DC Protests Draw 2 Million

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:Al Gore Who was that Guy Again???


Computer Generated Virtual Glaciers?
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Why would that be? Because you don't like my conclusions?

Do you have anything specific to add, or is that just a general sentiment?
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So what are we back up to today? What does Simon Say? 200 Thousand? Just curious.

Nah, I was just saying that that was in the realm of possibility given the information we already have.

200k is an upper limit on an estimated range of about 70k-200k.

I'm sticking with my original prediciton before the event and my interpretation of footage after the event 100,000.

I read some posts from people I had on ignore and would like to quote myself from a different thread.

...when Bush was President?

Did they exist? Were they protesting, but we just didn't notice?

Or did they all agree with what George Bush was doing?

No we were the ones protesting the patriot act and bush's ridiculous spending habits. But we weren't really out protesting the Iraq war that much so we didn't get ANY media coverage at all.

We should have picked up the anti-war mantra and we would have been considered "Cool" by the MSM.

I was protesting bush's deficit spending and the patriot act from the beginning.

What you see now, with the HUGE increase in our numbers, is the fact that Obama is TRIPLING Bush's defecit spending. That fact, combined with the continually increasing unemployment numbers, have led to the increase in those protesting. With all these American citizens out of work, getting govt unemployment checks (which they payed for in payroll taxes while working), they have the time to come out and protest our our of controll congress and white house.

A lot of confusion about us comes from 3 places:

1) The shortsighted conservative politicians, who dont realize we hate their defecit spending and cow towing too, have tried to co-opt our movement....good luck to them if they do as we will burn them at the polls for it on voting day.

2) Fox news tried to steal our thunder for ratings too, which further hurt our image.

3) People have lied about us on national TV and not been challenged by honest reporters. Who are the onse that lied about us? Nancy Pelosi, Jeneane Garafolo on MSNBC with the ancor going "yup, uh huh, your right", Harry Reid, and Barack Obama's cabinet/czars as recently as this weekend with Axlerod's comments.

LOL more coulda woulda shoulda BS from the hypocrtical dishonest hack.

I find this type of righty, who were all but silent under W but are now speaking out now against bush, claiming that they did so all along, in a lame attempt to justify their their hypocrtical opinions against obama the worst type of dishonest hacks. They have no integrity, no morals and have no qualms with lying through their teeth if they think they can spin it in their favor.

Ignore me all you want to, fact is that you LIED about me and then ran away when I asked you to prove your accusation. LOL
And your question is a stupid question as it is based on a faulty assumption, you are shown how faulty that assumption is, and you keep repeating a nonsensical question. No wonder you don't get an answer. Your 'reasoning' is cringeworthy.

In other words si has nothing REAL to offer and instead chooses to attack the poster.

The fact is that there were tea parties before HOWEVER they were primarily held by very small groups of libertarians and they got little to no recognition from the right wing talking heads or the republican party. That was at least until the republicans got voted out of the majority and lost the presidency. Then the righties started looking for a way to legitmize their anti-obama stance and it was after their exhile into the minority that the righties flip flopped and started attacking the left and obama using the tea parties. After ignoring everything that they now claim to be against when a republican was in charge, they used the cover of the coopted tea parties out of desperation.

Wow a Right Wing Conspiracy huh? I See Right People..... Everywhere. They talk too, and I listen. Glen Beck, is really working for Rush ... You know. They were behind that first Tea Party too.... You Know..... Shhhh .... Quiet..... the one in .... Boston. They have a Time Machine and went....... Back in time. Rush has Powers.... You know..... He made it .... Rain in New Orleans Too.... I've Already.... Said Too Much.... Gotta Go. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

We are so against Everything. You nailed it.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

LOL I am just stating the FACTS loser. The fact that you can't deal with it and instead have to TRY and make lame jokes in a lame attempt to cover for your party's blatant hypocrisy, dishonesty and cowering behind someone else's issue only makes it sweeter.
Nah, I was just saying that that was in the realm of possibility given the information we already have.

200k is an upper limit on an estimated range of about 70k-200k.

I'm sticking with my original prediciton before the event and my interpretation of footage after the event 100,000.

I read some posts from people I had on ignore and would like to quote myself from a different thread.

No we were the ones protesting the patriot act and bush's ridiculous spending habits. But we weren't really out protesting the Iraq war that much so we didn't get ANY media coverage at all.

We should have picked up the anti-war mantra and we would have been considered "Cool" by the MSM.

I was protesting bush's deficit spending and the patriot act from the beginning.

