"Day of Rage" video released

This was made by the New York Times, so I will assume that many will say it's fake.

But it is a good overview of "The Day of the Slightly Rowdy Tour", January 6th at our nation's capitol.

I strongly suspect that many here have not had any exposure to much of the footage. The fact will remain that the attack was meant to stop the counting of votes on January 6th, an attack against our very presidential electoral process. An attack that terrorized the hundreds of people and ended with over 140 capitol police injured.

Shit head....at the 27:59 mark you have an entire hallway of "Trump supporters," facing 3 police officers......3.....you idiot....they are not in riot gear, they do not draw their guns.....
This was made by the New York Times, so I will assume that many will say it's fake.

But it is a good overview of "The Day of the Slightly Rowdy Tour", January 6th at our nation's capitol.

I strongly suspect that many here have not had any exposure to much of the footage. The fact will remain that the attack was meant to stop the counting of votes on January 6th, an attack against our very presidential electoral process. An attack that terrorized the hundreds of people and ended with over 140 capitol police injured.

Watched the video..........

Keep in mind after you watch this video...where the only person shown to be killed was an unarmed, female Trump supporter shot without warning, and no attempt to restrain.....

Blm and antifa for 7 months burned and looted major cities in the U.S.

The damage from this burning and looting was over 2 billion dollars......that is billion with a "B."

antif and blm also burned and destroyed police stations and court houses.

Blm and antifa set up independent zones where they set up their own governments....

over 400 police officers were wounded by blm and antifa....

48 Americans were murdered by blm and antifa....


you have jan. 6......where Trump supporters walked the halls and took selfies while blam and antifa in the crowd did the attacks on police, and the vandalism...
This was made by the New York Times, so I will assume that many will say it's fake.

But it is a good overview of "The Day of the Slightly Rowdy Tour", January 6th at our nation's capitol.

I strongly suspect that many here have not had any exposure to much of the footage. The fact will remain that the attack was meant to stop the counting of votes on January 6th, an attack against our very presidential electoral process. An attack that terrorized the hundreds of people and ended with over 140 capitol police injured.

Watch the video....again....


3 police officers standing in front of the doors........a massive crowd of Trump supporters.......no one lays a hand on the police officers....they don't touch them........the police officers do not have their guns drawn....they are standing their with their hands at their sides......they are not touched by the Trump supporters..........even when the riot gear police show up...they don't attack them or the original 3 police officers.....

Then antifa and the blm start smashing in the windows....and Ashli Babbit goes up to and tries to enter.....and she is shot, without warning...by the police officer who is to this day, not named.......

Meanwhile....the actual Trump supporters in the building...walking the halls and taking selfies...

It was so violent and unhinged, that these crazed terrorists STAYED INSIDE THE ROPES while two DC cops calmly walked in the other direction in obvious fear for their very lives.

View attachment 507745


Yep........did you watch the video in the first post....?

Catch the 27:59 mark.....this also covers and shows the unarmed, female Trump supporter being shot and killed, without warning, by the police officer who made no attempt to keep her out or restrain her....

Also...watch the large Trump crowd...they do not touch the 3 police officers guarding the door, they don't attack the riot police that later show up....

This video shows that the left wing are deranged asshats....
So this is what you think it was like inside?

Is this all you know?

Serious question.
You're wasting your time. You'll never convince the Pope there is no God.

You watch the video?

Can you tell us that the ones attacking the police and vandalising the building were not blm and antifa?

Considering the record of Trump supporters over the last 6 years and the record of blm and antifa....?
This was made by the New York Times, so I will assume that many will say it's fake.

But it is a good overview of "The Day of the Slightly Rowdy Tour", January 6th at our nation's capitol.

I strongly suspect that many here have not had any exposure to much of the footage. The fact will remain that the attack was meant to stop the counting of votes on January 6th, an attack against our very presidential electoral process. An attack that terrorized the hundreds of people and ended with over 140 capitol police injured.

Funny how the D.C. rats were scurryring back to their holes. Nicely edited video BTW.
I like how you only got angry about protests when they targeted your rich WHITE elites in DC.

No I got angry when they attacked the seat of the federal government in order to stop one of its constitutional functions.

I felt the same way when terrorists flew a plane into the pentagon.

No, you didn't. You just got mad when protesters started messing with your rich WHITE elites, instead of just looting and burning down black neighborhoods.
So this is what you think it was like inside?

Is this all you know?

Serious question.
You're wasting your time. You'll never convince the Pope there is no God.
I really think they don't know what happened.

If I'm right, that's how tightly controlled their information is.

Is that possible?
Trumpist idiots will continue to lie this was a “peaceful” protest despite all the VIDEO evidence. These insurrectionists need to be prosecuted and sent to jail.
I don't think they're allowed to view this video, and they most likely won't even if they can.

I'd love to know what they'd think of it. But they'd never admit anything.
I watched that highly edited video. They tried to make it look like a military takeover with chalk-board battle lines etc. Too funny. The guy doing the voice-over had a PC correct slight British accent too giving him lefty credibility. Goebbles would have been proud of the propaganda piece.
So this is what you think it was like inside?

