DC Protests Draw 2 Million

Hey house . It's takes moe than a picture, or are you just another drug addicted asswipe like your avatar
So these protests are smaller than the protests in the lead-up to the Iraq War, yet the same people who argued that anti-war protesters represented a lunatic fringe are calling these marches a reflection of the mainstream.
"The question must be asked:

Is our teabaggers learning?"
Hey house . It's takes moe than a picture, or are you just another drug addicted asswipe like your avatar

where's your avatar? Oh I forgot. they don't allow kiddie porn on this board so you choose not to use one.
Not really. Burying Obamacare is addressing the dopey lib health care system "overhall" cooked up by the whacky liberal Democratics together with their leader, President Obama.

President Obama USED the passing of Sen. Kennedy in his Congressional advertising pitch.

So why is it so wrong to urge the burial of the plan along with the late liberal Democrat Senator?

Even to the day of his death, Ted Kennedy's life long battle in the Senate was Health Care. President Obama reminded those in Congress of Sen. Kennedy and his lifelong battle. He reminded them of how much bipartisanship was done by him and how it can be done here.

This is just rude, and plain insulting by the protesters. It is one of several reasons why I would not want to protest with such fools.

Fuck Deaddy Kennedy.

His big political issue may have been public health care. But he was opposed in life and his death doesn't change the nature of the opposition.

To politically invoke his name to support the Obamacare plan is to invite the invocation of his name in opposition to it.

Those are the rules whether President Obama likes it or not, whether you like it or not, whether paperview likes it or not and whether anybody else likes it or not.

Deaddy Kennedy was a cockbite in life. I hope, if there is an afterlife, that God has already dispensed mercy to him and that he is safely in Heaven. But invoking his name as some kind of support for a plan that so many people find so misguided is simply not likely to work and Deaddy Kennedy gets no quarter from me in that regard. As I said. Fuck him. And fuck Obamacare, too.
Because any moron--even Nancy Pelosi knows--that if you get these many protestors--that are everyday average American citizens--one has to make a judgement of how many are out there--that couldn't make it--& or possibly think just like them.

Let me put it to you this way? When was the last time you saw a protest this HUGE--IF EVER?

Oreo, what do you think? For every person there, another million couldn't come? Are you that delusional?

The last time I saw a crowd this big, was back in January, when about 1.8 million showed up to see Obama sworn in. That crowd was MUCH bigger than this one. And the crowd today was NOWHERE near that. So it wasn't two million, nor one million, nor 500,000, and probably not even 100,000.

In our local TEA Party about 1% of the population came out (800 out of 100,000 county and city). Fewer could make it to DC because of distance, cost, overnight travel, time required, so that the factor of .008 (about one in a hundred) might become .0008. Therefore 80,000 might well represent 100 million population; those less enthusiastic than would be incited enough to make the trip, all ages and not citizens of voting age. That seems to be a reasonable representation; about 1/3rd of the population...
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In our local TEA Party about 1% of the population came out (800 out of 100,000 county and city). Fewer could make it to DC because of distance, cost, overnight travel, time required, so that the factor of .008 (about one in a hundred) might become .0008. Therefore 80,000 might well represent 100 million population; those less enthusiastic than would be incited enough to make the trip, all ages and not citizens of voting age. That seems to be a reasonable representation; about 1/3rd of the population...

If you seriously believe 1/3 of the population is inclined to be in support of this, you are on some some serious drugs.

Only 129 million voted in the last election, 69 million of those votes were for Obama. Almost 60 million were for McCain. That's also assuming that all 60 million Republicans are in support of the whole idea that Obama is trying to push Death Panels, Socialism, etc.

Seriously, whatever you're smoking, put down immediately.
In our local TEA Party about 1% of the population came out (800 out of 100,000 county and city). Fewer could make it to DC because of distance, cost, overnight travel, time required, so that the factor of .008 (about one in a hundred) might become .0008. Therefore 80,000 might well represent 100 million population; those less enthusiastic than would be incited enough to make the trip, all ages and not citizens of voting age. That seems to be a reasonable representation; about 1/3rd of the population...

If you seriously believe 1/3 of the population is inclined to be in support of this, you are on some some serious drugs.

Only 129 million voted in the last election, 69 million of those votes were for Obama. Almost 60 million were for McCain. That's also assuming that all 60 million Republicans are in support of the whole idea that Obama is trying to push Death Panels, Socialism, etc.

Seriously, whatever you're smoking, put down immediately.
So you don't think 1/3 of the population opposes Obama policies? Remember that the young, not of voting age will reflect parental preferences. And to take the vote in the last election is not representative; I stated "all ages and not citizens of voting age". Remember, about everyone has an opinion, whether they can or do vote or not. I believe popular opinion supports the recent upsurge of opposition to Obama and the radical policies promulgated by him and the house and senate as presently constituted. Polls show that to be the case.
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In our local TEA Party about 1% of the population came out (800 out of 100,000 county and city). Fewer could make it to DC because of distance, cost, overnight travel, time required, so that the factor of .008 (about one in a hundred) might become .0008. Therefore 80,000 might well represent 100 million population; those less enthusiastic than would be incited enough to make the trip, all ages and not citizens of voting age. That seems to be a reasonable representation; about 1/3rd of the population...

