Dayum. Crude rude letter about autistic boy.

I can understand that the woman might be frustrated, the noise the child makes IS probably very annoying, and we don't know what time of day he is out of the house - is it early in the morning, late at night?
Of course, the kid has the right to play in his own front yard, but the neighbors also have the right to expect peace and quiet, and if they are not getting it, then they have every right to be angry.

However, writing such a nasty letter to the mother of this child is completely over the top. The woman could have simply knocked on the door and discussed things with the parent of the child, instead of resorting to what looks like a threat to me.
I can understand that the woman might be frustrated, the noise the child makes IS probably very annoying, and we don't know what time of day he is out of the house - is it early in the morning, late at night?
Of course, the kid has the right to play in his own front yard, but the neighbors also have the right to expect peace and quiet, and if they are not getting it, then they have every right to be angry.

However, writing such a nasty letter to the mother of this child is completely over the top. The woman could have simply knocked on the door and discussed things with the parent of the child, instead of resorting to what looks like a threat to me.

There is no threat in that letter, Noomi. At no time does she say "I'm going to do...this or you." That is what would be a threat.

I know about "threats" because I called the police one time after I thought a neighbor threatened me. But the police said a threat has to be very specific. For example, "If you don't quiet that kid down, I'll kill him." THAT would be a threat.

My neighbor had only "implied" that he would hurt me. That wasn't strong enough to be a threat.
I'd have to know more about what kind of a ruckus this kid creates. The neighbor didn't handle it very well, but that doesn't mean her complaint isn't valid. The tone of her letter kind of indicates that she's at the end of her rope.
I can understand that the woman might be frustrated, the noise the child makes IS probably very annoying, and we don't know what time of day he is out of the house - is it early in the morning, late at night?
Of course, the kid has the right to play in his own front yard, but the neighbors also have the right to expect peace and quiet, and if they are not getting it, then they have every right to be angry.

However, writing such a nasty letter to the mother of this child is completely over the top. The woman could have simply knocked on the door and discussed things with the parent of the child, instead of resorting to what looks like a threat to me.

There is no threat in that letter, Noomi. At no time does she say "I'm going to do...this or you." That is what would be a threat.

I know about "threats" because I called the police one time after I thought a neighbor threatened me. But the police said a threat has to be very specific. For example, "If you don't quiet that kid down, I'll kill him." THAT would be a threat.

My neighbor had only "implied" that he would hurt me. That wasn't strong enough to be a threat.

It was what is known as a menacing letter, local laws differ but here in MA it would be a crime.
Harassment would be the crime in most states.
If my kid were the target of this abuse I would consider it a death threat.
Death threats against kids are commonplace from liberals.
It's their fanaticism.

Citation then. If it's commonplace, it will be proven easily enough.
It should not be hard to figure our who wrote the letter. It was from someone on either side or behind the offending house.

The noise should be handled as any other noise like a continually barking dog.
I'm not a liberal. I'm getting damn sick and tired of people trying to label me as a liberal.

Politically, I am a nonpartisan. Otherwise, I have a few liberal beliefs (mostly concerning the humanitarian treatment of animals) and many conservative beliefs.

Are liberals solidly behind the right of citizens to own guns? Because I am.

Do liberals want to run homeless people out of their towns rather than providing them with free room and board? Because I do...want to run them out of town.

Do liberals vote for Republicans for public office...ever? Because I do.

I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I don't hate gays, but I'm kind of sick of listening to them, also. I have issues with them adopting children. I think children need a traditional home with a mother and father.

I'm not as radical and hard-headed as many conservatives. I am capable of changing my is possible to sway my opinion. But you can hardly call me a liberal.

P.S. And most true liberals don't get angry when you call them a liberal...but I do.
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Why cant this guy voice his opinion about the annoying retard next door? Why do rthey get special treatment? Shouldn't we be treating them the same as normal people? Guess what, normal people get annoyed by screaming weirdos digging holes in their yard and slobbering all over the place. Welcome to the real world retard!
Why cant this guy voice his opinion about the annoying retard next door? Why do rthey get special treatment? Shouldn't we be treating them the same as normal people? Guess what, normal people get annoyed by screaming weirdos digging holes in their yard and slobbering all over the place. Welcome to the real world retard!

