Day of terror: Islamist attacks around world follow ISIS' Ramadan message


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
And we are worrying about Bruce marrying Ed meanwhile Obama apparently stands by while the Islamic world goes mad.

Terrorists gunned down dozens of tourists on a Tunisian beach, left a severed head atop a fence outside a French factory and blew up a Kuwaiti mosque Friday in a bloody wave of attacks that followed an ISIS leader’s call to make the month of Ramadan a time of "calamity for the infidels."

There was no confirmation that the attacks were a coordinated effort ordered by ISIS, but the suspects who attacked a U.S.-owned gas factory in southeastern France left the terrorist army's flags next to the severed head of their victim, and an ISIS affiliate claimed responsibility for the deadly Kuwait blast.

Day of terror Islamist attacks around world follow ISIS Ramadan message Fox News

Chilling new details of Tunisia beach massacre: Killer joked as he selected his tourist victims before opening fire with an AK47 - as Tunisian PM warns that majority of 38 dead are British

Read more: Tunisia ISIS terrorist is arrested for killing 38 tourists on Sousse beach Daily Mail Online
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Kuwait Attack: ISIS Claims Responsibility for Deadly Mosque Blast
Why is this in Healthcare?

Oh and I'm waiting for someone to blame the attacks on the Confederate battle flag........ :eusa_whistle:
There is only one way to end this...............and everyone knows what that means.................and not one nation doing it.........but all.............................

BTW they knew he was an extremist..........
The Dead get no traction's only about a flag and homo's today...............

The Dead from Radical Islam aren't important today.:death:
ISIS Celebrates Gay Love


by Tossing 4 Gays from Roof of Building

Gee whiz. Isn't it so nice that our Muslim friends celebrate the Supreme Court ruling? Look at the huge crowd. See how pleased and happy they are.

Oops! What's this?


Perhaps I didn't understand this. Better read the whole story @ ISIS Celebrates Gay Love by Tossing 4 Gays from Roof of Building - The Gateway Pundit

And now, our troops stationed in Muslim countries are DIRECTED to observe the dietary restrictions of Ramadan! WTF? Where the hell does this come from? Read the full disgusting story @ Sharia Enforcement in the US Military U.S. Troops Face Eating Drinking Restrictions During Ramadan Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs Islam Jihad Israel and the Islamic War on the West
I thought killing people during Ramadan is prohibited in Islam. Well, ISIS has nothing to do with Islam anyway. ISIS is just a bunch of rapists and murderers who pretend to be Muslims so they could commit more crimes.

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