DC Protests Draw 2 Million

The official claim by the organizers was 1.5 million. The count by multiple new organizations, including Fox, was only 75,000 or so. One of our people here on this board claimed 2.3 million. However, I will go with the official claim, as it is only an exageration by a factor of 20.
They did, so you agree that they lied?


Ok, now your just being silly, you know what projected means....(oh and I still don't believe they said that, they had to have known there weren't going to be that many dumb ass beck followers who would support this crap...oh and where was Beck?).

Fox said there were 2 million there...they were off by 1,930,000 people.

Thats one million, nine hundred and thirty thousand people. Fox lies.
show proof FNC EVER claimed 2 million

FNC never predicted that--the estimate of 2 million came from democrats. But after looking at this picture 2 million doesn't seem to far off of their mark. No wonder NANCY PELOSI was teary eyed the other day--:lol::lol: Funny now she worried about "violence" yet not one single protestor was arrested.

$2 million tea-partiers.jpg
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It was just in April a few months ago that Obama--was laughing at the tea party protestors--Making a statement--"Those people who are waving those "little" tea bags-:

Those little tea baggers have turned into millions-. Obama just insulted at least 1/2 of this nation--& they're numbers are growing/ No we are NOT astro-turf--NO--we're not racist--"if we were Obama wouldn't be POTUS today"--NO--we not Nazi's--BUT WHAT WE AREN'T is SOCIALISTS.

We do not believe in redistribution of wealth. We do not believe in bigger government. We do not believe in higher taxes to support a bigger goverment.

We are the MAJORITY of this country be us democrats, republicans or independants who believe in ourselves.-----:clap2:

all 70k of them. woohoo. we are scared.

It wasn't my intention to "scare" you? I am 57 years old & have been involved in poltics for many decades older than you.

I predict a tsumani that is going to roll through the house of representatives & senate in 2010--that will look like the Carter/Reagan election in which Reagan won in a 49 STATE landslide.

The sleeping GIANT is AWAKE.

Get your popcorn out & enjoy.
let the moron think everything is safe
it will be much more fun on election night
all 70k of them. woohoo. we are scared.

It wasn't my intention to "scare" you? I am 57 years old & have been involved in poltics for many decades older than you.

I predict a tsumani that is going to roll through the house of representatives & senate in 2010--that will look like the Carter/Reagan election in which Reagan won in a 49 STATE landslide.

The sleeping GIANT is AWAKE.

Get your popcorn out & enjoy.
let the moron think everything is safe
it will be much more fun on election night

You're right--let'em sleep tight--these liberal youngsters have never seen the "sleeping giant"--why would I want to ruin their fantasy so early---:lol::lol:
Ok, now your just being silly, you know what projected means....(oh and I still don't believe they said that, they had to have known there weren't going to be that many dumb ass beck followers who would support this crap...oh and where was Beck?).

Fox said there were 2 million there...they were off by 1,930,000 people.

Thats one million, nine hundred and thirty thousand people. Fox lies.
show proof FNC EVER claimed 2 million

FNC never predicted that--the estimate of 2 million came from democrats. But after looking at this picture 2 million doesn't seem to far off of their mark. No wonder NANCY PELOSI was teary eyed the other day--:lol::lol: Funny now she worried about "violence" yet not one single protestor was arrested.

View attachment 8176

To see how much attention this thread is getting by the liberals tells me that when they look at the pictures they are pretty surprised at the attendance and probably a little worried too. If you take the low 75,000 and the high 2 million add them together and divide by 2 you get 1 million 375 thousand, probably a little more scientific than anything else. The mall will hold 1 million people and the mall was full with people spreading out into the streets. That's my guess. Anyway, no matter how you cut it up, still a very huge turnout when you consider that people paid there own way, took off of work, that is if they still had a job, and traveled across country to get there. You rock tea partiers.:clap2::clap2:
Ok, now your just being silly, you know what projected means....(oh and I still don't believe they said that, they had to have known there weren't going to be that many dumb ass beck followers who would support this crap...oh and where was Beck?).

Fox said there were 2 million there...they were off by 1,930,000 people.

Thats one million, nine hundred and thirty thousand people. Fox lies.
show proof FNC EVER claimed 2 million

FNC never predicted that--the estimate of 2 million came from democrats. But after looking at this picture 2 million doesn't seem to far off of their mark. No wonder NANCY PELOSI was teary eyed the other day--:lol::lol: Funny now she worried about "violence" yet not one single protestor was arrested.

View attachment 8176

I think she is bawling because the health care plan she wrote went up in smoke. :lol:
True...but if the Elections were to be held this November...I'd say the Repubs would have a good chance at gaining a decent number of seats...the House would probably go back to 2007-2009 numbers, at least.
They did, so you agree that they lied?


Ok, now your just being silly, you know what projected means....(oh and I still don't believe they said that, they had to have known there weren't going to be that many dumb ass beck followers who would support this crap...oh and where was Beck?).

Fox said there were 2 million there...they were off by 1,930,000 people.

Thats one million, nine hundred and thirty thousand people. Fox lies.
show proof FNC EVER claimed 2 million

I already posted it. Look it up, moron.
They did, so you agree that they lied?


Ok, now your just being silly, you know what projected means....(oh and I still don't believe they said that, they had to have known there weren't going to be that many dumb ass beck followers who would support this crap...oh and where was Beck?).

Fox said there were 2 million there...they were off by 1,930,000 people.

Thats one million, nine hundred and thirty thousand people. Fox lies.
show proof FNC EVER claimed 2 million

I already posted it.