What you see now, with the HUGE increase in our numbers, is the fact that Obama is TRIPLING Bush's defecit spending. That fact, combined with the continually increasing unemployment numbers, have led to the increase in those protesting. With all these American citizens out of work, getting govt unemployment checks (which they payed for in payroll taxes while working), they have the time to come out and protest our our of controll congress and white house.

A lot of confusion about us comes from 3 places:

1) The shortsighted conservative politicians, who dont realize we hate their defecit spending and cow towing too, have tried to co-opt our movement....good luck to them if they do as we will burn them at the polls for it on voting day.

2) Fox news tried to steal our thunder for ratings too, which further hurt our image.

3) People have lied about us on national TV and not been challenged by honest reporters. Who are the onse that lied about us? Nancy Pelosi, Jeneane Garafolo on MSNBC with the ancor going "yup, uh huh, your right", Harry Reid, and Barack Obama's cabinet/czars as recently as this weekend with Axlerod's comments.

LOL more coulda woulda shoulda BS from the hypocrtical dishonest hack.

I find this type of righty, who were all but silent under W but are now speaking out now against bush, claiming that they did so all along, in a lame attempt to justify their their hypocrtical opinions against obama the worst type of dishonest hacks. They have no integrity, no morals and have no qualms with lying through their teeth if they think they can spin it in their favor.

Ignore me all you want to, fact is that you LIED about me and then ran away when I asked you to prove your accusation. LOL

:eek: Your Brush is too wide. Carpet bombing at 25,000 ft.
I'm sticking with my original prediciton before the event and my interpretation of footage after the event 100,000.

I read some posts from people I had on ignore and would like to quote myself from a different thread.

LOL more coulda woulda shoulda BS from the hypocrtical dishonest hack.

I find this type of righty, who were all but silent under W but are now speaking out now against bush, claiming that they did so all along, in a lame attempt to justify their their hypocrtical opinions against obama the worst type of dishonest hacks. They have no integrity, no morals and have no qualms with lying through their teeth if they think they can spin it in their favor.

Ignore me all you want to, fact is that you LIED about me and then ran away when I asked you to prove your accusation. LOL

:eek: Your Brush is too wide. Carpet bombing at 25,000 ft.

WOW It looks like all you have to offer is more of your moronic blabbering.
How is my brush too wide when I am referring to one poster specifically and a specific type of righty?? Unless of course you lack the reading comprehension to understand that and mistakenly believe that I am referring to all of the right despite the FACT that I said no such thing??
So are you too ignorant to understand or are you intentionally and dishonestly trying to misrepresent what I am saying??
Your choice loser, are you ignorant or a liar??
Nah, I was just saying that that was in the realm of possibility given the information we already have.

200k is an upper limit on an estimated range of about 70k-200k.

I'm sticking with my original prediciton before the event and my interpretation of footage after the event 100,000.

I read some posts from people I had on ignore and would like to quote myself from a different thread.

No we were the ones protesting the patriot act and bush's ridiculous spending habits. But we weren't really out protesting the Iraq war that much so we didn't get ANY media coverage at all.

We should have picked up the anti-war mantra and we would have been considered "Cool" by the MSM.

I was protesting bush's deficit spending and the patriot act from the beginning.

What you see now, with the HUGE increase in our numbers, is the fact that Obama is TRIPLING Bush's defecit spending. That fact, combined with the continually increasing unemployment numbers, have led to the increase in those protesting. With all these American citizens out of work, getting govt unemployment checks (which they payed for in payroll taxes while working), they have the time to come out and protest our our of controll congress and white house.

A lot of confusion about us comes from 3 places:

1) The shortsighted conservative politicians, who dont realize we hate their defecit spending and cow towing too, have tried to co-opt our movement....good luck to them if they do as we will burn them at the polls for it on voting day.

2) Fox news tried to steal our thunder for ratings too, which further hurt our image.

3) People have lied about us on national TV and not been challenged by honest reporters. Who are the onse that lied about us? Nancy Pelosi, Jeneane Garafolo on MSNBC with the ancor going "yup, uh huh, your right", Harry Reid, and Barack Obama's cabinet/czars as recently as this weekend with Axlerod's comments.

LOL more coulda woulda shoulda BS from the hypocrtical dishonest hack.

I find this type of righty, who were all but silent under W but are now speaking out now against bush, claiming that they did so all along, in a lame attempt to justify their their hypocrtical opinions against obama the worst type of dishonest hacks. They have no integrity, no morals and have no qualms with lying through their teeth if they think they can spin it in their favor.

