DC Protests Draw 2 Million

Up to two million march to US Capitol to protest against Obama's spending in 'tea-party' demonstration | Mail Online

Up to two million people marched to the U.S. Capitol today, carrying signs with slogans such as "Obamacare makes me sick" as they protested the president's health care plan and what they say is out-of-control spending.

The line of protesters spread across Pennsylvania Avenue for blocks, all the way to the capitol, according to the Washington Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency.

People were chanting "enough, enough" and "We the People." Others yelled "You lie, you lie!" and "Pelosi has to go," referring to California congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.

Far greater numbers than anyone was expecting, it seems. These protests have tapped a nerve...

There are three hundred million people in the United States, and two million republicans showed up for this tea baggin tripe.

They said two million. They meant two dozen. Mistakes happen.

I blame the editor.

Well, maybe it was a bit more than two dozen. A couple hundred? A couple of thousand? Maybe tens of thousands?

Maybe more?
Up to two million march to US Capitol to protest against Obama's spending in 'tea-party' demonstration | Mail Online

Up to two million people marched to the U.S. Capitol today, carrying signs with slogans such as "Obamacare makes me sick" as they protested the president's health care plan and what they say is out-of-control spending.

The line of protesters spread across Pennsylvania Avenue for blocks, all the way to the capitol, according to the Washington Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency.

People were chanting "enough, enough" and "We the People." Others yelled "You lie, you lie!" and "Pelosi has to go," referring to California congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.

Far greater numbers than anyone was expecting, it seems. These protests have tapped a nerve...

There are three hundred million people in the United States, and two million republicans showed up for this tea baggin tripe.

Million Man March. 1 million or so out of 12 million black people (it was an AA cause, so I'm only counting the AA population). What kind of a percentage is that? And the percentage of 2 mil (assuming that's the accurate #) out of 300 mil?

They said two million. They meant two dozen. Mistakes happen.

I blame the editor.

Well, maybe it was a bit more than two dozen. A couple hundred? A couple of thousand? Maybe tens of thousands?

Maybe more?

Fox News, which the right worship as a source on a daily basis said tens of thousands. Now all of a sudden, Republicans on this board are rejecting it, "how dare they say something we don't agree with!"

I'll take the word of likely all of the American news outlets, and the D.C. Fire Department over a website in the UK and some specific bloggers who are misleading about the 2 million number.
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They said two million. They meant two dozen. Mistakes happen.

I blame the editor.

Well, maybe it was a bit more than two dozen. A couple hundred? A couple of thousand? Maybe tens of thousands?

Maybe more?

Fox News, which the right worship as a source on a daily basis said tens of thousands. Now all of a sudden, Republicans on this board are rejecting it, how dare they say something we don't agree with!

I'll take the word of likely all of the American news outlets, and the D.C. Fire Department over a website in the UK and some specific bloggers who are misleading about the 2 million number.
I'll go with official numbers. Do you have any?

Never mind. You don't. No one does. The District now depends on independent remote sensing studies of crowds for official numbers. It would be nice if some actually were aware of some things that we do in the nation's capital.
Wow, you continue your bullshit in face of documented PROOF that you did indeed bring it up.

So what that there were some BHO/Hitler signs? That's ALL you have said about this - that there were BHO/Hitler signs. As you cannot answer a simple question and articulate your point, it is only logical to conclude that you have nothing significant to say on this matter of the signs. Nothing significant at all.

Perhaps your point is that you want all to know that a valium would do you some good?

I honestly don't know what significance your emotional spewing has at this point, so that's just a guess, though
Maybe cause you call me a bullshitter, when the proof is there:
I was not the first one to FUCKING BRING IT UP. Do you get that? I kind of have a problem being called a liar, yes. I do. Enough of your condescending remarks. ....
More bullshit. If I ever said that you first brought it up, you would have a point. As I didn't, you haven't any point. Dare ya ta check. ;)
When someone says: "You brought it up," Duh,
it generally implies that person was the originator of the comment - NOT WHEN SOMEONE WAS RESPONDING TO WHAT THE FUCK YOU SAID.

Holy christ on a pogo stick. The loons are out tonight in full force.
The lens of the loony, as told by way of another example:

Si: can you show me proof there are apples there?
Paperview: Discount those apples.

Si, all "logical" and stuff: "Hey, what the fuck you talking to me about apples for -YOU brought it up!"
Maybe cause you call me a bullshitter, when the proof is there:
I was not the first one to FUCKING BRING IT UP. Do you get that? I kind of have a problem being called a liar, yes. I do. Enough of your condescending remarks. ....
More bullshit. If I ever said that you first brought it up, you would have a point. As I didn't, you haven't any point. Dare ya ta check. ;)
When someone says: "You brought it up," Duh,
it generally implies that person was the originator of the comment - NOT WHEN SOMEONE WAS RESPONDING TO WHAT THE FUCK YOU SAID.

Holy christ on a pogo stick. The loons are out tonight in full force.
Oh, you hallucinated a word that I never typed. Thanks for letting us know.

You denied bringing it up (not first bringing it up); I demonstrate proof that you did. Then you went all emotional again. You amuse.
They said two million. They meant two dozen. Mistakes happen.

I blame the editor.

Well, maybe it was a bit more than two dozen. A couple hundred? A couple of thousand? Maybe tens of thousands?

Maybe more?

It might have been computer generated.

After all, unless one were there, one never can really know, right?

Sort of like one can't tell if the COLB is a forgery unless one puts one's hands on it.
Far greater numbers than anyone was expecting, it seems. These protests have tapped a nerve...

