"Day of Rage" video released

This was made by the New York Times, so I will assume that many will say it's fake.

But it is a good overview of "The Day of the Slightly Rowdy Tour", January 6th at our nation's capitol.

I strongly suspect that many here have not had any exposure to much of the footage. The fact will remain that the attack was meant to stop the counting of votes on January 6th, an attack against our very presidential electoral process. An attack that terrorized the hundreds of people and ended with over 140 capitol police injured.

Watch the video....again....


3 police officers standing in front of the doors........a massive crowd of Trump supporters.......no one lays a hand on the police officers....they don't touch them........the police officers do not have their guns drawn....they are standing their with their hands at their sides......they are not touched by the Trump supporters..........even when the riot gear police show up...they don't attack them or the original 3 police officers.....

Then antifa and the blm start smashing in the windows....and Ashli Babbit goes up to and tries to enter.....and she is shot, without warning...by the police officer who is to this day, not named.......

Meanwhile....the actual Trump supporters in the building...walking the halls and taking selfies...

It was so violent and unhinged, that these crazed terrorists STAYED INSIDE THE ROPES while two DC cops calmly walked in the other direction in obvious fear for their very lives.

View attachment 507745


That's when they first arrived. Like unwanted company, they turned into this...

It's really sad to see actual American men become beta bootlickers but here we are. The biggest con is the piling on of shame shame shame. Right. From the party of Nancy and her crew.

Never be fooled
But what did you think of the video?

Oh, that's right, you're not allowed to watch it.

Mac let me break something down for you. I'm more free thinking than you, smarter than you, more courageous than you and I just don't have time for you any more
Cop. Out. Run along.
I do love it when they think they have to say stuff like that.

It pleases me. :)
This was made by the New York Times, so I will assume that many will say it's fake.

But it is a good overview of "The Day of the Slightly Rowdy Tour", January 6th at our nation's capitol.

I strongly suspect that many here have not had any exposure to much of the footage. The fact will remain that the attack was meant to stop the counting of votes on January 6th, an attack against our very presidential electoral process. An attack that terrorized the hundreds of people and ended with over 140 capitol police injured.

Watch the video....again....


3 police officers standing in front of the doors........a massive crowd of Trump supporters.......no one lays a hand on the police officers....they don't touch them........the police officers do not have their guns drawn....they are standing their with their hands at their sides......they are not touched by the Trump supporters..........even when the riot gear police show up...they don't attack them or the original 3 police officers.....

Then antifa and the blm start smashing in the windows....and Ashli Babbit goes up to and tries to enter.....and she is shot, without warning...by the police officer who is to this day, not named.......

Meanwhile....the actual Trump supporters in the building...walking the halls and taking selfies...

It was so violent and unhinged, that these crazed terrorists STAYED INSIDE THE ROPES while two DC cops calmly walked in the other direction in obvious fear for their very lives.

View attachment 507745


That's when they first arrived. Like unwanted company, they turned into this...



This was made by the New York Times, so I will assume that many will say it's fake.

But it is a good overview of "The Day of the Slightly Rowdy Tour", January 6th at our nation's capitol.

I strongly suspect that many here have not had any exposure to much of the footage. The fact will remain that the attack was meant to stop the counting of votes on January 6th, an attack against our very presidential electoral process. An attack that terrorized the hundreds of people and ended with over 140 capitol police injured.

Watch the video....again....


3 police officers standing in front of the doors........a massive crowd of Trump supporters.......no one lays a hand on the police officers....they don't touch them........the police officers do not have their guns drawn....they are standing their with their hands at their sides......they are not touched by the Trump supporters..........even when the riot gear police show up...they don't attack them or the original 3 police officers.....

Then antifa and the blm start smashing in the windows....and Ashli Babbit goes up to and tries to enter.....and she is shot, without warning...by the police officer who is to this day, not named.......

Meanwhile....the actual Trump supporters in the building...walking the halls and taking selfies...

It was so violent and unhinged, that these crazed terrorists STAYED INSIDE THE ROPES while two DC cops calmly walked in the other direction in obvious fear for their very lives.

View attachment 507745


That's when they first arrived. Like unwanted company, they turned into this...




A three hour tour. Tucker must've been watching Gilligan's Island, not the events which unfolded on Insurrection Day.
I think the people that trashed anything should be charged with vandalism, that was the biggest crime committed. The rest was peaceful protest
This could be said of both tribes. BLM or the insurrectionists. Two ends of the same extremist shit pile.
Just the unarmed woman shot by the cops while you cheered.

