DC Protests Draw 2 Million

Glenn Beck explains The University of I Cant Remember says 2 million at Washington tea party.

Glenn Beck explains The University of I Cant Remember says 2 million at Washington tea party - Kick! Making Politics Fun - A liberal dose of political humor

His justification for two million goes a little something like this; "We had a university, I think it's a university , of - I don't remember which university it is.

Of course he wasn't the only one to exaggerate a million or more. Michelle Malkin (A FOX CONTRIBUTOR) quoted two on ABC, because she says so - that's why. Limbaugh (RIGHT WINGER) quoted a British tabloid as a source for his two million, sadly for him they didn't print it! Lou Dobbs (ABOUT TO BE FIRED BECAUSE HE IS TOO FOX LIKE) assured radio listeners it was over a million, and Matt Kibbe organizer of Freedom works recanted!


How confusing is this? Fox lies.

If a person is so dumb to not understand someone saying there may be 2 million there, and someone else saying there WERE two million there....then I give up.
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Glenn Beck explains The University of I Cant Remember says 2 million at Washington tea party.

Glenn Beck explains The University of I Cant Remember says 2 million at Washington tea party - Kick! Making Politics Fun - A liberal dose of political humor

His justification for two million goes a little something like this; "We had a university, I think it's a university , of - I don't remember which university it is.

Of course he wasn't the only one to exaggerate a million or more. Michelle Malkin (A FOX CONTRIBUTOR) quoted two on ABC, because she says so - that's why. Limbaugh (RIGHT WINGER) quoted a British tabloid as a source for his two million, sadly for him they didn't print it! Lou Dobbs (ABOUT TO BE FIRED BECAUSE HE IS TOO FOX LIKE) assured radio listeners it was over a million, and Matt Kibbe organizer of Freedom works recanted!


How confusing is this? Fox lies.

If a person is so dumb to not understand someone saying there may be 2 million there, and someone else saying there WERE two million there....then I give up.

But World Nut Daily said it was 2 million!!
Nobody showed up at the whitehouse or protested in the millions at organized rallies across the nation during Bush's TWO terms as president.

As I said, the few protest rallies during Bush's TWO terms were HUGELY reported on, and exaggerated.

There was never anything like this..the ongoing protests over the de-Americanization of the US, and the HUGE crowds who are of one mind.

You don't have any idea what you're talking about and it shows. Every year on the March 21st anniversary, there were larger crowds than this tea party in D.C. who marched on the White House and Capitol building. September 15, 2007 over 100,000 anti-war, anti-Bush protesters marched on the Capitol. But how about this:

February 15, 2003 anti-war protest - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which involved six to ten million people of one mind protesting around the world in what the Guinness World Book of Records recognizes as the largest protest in history and included more than double the amount of protesters in New York City that D.C. had over the weekend.

You just don't have any idea what you're talking about.
You have something which proves this, of course. For example, an actual, real account of how many ppl were at DC on the 12th?

I didn't think so.
I already posted it.

But here:
Tea Party Rally Sparks Dispute Over Potential Turnout - Political News - FOXNews.com

""It looks like Saturday's event is going to be a huge gathering, estimates ranging from hundreds of thousands to 2 million people," Doug Thornell, an aide to Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., wrote, noting that a demonstration held Thursday turned into an impromptu rally for Rep. Joe Wilson, who has come under fire for his outburst during Obama's nationally televised speech to a joint session of Congress

"Conservatives have seized on this memo as proof Democrats are playing an expectations game. They say the House leadership wrote the memo in hopes it would be leaked and inflate expectations for the turnout anticipating that it will fall short."

Date: Friday, September 11, 2009

Fucking retard.
[Emphasis added] There are these things called verb tenses. The three basics are past, present, and future. There are variations of those three - perfect, simple, perfect contin.... Nevermind. I cannot believe I am writing this.

I'm supporting my comment that the 2 million figure was being predicted by the left before the tea party ever took place.

That's all. Don't read too much into it.

No clear and convincing evidence exists that the non-conservatives ever claimed any such thing. See, alli, I even expanded the field to 265 million possible sources for you.
I posted the link twice, idiot. There's a name and a date.

You were the one I was responding to when I said "moron", btw.
Nobody showed up at the whitehouse or protested in the millions at organized rallies across the nation during Bush's TWO terms as president.