There are three hundred million people in the United States, and two million republicans showed up for this tea baggin tripe.

Million Man March. 1 million or so out of 12 million black people (it was an AA cause, so I'm only counting the AA population). What kind of a percentage is that? And the percentage of 2 mil (assuming that's the accurate #) out of 300 mil?


what percentage of 300 million is 2 million...not so much...lol

Thats if this 2 million number is even true. :lol:
And how many is tens of thousands precisely and how many tens of thousands were there? It would only require 20 tens of thousands to make 2 million. As far as I know tens of thousands is not a precise number and could represent any number from 20,000 up.
More bullshit. If I ever said that you first brought it up, you would have a point. As I didn't, you haven't any point. Dare ya ta check. ;)
When someone says: "You brought it up," Duh,
it generally implies that person was the originator of the comment - NOT WHEN SOMEONE WAS RESPONDING TO WHAT THE FUCK YOU SAID.

Holy christ on a pogo stick. The loons are out tonight in full force.
Oh, you hallucinated a word that I never typed. Thanks for letting us know.

You denied bringing it up (not first bringing it up); I demonstrate proof that you did. Then you went all emotional again. You amuse.
The lens of the loony, as told by way of another example:

Si: can you show me proof there are apples there?
Paperview: Discount those apples.

Si, all "logical" and stuff: "Hey, what the fuck you talking to me about apples for -YOU brought it up!"
And how many is tens of thousands precisely and how many tens of thousands were there? It would only require 20 tens of thousands to make 2 million. As far as I know tens of thousands is not a precise number and could represent any number from 20,000 up.

:lol: Denial is no longer a river in Egypt I see.

If it were over a hundred thousand, Fox News would of said it. If it were over a million or two million, they would of said it. Seriously, don't delude yourself, it makes you look like a fool.
I'll go with official numbers. Do you have any?

Never mind. You don't. No one does. The District now depends on independent remote sensing studies of crowds for official numbers. It would be nice if some actually were aware of some things that we do in the nation's capital.

Point in Case: The Fire Department put the approx number between 60-70,000. It was NOWHERE near Obama being sworn in and THAT was ALMOST 2 million. When you feel free to get out of fantasy land and join the rest of us here in reality, let me know.

Edit: Also, the organizers were ONLY EXPECTING 20,000 TO 50,000. They weren't expecting anywhere near 2 million. They got more than they were expecting with 60,000 to 70,000.

The 2 million was purported supposedly by a Democratic aide that those on the right who are actually sane are saying was said as to seem if this event was a failure if 2 million didn't show up. THAT is where the 2 million number came up. My god, some of you people are stupid as a block of wood.
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There are three hundred million people in the United States, and two million republicans showed up for this tea baggin tripe.

Million Man March. 1 million or so out of 12 million black people (it was an AA cause, so I'm only counting the AA population). What kind of a percentage is that? And the percentage of 2 mil (assuming that's the accurate #) out of 300 mil?


what percentage of 300 million is 2 million...not so much...lol

Thats if this 2 million number is even true. :lol:
I'm trying to say that the March and this Tea Party do not even reach 1%, yet they're both touted as "influential."

So, you CAN compare this to the MMM.
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I'll go with official numbers. Do you have any?

Never mind. You don't. No one does. The District now depends on independent remote sensing studies of crowds for official numbers. It would be nice if some actually were aware of some things that we do in the nation's capital.

Point in Case: The Fire Department put the approx number between 60-70,000. It was NOWHERE near Obama being sworn in and THAT was ALMOST 2 million. When you feel free to get out of fantasy land and join the rest of us here in reality, let me know.

Edit: Also, the organizers were ONLY EXPECTING 20,000 TO 50,000. They weren't expecting anywhere near 2 million. They got more than they were expecting with 60,000 to 70,000.

The 2 million was purported supposedly by a Democratic aide that those on the right who are actually sane are saying was said as to seem if this event was a failure if 2 million didn't show up. THAT is where the 2 million number came up. My god, some of you people are stupid as a block of wood.
Yet, this has nothing to do with the fact that none of the numbers for this protest are official. Get a grip.
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Robert you are being unusually obtuse even for you today. Again tens of thousands get to a million or more in fairly short order. In American English tens of thousands is an imprecise number and on the verge of a guess. Right now any number is a guess. Until the official numbers are posted - if ever - no one will have an exact number.
When someone says: "You brought it up," Duh,
it generally implies that person was the originator of the comment - NOT WHEN SOMEONE WAS RESPONDING TO WHAT THE FUCK YOU SAID.

Holy christ on a pogo stick. The loons are out tonight in full force.
Oh, you hallucinated a word that I never typed. Thanks for letting us know.

You denied bringing it up (not first bringing it up); I demonstrate proof that you did. Then you went all emotional again. You amuse.
The lens of the loony, as told by way of another example:

Si: can you show me proof there are apples there?
Paperview: Discount those apples.

Si, all "logical" and stuff: "Hey, what the fuck you talking to me about apples for -YOU brought it up!"
And you did, but let's note that you went to all the trouble to make up some irrelevant analogy to what I said, rather than simply using the quote.

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Robert you are being unusually obtuse even for you today. Again tens of thousands get to a million or more in fairly short order. In American English tens of thousands is an imprecise number and on the verge of a guess. Right now any number is a guess. Until the official numbers are posted - if ever - no one will have an exact number.

It's like watching zoo animals play with their boogers.

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