DC Protests Draw 2 Million

eagle.......Were you with the guy who had a sign that said MORAN!!!??? I bet you were.

Holy shit you wrote a FIVE LETTER WORD way to go you 9/12er Tea Bagging fag. Oh you better get back in the closet because with smoking drinking and fagging around you won't even be able to get the public option.
No you weren't; see above [emphasis added].

And your source, as I asked? I'm curious to see what the source is that you used which allowed you to think that 45 million votes for JSM is the same as "almost 60 million voted for McCain".

What the fuck are you talking about?

United States presidential election, 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is how the 2008 election was:

Obama - 69,457,000

McCain - 59,934,814

Ralph Nader - 738,475

Bob Barr - 523,686

Chuck Baldwin - 199,314

Cynthia McKinney - 161,603

Other - 242,539

Final total: 131,257,328
Finally a source. Thank you.

Your guy won. Get over it.
Finally a source. Thank you.

Your guy won. Get over it.

Obama is not "my guy."

Also, you were the one begging for a source. Plus, I was merely showing that saying 100 million Americans are against Obama's policies is complete bullshit.
Yep, did i ask you to defend me, nope, i did my time and got out, unlike you who couldn't make it in the real world and still can't, now lets talk about the gov teat asswipe
Holy shit you wrote a FIVE LETTER WORD way to go you 9/12er Tea Bagging fag. Oh you better get back in the closet because with smoking drinking and fagging around you won't even be able to get the public option.

I like gays...why the fuck don't you?
Yep, did i ask you to defend me, nope, i did my time and got out, unlike you who couldn't make it in the real world and still can't, now lets talk about the gov teat asswipe

Let's talk about then....instead you are acting like a child.

Does anyone ever notice how liberals immediately digress into some sort of delusional state when confronted with the hipocrisy of their own party?:lol:
Christ PP you can't take a joke? You really are a little bitch aren't you? GET OVER YOURSELF!!! You are actually a pretty decent poster when you want to be but don't try to get bull shit past me cause you know GD well it ain't gonna get past me.

and what bullshit did I post?

is it bullshit that the Democrats have funded the wars ever since their inception?
is it bullshit that the Democrats controlled the Senate when the Iraq war resolution and the Patriot Act were passed?
is it bullshit that they voted in favor of the Iraq war resolution?
is it bullshit that they voted in favor of the Patriot Act?
is it bullshit that that they didn't even debate ANYTHING....just passed it.

Hint: NO....... TO ALL OF THE ABOVE.
Holy shit you wrote a FIVE LETTER WORD way to go you 9/12er Tea Bagging fag. Oh you better get back in the closet because with smoking drinking and fagging around you won't even be able to get the public option.

I like gays...why the fuck don't you?
Most gays I've met are pretty cool. I wonder what the libs' problem is with gays?
Hey blowhard, the senate, lol weak very weak, what did you fuckers do for almost 6 years of total control, answer , nothing and now you bitch
No, I don't think 1/3 of the population opposes Obama policies. Only 60 million voted Republican, which shows to me that 1/5 of the population opposes his policies.
Ok, one more time if 60-million (20%)citizens voted Republican, and 70-million (23%) voted Democrat, their total of 130 million from 2008 population of 304-million leaves 174-million of which 74-million are 18 or younger, finally leaving 100-million of voting age who did not vote in 2008.

It's reasonable to believe that Obama's plurality has been shed, and his support is now only about 65 million (splitting the difference), and 65 million would oppose him now. If half the 100-million of voting age now oppose him then that 50 plus the 60 which voted McCain, plus the loss of 5 from (and we know according to Rasmussen his loss is greater than that) his plurality gives us a 115-million pool of citizens from which could easily come my 100-million estimate who now strongly oppose him. Not far fetched at all, because people are more awake than they've been in years.
Ah pp , that 's pure socaialism, i don't care how you look at it, and to think i thought you fuckers hated unions lol

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