And by the way, you idiots were the ones cheering this stupid event on Jan 6 with all your bluster about a civil war.

Are you happy now? What did you think was going to happen? Did you get what you want?
You are the ones putting Repub voters on the defensive. You guys act like you are scared. you are in control. Thousands and thousands of national guardsmen there to keep the Potentate in power. We know the election was stolen. And it was done on purpose with the two worst Prog candidates.
How can the death of people be termed as a peaceful protest?
You are going out of your way to play it down. You are wrong and the whole world saw democracy in America dragged into the gutter by a bunch of ignorant brain dead hooligans. But because they were republicans, you support it.what a filthy squalid opportunist you are. You have the principles of an alley cat.
The only death was a protester, a veteran shot while unarmed, with police behind her who weren’t attempting to arrest her.
How can the death of people be termed as a peaceful protest?
You are going out of your way to play it down. You are wrong and the whole world saw democracy in America dragged into the gutter by a bunch of ignorant brain dead hooligans. But because they were republicans, you support it.what a filthy squalid opportunist you are. You have the principles of an alley cat.
The only death was a protester, a veteran shot while unarmed, with police behind her who weren’t attempting to arrest her.
That's because the police behind her were busy escorting other police out of there.
I dare anyone to watch that video and claim it was peaceful
I dare anyone to watch that video and claim it was peaceful

The blm and antifa thugs from the democrat party weren't peaceful...they attacked the police and vandalized the building just like they had been doing for the last 7 months...
I dare anyone to watch that video and claim it was peaceful

The blm and antifa thugs from the democrat party weren't peaceful...they attacked the police and vandalized the building just like they had been doing for the last 7 months...
Wrong thread doofus.

This is about MAGARATS storming the Capitol to stop the counting of electors
I dare anyone to watch that video and claim it was peaceful

The blm and antifa thugs from the democrat party weren't peaceful...they attacked the police and vandalized the building just like they had been doing for the last 7 months...
Wrong thread doofus.

This is about MAGARATS storming the Capitol to stop the counting of electors

and how blm and antifa terrorists of the democrat party attacked police and vandalised the building.....

Tell us the fairy tale where Trump supporters used a fire extinguisher to beat a police officer to death...you know, the story they used for months to push the 2nd impeachment....

Was that true or false?

You shithead....
I dare anyone to watch that video and claim it was peaceful
If over 50% of the crowd isn’t attacking anyone or destroying anything, doesn’t that constitute a “mostly peaceful protest”?
I dare anyone to watch that video and claim it was peaceful

The blm and antifa thugs from the democrat party weren't peaceful...they attacked the police and vandalized the building just like they had been doing for the last 7 months...
Wrong thread doofus.

This is about MAGARATS storming the Capitol to stop the counting of electors

and how blm and antifa terrorists of the democrat party attacked police and vandalised the building.....

Tell us the fairy tale where Trump supporters used a fire extinguisher to beat a police officer to death...you know, the story they used for months to push the 2nd impeachment....

Was that true or false?

You shithead....
Dumbfuck, that was reported by the Capitol police.
It doesn't matter.
Would they have died if there was no protest?
Of course not. How can you blame something else. You're really weird when you try to defend the riots.
Typical Republican .

Hey, shit head.........

Tell us the story again of how Trump colluded with Russia
Why? I never believed in the Russian collusion delusion.

how masks protect you from the virus

I have never accepted the efficacy of masks to lower the spread of COVID
, how Trump supporters murdered the police officer with the fire extinguisher...
You did kill a cop with a fire extinguisher.

again....tell us that the guys attacking the police and vandalising the building were not blm and antifa....
I will, again, because as I pointed out I'm not a mentally ill imbecile like you.

Tell us...with 6 years of Trump rallies with 50-70 thousand people in the crowds, no violence, no vandalism..........
Your Messiah hadn't yet told you that the election was stolen from him.

The democrats caught starting violence at his campaign rallies...bob craemer, democrat party thug, on video stating he hired people to start fights at Trump campaign events......
Yes, they did. What does that have to do with what you did at the Capitol?

7 months of blm and antifa burning and looting cities......causing 2 billion dollars in damage....burning and destroying court houses and police stations.......wounding over 400 police and murdering 48 Americans...

You line up 6 years of Trump and his supporters vs. the 7 months of blm and antifa violence...

Again, what does any of that have to do with you did at the Capitol?
Then tell us again that those aren't blm and antifa.......after watching the video of the Trump supporters calmly walking through the building and taking selfies....
I will, for the third time, because as I pointed out I'm not a mentally ill imbecile like you.

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