Ignore me all you want to, fact is that you LIED about me and then ran away when I asked you to prove your accusation. LOL

LOL more coulda woulda shoulda BS from the hypocrtical dishonest hack.

I find this type of righty, who were all but silent under W but are now speaking out now against bush, claiming that they did so all along, in a lame attempt to justify their their hypocrtical opinions against obama the worst type of dishonest hacks. They have no integrity, no morals and have no qualms with lying through their teeth if they think they can spin it in their favor.

Ignore me all you want to, fact is that you LIED about me and then ran away when I asked you to prove your accusation. LOL

:eek: Your Brush is too wide. Carpet bombing at 25,000 ft.

WOW It looks like all you have to offer is more of your moronic blabbering.
How is my brush too wide when I am referring to one poster specifically and a specific type of righty?? Unless of course you lack the reading comprehension to understand that and mistakenly believe that I am referring to all of the right despite the FACT that I said no such thing??
So are you too ignorant to understand or are you intentionally and dishonestly trying to misrepresent what I am saying??
Your choice loser, are you ignorant or a liar??

I'm just kind of trying to determine whether to Call Animal Control, or if this is a Medication Issue. I bet i's a recurring thing with You. You talk too much. You Blame everything outside of Yourself, don't you? The Anger, how many years now? How long have you been living with it? The only thing I have to say to you at this point, is Noon should be your cut off time for caffeine. You should Get Laid more.
I'm sticking with my original prediciton before the event and my interpretation of footage after the event 100,000.

I read some posts from people I had on ignore and would like to quote myself from a different thread.

LOL more coulda woulda shoulda BS from the hypocrtical dishonest hack.

I find this type of righty, who were all but silent under W but are now speaking out now against bush, claiming that they did so all along, in a lame attempt to justify their their hypocrtical opinions against obama the worst type of dishonest hacks. They have no integrity, no morals and have no qualms with lying through their teeth if they think they can spin it in their favor.

Ignore me all you want to, fact is that you LIED about me and then ran away when I asked you to prove your accusation. LOL

:eek: Your Brush is too wide. Carpet bombing at 25,000 ft.

WOW It looks like all you have to offer is more of your moronic blabbering.
How is my brush too wide when I am referring to one poster specifically and a specific type of righty?? Unless of course you lack the reading comprehension to understand that and mistakenly believe that I am referring to all of the right despite the FACT that I said no such thing??
So are you too ignorant to understand or are you intentionally and dishonestly trying to misrepresent what I am saying??
Your choice loser, are you ignorant or a liar??

I'm just kind of trying to determine whether to Call Animal Control, or if this is a Medication Issue. I bet i's a recurring thing with You. You talk too much. You Blame everything outside of Yourself, don't you? The Anger, how many years now? How long have you been living with it? The only thing I have to say to you at this point, is Noon should be your cut off time for caffeine. You should Get Laid more.

LOL Like I said all you have left to offer is your moronic blabbering. keep it up your lame attempts to attack me are very entertaining and tell me how desperate you are to try and tear me down. LOL

BTW you never answered my question, which is it?? Fact is that you dishonestly tried to claim that my brush was too wide so I explained my statement so even you could understand it.
So did you understand that I wasn't referring to the right as a whole or not??
Are you ignorant or a liar??
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If you guys think your "protests" are impressing anyone then you should really try to weed out the "black helicopter" types because they are making your whole "movement" look like a bunch of inbread fools.
LOL. How's Code Pink working out for ya?

And I reaaaaly wish I could use photoshop so that I could illustrate the visual I got from "inbread fools".
If you guys think your "protests" are impressing anyone then you should really try to weed out the "black helicopter" types because they are making your whole "movement" look like a bunch of inbread fools.
LOL. How's Code Pink working out for ya?

And I reaaaaly wish I could use photoshop so that I could illustrate the visual I got from "inbread fools".
Well Si I guess that is the difference......The REICH needs to photo shop we just have to show the TRUTH of your Tea Partiers.
Dear God....
If you guys think your "protests" are impressing anyone then you should really try to weed out the "black helicopter" types because they are making your whole "movement" look like a bunch of inbread fools.
LOL. How's Code Pink working out for ya?

And I reaaaaly wish I could use photoshop so that I could illustrate the visual I got from "inbread fools".
Well Si I guess that is the difference......The REICH needs to photo shop we just have to show the TRUTH of your Tea Partiers.
Dear God....
Prey to God Si it won't get you far.
Usually when there is too much of a good thing, it can't be real. :lol:
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LOL more coulda woulda shoulda BS from the hypocrtical dishonest hack.