As I said, the few protest rallies during Bush's TWO terms were HUGELY reported on, and exaggerated.

There was never anything like this..the ongoing protests over the de-Americanization of the US, and the HUGE crowds who are of one mind.

You don't have any idea what you're talking about and it shows. Every year on the March 21st anniversary, there were larger crowds than this tea party in D.C. who marched on the White House and Capitol building. September 15, 2007 over 100,000 anti-war, anti-Bush protesters marched on the Capitol. But how about this:

February 15, 2003 anti-war protest - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which involved six to ten million people of one mind protesting around the world in what the Guinness World Book of Records recognizes as the largest protest in history and included more than double the amount of protesters in New York City that D.C. had over the weekend.

You just don't have any idea what you're talking about.
Perhaps I missed it. Where in your wiki link does it say that "100,000 anti-war, anti-Bush protesters marched on the Capitol" on 9/15/2003?
Alli doesn't have any credible sources, so let's move on. Typical far rightist, immoral agenda-driven whacko. What a squealer.
Nobody showed up at the whitehouse or protested in the millions at organized rallies across the nation during Bush's TWO terms as president.

As I said, the few protest rallies during Bush's TWO terms were HUGELY reported on, and exaggerated.

There was never anything like this..the ongoing protests over the de-Americanization of the US, and the HUGE crowds who are of one mind.

You don't have any idea what you're talking about and it shows. Every year on the March 21st anniversary, there were larger crowds than this tea party in D.C. who marched on the White House and Capitol building. September 15, 2007 over 100,000 anti-war, anti-Bush protesters marched on the Capitol. But how about this:

February 15, 2003 anti-war protest - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which involved six to ten million people of one mind protesting around the world in what the Guinness World Book of Records recognizes as the largest protest in history and included more than double the amount of protesters in New York City that D.C. had over the weekend.

You just don't have any idea what you're talking about.
Perhaps I missed it. Where in your wiki link does it say that "100,000 anti-war, anti-Bush protesters marched on the Capitol" on 9/15/2003?

Well I didn't say that so it doesn't. I said on September 15, 2007, which that link doesn't reference but here's some that do: September 15, 2007 anti-war protest - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, like this protest the police did not release an estimate but the DC Fire Department did, 100,000.

The wiki link I posted previously says that the February 15, 2003 anti-war, anti-Bush protest was the largest in human history with a minimum of 6-10 million people demonstrating including half a million in New York.

There were no more than about 100,000 protesters in D.C. on September 12, that is known. Conservative legitimate (i.e., not from the promoters mouths themselves) estimates are 20-30,000, liberal legitimate estimates are 60-70,000.

Eric Boehlert has masterfully documented how right-wing claims about the number of protesters was literally invented out of whole cloth -- Michelle Malkin simply made up a number (2 million) that was repeated by right-wing sources far and wide, and Glenn Beck then did the same (1.7 million) -- and bears no relationship whatsoever to reality. But either way, the reports of tens of thousands came not from "liberal sources" but from the establishment media. Just yesterday, the Post's Fletcher reported that his journalist colleagues - not Daily Kos -- "say it was in the tens of thousands, probably around 20,00 or 30,000."
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No admission of the sort, sweet Alli, as you continue trying to squeal more softly, but you are the one who made allegations she can't be supported.
That bears repeating.

"There were no more than about 70,000 protesters in D.C. on September 12, that is known. Conservative legitimate (i.e., not from the promoters mouths themselves) estimates are 20-30,000, liberal legitimate estimates are 60-70,000.

Eric Boehlert has masterfully documented how right-wing claims about the number of protesters was literally invented out of whole cloth -- Michelle Malkin simply made up a number (2 million) that was repeated by right-wing sources far and wide, and Glenn Beck then did the same (1.7 million) -- and bears no relationship whatsoever to reality. But either way, the reports of tens of thousands came not from "liberal sources" but from the establishment media. Just yesterday, the Post's Fletcher reported that his journalist colleagues - not Daily Kos -- "say it was in the tens of thousands, probably around 20,00 or 30,000."
You don't have any idea what you're talking about and it shows. Every year on the March 21st anniversary, there were larger crowds than this tea party in D.C. who marched on the White House and Capitol building. September 15, 2007 over 100,000 anti-war, anti-Bush protesters marched on the Capitol. But how about this:

February 15, 2003 anti-war protest - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which involved six to ten million people of one mind protesting around the world in what the Guinness World Book of Records recognizes as the largest protest in history and included more than double the amount of protesters in New York City that D.C. had over the weekend.