If you seriously believe 1/3 of the population is inclined to be in support of this, you are on some some serious drugs.

Only 129 million voted in the last election, 69 million of those votes were for Obama. Almost 60 million were for McCain. That's also assuming that all 60 million Republicans are in support of the whole idea that Obama is trying to push Death Panels, Socialism, etc.

Seriously, whatever you're smoking, put down immediately.
Provide a source. Bullshit that all those who voted in the last election voted either for BHO or JSM (60+69=129). That is simply bullshit.
So you know if the Tea Baggers and the 9/12ers weren't such freaking hypocrites with those signs and the fact that we never heard ONE PEEP from them while Bush was starting UNNECESSARY wars and DOUBLING our national debt then I wouldn't be so PISSED!

Funny, where the fuck are all those so-called liberals who condemned the deficits during the Bush years?

Motherfucking silent, that's what. Partisan hacks...

Thankfully, the Blue Dogs know a Red Spender when they see one. Thank God for the Blue Dogs...only honest Dem pols out there!
Provide a source. Bullshit that all those who voted in the last election voted either for BHO or JSM (60+69=129). That is simply bullshit.

I was referring between the two major parties. The others are not even 2 million if I remember correctly.
So you know if the Tea Baggers and the 9/12ers weren't such freaking hypocrites with those signs and the fact that we never heard ONE PEEP from them while Bush was starting UNNECESSARY wars and DOUBLING our national debt then I wouldn't be so PISSED!

So you're saying Afghanistan was an unecessary war?
So you know if the Tea Baggers and the 9/12ers weren't such freaking hypocrites with those signs and the fact that we never heard ONE PEEP from them while Bush was starting UNNECESSARY wars and DOUBLING our national debt then I wouldn't be so PISSED!
On what do you base your assumption that many of these protesters were not at anti-war protests. If you have a source to back that up, that would be great.
Provide a source. Bullshit that all those who voted in the last election voted either for BHO or JSM (60+69=129). That is simply bullshit.

I was referring between the two major parties. The others are not even 2 million if I remember correctly.

Again, it matters not about the vote which is always less than registered voters, much less the whole population. We have to take the public at large in these considerations. The population of the country is 300-million plus; we need to work from that figure.
So you know if the Tea Baggers and the 9/12ers weren't such freaking hypocrites with those signs and the fact that we never heard ONE PEEP from them while Bush was starting UNNECESSARY wars and DOUBLING our national debt then I wouldn't be so PISSED!

Funny, where the fuck are all those so-called liberals who condemned the deficits during the Bush years?

Motherfucking silent, that's what. Partisan hacks...

Thankfully, the Blue Dogs know a Red Spender when they see one. Thank God for the Blue Dogs...only honest Dem pols out there!

Not hanging out with the 9/12 hypocrites!
So you don't think 1/3 of the population opposes Obama policies? Remember that the young, not of voting age will reflect parental preferences. And to take the vote in the last election is not representative; I stated "all ages and not citizens of voting age". Remember, about everyone has an opinion, whether they can or do vote or not. I believe popular opinion supports the recent upsurge of opposition to Obama and the radical policies promulgated by him and the house and senate as presently constituted. Polls show that to be the case.

No, I don't think 1/3 of the population opposes Obama policies. Only 60 million voted Republican, which shows to me that 1/5 of the population opposes his policies.

Also, are you going to go ahead and include kids at what? 12? Most people do not gain their first true political leanings until 15. Even then, Obama's support between 15-25 is at a record high and was during the last election. I just graduated High School, out of 2,000 kids and 400 in my graduating class, I want to say that I knew 2 out of that majority I knew were McCain supporters.

If people don't care enough to vote, then their opinion is meaningless to me when it comes to whether they support said policy. Polls show that people are afraid due to the Republicans bullshit. Also, Obama's support is still over 50%.

So again, try that spin once again, the first two times failed.
So you know if the Tea Baggers and the 9/12ers weren't such freaking hypocrites with those signs and the fact that we never heard ONE PEEP from them while Bush was starting UNNECESSARY wars and DOUBLING our national debt then I wouldn't be so PISSED!

So you're saying Afghanistan was an unecessary war?

No just ONE unecessary war but BOTH unfunded!!
So you know if the Tea Baggers and the 9/12ers weren't such freaking hypocrites with those signs and the fact that we never heard ONE PEEP from them while Bush was starting UNNECESSARY wars and DOUBLING our national debt then I wouldn't be so PISSED!

Funny, where the fuck are all those so-called liberals who condemned the deficits during the Bush years?

Motherfucking silent, that's what. Partisan hacks...

Thankfully, the Blue Dogs know a Red Spender when they see one. Thank God for the Blue Dogs...only honest Dem pols out there!

Not hanging out with the 9/12 hypocrites!

Fuck you

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