DC Protests Draw 2 Million

What a great video. Those people are as wacky as the right wingers on this site and just as ignorant.

You mean great leftist propaganda....btw here is some of the non existent black tea baggers....I guess they are racists too huh?

Instapundit » Blog Archive » SOME TEA PARTY PHOTOS from Fresno. “Fresno had over 7.500 attend the most polite protest I have eve…

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Wow, look at all the black people against Obama.


Look how many people showed up in DC.

Wow, look at that. More black people are against Obama than white people. Who wudda thunk?

He, don't forget Alan Keyes and Michael Steel.

And dont forget these guys either

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msT1W2WCp2Y]YouTube - St. Louis Tea Party Opening Remarks - Kevin Jackson[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiyzZd0wO2g]YouTube - Black Speaker at DC Rally Mocks Obamas Teleprompter Dependence[/ame]
It's kind of funny how you guys aren't touting this now that it's started moving back up. LOL

DR, you have more patience than I.

I don't even bother arguing his moronic points anymore. I just poiont out the fact that his debating skills are about the level of a 12-year-old and move on.

That tripe he just posted for instance, a "Strongly agree/disagree" category from a right-wing pollster, without even mentioning the fact that even that pollster has Obama at a 53% all-around average approval rate at the moment.

Real Clear Politics Average 9/3 - 9/14: Approve: 53.0 / Dissapprove: 44.3 / Spread: +8.7

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

LOL calling them out for their dishonesty and watching them scurry off like roaches when a light is turned on is one of the most enjoyable part of posting. LOL

Notice how skooks hasn't come back to the thread?? LOL
Who's the liar?
Conservative groups break with Republican leadership - Washington Times
Thursday, January 15, 2004
National leaders of six conservative organizations yesterday broke with the Republican majorities in the House and Senate, accusing them of spending like "drunken sailors," and had some strong words for President Bush as well.

"The Republican Congress is spending at twice the rate as under Bill Clinton, and President Bush has yet to issue a single veto," Paul M. Weyrich, national chairman of Coalitions for America, said at a news briefing with the other five leaders. "I complained about profligate spending during the Clinton years but never thought I'd have to do so with a Republican in the White House and Republicans controlling the Congress."

Warning of adverse consequences in the November elections, the leaders said the Senate must reject the latest House-passed omnibus spending bill or Mr. Bush should veto the measure.

"The whole purpose of having a Republican president is to lead the Republican Congress," said Paul Beckner, president of Citizens for a Sound Economy, whose co-chairman is former House Majority Leader Dick Armey of Texas. "The Constitution gives the president the power to veto legislation, and if Congress won't act in a fiscally responsible way, the president has to step in -- but he hasn't done that."

"If the president doesn't take a stand on this, there's a real chance the Republicans' voter base will not be enthusiastic about turning out in November, no matter who the Democrats nominate," Mr. Beckner said.

Mr. Weyrich warned that if the Senate passes the omnibus bill and the president fails to veto it, "in all probability the party's conservative-activist core voters aren't going to work to help win the election for Bush and the Republicans, and they may well not even vote."

I ask ONCE AGAIN.......Where were the PROTESTS!!!
And your question is a stupid question as it is based on a faulty assumption, you are shown how faulty that assumption is, and you keep repeating a nonsensical question. No wonder you don't get an answer. Your 'reasoning' is cringeworthy.

In other words si has nothing REAL to offer and instead chooses to attack the poster.

The fact is that there were tea parties before HOWEVER they were primarily held by very small groups of libertarians and they got little to no recognition from the right wing talking heads or the republican party. That was at least until the republicans got voted out of the majority and lost the presidency. Then the righties started looking for a way to legitmize their anti-obama stance and it was after their exhile into the minority that the righties flip flopped and started attacking the left and obama using the tea parties. After ignoring everything that they now claim to be against when a republican was in charge, they used the cover of the coopted tea parties out of desperation.
So what are we back up to today? What does Simon Say? 200 Thousand? Just curious.

Nah, I was just saying that that was in the realm of possibility given the information we already have.

200k is an upper limit on an estimated range of about 70k-200k.
So what are we back up to today? What does Simon Say? 200 Thousand? Just curious.

Nah, I was just saying that that was in the realm of possibility given the information we already have.

200k is an upper limit on an estimated range of about 70k-200k.

I'm sticking with my original prediciton before the event and my interpretation of footage after the event 100,000.

I read some posts from people I had on ignore and would like to quote myself from a different thread.

...when Bush was President?

Did they exist? Were they protesting, but we just didn't notice?

Or did they all agree with what George Bush was doing?

No we were the ones protesting the patriot act and bush's ridiculous spending habits. But we weren't really out protesting the Iraq war that much so we didn't get ANY media coverage at all.

We should have picked up the anti-war mantra and we would have been considered "Cool" by the MSM.

I was protesting bush's deficit spending and the patriot act from the beginning.

