Day 62: Antifa Does Not Exist, There Are no Violent protests, &.....I need a NAP...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
AP featured image

Democrat Sanctioned Terrorism: Antifa-BLM
Protesters are Packing Their Fireworks Bombs
with Nails

And In between heinous political partisan attacks on US AG Barr, the idiot who holds these beliefs - the head of the Judicial Committee who Censured the US AG for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW - NAPPED...


I'm going to be completely honest here and say... I'd love to kick that stomach stapled democrat pigmy rat turd's ass.

But I digress, there are many, many democrats I'd love to kick their ass. They're such absolutely disgusting people.

DEMOCRATS ARE THE PARTY OF TRASH, and I MEAN it when I say that. The democrat party is the party of every form of SHIT humanity can dig out of the TOILET. They are the bottom feeders, the scum on the swamp, the parasites and cancer on society. I hate them one and all.
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The only question about Nadler, Fienstein, Shummer and their ilk is how they keep getting re-elected. This is where I question the integrity of the ballot box
AP featured image

Democrat Sanctioned Terrorism: Antifa-BLM
Protesters are Packing Their Fireworks Bombs
with Nails

And In between heinous political partisan attacks on US AG Barr, the idiot who holds these beliefs - the head of the Judicial Committee who Censured the US AG for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW - NAPPED...


Violent because of provocateurs.
AP featured image

Democrat Sanctioned Terrorism: Antifa-BLM
Protesters are Packing Their Fireworks Bombs
with Nails

And In between heinous political partisan attacks on US AG Barr, the idiot who holds these beliefs - the head of the Judicial Committee who Censured the US AG for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW - NAPPED...


The Communist Democratic Party is committing party suicide denying the existence of Antifa and denying that violant rioting and acts of domestic terrorism are going on :rolleyes: The Communistic Democrats will pay the price for that big time on November 3rd:cool:
The only question about Nadler, Fienstein, Shummer and their ilk is how they keep getting re-elected. This is where I question the integrity of the ballot box

Republicans don’t know the meaning of the word “integrity”. The party of gerrymandering, voter suppression, hasn’t had a scandal free President since that I can ever remember. The McCarthism of the 50’s. Richard Nixon, Iran-Contra under Reagan, W’s lies about Iraq, and profiteering by Cheney and Rumsfeld with untendered government contracts.

And now you’ve elected the most corrupt and criminal President in American history and you complain the Democrats lack “integrity”.

Best comedy thread of the year. Well done A$$hats!
AP featured image

Democrat Sanctioned Terrorism: Antifa-BLM
Protesters are Packing Their Fireworks Bombs
with Nails

And In between heinous political partisan attacks on US AG Barr, the idiot who holds these beliefs - the head of the Judicial Committee who Censured the US AG for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW - NAPPED...


Violent because of provocateurs.

Repeating a lie doesn’t make it true.

Who provoked the Portland rioters 60 days ago?
The only question about Nadler, Fienstein, Shummer and their ilk is how they keep getting re-elected. This is where I question the integrity of the ballot box

Republicans don’t know the meaning of the word “integrity”. The party of gerrymandering, voter suppression, hasn’t had a scandal free President since that I can ever remember. The McCarthism of the 50’s. Richard Nixon, Iran-Contra under Reagan, W’s lies about Iraq, and profiteering by Cheney and Rumsfeld with untendered government contracts.

And now you’ve elected the most corrupt and criminal President in American history and you complain the Democrats lack “integrity”.

Best comedy thread of the year. Well done A$$hats!
- - - - - - - - - - - -
AP featured image

Democrat Sanctioned Terrorism: Antifa-BLM
Protesters are Packing Their Fireworks Bombs
with Nails

And In between heinous political partisan attacks on US AG Barr, the idiot who holds these beliefs - the head of the Judicial Committee who Censured the US AG for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW - NAPPED...


Violent because of provocateurs.
So your defense is that protesters are unable to tell right from wrong, good from evil and are able to be lead around by the nose because they can't think for themselves.
You really are crazy.
The only question about Nadler, Fienstein, Shummer and their ilk is how they keep getting re-elected. This is where I question the integrity of the ballot box

Republicans don’t know the meaning of the word “integrity”. The party of gerrymandering, voter suppression, hasn’t had a scandal free President since that I can ever remember. The McCarthism of the 50’s. Richard Nixon, Iran-Contra under Reagan, W’s lies about Iraq, and profiteering by Cheney and Rumsfeld with untendered government contracts.

And now you’ve elected the most corrupt and criminal President in American history and you complain the Democrats lack “integrity”.

Best comedy thread of the year. Well done A$$hats!
Funny that you leave out all the scandles of the democrats. Like almost everything 44 was involved in. Clinton selling pardons. I could go on but you aren't smart enough to see how blind partisan you are

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