David Suzuki in 1990

I'm just asking why deniers are so obsessed with David Suzuki. Were you just told recently to assign godlike status to him?

Now, Westwall is going full tilt demonizing Gavin Schmidt, which makes more sense. Are you sure you've read your marching orders correctly?

Suzuki is one of those Retail GrassRoots guys with a public name that gets called for opinions by the media. Same deal as Neil Tyson, and Bill Nye and Michio Kaku and other media heavy loudmouths. ALL of them have spouted off about Global Warming. Some in a most spectacular manner.. But none have failed so epically and STILL keep spouting like Suzuki.... Check out his website and his network news "media debates"..

My marching orders say to IGNORE GISS pretty much. Their irrelevence at this point is pretty obvious.. Especially their "in-house" science efforts.. Why shouldn't I? The old-time NASA folks sure aren't impressed with their "activism"..
As soon as you start talking about "prove" in the context of the natural sciences, it is demonstrated that it is YOU that has no clue how science works.

On the contrary -- it's not the deniers who are saying "The debate is over! The science is settled!"

Real scientists welcome debate. Climate "scientists" seek to silence dissent.

You don't even know what I'm talking about.

And your response certainly doesn't even address your attacks on Suzuki. That he, a biologist, should make flawed observations is completely meaningless so far as the validity of AGW is concerned. Meaningless.

Then perhaps he shouldn't speak about climate. But that never stops the Troo Beleevers! You're ALL experts!

He's perfectly entitled to talk about anything he wants. And if you were to shut up people on topics of which they were ignorant, the deniers of this forum would instantly go dead silent on just about every branch of science. The error here is your belief that his expressed opinions have some import. What do you think were the impact of those errors? Suzuki had nothing to do with any of the IPCC's work or any of the climate research on which it's based. His mistakes have had no effect on the conclusions of the IPCC or of any climate researcher. That had no effect on policy recommendations or policy decisions. And even if scientists or politicians had been listening to him, nothing amiss would have taken place. The direction he was headed was absolutely correct: CO2 is making the world warmer and we need to reduce the amount we produce.

You, on the other hand, are working hard to fuck this planet up.
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I'm making fun of one of the leading lights of the AGW movement. He's one of your side's heroes, not mine.

Nobody here has ever mentioned Suzuki, other than yourself.

I've never heard his name mentioned in the context of global warming, ever.

You're just making stuff up when you claim he's a leader of the AGW movement. Lying, that is. You shouldn't do that.











So much for that ridiculous claim of yours.

David Suzuki | David Suzuki Foundation
Dr. Suzuki is also recognized as a world leader in sustainable ecology. He is the recipient of UNESCO's Kalinga Prize for Science, the United Nations Environment Program Medal, UNEPs Global 500 and in 2009 won the Right Livelihood Award that is considered the Alternative Nobel Prize.​

He's also a guest writer at HuffPo.

So, it looks like you failed completely. Here's a little hint: Just because you've never heard of something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

That's really simplistic thinking. But then, I expect it's all your capable of.
I'm just asking why deniers are so obsessed with David Suzuki. Were you just told recently to assign godlike status to him?

Now, Westwall is going full tilt demonizing Gavin Schmidt, which makes more sense. Are you sure you've read your marching orders correctly?
Don't project your inability to think for yourself on others.

I was mocking a stupid thing a scientist said. Don't get so emotional about it. But then, you operate solely on emotion, don't you?
As soon as you start talking about "prove" in the context of the natural sciences, it is demonstrated that it is YOU that has no clue how science works.

On the contrary -- it's not the deniers who are saying "The debate is over! The science is settled!"

Real scientists welcome debate. Climate "scientists" seek to silence dissent.

You don't even know what I'm talking about.

And your response certainly doesn't even address your attacks on Suzuki. That he, a biologist, should make flawed observations is completely meaningless so far as the validity of AGW is concerned. Meaningless.

Then perhaps he shouldn't speak about climate. But that never stops the Troo Beleevers! You're ALL experts!

He's perfectly entitled to talk about anything he wants. And if you were to shut up people on topics of which they were ignorant, the deniers of this forum would instantly go dead silent on just about every branch of science. The error here is your belief that his expressed opinions have some import. What do you think were the impact of those errors? Suzuki had nothing to do with any of the IPCC's work or any of the climate research on which it's based. His mistakes have had no effect on the conclusions of the IPCC or of any climate researcher. That had no effect on policy recommendations or policy decisions. And even if scientists or politicians had been listening to him, nothing amiss would have taken place. The direction he was headed was absolutely correct: CO2 is making the world warmer and we need to reduce the amount we produce.

You, on the other hand, are working hard to fuck this planet up.
My goodness, you cultists sure are quick to throw one of your own under the bus! :lol:

I don't blame you, though. Suzuki is something of a dimwit.
He's a thousand times as smart as you - though perhaps that's not saying much.
Very impressive. Your friends here will disown you. Only a few mistakes. Carbon dioxide does not reflect infrared, it absorbs it. And there's no carbon in glass.

Hey, dumbass. I didn't make those claims. David Suzuki, climate change activist and fascist advocate of jailing climate change deniers, did.

You just admitted one of your fellow cultists fucked up. Now, predictably, you will claim you never heard of him.

Surprise me. Don't make that claim.

