DC Protests Draw 2 Million


A democrat purported the 2 million number so when 2 million didn't show up, it would be considered a failure.

The organizers were only expecting 20,000 to 30,000. The fact that 60,000 to 70,000 showed up was beyond their expectations.

Seriously, Republicans for many are back to the old days of delusion (like during the Bush Administration) if they cannot simply look at the facts and accept them.
Ummm. So, Bobby, tell us. Have you ever been to the District? I ask because for some reason you seem to think that a protest covering the Mall, the Memorial Mall, Laf. Sq, the Hill, E St, and other areas is equivalent to Pennsylvania Avenue.

You keep playing the clown; I'll keep highlighting it.

sounds like a lot of area to me. I have been there and the memorial itself seems to go on forever. especially in august when it's 90 fucking degrees.
It was cool weather today here. So, that was nice.
Indeed I was there. I also know that you keep quoting the DC FD as some official number of the protest. IF it were an official number, it is only one for Pennsylvania Avenue. There protest took place at several different locations in the District.

So since you were there, did you go ahead and count every single person there?

The Officials said only 60,000 to 70,000 showed up. The organizers were ONLY EXPECTING 20,000 to 30,000.

Do you seriously think 2 million showed up? Are you that delusional?
Ummm. So, Bobby, tell us. Have you ever been to the District? I ask because for some reason you seem to think that a protest covering the Mall, the Memorial Mall, Laf. Sq, the Hill, E St, and other areas is equivalent to Pennsylvania Avenue.

You keep playing the clown; I'll keep highlighting it.

sounds like a lot of area to me. I have been there and the memorial itself seems to go on forever. especially in august when it's 90 fucking degrees.
It was cool weather today here. So, that was nice.

well that's good. i was there in summer 2008 and you can tell it was built on a swamp.
sounds like a lot of area to me. I have been there and the memorial itself seems to go on forever. especially in august when it's 90 fucking degrees.

As much as Republicans want to say that the protest today was bigger than when Obama was sworn in, it wasn't. ...
Heh...I was there too as one of the Inauguration volunteers. But, you don't have to take my word for it. Others on this board know.

A democrat purported the 2 million number so when 2 million didn't show up, it would be considered a failure.

The organizers were only expecting 20,000 to 30,000. The fact that 60,000 to 70,000 showed up was beyond their expectations.

Seriously, Republicans for many are back to the old days of delusion (like during the Bush Administration) if they cannot simply look at the facts and accept them.

People there were not republican nor democrat, they were united Americans.:clap2:

Stop obsessing, robert. Your fear is showing
People there were not republican nor democrat, they were united Americans.:clap2:

Stop obsessing, robert. Your fear is showing

Really? Got the number of Democrats there? :lol:

I'm not afraid, not by any means you nut. Hell, the only thing I may be afraid of is how much more stupid this country has gotten. I can pull out the numbers if you like to prove it. It's sad too really.
We need to reform health care, Yes. And we need to reform the immigration system, too. Too bad, so many of you don’t see the connection here. Bully ! Joe Wilson may have disturbed decorum, But we better pay attention to illegal aliens, they are eating us from the inside out. But, pretend that is off topic. Do that. Live a poor little deluded life. I wish I was in your shoes. Instead, I just live with illegal aliens. It’s not exactly nirvana. But I’m in good health. I see what a train wreck the health care system has become. God help us. We get Obama instead.
Indeed I was there. I also know that you keep quoting the DC FD as some official number of the protest. IF it were an official number, it is only one for Pennsylvania Avenue. There protest took place at several different locations in the District.

So since you were there, did you go ahead and count every single person there?

The Officials said only 60,000 to 70,000 showed up. The organizers were ONLY EXPECTING 20,000 to 30,000.

Do you seriously think 2 million showed up? Are you that delusional?
How silly you are. The 'officials' said 60-70K showed up at PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. From your own source, Bobby:
.... approximately 60,000 to 70,000 people flooded Pennsylvania Ave, according to the Washington DC Fire Department.
Tea Party Protesters March on Washington - ABC News

The Capitol is not on PA Ave. The Memorial Mall is not on PA Ave. Etc.
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geez, I'm getting older, but in 1970 you couldn't have found a place around the reflecting pond, that was about their best quess about 500k, but then again we all know Nixon never told the truth LOL OBTW i was in uniform



Not really. Burying Obamacare is addressing the dopey lib health care system "overhall" cooked up by the whacky liberal Democratics together with their leader, President Obama.

President Obama USED the passing of Sen. Kennedy in his Congressional advertising pitch.

So why is it so wrong to urge the burial of the plan along with the late liberal Democrat Senator?
Not really. Burying Obamacare is addressing the dopey lib health care system "overhall" cooked up by the whacky liberal Democratics together with their leader, President Obama.

President Obama USED the passing of Sen. Kennedy in his Congressional advertising pitch.

So why is it so wrong to urge the burial of the plan along with the late liberal Democrat Senator?

Even to the day of his death, Ted Kennedy's life long battle in the Senate was Health Care. President Obama reminded those in Congress of Sen. Kennedy and his lifelong battle. He reminded them of how much bipartisanship was done by him and how it can be done here.

This is just rude, and plain insulting by the protesters. It is one of several reasons why I would not want to protest with such fools.
Not really. Burying Obamacare is addressing the dopey lib health care system "overhall" cooked up by the whacky liberal Democratics together with their leader, President Obama.

President Obama USED the passing of Sen. Kennedy in his Congressional advertising pitch.

So why is it so wrong to urge the burial of the plan along with the late liberal Democrat Senator?

Even to the day of his death, Ted Kennedy's life long battle in the Senate was Health Care. President Obama reminded those in Congress of Sen. Kennedy and his lifelong battle. He reminded them of how much bipartisanship was done by him and how it can be done here.

This is just rude, and plain insulting by the protesters. It is one of several reasons why I would not want to protest with such fools.
The protesters carried signs that said it should be buried with Kennedy?????

Hmmmm. Gotta pic documenting that?

edit...found it.


And, some folks can be tacky.
So these protests are smaller than the protests in the lead-up to the Iraq War, yet the same people who argued that anti-war protesters represented a lunatic fringe are calling these marches a reflection of the mainstream.

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