Is this all you know?

Serious question.
You're wasting your time. You'll never convince the Pope there is no God.
I really think they don't know what happened.

If I'm right, that's how tightly controlled their information is.

Is that possible?
The video did not show what really happened it showed parts of what happened in order to present a fake racist view.

Can you tell us that the ones attacking the police and vandalising the building were not blm and antifa?
Yes, I can, because I'm not a mentally ill imbecile like you.

Hey, shit head.........

Tell us the story again of how Trump colluded with Russia, how masks protect you from the virus, how Trump supporters murdered the police officer with the fire extinguisher...

Tell us those stories again, you asshat.......and as each of them were exposed as lies...

again....tell us that the guys attacking the police and vandalising the building were not blm and antifa....

Tell us...with 6 years of Trump rallies with 50-70 thousand people in the crowds, no violence, no vandalism..........

The democrats caught starting violence at his campaign rallies...bob craemer, democrat party thug, on video stating he hired people to start fights at Trump campaign events......

7 months of blm and antifa burning and looting cities......causing 2 billion dollars in damage....burning and destroying court houses and police stations.......wounding over 400 police and murdering 48 Americans...

You line up 6 years of Trump and his supporters vs. the 7 months of blm and antifa violence...

Then tell us again that those aren't blm and antifa.......after watching the video of the Trump supporters calmly walking through the building and taking selfies....

You idiot.
Why were the Capitol Police ordered to "Stand down"

Odd, well unless you're conducting a Reichstag Fire
This was made by the New York Times, so I will assume that many will say it's fake.

But it is a good overview of "The Day of the Slightly Rowdy Tour", January 6th at our nation's capitol.

I strongly suspect that many here have not had any exposure to much of the footage. The fact will remain that the attack was meant to stop the counting of votes on January 6th, an attack against our very presidential electoral process. An attack that terrorized the hundreds of people and ended with over 140 capitol police injured.

Watch the video....again....


3 police officers standing in front of the doors........a massive crowd of Trump supporters.......no one lays a hand on the police officers....they don't touch them........the police officers do not have their guns drawn....they are standing their with their hands at their sides......they are not touched by the Trump supporters..........even when the riot gear police show up...they don't attack them or the original 3 police officers.....

Then antifa and the blm start smashing in the windows....and Ashli Babbit goes up to and tries to enter.....and she is shot, without warning...by the police officer who is to this day, not named.......

Meanwhile....the actual Trump supporters in the building...walking the halls and taking selfies...

It was so violent and unhinged, that these crazed terrorists STAYED INSIDE THE ROPES while two DC cops calmly walked in the other direction in obvious fear for their very lives.

View attachment 507745


So this is what you think it was like inside?

Is this all you know?

Serious question.

It is obvious from the video at the end that Ashli Babbit didn't see the cop with the gun, and if he gave a warning, she didn't hear it.......

And, from the previous point of the video where the 3 police officers...without riot gear or bullet proof vests stood in front of the crowd...really in front of and part of the crowd, since they were actually that close....had the officer shown himself in the window with his gun drawn, and pointing at the ground, Babbit wouldn't have tried to get through the window.....since the other 3 cops, without drawing their guns and simply standing in place kept the crowd from breaching the doors...

And to the geniuses out there who refuse to believe antifa and blm were the violent attackers on Jan. 6? Why haven't they released the name of the officer yet? Why haven't they released the protestors on bail yet?
This was made by the New York Times, so I will assume that many will say it's fake.

But it is a good overview of "The Day of the Slightly Rowdy Tour", January 6th at our nation's capitol.

I strongly suspect that many here have not had any exposure to much of the footage. The fact will remain that the attack was meant to stop the counting of votes on January 6th, an attack against our very presidential electoral process. An attack that terrorized the hundreds of people and ended with over 140 capitol police injured.

Reichstag Fire

Who did Nancy talk with in the days leading up to the Reichstag Fire Event?

How lame. You can't really be that deluded.

Yes, he is that deluded.
From this video...it is obvious that the reason they have not released the officers name is he shot an unarmed woman and killed her without justification.........and if they release his name and actually look at the shooting, it distracts from their agenda of painting the Trump supporters as violent killers.
This was made by the New York Times, so I will assume that many will say it's fake.

But it is a good overview of "The Day of the Slightly Rowdy Tour", January 6th at our nation's capitol.

I strongly suspect that many here have not had any exposure to much of the footage. The fact will remain that the attack was meant to stop the counting of votes on January 6th, an attack against our very presidential electoral process. An attack that terrorized the hundreds of people and ended with over 140 capitol police injured.

Reichstag Fire

Who did Nancy talk with in the days leading up to the Reichstag Fire Event?

How lame. You can't really be that deluded.

Yes, he is that deluded.

This is a full-fledged group pathology.

The world has seen it before.

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