What you see now, with the HUGE increase in our numbers, is the fact that Obama is TRIPLING Bush's defecit spending. That fact, combined with the continually increasing unemployment numbers, have led to the increase in those protesting. With all these American citizens out of work, getting govt unemployment checks (which they payed for in payroll taxes while working), they have the time to come out and protest our our of controll congress and white house.

A lot of confusion about us comes from 3 places:

1) The shortsighted conservative politicians, who dont realize we hate their defecit spending and cow towing too, have tried to co-opt our movement....good luck to them if they do as we will burn them at the polls for it on voting day.

2) Fox news tried to steal our thunder for ratings too, which further hurt our image.

3) People have lied about us on national TV and not been challenged by honest reporters. Who are the onse that lied about us? Nancy Pelosi, Jeneane Garafolo on MSNBC with the ancor going "yup, uh huh, your right", Harry Reid, and Barack Obama's cabinet/czars as recently as this weekend with Axlerod's comments.
I'm really wondering what is so difficult to understand. The innane claim by CF is that no one was concerned about spending during the last administration thus he concludes that this is somehow hypocritical. It's not as there were plenty who protested the war because of spending. Now you ask for links to a group called tea party-likes who existed at that time?

Let's call tea-party-likes as ones who are against idiotic spending (which is what they are). The war was protested for several reasons, one of which was spending. Do you dispute that? Because I really have no idea why you ask for some link to war protesters.
Slick, but not slick enough. ...
If you think I'm here to be slick, you're wrong. I have better things to do than to try to be 'slick' on some forum. :cuckoo:

Since all you are doing is trying to do is be slick, I have to ask, What are you doing here if you really have better things to do? LOL

Why would I? It's a strawman.

Says the poster who has tried to avoid substantiating his claim with nothing but a lot of SPIN.

Another strawman. I said spending.

You have said alot of things and proven nothing. Typical and expected.

No shit. So, what is the point of making any comparison?

Didn't you try to make that comparison when you were talking about how they intersect?
You see the thing is if the Tea Parties were REALLY about Taxes hell even I would get involved but for right or wrong your Tea Party movenment has been hijacked by the "Black Helicopter" whackos and it REALLY does damage to your credibility.

I think They will work it out. Good input though. What are we looking at so far?




Trash Removal.

Bright Clothes, but don't clash.

Study Your Pet Issue and Know it, well, when Questioned.

Be Civil and Polite.

Help Others.

Carry an extra Magic Marker. Red, Blue, or black.

How We doing so far. :) :) :)
ROFL.. Well except that ALL OF ACORN is but one of a litany of communist front groups... comprised of sub-intellects and halfwits... each one of which should be charged, arrested and tried on sedition; based upon nothing but their presents in the company of such front groups...

And there is nothing extreme about discussing secession from a government which has clearly been subverted by everything your nation stands against.

Finally, its hilarious that you feel that you're an American... having had nothing BUT the opportunity to advocate for ANY of the immutable principles on which America rests; and in your entire body of work advanced on this board you've advocated for nothing BUT that policy which stands antithetical TO those principles...

"Everything your nation stands against"
Very telling of your mindset.
How about some of what this Nation stands for? Let me refresh your memory a bit.

"We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal"
"Four score and seven years ago our forefathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal"
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Closed minded blinded by hate lowly flotsam such as yourself deserves no voice.
You should remove the globe and anchor from your avatar you only disgrace it posting your hate laced rhetoric under it.

It is truly unfortunate that there is no way to hold members tangibly accountable for their words...

IF if were possible for instance to set a wager, where in you were to risk say $10,000 dollars... against my $10,000... I'd challenge you to show where ANYTHING that I've ever posted on this board... IN ANY WAY contests ANY of those sentiments or any America principle.

Where, upon your certain failure to produce such a conflicting position of mine, I'd relieve you of your property and therein teach you to THINK... before you advance such nonsense.

Now with that said... The ideological left; with you being no exception, advocate AGAINST the principle that man is endowed by our creator with equal, unalienable rights... You further advocate against holding the individual accountable for recognizing, respecting and maintaining the UNALIENABLE RESPONSIBILITIES INTRINSIC TO THOSE RIGHTS.

What's more, that anti-American advocacy is at the VERY FOUNDATION OF THE IDEOLOGICAL LEFT...

There's nothign REMOTELY American about YOU, or any of your comrades...

LOL you need to refrain from talking about rights since you have stated before that you believe that a homosexual violates the rights of his current partner's future, but as of yet non-existent, partners rights if he doesn't have the ability to see and know the future in order to know the wishes of the nonexistent future partners. LOL.
I ask ONCE AGAIN.......Where were the PROTESTS!!!
And your question is a stupid question as it is based on a faulty assumption, you are shown how faulty that assumption is, and you keep repeating a nonsensical question. No wonder you don't get an answer. Your 'reasoning' is cringeworthy.

In other words si has nothing REAL to offer and instead chooses to attack the poster.