You just don't have any idea what you're talking about.
Perhaps I missed it. Where in your wiki link does it say that "100,000 anti-war, anti-Bush protesters marched on the Capitol" on 9/15/2003?

Well I didn't say that so it doesn't. ....
Forgive my typo.

.... I said on September 15, 2007, which that link doesn't reference but here's some that do: September 15, 2007 anti-war protest - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, like this protest the police did not release an estimate but the DC Fire Department did, 100,000. ....
No where in your link does it say that that the DC FD made such an estimate. Here is what your link says with respect to the numbers:
Organizers estimated that nearly 100,000 people attended the rally and march. That number could not be confirmed; police did not give their own estimate. Associated press reported "several thousand." A permit for the march obtained in advance by the ANSWER Coalition had projected 10,000.
[Emphasis added] I was there. I was also at the 9/12 protest. IMO (which is all anyone has at this point until official numbers are in), there were far more on 9/12.

.... There were no more than about 70,000 protesters in D.C. on September 12, that is known. ....
If it's known, you should have no trouble showing your source of that information and try to look carefully at what the original source of that information actually said.

.... Conservative legitimate (i.e., not from the promoters mouths themselves) estimates are 20-30,000, liberal legitimate estimates are 60-70,000.

Eric Boehlert has masterfully documented how right-wing claims about the number of protesters was literally invented out of whole cloth -- Michelle Malkin simply made up a number (2 million) that was repeated by right-wing sources far and wide, and Glenn Beck then did the same (1.7 million) -- and bears no relationship whatsoever to reality. But either way, the reports of tens of thousands came not from "liberal sources" but from the establishment media. Just yesterday, the Post's Fletcher reported that his journalist colleagues - not Daily Kos -- "say it was in the tens of thousands, probably around 20,00 or 30,000."
I suggest you develop a critical mind in evaluating your sources. Here's a hint: The protesters were not just on PA Ave, yet ABC quoted an unnamed source from the DC FD who made an off-the-cuff estimate of 60-70K on PA Ave..

Perhaps you may want to read this thread and catch up.

And, just a bit of trivia: In case anyone is wondering why Park Police, DC FD, Metro Police, etc. no longer do official estimates of crowds for the District it's because the 9/15 protestors whined so loudly about what they felt were lowball numbers from Park Police. So, blame the whiners from 9/15/2007 for this whole lack of official estimates.
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Two other things worth mentioning:

The words "up to" imply a hypothetical limit on an amount, not a projected, expected, or accurate reflection of that amount.

For instance, "My bank account has $5,200 or up to billions of dollars in it" does not mean my account has billions, only that theoretically it could. When balancing my checkbook, I go with the real number reported not the theoretically possible maximum.

On another note, I can't wait for election day 2010 when a bunch of the board's hardline right-wingers will be sorely disappointed and shown to be fools. You think Republicans are gonna take over the house in 2010?

Here's one Gallup poll: Poll: Most don't know who speaks for GOP - USATODAY.com

The Gallup Poll asked Americans what words come to mind when they think of the two major political parties. The results offer insight into the challenge Republicans face in regaining support.

Question: What comes to mind when you think of ...

The Republican Party

1. Unfavorable 25%
2. Conservative 16%
3. Favorable 7%
4. No direction 6%
5. Cater to the rich 6%
6. George W. Bush 4%
7. Close-minded/Not open to new ideas 3%
8. Cater to big business 3%
9. Poor economic conditions 3%
10. Pro-military/Pro-war 2%

The Democratic Party

1. Liberal 15%
2. Favorable 10%
3. For the people 10%
4. Socially conscious/progressive 10%
5. Big spending 8%
6. Unfavorable 6%
7. Self-centered/Out for themselves 4%
8. Big government 3%
9. Barack Obama 3%
10. Welfare 2%

Source: Gallup Poll of 1,015 adults by land line and cellphone May 29-31. Margin of error: +/3 percentage points.

Note 25% unfavorable for Republican, compared to 6% unfavorable for the Democratic party. In regular polling, support for the current Republican party falls between 23-40% since January while support for the Democratic party has been between 47-59%.

