David Hogg: "Our Parents Don't Know How To Use A F*cking Democracy, So We Have To"

Nice sentiment, but under a republic the power resides with the people and our elected leaders do our bidding. Our elected leaders do the bidding of the big money interests. Even the supremes ruled that money is speech. We're more of an oligarchy than anything else.

Who bought your vote last time?

Small Pool of Rich Donors Dominates Election Giving

Oh, they need our vote, they just don't serve us once they're in office. At least almost never.

Why do you keep voting for the same representation then?
"Hogg said he became an activist because adults don't know how to "use a f*cking democracy":

"When your old-ass parent is like, ‘I don’t know how to send an iMessage,’ and you’re just like, ‘Give me the fucking phone and let me handle it.’ Sadly, that’s what we have to do with our government; our parents don’t know how to use a fucking democracy, so we have to."

David Hogg: "Our Parents Don't Know How To Use A F*cking Democracy, So We Have To"

Where's the little faggot now?

Our parents obviously don't know how to provide a proper education either. We are a Republic--not a Democracy.

Nice sentiment, but under a republic the power resides with the people and our elected leaders do our bidding. Our elected leaders do the bidding of the big money interests. Even the supremes ruled that money is speech. We're more of an oligarchy than anything else.

I know exactly what we are, and I know that BOTH PARTIES are supplied with money. After all, the homeless have only so much they can afford for political contributions.

However there is no money without power, and there is no power until people vote and give you that power. Money comes later.
We probably all said that when we were know it all high school kids and we cringe today when we think of it. The problem is that a know it all high school kid who doesn't have a freaking clue is the spokesman for the democrat party.

Of course most of us were like that, but this kid really thinks the entire country is listening to him. Just like some kids fantasize about being a rock star, a sports hero, a famous actor or actress, this kid thinks he's on the way to having movies made about him because he's going to change the entire view of guns in this country.
"Hogg said he became an activist because adults don't know how to "use a f*cking democracy":

"When your old-ass parent is like, ‘I don’t know how to send an iMessage,’ and you’re just like, ‘Give me the fucking phone and let me handle it.’ Sadly, that’s what we have to do with our government; our parents don’t know how to use a fucking democracy, so we have to."

David Hogg: "Our Parents Don't Know How To Use A F*cking Democracy, So We Have To"

Where's the little faggot now?
Clearly the little sh*t has no respect for his parents and needs several more years to mature.
I'm American as baseball

Baseball originates from bat-and-ball games of medieval Britain. For centuries an assortment of variants were played in Britain and France under many different names. By the mid 18th century baseball emerged in Britain, while a game called "rounders" was played in France. Rounders was the first ball-and-bat game to be introduced to those colonies that would eventually become the USA, near the end of the 18th century. Shortly thereafter baseball was introduced into Canada. Canada would introduce baseball to its southern neighbors not long after that.

Baseball is not American at all.

Also commonly called a "Frankfurter", the hotdog originated in medieval Frankfurt, Germany. They were popularized in America in the latter half of the 19th century when a German immigrant began selling them in Coney Island.

Hotdogs are not American at all.

Apple pie

When the new land was colonized the new inhabitants found that there were no native apple trees, except for the crabapple which was not very suitable for cooking due to its berry sized acidic/sour fruit. European seeds had to be imported and cultivated for many years before the colonies had access to apples. The colonies were instead partial to meat based pies, inspired by the famous Cornwall pasty. When domestically grown apples finally became available in the colonies they were used in the cider industry. In the 18th century Swedish, Dutch, and British influences introduced the idea of an apple based dessert pasty, which eventually became known as "apple pie."

Apple pie is not American at all.

and Chevrolet are.

You finally get close on this one. But even though Chevrolet was founded in the US, you may notice that the name is not exactly English. The company was founded by a Swiss immigrant (after whom it was named) who arrived in NYC as an adult after first living in France and then Quebec. Accordingly, you only get half credit here.

So based on what you've said, you're 1/8th American.
"Hogg said he became an activist because adults don't know how to "use a f*cking democracy":

"When your old-ass parent is like, ‘I don’t know how to send an iMessage,’ and you’re just like, ‘Give me the fucking phone and let me handle it.’ Sadly, that’s what we have to do with our government; our parents don’t know how to use a fucking democracy, so we have to."