The fact is that there were tea parties before HOWEVER they were primarily held by very small groups of libertarians and they got little to no recognition from the right wing talking heads or the republican party. That was at least until the republicans got voted out of the majority and lost the presidency. Then the righties started looking for a way to legitmize their anti-obama stance and it was after their exhile into the minority that the righties flip flopped and started attacking the left and obama using the tea parties. After ignoring everything that they now claim to be against when a republican was in charge, they used the cover of the coopted tea parties out of desperation.

Wow a Right Wing Conspiracy huh? I See Right People..... Everywhere. They talk too, and I listen. Glen Beck, is really working for Rush ... You know. They were behind that first Tea Party too.... You Know..... Shhhh .... Quiet..... the one in .... Boston. They have a Time Machine and went....... Back in time. Rush has Powers.... You know..... He made it .... Rain in New Orleans Too.... I've Already.... Said Too Much.... Gotta Go. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

We are so against Everything. You nailed it.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Kitten Al gore doesn't know his right from left must of got kicked in his head at his daddy's farm in Tenn. the guy is another lieing democrat politicians like Obama!!!!
I think it is so funny the media is still saying the crowd was in the 10,000's range there was more than 10000 buses full of protesters and I am now told they are all racist!!! You have lost the argument when you start calling your opponents RACISTS Pictures don't lie looks like more than 10000 people to me, to bad I could not attend!!! The republican version of Woodstock but the people were mad at this administration and not stoned on drugs!!!! These people 2 Million strong will remember this day next election, not like the hippies that have to watch movies to remember the woodstock cause they were stoned!!!
Kitten Al gore doesn't know his right from left must of got kicked in his head at his daddy's farm in Tenn. the guy is another lieing democrat politicians like Obama!!!!

Be that as it may, Al Gore is a former vice president, a Nobel Prize Winner, a long time US Senator, and has had a large influence in leading the world into an age where we can leave our dependence on Oil behind us.

As far as Obama "Lying" goes, I've heard literally hundreds of outright lies and slanders against Mr Obama since his presidency began, and I have not heard the President "lie" even once.

So, why would I trust a message board redneck named "keee keee", who doesn't seem to grasp the concept of homophones (lieing), to be the judge of either of their characters?

Sorry about the personal attack, but you did unjustly attack two people that I happen to have a lot of respect for.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjenBIgqLPU]YouTube - The Jerk: The Lost Filmstrips of Father Carlos[/ame]
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I think it is so funny the media is still saying the crowd was in the 10,000's range there was more than 10000 buses full of protesters and I am now told they are all racist!!! You have lost the argument when you start calling your opponents RACISTS Pictures don't lie looks like more than 10000 people to me, to bad I could not attend!!! The republican version of Woodstock but the people were mad at this administration and not stoned on drugs!!!! These people 2 Million strong will remember this day next election, not like the hippies that have to watch movies to remember the woodstock cause they were stoned!!!

Reposting as promised:

As far as all these crazy-assed lies about "2 million people" being at the Tea Party Protests are concerned...

As we discussed earlier on this thread, but people just seemed to ignore:

1. The city of Washington DC was PARALYZED by the inauguration crowds, which numbered 1.8 million. Extra police and other civil services had to be called in for crowd control and to take care of other city needs. Traffic within the city was just not happening, and traffic in a 30 mile radius was completely out-of-control. Any crowd over 1 million would have caused the same effects. NONE OF THESE THINGS HAPPENED THIS WEEKEND. Period.

2. The supposed "source" for the 2 million number was a supposed spokesman for the Parks Services named "Dan Bana". There is in fact no spokesman for the Parks Services named Dan Bana, instead there is a chief spokesman named "Dave Barna". As seen here. Who has specifically stated in at least one past interview, concerning the Obama Inauguration, that the Parks department does not make estimates of this type. As seen here.

3. The ONLY reliable report of crowd size was reported by ABC News, who received a crowd size estimate from the DC Fire/EMC Department, and that was "around 60-70 Thousand" at approximately 11:30 AM. As seen here.

4. Even the organizers of the protest, FreedomWorks, admitted that the crowds were nowhere near their original estimates, and apologized for mis-quoting ABC News with a 1.2 Million person quote. As seen here. FreedomWorks later posted a corrected, perhaps still overly-optimistic un-official estimate of "Hundreds of Thousands" on their site.

Doesn't it bother any of you right-wingers that you are continuously lied to about such a large variety of things, of which this is just the latest?

As a side note, I'd like to say that: since right-wing posters are re-posting the same claims over and over again even when proven wrong, I'm just going to copy and paste this post in response to any repeats, rather than wasting my time re-writing the same damn thing.
I think it is so funny the media is still saying the crowd was in the 10,000's range there was more than 10000 buses full of protesters and I am now told they are all racist!!! You have lost the argument when you start calling your opponents RACISTS Pictures don't lie looks like more than 10000 people to me, to bad I could not attend!!! The republican version of Woodstock but the people were mad at this administration and not stoned on drugs!!!! These people 2 Million strong will remember this day next election, not like the hippies that have to watch movies to remember the woodstock cause they were stoned!!!


why couldn't you attend? did not find the cave exit?

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