DC court: state secrets privilege trumps any citizens right to know whether or not their own gov is


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The government can try to kill you without due process as long as it can successfully invoke state secret privileges. That's the jist of the decision [PDF] just released by Judge Rosemary M. Collyer of the DC District Court.
DC Court: State Secrets Privilege Trumps Any Citizens' Right To Know Whether Or Not Their Own Gov't Is Trying To Kill Them

OH IT'S SO sad how badly you sheep have your heads up the gov. ass . You use them as your most trusted source rather than your own BRAINS and GUTS!!!!!

They can use this for VACCINES they cann use this to UNKNOWING PUBLIC where everyone else also doesn't know .........and then you the DUMBASS read MSM headlines believing what it is they told you happened when nMSM TELLS YOU LIES GGAWD DDAM IT WAKE UP!!!

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