David Hogg: "Our Parents Don't Know How To Use A F*cking Democracy, So We Have To"

Where's the little faggot now?
Clearly the little sh*t has no respect for his parents and needs several more years to mature.

Clearly he needs to be thrown out of the house like what happened to us when we turned 18. Maybe he's hanging around to stay on his parents health insurance plan for another 8 years.
I'm American as baseball

Baseball originates from bat-and-ball games of medieval Britain. For centuries an assortment of variants were played in Britain and France under many different names. By the mid 18th century baseball emerged in Britain, while a game called "rounders" was played in France. Rounders was the first ball-and-bat game to be introduced to those colonies that would eventually become the USA, near the end of the 18th century. Shortly thereafter baseball was introduced into Canada. Canada would introduce baseball to its southern neighbors not long after that.

Baseball is not American at all.

Also commonly called a "Frankfurter", the hotdog originated in medieval Frankfurt, Germany. They were popularized in America in the latter half of the 19th century when a German immigrant began selling them in Coney Island.

Hotdogs are not American at all.

Apple pie

When the new land was colonized the new inhabitants found that there were no native apple trees, except for the crabapple which was not very suitable for cooking due to its berry sized acidic/sour fruit. European seeds had to be imported and cultivated for many years before the colonies had access to apples. The colonies were instead partial to meat based pies, inspired by the famous Cornwall pasty. When domestically grown apples finally became available in the colonies they were used in the cider industry. In the 18th century Swedish, Dutch, and British influences introduced the idea of an apple based dessert pasty, which eventually became known as "apple pie."

Apple pie is not American at all.

and Chevrolet are.

You finally get close on this one. But even though Chevrolet was founded in the US, you may notice that the name is not exactly English. The company was founded by a Swiss immigrant (after whom it was named) who arrived in NYC as an adult after first living in France and then Quebec. Accordingly, you only get half credit here.

So based on what you've said, you're 1/8th American.
Awe, you went out of your way to contradict me. I'm still of White Aryan blood of White European heritage, just like Donald Trump and David Duke from Louisiana, both American patriots.
I'm American as baseball

Baseball originates from bat-and-ball games of medieval Britain. For centuries an assortment of variants were played in Britain and France under many different names. By the mid 18th century baseball emerged in Britain, while a game called "rounders" was played in France. Rounders was the first ball-and-bat game to be introduced to those colonies that would eventually become the USA, near the end of the 18th century. Shortly thereafter baseball was introduced into Canada. Canada would introduce baseball to its southern neighbors not long after that.

Baseball is not American at all.

Also commonly called a "Frankfurter", the hotdog originated in medieval Frankfurt, Germany. They were popularized in America in the latter half of the 19th century when a German immigrant began selling them in Coney Island.

Hotdogs are not American at all.

Apple pie

When the new land was colonized the new inhabitants found that there were no native apple trees, except for the crabapple which was not very suitable for cooking due to its berry sized acidic/sour fruit. European seeds had to be imported and cultivated for many years before the colonies had access to apples. The colonies were instead partial to meat based pies, inspired by the famous Cornwall pasty. When domestically grown apples finally became available in the colonies they were used in the cider industry. In the 18th century Swedish, Dutch, and British influences introduced the idea of an apple based dessert pasty, which eventually became known as "apple pie."

Apple pie is not American at all.

and Chevrolet are.

You finally get close on this one. But even though Chevrolet was founded in the US, you may notice that the name is not exactly English. The company was founded by a Swiss immigrant (after whom it was named) who arrived in NYC as an adult after first living in France and then Quebec. Accordingly, you only get half credit here.

So based on what you've said, you're 1/8th American.
Isn’t Canada in North America?
Hoggs parents didn't know how to use a fucking condom.
I'm American as baseball

Baseball originates from bat-and-ball games of medieval Britain. For centuries an assortment of variants were played in Britain and France under many different names. By the mid 18th century baseball emerged in Britain, while a game called "rounders" was played in France. Rounders was the first ball-and-bat game to be introduced to those colonies that would eventually become the USA, near the end of the 18th century. Shortly thereafter baseball was introduced into Canada. Canada would introduce baseball to its southern neighbors not long after that.

