"Day of Rage" video released

So why were the Police ordered to stand down and by whom that is the person /Person's responsible and orderly deployment of Police would have prevented the Incident. Why are dems. afraid of Conservative protesters while joining in Violent protests all over the country. People who love this Country need to speak in one voice .. Enough coddling criminals . Start with Hunter that would show some Balls. And vote these Socialist Marxist Scumbags out. And restore order More people have been murdered in Chicago and D.C. this year than Died in Fla. Building collapse where is the Media outrage at the "black lives being walked over" by the Lack of Media objectivity
Virtually none of that is true but yea… let’s HAVE the investigation that the GOP is blocking
It's a 40 minute video.




Feel better?
Every one of these whitewashing idiots needs to have their eyes taped open and be forced to watch the entire 40 minutes. The level of anger and violence with these assclowns is palpable - Just looks at their eyes - Also a whole bunch of footage that was new to me!

It was mostly peaceful, kook.

How's the hunt for the pee tape going?
I have just watched the film and it is quite chilling. I do not understand why the police did not read the riot act and then shoot a few of them.
How can anybody defend that ?
This is a cult-like ideology that I don't think this country has seen. I don't know if England has had something comparable. I can't think of an example.

This is about far more than politics. This is pure, emotion-driven paranoia. Trump told them that they're losing their country and must fight. He has said it over and over. So that's exactly what they're doing. They're at war, and anything is acceptable and defensible to them.
What happens in the states tends to happen here a few years later. We have our own conspiracy theory channel now , fox lite, which will fan the flames of all of it. It really comes down to education. Like in the States the support for nonsense comes from depressed areas where intelligent folk try to get out of asap.
The fuckwits left behind are easy to persuade that "somebody did em wrong" and it flows from there. Trump, Brexit ,Orban, Modi, Bolsonaro, Erdogan all draw their support from the same fetid well.
It was mostly peaceful, kook.

Mostly peaceful? Is that like how you describe cows lead to the slaughterhouse, where 95% of the time they're treated well.

But it's that 5% when insurrection breaks out.

I don't know what goes on in slaughterhouses, but the protest at the Capitol was mostly peaceful, until a cop shot an unarmed woman (and you cheered).
It's a 40 minute video.



Feel better?
C'mon Boots - It lasted the better part of four hours. :rolleyes-41:

Time sure flies when you're trying to overthrow the government by force.

Rampaging through the capitol, beating up cops, destroying federal property. They were having so much fun, they just lost all track of time.
This was made by the New York Times, so I will assume that many will say it's fake.

But it is a good overview of "The Day of the Slightly Rowdy Tour", January 6th at our nation's capitol.

I strongly suspect that many here have not had any exposure to much of the footage. The fact will remain that the attack was meant to stop the counting of votes on January 6th, an attack against our very presidential electoral process. An attack that terrorized the hundreds of people and ended with over 140 capitol police injured.

Reichstag Fire

Who did Nancy talk with in the days leading up to the Reichstag Fire Event?

Your post makes no sense. The Reichstag Fire was a pretext to destroy German democracy. I will not disagree with you in your comparison to Trumpists as Nazis in their failed attempt to destroy our Constitutional Republic. It is your comparison.

Apparently you’re so dumb you don’t know the Reichstag Fire was used by the Nazis to gain more power and persecute all their political enemies. They used the fear of “more attacks” to strip away rights and throw people in jail, just like what Dems are doing by proclaiming all Trump supporters are “the biggest threat to democracy”.

Hmmm...the Reichstag Fire was used when the Nazis were in power and wanted more.

Who was President (in power) when Jan 6th happened? Refresh our memories.

And the likeliest candidate for starting the fire were the Nazis.

Exactly. The guys in power who wanted more.

AND they used the pearl-clutching fake-outrage at the murder of Horst Wessel (like the Dems are using 1/6) to do all sorts of shit.....JUST LIKE THE DEMS.

View attachment 507723
Clutch away.


You have that backwards, of course, as like the Nazis attacked their own Reichstag, Trumplicans attacked our own Congress.
It's a 40 minute video.



Feel better?
C'mon Boots - It lasted the better part of four hours. :rolleyes-41:

Time sure flies when you're trying to overthrow the government by force.

Rampaging through the capitol, beating up cops, destroying federal property. They were having so much fun, they just lost all track of time.