I find this type of righty, who were all but silent under W but are now speaking out now against bush, claiming that they did so all along, in a lame attempt to justify their their hypocrtical opinions against obama the worst type of dishonest hacks. They have no integrity, no morals and have no qualms with lying through their teeth if they think they can spin it in their favor.

Ignore me all you want to, fact is that you LIED about me and then ran away when I asked you to prove your accusation. LOL

WOW It looks like all you have to offer is more of your moronic blabbering.
How is my brush too wide when I am referring to one poster specifically and a specific type of righty?? Unless of course you lack the reading comprehension to understand that and mistakenly believe that I am referring to all of the right despite the FACT that I said no such thing??
So are you too ignorant to understand or are you intentionally and dishonestly trying to misrepresent what I am saying??
Your choice loser, are you ignorant or a liar??

I'm just kind of trying to determine whether to Call Animal Control, or if this is a Medication Issue. I bet i's a recurring thing with You. You talk too much. You Blame everything outside of Yourself, don't you? The Anger, how many years now? How long have you been living with it? The only thing I have to say to you at this point, is Noon should be your cut off time for caffeine. You should Get Laid more.

LOL Like I said all you have left to offer is your moronic blabbering. keep it up your lame attempts to attack me are very entertaining and tell me how desperate you are to try and tear me down. LOL

BTW you never answered my question, which is it?? Fact is that you dishonestly tried to claim that my brush was too wide so I explained my statement so even you could understand it.
So did you understand that I wasn't referring to the right as a whole or not??
Are you ignorant or a liar??

What does it matter to you what anyone outside yourself thinks. You know all. You don't need to question. Your stereotypes, and categories, and slots have a place for all. So neatly wrapped and miscategorized. You are both stupid and a liar. You are so anal retentive I bet you can only fart through your mouth. I'm not here to answer a single edict of yours Osama.

There is nothing to understand in relation to your Posts. They all start and end the same. LOL. By the way Did I tell you that your brush was too wide. You can Keep your excuses. :eusa_hand::eusa_hand::eusa_hand::eusa_hand:
I'm just kind of trying to determine whether to Call Animal Control, or if this is a Medication Issue. I bet i's a recurring thing with You. You talk too much. You Blame everything outside of Yourself, don't you? The Anger, how many years now? How long have you been living with it? The only thing I have to say to you at this point, is Noon should be your cut off time for caffeine. You should Get Laid more.

LOL Like I said all you have left to offer is your moronic blabbering. keep it up your lame attempts to attack me are very entertaining and tell me how desperate you are to try and tear me down. LOL

BTW you never answered my question, which is it?? Fact is that you dishonestly tried to claim that my brush was too wide so I explained my statement so even you could understand it.
So did you understand that I wasn't referring to the right as a whole or not??
Are you ignorant or a liar??

What does it matter to you what anyone outside yourself thinks.

So is this you transferring your unacceptable beliefs onto me??

You know all. You don't need to question.

And yet I ask questions that you avoid. LOL I wonder why you avoid them? Oops that's another question. LOL

Your stereotypes, and categories, and slots have a place for all. So neatly wrapped and miscategorized.

That's funny considereing the fact that you are the one that was busted for mischaracterizing me when you tried to spin my statement to mean something that I clearly did not say.

You are both stupid and a liar.

And yet you are the one that mischaracterized what I said as you tried to put me into one of your slots, neatly wrapped up and miscatorgized. LOL

You are so anal retentive I bet you can only fart through your mouth.

wow, more baseless personal attacks from you. LOL imagine that.

I'm not here to answer a single edict of yours Osama.

Hey, you were the one that mischaracterized my statement and it really doesn't matter if it was intentionally based on dishonesty or a mistake based on ignorance. Either way, you were wrong and if you were honest and had any integrity you would admit it. However, it does look like you answered my question with your actions. You dishonest attempts to discredit me for pointing out your mischaracterization shows you to be a liar.

There is nothing to understand in relation to your Posts. They all start and end the same. LOL.

LOL funny that this actually describes your posts to a t. Your posts start with baseless attacks and they end with them.

By the way Did I tell you that your brush was too wide.

Is this supposed to be a question??

You can Keep your excuses. :eusa_hand::eusa_hand::eusa_hand::eusa_hand:

Who is offering excuses?? Fact is that you dishonestly tried to mischaracterize my statement, I pointed to how and where you did it and instead of admitting to your dishonesty you engaged in baseless personal attacks in a scorched earth like rant to try to tear me down and miscatorgize me as you try to attack me claiming I am doing the same. That only makes you look foolish, hypocritical and more dishonest than you did to begin with. LOL

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