Can't we all just get along? :D
My goodness, you cultists sure are quick to throw one of your own under the bus!

Dave, why are you lying by claiming we followed Suzuki?

Oh, that's right. The lying pretty much defines you. You suck badly at the science, so making shit up is the only tactic you have. "The ends always justify the means for my cult!" isn't just your motto, it's your chosen deviant lifestyle.

Seriously, how do you live with yourself? If I acted as badly as you do, I'd kill myself out of shame. As the books say, you have forgotten the face of your father.
Very impressive. Your friends here will disown you. Only a few mistakes. Carbon dioxide does not reflect infrared, it absorbs it. And there's no carbon in glass.

Hey, dumbass. I didn't make those claims. David Suzuki, climate change activist and fascist advocate of jailing climate change deniers, did.

You just admitted one of your fellow cultists fucked up. Now, predictably, you will claim you never heard of him.

Surprise me. Don't make that claim.

Can't we all just get along? :D
Apparently not. It's getting crowded under the Progressive Bus. :lol:
My goodness, you cultists sure are quick to throw one of your own under the bus!

Dave, why are you lying by claiming we followed Suzuki?

Oh, that's right. The lying pretty much defines you. You suck badly at the science, so making shit up is the only tactic you have. "The ends always justify the means for my cult!" isn't just your motto, it's your chosen deviant lifestyle.

Seriously, how do you live with yourself? If I acted as badly as you do, I'd kill myself out of shame. As the books say, you have forgotten the face of your father.
Why are you lying by claiming I said what I didn't say?

I said he's a leading figure in the environmental movement, and I proved it. You guys are desperately pretending you've never heard of him.

So, it looks like you can kill yourself out of shame now. But that's one emotion you're incapable of, isn't it?
My goodness, you cultists sure are quick to throw one of your own under the bus!

Dave, why are you lying by claiming we followed Suzuki?

Oh, that's right. The lying pretty much defines you. You suck badly at the science, so making shit up is the only tactic you have. "The ends always justify the means for my cult!" isn't just your motto, it's your chosen deviant lifestyle.

Seriously, how do you live with yourself? If I acted as badly as you do, I'd kill myself out of shame. As the books say, you have forgotten the face of your father.
Why are you lying by claiming I said what I didn't say?

I said he's a leading figure in the environmental movement, and I proved it. You guys are desperately pretending you've never heard of him.

So, it looks like you can kill yourself out of shame now. But that's one emotion you're incapable of, isn't it?

Lemme 'splain Daveman.. Progs have this "purge tool" that we don't got. Al Gore invented it and he turned it on hisself.. No matter how much airtime you've wasted or how many Nobel Prizes you've won, if your performance is judged to be embarrassingly sucky to the cause, you are neurolized from public memory.. We don't get to use it on our guys.. Get over it.. :D
Do you kooks have any idea how bizarre you look by constantly picking specific people to demonize?

Try acting like a liberal, and just talk about the science. But you can't. You stink at the science, all the data contradicts you, so you have to divert by attacking specific people.

Sucks to be you all, trapped in a vicious circle of lies and deflections. If any one of you tries to act rational, the rest of the cult turns on him. Serves you right, the poetic justice of it. It's good to be a liberal. Since we haven't sworn allegiance to a liars' cult, we just tell the simple truth and "win". We're not winning because we're brilliant; we're winning because the facts support us. That's why deniers will eventually vanish, without a doubt, just like the people that swore cigarettes don't cause cancer. Who got hired by the deniers, by the way.

And by the way, I'd never heard of Suzuki before deniers started bringing him up recently. And neither had most deniers.
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Do you kooks have any idea how bizarre you look by constantly picking specific people to demonize?

Try acting like a liberal, and just talk about the science. But you can't. You stink at the science, all the data contradicts you, so you have to divert by attacking specific people.

Sucks to be you all, trapped in a vicious circle of lies and deflections. If any one of you tries to act rational, the rest of the cult turns on him. Serves you right, the poetic justice of it. It's good to be a liberal. Since we haven't sworn allegiance to a liars' cult, we just tell the simple truth and "win". We're not winning because we're brilliant; we're winning because the facts support us. That's why deniers will eventually vanish, without a doubt, just like the people that swore cigarettes don't cause cancer. Who got hired by the deniers, by the way.

And by the way, I'd never heard of Suzuki before deniers started bringing him up recently. And neither had most deniers.

Wow. A lie in every sentence! Impressive! :beer:
Very impressive. Your friends here will disown you. Only a few mistakes. Carbon dioxide does not reflect infrared, it absorbs it. And there's no carbon in glass.

You're short-changing us on the science a bit I think. I've seen some of your other posts and you seem to be pretty knowlegable about this stuff. Give us the whole story though.
While CO2 does absorb a photon of IR it then re-emits a photon of IR. Same effect as reflection or not?

It is not. As FCT graciously explained, the emitted photon is completely decoupled from the impinging photon. It can come back out immediately or a thousand years later. It can come back out as radiation or conduction.

And your statement "there's no carbon in glass" seems to be contradicted by this list of common ingredients in glass;

You are absolutely right and I was completely wrong. Mea culpa. I was thinking of elemental carbon - ie, I wasn't thinking enough at all.

Am I missing something?

Nope, not at all. I was doing the missing.
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