Baseball is not American at all.

Also commonly called a "Frankfurter", the hotdog originated in medieval Frankfurt, Germany. They were popularized in America in the latter half of the 19th century when a German immigrant began selling them in Coney Island.

Hotdogs are not American at all.

Apple pie

When the new land was colonized the new inhabitants found that there were no native apple trees, except for the crabapple which was not very suitable for cooking due to its berry sized acidic/sour fruit. European seeds had to be imported and cultivated for many years before the colonies had access to apples. The colonies were instead partial to meat based pies, inspired by the famous Cornwall pasty. When domestically grown apples finally became available in the colonies they were used in the cider industry. In the 18th century Swedish, Dutch, and British influences introduced the idea of an apple based dessert pasty, which eventually became known as "apple pie."

Apple pie is not American at all.

and Chevrolet are.

You finally get close on this one. But even though Chevrolet was founded in the US, you may notice that the name is not exactly English. The company was founded by a Swiss immigrant (after whom it was named) who arrived in NYC as an adult after first living in France and then Quebec. Accordingly, you only get half credit here.

So based on what you've said, you're 1/8th American.
Isn’t Canada in North America?

Much like Mexico. But I'm pretty sure he was referring to our country, not the continent. Notice that he didn't try to suggest he was as American as tacos.
"Hogg said he became an activist because adults don't know how to "use a f*cking democracy":

"When your old-ass parent is like, ‘I don’t know how to send an iMessage,’ and you’re just like, ‘Give me the fucking phone and let me handle it.’ Sadly, that’s what we have to do with our government; our parents don’t know how to use a fucking democracy, so we have to."

David Hogg: "Our Parents Don't Know How To Use A F*cking Democracy, So We Have To"

Where's the little faggot now?

Our parents obviously don't know how to provide a proper education either. We are a Republic--not a Democracy.

Nice sentiment, but under a republic the power resides with the people and our elected leaders do our bidding. Our elected leaders do the bidding of the big money interests. Even the supremes ruled that money is speech. We're more of an oligarchy than anything else.

I know exactly what we are, and I know that BOTH PARTIES are supplied with money. After all, the homeless have only so much they can afford for political contributions.

However there is no money without power, and there is no power until people vote and give you that power. Money comes later.

Oh yeah, both parties play that game. And after Ross Perot, they decided to not ever share the debates with a third or fourth party either.
"Hogg said he became an activist because adults don't know how to "use a f*cking democracy":

"When your old-ass parent is like, ‘I don’t know how to send an iMessage,’ and you’re just like, ‘Give me the fucking phone and let me handle it.’ Sadly, that’s what we have to do with our government; our parents don’t know how to use a fucking democracy, so we have to."

David Hogg: "Our Parents Don't Know How To Use A F*cking Democracy, So We Have To"

Where's the little faggot now?

Our parents obviously don't know how to provide a proper education either. We are a Republic--not a Democracy.

Nice sentiment, but under a republic the power resides with the people and our elected leaders do our bidding. Our elected leaders do the bidding of the big money interests. Even the supremes ruled that money is speech. We're more of an oligarchy than anything else.

I know exactly what we are, and I know that BOTH PARTIES are supplied with money. After all, the homeless have only so much they can afford for political contributions.

However there is no money without power, and there is no power until people vote and give you that power. Money comes later.

Oh yeah, both parties play that game. And after Ross Perot, they decided to not ever share the debates with a third or fourth party either.

That's because nobody in this country cares about a third or forth party contender. If they ever start showing up in the polls, then the television industry will want them on the stage.
"Hogg said he became an activist because adults don't know how to "use a f*cking democracy":

"When your old-ass parent is like, ‘I don’t know how to send an iMessage,’ and you’re just like, ‘Give me the fucking phone and let me handle it.’ Sadly, that’s what we have to do with our government; our parents don’t know how to use a fucking democracy, so we have to."

