DC Protests Draw 2 Million

Again, it matters not about the vote which is always less than registered voters, much less the whole population. We have to take the public at large in these considerations. The population of the country is 300-million plus; we need to work from that figure.

No, we don't. If people don't care enough to get off their asses, register, and vote, then their opinion means nothing to me and it shouldn't to you. They are disregarding what is one of our country's greatest rights for no good reason. You're also assuming that all of the people NOT registered are Republican. So I call bullshit.
Funny, where the fuck are all those so-called liberals who condemned the deficits during the Bush years?

Motherfucking silent, that's what. Partisan hacks...

Thankfully, the Blue Dogs know a Red Spender when they see one. Thank God for the Blue Dogs...only honest Dem pols out there!

Not hanging out with the 9/12 hypocrites!

Fuck you

Well FUCK YOU yourself you little fucking hypocritical piece of shit.
So you know if the Tea Baggers and the 9/12ers weren't such freaking hypocrites with those signs and the fact that we never heard ONE PEEP from them while Bush was starting UNNECESSARY wars and DOUBLING our national debt then I wouldn't be so PISSED!

So you're saying Afghanistan was an unecessary war?

No just ONE unecessary war but BOTH unfunded!!

Uhhhhhh...yes they were funded and no they weren't unecessary wars...either of them. Since the Democrats voted in favor of both and continually passed spending bills to cover their cost I will take your comment as just an opinion.
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In our local TEA Party about 1% of the population came out (800 out of 100,000 county and city). Fewer could make it to DC because of distance, cost, overnight travel, time required, so that the factor of .008 (about one in a hundred) might become .0008. Therefore 80,000 might well represent 100 million population; those less enthusiastic than would be incited enough to make the trip, all ages and not citizens of voting age. That seems to be a reasonable representation; about 1/3rd of the population...

If you seriously believe 1/3 of the population is inclined to be in support of this, you are on some some serious drugs.

Only 129 million voted in the last election, 69 million of those votes were for Obama. Almost 60 million were for McCain. That's also assuming that all 60 million Republicans are in support of the whole idea that Obama is trying to push Death Panels, Socialism, etc.

Seriously, whatever you're smoking, put down immediately.
So you don't think 1/3 of the population opposes Obama policies? Remember that the young, not of voting age will reflect parental preferences. And to take the vote in the last election is not representative; I stated "all ages and not citizens of voting age". Remember, about everyone has an opinion, whether they can or do vote or not. I believe popular opinion supports the recent upsurge of opposition to Obama and the radical policies promulgated by him and the house and senate as presently constituted. Polls show that to be the case.

Provide a source. Bullshit that all those who voted in the last election voted either for BHO or JSM (60+69=129). That is simply bullshit.

I was referring between the two major parties. The others are not even 2 million if I remember correctly.
No you weren't; see above [emphasis added].

And your source, as I asked? I'm curious to see what the source is that you used which allowed you to think that 45 million votes for JSM is the same as "almost 60 million voted for McCain".
So you're saying Afghanistan was an unecessary war?

No just ONE unecessary war but BOTH unfunded!!

Uhhhhhh...yes they were funded and no they weren't unecessary wars...either of them. Since the Democrats voted in favor of both and continually passed spending bills to cover their cost I will take your comment as just an opinion.

Uh YES they were. Bush was the ONLY PRESIDENT in HISTORY to wage wars without raising taxes to cover the cost. Hey all you rich Republifucks should have been MORE than happy to foot the bill for Bush's PREVENTITIVE WAR!!!

I KNOW you know the difference between PREEMPTIVE and PREVENTITIVE!!
eagle.......Were you with the guy who had a sign that said MORAN!!!??? I bet you were.
No you weren't; see above [emphasis added].

And your source, as I asked? I'm curious to see what the source is that you used which allowed you to think that 45 million votes for JSM is the same as "almost 60 million voted for McCain".

What the fuck are you talking about?

United States presidential election, 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is how the 2008 election was:

Obama - 69,457,000

McCain - 59,934,814

Ralph Nader - 738,475

Bob Barr - 523,686

Chuck Baldwin - 199,314

Cynthia McKinney - 161,603

Other - 242,539

Final total: 131,257,328
No just ONE unecessary war but BOTH unfunded!!

Uhhhhhh...no they weren't.

The Bush administration never included the costs of the wars in the budget.

So what. The Democrats voted in favor of both wars, the Patriot Act and FISA modifications with narry a word in debate. They also continually funded the wars with annual spending bills. So...looks like you shouldn't be throwing stones in your house of glass.
I gotta get drunk while I can, before it gets taxed to death like tobacco for being a "public health hazard." Goddamned nanny-state liberals!

Don't look at the Liberals on that one, least this one anyway. Tobacco and Alcohol should be not be taxed to death. It's people choice to smoke or drink. However, the Tobacco companies do need regulation, because it has been proven in the past that they do lie about what exactly is in their products.

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