DC needs to get their shit together. Stock market losses thanks to in bickering in DC

year to date we're kicking ass.

the market - unless you're a day trader - doesn't mean much on a day to day basis. how is it trending long term.
Been trending up, up, up for 8 years now.
when did it break the 20k barrier again?
Again? Maybe a month from now.
your math is a tad off.

we're >20k now. we went >20k after trump came in and started making it more lucritive for businesses to stay and do business here.

so - "again" would mean we dropped below 20k and next month we'll do it again? is that again or are you being a liberal and redefining words to fit the discussion at the time?

20606 now - we're >20k today cause 20,606 is greater than 20,000.

we synched yet?
Yes the Dow is up almost 800 points under Dump. He has a long ways to go to match Obama's 12,000. Though I suspect the 20,000 mark will be crossed again on the way down in the near future because the U.S. currently lacks a President.
ah - then my bad and apologies now i see where you were going with the math.

we'll see - but i do believe he's far more more business friendly than what we've had in awhile and i do value that over taxing the shit out of 'em cause they're "ebil".
These clowns need to stop with the theatrics. It's boiled over to the point that average Americans with investments are going to start losing money.

ENOUGH, do your damn jobs.

There's only one clown and you voted for him. The drama originates at the White House.

Until the orange clown starts doing his job and stops trying to act like a one-man show, and bully everyone into doing what he wants, the reality TV drama will continue.

There is only way to end it and that is to end this Presidency.
You're a dumb bitch if you believe any of that shit you wrote.
i have a hard time reading you at times. how do you feel about this again? :)
That's because too many of you see things in a stark black & white.
Trump can do no wrong.
The Democrats can do no wrong.
The GOP can do no wrong.
It's all the left's fault.
It's all the rights fault.


The truth almost always lies in the grey area in between all of that nonsense.

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