "kid" is 17 years old, he's fair game.
You can criticize his position all you want with shredding his character with lies and fake news.
I have never attempted to shred his character with lies and fake news, nor has the author of the article. Perhaps you are referring to other posters on here? If that's the case yes, some people on here do spread fake stories about Hogg, which i've never believed to be true.
There are plenty of people shutting down all criticism of Hogg's and the others who are throwing themselves into the spotlight. Not sure what rock you're living under.

Nope. Nobody is shutting down "all criticism". Some, including me, are mocking the fools who are lying about the kid. Some are saying that criticizing his appearance is dumb. It is.

That's about it.

The kid himself....and all the other kids who've taken this issue a few steps forward...ain't whining about any legit criticism of their position. Nobody is.

Try harder.
Hoggs already makes himself look foolish enough, anyone lying about him shouldn't even bother. Have you been on social media lately? Kept up with the "conversations" being held where people who disagree with these kids are labeled as "supporting the murder of children." I wish I was joking. They are most definitely whining about criticism, read their twitter posts to start. Look at what these kids and those who support them say to anyone who dares to engage in a dialogue.
One of the loons on this forum accused me of supporting rape tonight. They are completely unhinged. Bunch of fucking lunatics.
He looks like a space alien.
He may be challenged. He may be criticized. But only those weak of mind and weak of decency would degrade him as a person.

But I guess that Golden Rule is seen as quaint by the characters pushing around a kid based on his appearance.
I can't speak to his character or lack of, but his poorly formed arguments are ripe for dissection.
He looks like a space alien.
He may be challenged. He may be criticized. But only those weak of mind and weak of decency would degrade him as a person.

But I guess that Golden Rule is seen as quaint by the characters pushing around a kid based on his appearance.
I can't speak to his character or lack of, but his poorly formed arguments are ripe for dissection.
Fair enough. But I, for one, am fed up with the personal smears on all the Parkland kids. When we look for the leaders of tomorrow, we can see either kids buried on a screen, self possessed electronic hermits or the kids ready to use their wits and their experiences and their preternatural savvy to make their voices heard.
Because there isn’t “apparently” any video showing what you claimed. There is a video where he says...

“Onthe day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and road as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting."

... which neither specifies timing nor conflicts with the other statement I quoted in my last post.

He knew that this could not be another mass shooting after he supposedly witnessed a mass shooting?

That's about as an intelligent statement as saying a person shot by a police officer "missed" by shooting him in the hand.
Context means everything and is sadly lost on you. He said he meant he didn't want it to this to be another mass shooting like so many others where nothing is done. That's why he's among those leading the charge to effect change. Looks like he's more intelligent than you.

Meanwhile, there's another interview where he said he went back to the school at 6pm and there's video of him on lock down in the school.

Poor, brain-dead conservatives can't deal with reality, so they make up their own where he's a graduate from a high school in California, to him not living in Florida, to him not being at the school during the shooting, to this latest nonsense about him saying he went to the school upon learning about the shooting.

How sad. :(

I am sorry! Apparently you have to be a libtard to create context that is not there. I went with the quote, which made no sense, and still doesn't, even after your lame attempt to make excuses for your favorite Hitler youth wannabe!

It also takes a libtard to argue against things I did not say. Congratulations on jumping the shark!
Moron, it's one comment out of an entire interview. And it's not the only quote. And nowhere in that one comment does he say he wasn't at the school during the shooting.

Are ya feeling stupid yet?

No, but you should! Feeling stupid is apparently the libtard reason for living!

Why are you continuing to attack me for things I did not say, address or even mention? The reason is very simple. You lack the basic reading comprehension skills need to be advance beyond elementary school. You are guilty of busting my chops for the very thing you have done.
Spits the rightard who still can't understand what he himself says, no less what Hogg said.

Imbecile, how the fuck can you deny suggesting he wasn't at the school during the shooting?
He knew that this could not be another mass shooting after he supposedly witnessed a mass shooting?
...emphasized to highlight your bullshit.


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