David Hogg: "Our Parents Don't Know How To Use A F*cking Democracy, So We Have To"

Where's the little faggot now?
His parents should have named him Dick Hogg.
"Hogg said he became an activist because adults don't know how to "use a f*cking democracy":

"When your old-ass parent is like, ‘I don’t know how to send an iMessage,’ and you’re just like, ‘Give me the fucking phone and let me handle it.’ Sadly, that’s what we have to do with our government; our parents don’t know how to use a fucking democracy, so we have to."

David Hogg: "Our Parents Don't Know How To Use A F*cking Democracy, So We Have To"

Where's the little faggot now?
Scrawny little fuck is promoting his 15 Minutes of fame at expense of dead classmates.
I'm American as baseball

Baseball originates from bat-and-ball games of medieval Britain. For centuries an assortment of variants were played in Britain and France under many different names. By the mid 18th century baseball emerged in Britain, while a game called "rounders" was played in France. Rounders was the first ball-and-bat game to be introduced to those colonies that would eventually become the USA, near the end of the 18th century. Shortly thereafter baseball was introduced into Canada. Canada would introduce baseball to its southern neighbors not long after that.

Baseball is not American at all.

Also commonly called a "Frankfurter", the hotdog originated in medieval Frankfurt, Germany. They were popularized in America in the latter half of the 19th century when a German immigrant began selling them in Coney Island.

Hotdogs are not American at all.

Apple pie

When the new land was colonized the new inhabitants found that there were no native apple trees, except for the crabapple which was not very suitable for cooking due to its berry sized acidic/sour fruit. European seeds had to be imported and cultivated for many years before the colonies had access to apples. The colonies were instead partial to meat based pies, inspired by the famous Cornwall pasty. When domestically grown apples finally became available in the colonies they were used in the cider industry. In the 18th century Swedish, Dutch, and British influences introduced the idea of an apple based dessert pasty, which eventually became known as "apple pie."

Apple pie is not American at all.

and Chevrolet are.

You finally get close on this one. But even though Chevrolet was founded in the US, you may notice that the name is not exactly English. The company was founded by a Swiss immigrant (after whom it was named) who arrived in NYC as an adult after first living in France and then Quebec. Accordingly, you only get half credit here.

So based on what you've said, you're 1/8th American.
Isn’t Canada in North America?

Much like Mexico. But I'm pretty sure he was referring to our country, not the continent. Notice that he didn't try to suggest he was as American as tacos.
They aren’t used in the saying. You should read up on that
"Hogg said he became an activist because adults don't know how to "use a f*cking democracy":

"When your old-ass parent is like, ‘I don’t know how to send an iMessage,’ and you’re just like, ‘Give me the fucking phone and let me handle it.’ Sadly, that’s what we have to do with our government; our parents don’t know how to use a fucking democracy, so we have to."

David Hogg: "Our Parents Don't Know How To Use A F*cking Democracy, So We Have To"

Where's the little faggot now?

Our parents obviously don't know how to provide a proper education either. We are a Republic--not a Democracy.

Nice sentiment, but under a republic the power resides with the people and our elected leaders do our bidding. Our elected leaders do the bidding of the big money interests. Even the supremes ruled that money is speech. We're more of an oligarchy than anything else.

I know exactly what we are, and I know that BOTH PARTIES are supplied with money. After all, the homeless have only so much they can afford for political contributions.

However there is no money without power, and there is no power until people vote and give you that power. Money comes later.

Oh yeah, both parties play that game. And after Ross Perot, they decided to not ever share the debates with a third or fourth party either.
That’s why trump did it his way!
"Hogg said he became an activist because adults don't know how to "use a f*cking democracy":

"When your old-ass parent is like, ‘I don’t know how to send an iMessage,’ and you’re just like, ‘Give me the fucking phone and let me handle it.’ Sadly, that’s what we have to do with our government; our parents don’t know how to use a fucking democracy, so we have to."

David Hogg: "Our Parents Don't Know How To Use A F*cking Democracy, So We Have To"

Where's the little faggot now?
So that's why he became an activist. I though he became an activist because he couldn't get into college.

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