Day of Rage


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

The carnage is not enough it seems, they want more.

The carnage is not enough it seems, they want more.
The education/propaganda teachings of islam to their children is identical to the teachings that the members of the Hitler Youth received. The nazi/islam/left triad connection is truly difficult to miss. The destructive teachings associated with the nazi movement are simply carried over into modern day islam & the left. As long as death cults are allowed to proliferate there will be, cannot be peace between the peoples of our planet earth.

"The more things change the more they stay the same."
A Rueters goes down. Arab takes the camera. I would ask if any care about Rueters "journalist". I know it is not really on topic for day of rage. But I found it today. And is shows rage.

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"Frenzied attacks"? Go ahead and use that phrase for drama. The fact is that their ain't much rage going on despite the Hamas monster's call.
I always thought if the enemy called for "TODAY" should be code for "TOMORROW" when the Police go off duty and relax. But it appears the world of Islam does not listen to HAMAS on this round?
Let's say its December 8th, 1941. Would it have been acceptable for the Japanese Prime Minister to call for a "day of protests" against America? And would it have been ok for large numbers of Japanese to gather in American cities and protest our response to what had just happened the day before? We have lost our way as a society. Our desire to be "civil" has clouded our judgement and make no mistake, as soon as one of these terror groups, or their sponsor countries gets the ability to wipe us out in large numbers, it will happen. Savages don't understand "civility". They only understand brute force. One day, our failure to remember that will cost us dearly.
When I heard two days ago that Fri. 13th was going to be a yuge Muslim attack on the world, I laughed.
Should it happen, you will not know in advance. derp.
"Well, you know, only a few people were murdered by Jihadists today. So, it was a mostly peaceful day of protest."
Been slow here in Downtown DC.
Three string bean Arab punks tried to be belligerent earlier and they ran but one came back to pour piss on a truck and we got ahold of him. He looks great in the lipstick we put on him with some messages and we are still waiting on the police he assured us he would sic on us.
We have received about 200 favorable comments, about 10 that were not, and the three bad ass wannabes we ran off
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