Oh, now see? I didn't realize you were talking to the mirror when you announced that nobody cares what you think.


The letter writer sounds like an old guy in our neighborhood.

We have a severely autistic son and sadly in our city there are people who behave similarly. Our son is extremely noise sensitive. The neighbor's dog does not bark frequently, but as a heavy set large dog, the infrequent barks are powerful. Our son wakes up and cannot return to sleep for hours.

We attempted to speak to our neighbors about it. We were told that our son's autism is not our problem. When i suggested a bark inhibitor to be turned on at night or putting their dog in the garage at night, or at least not confining him in the place in their yard not nearest our son's bedroom window, the neighbor woman got eight inches from my face and told me to read her lips as she said no. She told me that she does not hear the dog barking herself so we are making this up in a bid for attention, as our son acts out in a bid for attention. Our neighbor's children now mock our son's behaviors such as flapping their hands and making noises whenever we go outside.

Now one can talk about pounding in their faces, but that is not a realistic option. Due to the infrequency of the barking, the police cannot intervene. We must endure it.

Try moving your son to another room or invest in some sound insulation.
I can understand that the woman might be frustrated, the noise the child makes IS probably very annoying, and we don't know what time of day he is out of the house - is it early in the morning, late at night?
Of course, the kid has the right to play in his own front yard, but the neighbors also have the right to expect peace and quiet, and if they are not getting it, then they have every right to be angry.

However, writing such a nasty letter to the mother of this child is completely over the top. The woman could have simply knocked on the door and discussed things with the parent of the child, instead of resorting to what looks like a threat to me.

There is no threat in that letter, Noomi. At no time does she say "I'm going to do...this or you." That is what would be a threat.

I know about "threats" because I called the police one time after I thought a neighbor threatened me. But the police said a threat has to be very specific. For example, "If you don't quiet that kid down, I'll kill him." THAT would be a threat.

My neighbor had only "implied" that he would hurt me. That wasn't strong enough to be a threat.

It was what is known as a menacing letter, local laws differ but here in MA it would be a crime.
Harassment would be the crime in most states.
If my kid were the target of this abuse I would consider it a death threat.
Death threats against kids are commonplace from liberals.
It's their fanaticism.

It matters not what "you" would "consider" the letter. What matters is it is NOT, repeat NOT a threat!
It was what is known as a menacing letter, local laws differ but here in MA it would be a crime.
Harassment would be the crime in most states.
If my kid were the target of this abuse I would consider it a death threat.
Death threats against kids are commonplace from liberals.
It's their fanaticism.

It matters not what "you" would "consider" the letter. What matters is it is NOT, repeat NOT a threat!

The photographs I posted of a fanatical liberal totalitarian, just like you, making very specific threats were in fact threats.


When you told me to go kill myself, I regard that as a threat.
When I responded inviting you to stop being lazy( as are most liberals) and come and kill me because I wasn't going to do your dirty work for you, that was not a threat.
But you reported it as such.


Because you are a whiney child who can't eat what he dishes.

Project much, pisshead?
Death threats against non liberals, by liberals are commonplace.
They have dehumanized those who disagree with them to the point where they no longer consider such threats to be morally wrong.
It's called fanaticism.

Yer lying again, junior!

6 posts clearly showing death threats. Threats against children, rape threats.
All made by liberal fanatics like you.
All deleted by liberal fanatic mods.

They're all out to get you, you know.
Death threats against non liberals, by liberals are commonplace.
They have dehumanized those who disagree with them to the point where they no longer consider such threats to be morally wrong.
It's called fanaticism.

Yer lying again, junior!

6 posts clearly showing death threats. Threats against children, rape threats.
All made by liberal fanatics like you.
All deleted by liberal fanatic mods.

Calling me a "liberal" merely illustrates how unhinged you are, junior. You need to respond to the posts here, not the voices in your head!

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