It's just like a "tourist" so mesmerized by Niagara Falls or the Grand Canyon that they waste an entire afternoon peacefully staring. :lol:
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But it's that 5% when insurrection breaks out.
It was a riot. Only a hysteria panic monger would call that an insurrection. Or a liar.
The difference between a riot and an insurrection is where it's held. When someone stops a constitutional duty of a government branch, it's an insurrection.

I like how you only got angry about protests when they targeted your rich WHITE elites in DC.

LOL, you're such a rube.
This was made by the New York Times, so I will assume that many will say it's fake.

But it is a good overview of "The Day of the Slightly Rowdy Tour", January 6th at our nation's capitol.

I strongly suspect that many here have not had any exposure to much of the footage. The fact will remain that the attack was meant to stop the counting of votes on January 6th, an attack against our very presidential electoral process. An attack that terrorized the hundreds of people and ended with over 140 capitol police injured.

Reichstag Fire

Who did Nancy talk with in the days leading up to the Reichstag Fire Event?

Your post makes no sense. The Reichstag Fire was a pretext to destroy German democracy. I will not disagree with you in your comparison to Trumpists as Nazis in their failed attempt to destroy our Constitutional Republic. It is your comparison.

Apparently you’re so dumb you don’t know the Reichstag Fire was used by the Nazis to gain more power and persecute all their political enemies. They used the fear of “more attacks” to strip away rights and throw people in jail, just like what Dems are doing by proclaiming all Trump supporters are “the biggest threat to democracy”.

Hmmm...the Reichstag Fire was used when the Nazis were in power and wanted more.

Who was President (in power) when Jan 6th happened? Refresh our memories.

And the likeliest candidate for starting the fire were the Nazis.

Exactly. The guys in power who wanted more.

AND they used the pearl-clutching fake-outrage at the murder of Horst Wessel (like the Dems are using 1/6) to do all sorts of shit.....JUST LIKE THE DEMS.

View attachment 507723
Clutch away.


You have that backwards, of course, as like the Nazis attacked their own Reichstag, Trumplicans attacked our own Congress.

Well, look, it's kind of a shitty analogy, because the Nazis used it as propaganda. Who is propagandizing 1/6 now and....for the past 6 fucking months?
I don't know what goes on in slaughterhouses, but the protest at the Capitol was mostly peaceful, until a cop shot an unarmed woman (and you cheered).

Is that like how a cyanide solution is mostly water.

But I wouldn't drink it.
It's really sad to see actual American men become beta bootlickers but here we are. The biggest con is the piling on of shame shame shame. Right. From the party of Nancy and her crew.

Never be fooled
Liberals are mentally ill.
I have relatives and a scant few of them as co-workers.
This was made by the New York Times, so I will assume that many will say it's fake.

But it is a good overview of "The Day of the Slightly Rowdy Tour", January 6th at our nation's capitol.

I strongly suspect that many here have not had any exposure to much of the footage. The fact will remain that the attack was meant to stop the counting of votes on January 6th, an attack against our very presidential electoral process. An attack that terrorized the hundreds of people and ended with over 140 capitol police injured.

Reichstag Fire

Who did Nancy talk with in the days leading up to the Reichstag Fire Event?

Your post makes no sense. The Reichstag Fire was a pretext to destroy German democracy. I will not disagree with you in your comparison to Trumpists as Nazis in their failed attempt to destroy our Constitutional Republic. It is your comparison.

Apparently you’re so dumb you don’t know the Reichstag Fire was used by the Nazis to gain more power and persecute all their political enemies. They used the fear of “more attacks” to strip away rights and throw people in jail, just like what Dems are doing by proclaiming all Trump supporters are “the biggest threat to democracy”.

Hmmm...the Reichstag Fire was used when the Nazis were in power and wanted more.

Who was President (in power) when Jan 6th happened? Refresh our memories.

And the likeliest candidate for starting the fire were the Nazis.

Exactly. The guys in power who wanted more.

AND they used the pearl-clutching fake-outrage at the murder of Horst Wessel (like the Dems are using 1/6) to do all sorts of shit.....JUST LIKE THE DEMS.

View attachment 507723
Clutch away.


You have that backwards, of course, as like the Nazis attacked their own Reichstag, Trumplicans attacked our own Congress.

You have that backwards, of course, as like the Nazis attacked their own Reichstag, Nancy and the FBI attacked our own Congress.

There, fixed
What is missing in the video....
And therefore making the video propaganda.

Where were they? Why were so few in force on a day where they had not one, or two - but three law enforcement agencies including the FBI - telling capital police there is likely to be violence. And their reaction - HAVE FEWER OFFICERS ON DUTY THAN A NORMAL DAY.


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