DC Establishment:Attempts Coup at Risk of it's Own Peril

If the Washington DC establishment attempts a coup against the constitutionally elected President of the United States...they do so at their own peril. If they think the people or lower ranks of military will allow it...they are sadly mistaken.
'Silent Coup': Limbaugh Says DC Establishment Is 'Trying to Take Out' Trump
Well, let's look at what Rush said:
Now, when you have a CIA director for Obama praising a special counsel, then you know that this idea that Mueller is this straight arrow down the middle moderate, goes both way, is not specifically partisan. You know that’s bunk. I mean, if these people are gonna be praising the guy. Brennan also said that if Mueller is fired, I hope our elected reps will stand up and say enough is enough.


The opposition to Trump is fueled by this hatred — and it’s causing them, I believe, to lose elements of their sanity. I think it’s causing them to certainly lose elements of their rationality. So I wouldn’t doubt… I have no evidence, by the way. I will openly state I’m just speculating using intelligence guided by experience that these people are so far gone over what’s happened to their precious town — to their precious power base, to their precious control of things. That I wouldn’t doubt if a couple of them are making phone calls retired generals (who still get up and put the uniform on every day even though they’re retired) and soliciting their assistance — should it ever become necessary, of course — to lead a rebellion.

I don’t have any evidence of it. None whatsoever. As I say, intelligence guided by experience. But clearly there’s an uncontrolled rage and an irrationality in the anti-Trump forces — on the left primarily. The Never Trumpers are not as far gone as the leftist groups that hate Trump. So I’m not including the… I don’t think, for example, anybody at one of your favorite conservative blog sites is colluding with retired generals and colluding with Brennan and former Obama intelligence types. But I think that these people are so, so unhinged now that, in their minds, “Whatever it takes! Whatever it takes, Mabel!”

So, basically, it's an unfounded conspiracy theory Rush admits he just made up.
Let em try to remove Trump. As usual, Democrat and Establishment RINO assholes are underestimating Trump and his supporters. There will be a fight unlike anything they've ever witnessed before. They think their stupid 'OWS' and 'Ferguson' shows were big? They ain't seen nothing yet. There will be a fight. Bet on it.
Let em try to remove Trump. As usual, Democrat and Establishment RINO assholes are underestimating Trump and his supporters. There will be a fight unlike anything they've ever witnessed before. They think their stupid 'OWS' and 'Ferguson' shows were big? They ain't seen nothing yet. There will be a fight. Bet on it.
We are a nation of Laws, not Men.

If The Law removes Donald Trump from the Presidency, then he, and you, will submit to the Laws of the United States.
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Actually it would be a "counter-revolution " because in November the people wanted overwhelming change in Washington DC and rejected the establishment.

Nope. He lost the popular vote and is the least popular POTUS ever.
Let em try to remove Trump. As usual, Democrat and Establishment RINO assholes are underestimating Trump and his supporters. There will be a fight unlike anything they've ever witnessed before. They think their stupid 'OWS' and 'Ferguson' shows were big? They ain't seen nothing yet. There will be a fight. Bet on it.

Oooooooh! Tough guy!
Actually it would be a "counter-revolution " because in November the people wanted overwhelming change in Washington DC and rejected the establishment.

Nope. He lost the popular vote and is the least popular POTUS ever.

Sure because the United States ALWAYS elects President's via the "popular vote".
irrelevant when trumptards try to claim that "The People" spoke. correct measurement of what "The People" want is the popular vote, not the EC.
If the Washington DC establishment attempts a coup against the constitutionally elected President of the United States...they do so at their own peril. If they think the people or lower ranks of military will allow it...they are sadly mistaken.
'Silent Coup': Limbaugh Says DC Establishment Is 'Trying to Take Out' Trump
Anyone Born With a Silver Spoon in His Mouth Will Always Speak With a Forked Tongue

The prep schools produce nothing but Commies, Birchers, and RINOs. We must close off that road to Washington. If those bossy sheltered spoiled snobs have a future, the rest of America doesn't.
True. Trump has shit on his own class...and they don't like it.
The GOPer Establishment caved in during the primaries and the general because they believed they could force Trump to do their bidding once the voters could no longer force them not to.
Actually it would be a "counter-revolution " because in November the people wanted overwhelming change in Washington DC and rejected the establishment.

Nope. He lost the popular vote and is the least popular POTUS ever.

Sure because the United States ALWAYS elects President's via the "popular vote".
irrelevant when trumptards try to claim that "The People" spoke. correct measurement of what "The People" want is the popular vote, not the EC.
Don't like the checks and balances of the Constitution do ya?
Let em try to remove Trump. As usual, Democrat and Establishment RINO assholes are underestimating Trump and his supporters. There will be a fight unlike anything they've ever witnessed before. They think their stupid 'OWS' and 'Ferguson' shows were big? They ain't seen nothing yet. There will be a fight. Bet on it.
We are a nation of Laws, not Men.

If The Law removes Donald Trump from the Presidency, then he, and you, will submit to the Laws of the United States.
This is about a group of people trying to remove a democratically elected POTUS because he want to drain the swamp in Washington DC...nothing more or less. Russia investigation was created by John Podesta and Robbie Moohk.
Let em try to remove Trump. As usual, Democrat and Establishment RINO assholes are underestimating Trump and his supporters. There will be a fight unlike anything they've ever witnessed before. They think their stupid 'OWS' and 'Ferguson' shows were big? They ain't seen nothing yet. There will be a fight. Bet on it.
We are a nation of Laws, not Men.

If The Law removes Donald Trump from the Presidency, then he, and you, will submit to the Laws of the United States.

Try it. Bring it on. You aren't removing Donald Trump without a helluva fight. I assure you, it won't be no Democrat 'OWS' or 'Ferguson' amateur hour.
Let em try to remove Trump. As usual, Democrat and Establishment RINO assholes are underestimating Trump and his supporters. There will be a fight unlike anything they've ever witnessed before. They think their stupid 'OWS' and 'Ferguson' shows were big? They ain't seen nothing yet. There will be a fight. Bet on it.
We are a nation of Laws, not Men.

If The Law removes Donald Trump from the Presidency, then he, and you, will submit to the Laws of the United States.
This is about a group of people trying to remove a democratically elected POTUS because he want to drain the swamp in Washington DC...nothing more or less. Russia investigation was created by John Podesta and Robbie Moohk.
That is your interpretation.

The Law may (or may not) interpret that differently.

In any event, you will submit to the Laws of the United States, regardless of the outcome of the Mueller investigation.
Let em try to remove Trump. As usual, Democrat and Establishment RINO assholes are underestimating Trump and his supporters. There will be a fight unlike anything they've ever witnessed before. They think their stupid 'OWS' and 'Ferguson' shows were big? They ain't seen nothing yet. There will be a fight. Bet on it.
We are a nation of Laws, not Men.

If The Law removes Donald Trump from the Presidency, then he, and you, will submit to the Laws of the United States.

Try it. Bring it on. You aren't removing Donald Trump without a helluva fight. I assure you, it won't be no Democrat 'OWS' or 'Ferguson' amateur hour.
You will submit to the Laws of the United States, regardless of the outcome.

Why do you think Trump is surrounded by brass ?
Bottom line - Pelosi, who's been on the HIC forever,* knows they can't take Trump down without spilling the apple cart on a lot of things they'd rather keep quiet.
(house intelligence committee)Lindsey Graham has all but acknowledged this openly in the press.

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