Meanwhile: Poll: Support for Public Option Grows - CBS News

Support for the public option has risen since last week from 57 percent to 68 percent. Among speech watchers, support for the public option lies at 70 percent.l

Most Americans DO want the public option, it's a minority opposing it and it will be far worse politically for Democrats if they don't get it in than if they do. Republicans, meanwhile, are still not trusted or supported by a majority of Americans and are certainly not poised for any resurgence in 2010.
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Tell us again, how many people do you think attended the DC Tea Party?? ....
What I think is not an official estimate.

Check what I have ever said about this numbers game - no one is "lying" about the numbers because no one knows and no official estimates are in.

.... All the people that said 1 to 2 million said the source came from ABC, which rejected that number out right. ...
As they should have rejected it outright - It's not an official estimate.

Yet, ABC did report that an unnamed DC FC rep said that he thought there were 60-70K on PA Ave..

The protest did not just take place on PA Ave.

.... Tea Party Protesters March on Washington - ABC News

Just in case you think what I said was a lie....
Reexamine your own source.
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Tell us again, how many people do you think attended the DC Tea Party?? ....
What I think is not an official estimate.

Check what I have ever said about this numbers game - no one is "lying" about the numbers because no one knows and no official estimates are in.

.... All the people that said 1 to 2 million said the source came from ABC, which rejected that number out right. ...
As they should have rejected it outright - It's not an official estimate.

Yet, ABC did report that an unnamed DC FC rep said that he thought there were 60-70K b on PA Ave..

The protest did not just take place on PA Ave.

.... Tea Party Protesters March on Washington - ABC News

Just in case you think what I said was a lie....
Reexamine your own source.

Which source should I examine if the main source by the right accuses ABC of reporting a number that they claim they did not report?

Better yet, what is your source? Where did the protests occur if not on PA avenue. Also, why is it no one, including the right leaning media, not pointing out where the protests took place?

It is kind of hard to quote a new source if there isn't any...
Perhaps I missed it. Where in your wiki link does it say that "100,000 anti-war, anti-Bush protesters marched on the Capitol" on 9/15/2003?

Well I didn't say that so it doesn't. ....
Forgive my typo.

No where in your link does it say that that the DC FD made such an estimate. Here is what your link says with respect to the numbers:[Emphasis added] I was there. I was also at the 9/12 protest. IMO (which is all anyone has at this point until official numbers are in), there were far more on 9/12.

.... There were no more than about 70,000 protesters in D.C. on September 12, that is known. ....
If it's known, you should have no trouble showing your source of that information and try to look carefully at what the original source of that information actually said.

.... Conservative legitimate (i.e., not from the promoters mouths themselves) estimates are 20-30,000, liberal legitimate estimates are 60-70,000.

Eric Boehlert has masterfully documented how right-wing claims about the number of protesters was literally invented out of whole cloth -- Michelle Malkin simply made up a number (2 million) that was repeated by right-wing sources far and wide, and Glenn Beck then did the same (1.7 million) -- and bears no relationship whatsoever to reality. But either way, the reports of tens of thousands came not from "liberal sources" but from the establishment media. Just yesterday, the Post's Fletcher reported that his journalist colleagues - not Daily Kos -- "say it was in the tens of thousands, probably around 20,00 or 30,000."
I suggest you develop a critical mind in evaluating your sources. Here's a hint: The protesters were not just on PA Ave, yet ABC quoted an unnamed source from the DC FD who made an off-the-cuff estimate of 60-70K on PA Ave..

Perhaps you may want to read this thread and catch up.

And, just a bit of trivia: In case anyone is wondering why Park Police, DC FD, Metro Police, etc. no longer do official estimates of crowds for the District it's because the 9/15 protestors whined so loudly about what they felt were lowball numbers from Park Police. So, blame the whiners from 9/15/2007 for this whole lack of official estimates.

I was also there, the DCFD told Brian Becker their estimate which he announced at the rally. It was reported in WaPo, but with the same caveat Wikipedia gives it.

Your assertion about 9/15 protesters whining being the reason police don't do estimates is a bold-faced lie you just made up:

Park service changes course, plans to offer crowd estimate - USATODAY.com

The park service stopped releasing crowd estimates in 1996, when Congress stripped its budget of money to do so following a controversy over the estimate for the 1994 Million Man March. Barna said there is debate within the park service over whether that prohibition was permanent or just for that year.

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