But here:
Tea Party Rally Sparks Dispute Over Potential Turnout - Political News - FOXNews.com

""It looks like Saturday's event is going to be a huge gathering, estimates ranging from hundreds of thousands to 2 million people," Doug Thornell, an aide to Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., wrote, noting that a demonstration held Thursday turned into an impromptu rally for Rep. Joe Wilson, who has come under fire for his outburst during Obama's nationally televised speech to a joint session of Congress

"Conservatives have seized on this memo as proof Democrats are playing an expectations game. They say the House leadership wrote the memo in hopes it would be leaked and inflate expectations for the turnout anticipating that it will fall short."

Date: Friday, September 11, 2009

Fucking retard.
Ok, now your just being silly, you know what projected means....(oh and I still don't believe they said that, they had to have known there weren't going to be that many dumb ass beck followers who would support this crap...oh and where was Beck?).

Fox said there were 2 million there...they were off by 1,930,000 people.

Thats one million, nine hundred and thirty thousand people. Fox lies.
show proof FNC EVER claimed 2 million

I already posted it. Look it up, moron.
uh, i know what you posted
how does that have anything to do with what autozona is claiming?
Ok, now your just being silly, you know what projected means....(oh and I still don't believe they said that, they had to have known there weren't going to be that many dumb ass beck followers who would support this crap...oh and where was Beck?).

Fox said there were 2 million there...they were off by 1,930,000 people.

Thats one million, nine hundred and thirty thousand people. Fox lies.
show proof FNC EVER claimed 2 million

I already posted it.

But here:
Tea Party Rally Sparks Dispute Over Potential Turnout - Political News - FOXNews.com

""It looks like Saturday's event is going to be a huge gathering, estimates ranging from hundreds of thousands to 2 million people," Doug Thornell, an aide to Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., wrote, noting that a demonstration held Thursday turned into an impromptu rally for Rep. Joe Wilson, who has come under fire for his outburst during Obama's nationally televised speech to a joint session of Congress

"Conservatives have seized on this memo as proof Democrats are playing an expectations game. They say the House leadership wrote the memo in hopes it would be leaked and inflate expectations for the turnout anticipating that it will fall short."

Date: Friday, September 11, 2009

Fucking retard.
[Emphasis added] There are these things called verb tenses. The three basics are past, present, and future. There are variations of those three - perfect, simple, perfect contin.... Nevermind. I cannot believe I am writing this.
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Ok, now your just being silly, you know what projected means....(oh and I still don't believe they said that, they had to have known there weren't going to be that many dumb ass beck followers who would support this crap...oh and where was Beck?).

Fox said there were 2 million there...they were off by 1,930,000 people.

Thats one million, nine hundred and thirty thousand people. Fox lies.
show proof FNC EVER claimed 2 million

I already posted it.

But here:
Tea Party Rally Sparks Dispute Over Potential Turnout - Political News - FOXNews.com

""It looks like Saturday's event is going to be a huge gathering, estimates ranging from hundreds of thousands to 2 million people," Doug Thornell, an aide to Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., wrote, noting that a demonstration held Thursday turned into an impromptu rally for Rep. Joe Wilson, who has come under fire for his outburst during Obama's nationally televised speech to a joint session of Congress

"Conservatives have seized on this memo as proof Democrats are playing an expectations game. They say the House leadership wrote the memo in hopes it would be leaked and inflate expectations for the turnout anticipating that it will fall short."

Date: Friday, September 11, 2009

Fucking retard.
again, that is NOT FNC claiming 2 million, that is them REPORTING on an expectation of 2 million
show proof FNC EVER claimed 2 million

I already posted it.

But here:
Tea Party Rally Sparks Dispute Over Potential Turnout - Political News - FOXNews.com

""It looks like Saturday's event is going to be a huge gathering, estimates ranging from hundreds of thousands to 2 million people," Doug Thornell, an aide to Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., wrote, noting that a demonstration held Thursday turned into an impromptu rally for Rep. Joe Wilson, who has come under fire for his outburst during Obama's nationally televised speech to a joint session of Congress

"Conservatives have seized on this memo as proof Democrats are playing an expectations game. They say the House leadership wrote the memo in hopes it would be leaked and inflate expectations for the turnout anticipating that it will fall short."

Date: Friday, September 11, 2009

Fucking retard.
[Emphasis added] There are these things called verb tenses. The three basics are past, present, and future. There are variations of those three - perfect, simple, perfect contin.... Nevermind. I cannot believe I am writing this.

I'm supporting my comment that the 2 million figure was being predicted by the left before the tea party ever took place.

That's all. Don't read too much into it.
I already posted it.

But here:
Tea Party Rally Sparks Dispute Over Potential Turnout - Political News - FOXNews.com

""It looks like Saturday's event is going to be a huge gathering, estimates ranging from hundreds of thousands to 2 million people," Doug Thornell, an aide to Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., wrote, noting that a demonstration held Thursday turned into an impromptu rally for Rep. Joe Wilson, who has come under fire for his outburst during Obama's nationally televised speech to a joint session of Congress

"Conservatives have seized on this memo as proof Democrats are playing an expectations game. They say the House leadership wrote the memo in hopes it would be leaked and inflate expectations for the turnout anticipating that it will fall short."

Date: Friday, September 11, 2009

Fucking retard.
[Emphasis added] There are these things called verb tenses. The three basics are past, present, and future. There are variations of those three - perfect, simple, perfect contin.... Nevermind. I cannot believe I am writing this.

I'm supporting my comment that the 2 million figure was being predicted by the left before the tea party ever took place.

That's all. Don't read too much into it.
Oh, I know just what you were doing. Sorry. I should have made it more clear that my comment was more for anyone who is making the claim that FNC said there were two million there. My apologies for not being clear enough about that.

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