Dayum. Crude rude letter about autistic boy.


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013

Tell us how you really feel, Pauli. :lol: is no laughing matter and I think this woman is not human. But yes..I would do my best to find out who sent that letter. Don't know what I would do, but plastering her name all over the net and on the media would be a start.
Her very first sentence says it all. She has a problem alright. I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to track her down if she lives in the neighborhood and hand wrote the letter and doesn't like the kid. Instead of pressing charges, I'd out who she was and let the neighborhood shun her.
If that woman is a mother..I feel bad for her kids and what ethics she is teaching them.
Posted this in the general topics thread as a reminder of how we have been told recently how great Canada is and how screwed the US is compared. All of course using single incidents like this to make the claim.
Euthanasia, beloved by the fanatical liberal totalitarians of the Obamacult.

As a father, I would have found this vile ****, identified her piss ant husband and beat the living shit out of him.
I have a son with a mild autism spectrum disorder( not confirmed) who works as an engineering officer with the RAF.
He is responsible for ensuring all safety and rescue devices on RAF and RN jets are in good servicible order.
He is dating a beautiful, slightly high maintanence Aussie who lives in Copenhagen.
He achieved his degree at age 19, that's a bachelors, he entered university at age 15.

The author of this letter is a vile scum sucker.
I hope her " normal" kids turn to a life of crime, and get shot in the head or spine whilst committing their crimes.
Their mother can change their fucking depends praising them for their " normality"!!
What a douche nozzle sucking enema hose licking toilet drinking scum sucker.
And her mother too!
I hope her ma gets dementia!!

How psychopathic. Seek professional help!

And by "help", I mean "a lobotomy with a rusty spoon."

Yeah, fuck you and your mother too piss ant!!
Go ahead and bully the defenseless.
You vile scumbag!

Silence, bitchboy, your betters are talking.

Note: EVERYONE is your better.
I hail from the Terry Pratchett school of punctuation, the basic idea of which is, a person's sanity is inversely proportional to the number of exclamation marks they use...

Judging by the letter and the author's use of exclamation marks, I'd say the author is crazier than a shithouse rat...
If that woman is a mother..I feel bad for her kids and what ethics she is teaching them.

The world is full of ignorant people, and the grammar and spelling indicate the author of this letter is one of them. Even the ignorant, however, can have compassion and empathy; the woman who wrote that letter obviously has neither. It is a sad thing, to have a small mind, but sadder still to have such a small heart; to have both, is the worst sort of poverty. It took a miserable, unhappy soul to write that letter. No need for public censure; such a wretched existence is its own punishment.
those vile rants and wishes do not serve you a favor. it's called karma.

I am not protecting the idiot in the OP post, but you are no better than her.
The problem is you are also causing harm to those you love by wishing all the destruction you did.
As she does to her loved ones by writing what she did to that mother.
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there was also some very valid comments in the Huff Post discussion:

The comments that this story has generated are very interesting. I think the poor spelling and bad use of grammar suggest that this "pissed off mom" is just trash to start with. Whomever it is obviously does not hold him/herself to any type of standard, yet she'll tell you in a heartbeat when YOU'RE wrong. However, she does make some valid points that could've been discussed more gently. I am trained to work with special needs children, mostly on the autism spectrum, and there are many times when frustrated special needs parents do "let their kids run wild," because they are exhausted and feel like they have run out of options. When these special needs kids become teenagers with new hormones they can be unstoppable. But it's a fact that they DO make a lot of odd (to us) noises and movements. They can get themselves into dangerous situations in a second. They DO often invade our personal space, and their repetitive habits can be really annoying. It's not their fault, but parents and caregivers should be aware of and reasonably in control of their charges. It is a matter of at least trying to be appropriate in either situation. In closing I'd like to mention that there are many parents out there with special needs children who DO feel like they should have rights others don't, and special treatment because of their "plight." This is also a misguided way to think.

The letter this woman wrote was brutal and insensitive. However, she has a point. She also has a right to express her opinion. I feel very badly for people with "special needs children". They have a very tough lot in life. However, they also do not have the right to push their circumstances off on other people. For example, why is the child outside wailing? According to the letter this seems to be a normal ocurance? I think the person that wrote this letter was may be rude but the things she says are right? And now of course the woman of the child is looking to "sue" because someone said something bad about her kid? I am not sure who is really worse?
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Actually, that was the only part of his post - obviously written by someone not in control of his emotions - that I can agree with. After that, he went off the rails right into Crazy Town.
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Actually, that was the only part of his post - obviously written by someone not in control of his emotions - that I can agree with. After that, he went off the rails right into Crazy Town.

Then you're as batshit as he is.
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The letter writer sounds like an old guy in our neighborhood.

We have a severely autistic son and sadly in our city there are people who behave similarly. Our son is extremely noise sensitive. The neighbor's dog does not bark frequently, but as a heavy set large dog, the infrequent barks are powerful. Our son wakes up and cannot return to sleep for hours.

We attempted to speak to our neighbors about it. We were told that our son's autism is not our problem. When i suggested a bark inhibitor to be turned on at night or putting their dog in the garage at night, or at least not confining him in the place in their yard not nearest our son's bedroom window, the neighbor woman got eight inches from my face and told me to read her lips as she said no. She told me that she does not hear the dog barking herself so we are making this up in a bid for attention, as our son acts out in a bid for attention. Our neighbor's children now mock our son's behaviors such as flapping their hands and making noises whenever we go outside.

Now one can talk about pounding in their faces, but that is not a realistic option. Due to the infrequency of the barking, the police cannot intervene. We must endure it.

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